Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Another hundred years have gone by and I've seen them come and go. Whether it be in politics, business or others, I've witnessed a lot. The new golden age has made the galaxy a boring place. There are still wars and conflicts but my power wasn't affected and I would take advantage of it, in small ways.

I've stepped back from being the visual head of my corporation in preparation for the Empire. The Empire will last twenty-odd years and during that time the Death Star will be created. I can't afford to be targeted by a planet killer. What if Palpatine uses it on me for the first shot instead of Alderaan? I can't block that kind of firepower, even with my energy shields. I need to be hidden. However, that didn't mean the power I've gained will go to waste. My Corporations will protect me and my interests and the people will protect the corporation.

The Grove is now a fixture in the galaxy that no one questions thanks to my interference in the senate and is one of the safest places to live in the Galaxy despite being right next to Hutt space.

The old powerful Hutts are dependent on me. So much that getting rid of me would destroy the board game completely. With that in mind, the young Hutts are always trying to get benefits in any way they can. It's become a disgusting running joke that when I turn up for a spot of revenge and stop the young Hutts, they act like a spoilt child and start acting cute, calling me Uncle Bee while flickering their massive eyes at me. The Hutts see me as part of the family, and yet that didn't stop them from trying to get a sneaky spot of cash.

The Jedi temple has its problems but that isn't something I'm willing to fix and quite possibly not able to fix due to the many contradicting methods hiding in its teachings. Yoda is a fine master and has trained many padawans but the core of the Jedi teaching is too unflexible.

The Sith still exists but they are now using the rule of two, which in my opinion is stupid and wasteful. The results would eventually pay with the destruction of the Jedi order but it would take them close to Eight hundred years to pull it off.

This was the golden age of the Galaxy. There was peace, not true peace as that would be impossible but nothing compared to the last war. I still stole a ship here or a ship there but it didn't hold any excitement it once did. When I stole my first ship it was the starting point of my wealth. With that ship, I could come and go freely. But now I had the cash to build a fleet of ships from scratch, I had the political power to go where I wanted. The only excitement I got was when I became more powerful. And that is where I spent my time.

I visited the Nightsisters, they used the force in unique and interesting ways, better than the Sith or the Jedi, more flexible but they were incredibly stuck up. They were an order of women and me being a man they looked down on me, they also had one of my favour tokens. Years ago I came and learnt some dark alchemy, I think this helped me with keeping my youth but I can't be sure. In return, I would give them a favour. They never collected. This means that they have forgotten about the favour, lost the token or know about it but never cashed it in.

It turns out they do have the token, they do remember the favour and they have been waiting for an appropriate time to use it. Damn, the force and its weird ways. I thought I was going to get a freebie. How the hell did they know I would still be alive after this many centuries?

However, the sisterhood isn't as unfriendly as the first time I met them. I don't know why as I hadn't had any interactions with them since the first time. My pondering is answered when they cash in their token of favour.

They want me to take an apprentice but they want me to train them here on the planet of Dathomir. I could very well take an apprentice, it was within my time and power to do so but to stay on one planet for years as I trained them, was going too far.

And yet I agreed but only if the nightsisters taught me more if they taught me more about their way of the force and the magical ichor they used. A deal was stuck.

The sisterhood didn't like it when I landed my own personal Eden ship on the planet as the sisterhood was wary of technology, but I explained that any planet that had a native species of Rancor was a place I wasn't going to stay without protection.

I didn't understand why the Nightsisters wanted me to train one of them, however, I did enjoy the way the Nightsisters used and altered the force. They were the best I've ever seen at it. Sith was able to create lighting by Altering the force but due to a lack of knowledge or imagination that was all they seemed to do. The nightsister on the other hand could blast waves of flames and toxic clouds from the force, it just took longer and with a lot of chanting, something I'm sure I could change.

My understanding of the force is perhaps better than any mortal in the galaxy. I don't shy away from the dark side or lose control of it. The light side can be useful in many ways, like growing plants and healing but it takes time to learn and control. If it makes me strong and is useful then I will learn from it, incorporate it and bend it to my will and needs.

This might be why the nightsister wants me to train a pupil. The Nightsisters as an order don't like leaving their planet but they do like power. They live on a planet that is saturated with the dark side of the force but they don't want to conquer the galaxy and instead want their piece of the galaxy. They are somewhat a contradiction when it comes to an order but so are the Jedi. They practice plant and animal manipulation but aren't afraid of distorting the natural world with all kinds of crazy things.

One of the many crazy things the Nightsister had done was use the force to inspire awareness on a Rancor. The Jedi avoided doing this most of the time because it's a lonely existence when you are the only one of your species who understands that life ends.

The Nightsisters don't have that type of restriction but they do have their higher accuracy, which makes it hard to teach. The Nightsisters have offered me two pupils to teach. One male and one female.

The Male is a rare talented ability user that seems to be well-adapted to melee fighting. He uses a hammer and knife combo and is very skilled with it, better than I am with the same weapons. He seems to be over-the-top violent and systematically attacks me whenever he can. On the third time, he attacks me I give him a brutal reminder by lifting him off the ground and pinning him in mid-air that I wasn't a Sith and if I was he would be a deformed, dead pile of mush. He struggled but with a small bit of squeezing he chose not to fight back

The female was a problem, I could feel her mind at work and just like the male she also had her sights on my life but she hid her actions by being a good pupil. It was a good job that I hadn't gone all out and shown my power to them because there was an unusual amount of accidents and mistakes that could have damaged me or killed me.

I of course read their minds when the near-death mistake clipped me, but they didn't know anything. All they had in their mind was orders from the Nightsister to find a way to kill me. They didn't know why but that meant I was behind enemy lines. Which was fine by me. This little plan of theirs had freed me of the deal we made. I would work outside of their expectations and take advantage in any way I see fit.

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