Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

I have turned thirty-five years old and have returned to Coruscant. I'm so sure that I won't be recognised because of the mechanised fat suit I wear and the illusions that surround me. The fat suit is something I created. It acts just like a healing and protective tank, With a mixture of healing kolta and the new healing agent Bacta my body is refreshed and energised. My understanding of the body, my knowledge of healing, my power over the force, the dark alchemy I've learnt on my travels and my reinforced body I've kept at my physical peek with zero medical consequences. It baffled me that other force users who searched for unlimited life didn't combine medical, mechanical and the all-powerful force together to gain what I have. I can't say for certain that I will live forever but it certainly feels like it. I've never been as strong physically, mentally or with the force as I am right now. This was the main reason why I'm confident about returning to Coruscant despite it being the Jedi's stomping grounds.

My old name, Ban Bailo has been lost to time and fake death, to be replaced by my nickname Bee. I have taken active action in running my business of Bee's healing rooms or I should say Bee's healing halls. The business has grown much bigger. It was once just a single room with the bare necessities, and with time it spread throughout Coruscant on all the different levels. The speed it grew was insane, just like compound interest the healing rooms grew with more of them. When there were enough healing rooms it looped on itself and started to upgrade the healing rooms into healing halls with new and better equipment.

Then it hits me, instead of mutual destruction to destroy my enemies I could go the way of political suicide. By making the common people love me, or at least what I can do for them, no bigshot bigwig would dare to attack me due to the repercussions of the normal people. It had already happened with gang members trying to take over my healing rooms. The common people fearing the loss of cheap medical care fought back to protect what they had.

That was the plan from now on, to get the people to love me so I could use them for protection. The first step was to put a face to the name of Bee's healing halls. I solved that by going on the holotube and plugging a new idea to the people.

I wore my fat suit and told the common people who I was. It was a gamble to show the people how fat I was, but I span the idea of a fat caring uncle and was there to help you but I was also brutally honest with them. There was nothing more damaging to politics in any form than the people who you wanted on your side to think you were fake and a liar.

That's why while I chuckled and winked at the holographic projector I also told the people what I wanted from them, or what I could do for them.

I offered cash for great ideas. If you had a prototype but not the cash I would offer to buy it. I went on to tell the common people that I wasn't doing this out of the goodness of my heart but I wouldn't take it away from them. I made a new holographic show inspired by Dragons Den and Shark Tank.

I would make money from the show while looking for investment opportunities. It would take time for people to take advantage of my little deals but with a lot of adverts plugging the new program, I would get the message out.

In the meantime, I put together a different plan to make the people love me, Project Eden. By pooling existing technology I created a blueprint for a level-detachable advanced hydroponic base. The core idea was to produce a huge amount of amazing cheap food.

Water would be needed but that was solved thanks to the tec of moisture farmers. The energy was solved due to thermal, wind and solar collectors. Artificial gravity and environment to control the comfort of the plants were extracted from spaceships. The technology already existed, all it would take was to put it together. A hexagon-shaped single-storey building took shape with all the needs that a collection of plants would ever need. It was a beautiful design, easy, simple and stable. A great design if I do say so myself. A mini forest or a highly efficient growing lab could be grown with ridiculous ease. I was proud of the design and the best part was it could be extended with new floors added to the whole like Lego.

With blueprints in hand and a big team following my orders, construction began on a scarp-yard moon. The moon was a hidden secret from the galaxy, I hadn't stopped my sticky fingers from pillaging spaceships while I was learning from the force.

The alien race, known as Aing-Tii hated slavery and attacked any slave ships they could find. A lot of the ships on this scrap yard moon came from them. The construction material for my Eden project would be found here, it had almost everything for the project. I left my team to it while I had a nice piece of cake.

The cake was heavy with cream and fruit, just the way I liked it. My fat suit was a heavy piece of tech that no normal person could move in and yet I had to keep up the appearance of a food-loving fatty that looked like they had family in the Hutt species. Still, the food was nice.

As soon as the first Eden hexagon was completed I brought it to various planets to test them out. I left my construction and engineering team to complete more Eden Hexegons while I tested them. It might have been wise for a normal person to have a team of testers work on Eden but I wasn't normal. I could inspire growth using the force and cut the testing down by lots, and I didn't need people questioning why the plants were growing so quickly. I had to keep my secrets to myself.

As time went by my testing grew, new floors were added to my Eden garden and different planets became their home. Surprisingly, desert planets work incredibly well with Eden ships, it was the excesses of heat and light that became the reliable factor.

Space was unhospitable, if you wanted to survive there you needed reliable tech that all spaceships seemed to have. So a desert planet was simple compared to space. The heat and light powered the facility to keep it at the ideal conditions for plants. The artificial gravity machine worked against the planet's gravity to create a moon-like atmosphere that worked with the incredible growing speed of the plants and caused a nice little hop and skip to anyone who was in Eden.

The water was collected at night using the same tech as moister farmers, but on a bigger scale and used during the day. Growing food this way meant only ten per cent of the water used in normal farming was used. The excesses were recycled and stored for further use.

The unseen benefit that I hadn't expected was the amount of oxygen produced by each Eden. Most desert planets didn't have oceans to support oxygen-producing plants and so had to be artificially created by giant structures called air scrubbers. Any family who ran one of these would get paid by the government or whatever taxes they could get. If Edens produced enough oxygen then they would also get paid extra by the government. A nice little consequence for what a plant would consider a waste product.

Manuals were drafted for each different kind of planet and how Eden ships would react. An example was high freshwater planets that had a lot of insects, the air purifiers would need to be cleaned almost daily because of the constant insect invasion.

Testing was complete, the construction was constantly increasing how many Eden ships, and all that was needed were people to maintain and repair the mechanics and droids.

I went the way of the Jedi. My organisation visited the family of force-sensitive children that had dismissed the Jedi instead of handing them over and made them an offer. Instead of taking their precious children, my organisation wanted the whole family to work in their own Eden ship. A better life with guaranteed profit and their force-sensitive children would be trained in growing plants and repairing Edens.

It was a win-win for everyone. The family would stay together producing mega amounts of food that would be bought by my company and sold cheaply in Bee's food halls across the most starved worlds. The force-sensitive kids would learn a craft and use their force abilities to produce more fruits, veg and ultimately cash.

I would be famous for my good works and feeding the hungry but still make a little cash on the side.

Worlds that needed food like the lower levels of Coruscant would get it, making me and my organisation a necessity that no sane government would think about messing with.

A new school was developed teaching everything that was needed for Eden and while I would like a force-sensitive child in each Eden to dramatically increase the growing speed the truth was there were so many mouths to feed and not enough force sensitives.

Lotteries were set up where the winners would be sent to my Eden school with their families to fill the need for food manufacturing.

This was just the beginning.

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