Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The reason why I revealed that I could use the force to a young Yoda was, that it didn't matter. When I first escaped the maximum security prison called the Prism, I understood that my force powers could have been a dead giveaway to who I was and where I came from, it was a small chance but not one I was going to take at the time. However, now enough time had passed and there was no way a chance in hell anyone was going to find out that I, a mere human had broken my longevity and lived for more than two hundred years. The other reason to reveal my ability was Yoda would become the most respected grandmaster of the Jedi. That kind of power and connection was always welcomed in my book. It was better to befriend him now and watch his power increase and get benefits from it in the future.

The many political questions turned into questions of the force. Both of us had expertise in different force abilities and it was easy to gain a little enlightenment in force abilities that I wasn't inclined to. Yoda had great power in his force abilities which transformed his force push and telekinesis into something special. He was still too young to talk about the true balance of the force as he had only been in the light but Yoda would become a great training partner.

I, on the other hand, stayed away from talking about the dark side and its benefits because of how the Jedi were notoriously unflexible about it. Maybe in a couple of hundred years when the golden age of the Jedi was well established will I talk about it to Yoda. In the meantime, I talk about my speciality, control.

I wasn't a genius in the force or had overwhelming power but throughout the years I did increase my abilities. Instead of showing my impressive abilities like my red force lighting or Douplgander clone, I stayed with my ability to control and show off some telekinesis control. By using a domain skill that I had learned from a force-sensitive species I could efficiently control many objects with precision like I was holding them in my hand. It was one thing to lift tens of boulders in the air and another to control tens of cooking utensils each was doing a completely different task. Control was the key and with my unique ability to hide my force abilities to a certain extent, I was an efficient assassin.....if I wanted to be.

I was naturally inclined to secrecy and underhand methods and the force had greatly increased those abilities in that area, but there was always more when it came to the force. It was a shame that Yoda's greatest feat was in lightsaber dealing, something I wasn't great at.

Each day Yoda stayed was filled with talking and force use. We both walked through a field of ripe Meiloorun fruit that was being seen by force-sensitive kids. That is when I asked a question that had stumped me for many years.

"if the darkside users know that the force is in everything alive and becomes stronger with more life in the galaxy then why do they kill so freely" The power-hungry Sith always wanted more, so it made no sense that Sith members would weaken them selfs with wars. It was a contradiction.

Yoda didn't have an answer. He was too young to have fought the Sith in the great war and now the Sith were underground, hiding using the rule of two. In the future, if Yoda was unlucky he might come across them but right now he had no interaction with them.

It tickled my funny bones that I was probably the closest to a Sith that Yoda had ever met but it also meant I had to be careful.

When Yoda had to leave I would like to say he learnt a lot from me but I wasn't sure. Yodas species were unnaturally strong in the force and what I could offer him in the form of understanding the force might be nothing. Still, I did give him a small present in the form of a token. For the small price of never mentioning what I could do or any of my technology, I offered a one-time, no-bar help in something of his choosing.

Yoda looked confused but I didn't want too many secrets stored about me in data cubes. The golden age of the Jedi had just begun but it wouldn't last forever and I didn't want the empire to find small nuggets of info lost in the Jedi temple when it fell. I shouldn't worry, the empire was almost eight hundred years away.

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