Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The answer to the inmate's pre-cog was simple, action within the group. I can do anything I want as long as I appear to be a true inmate. The visions show things that might happen but in a way that if a person doesn't stand out then the mastermind would stay a mystery. I took heavy influence from the only Force user to have completely fooled the galaxy, and gain political power right under the noses of the best Jedi for years.

Some of the inmates rightly thought I was the one able to leave because of the snacks I was able to gain. I curved their mistrust by "purposely on accident" showing that I collected my grub from cleaning droids. It wasn't enough for the inmates to completely trust me, but it was enough. Or perhaps it wasn't, it was hard to say.

I kept my head down, made the droids move me to a different cell and continued my life like this.

Life had become tedious. Ever since the pre-cog visions started to flood the inmates about a potentially freed inmate their natural distrust turned a once grumpy, trading and training dark side partner into a closed-off, suspicious and angry menace, that refused to share their knowledge. Force training became slow again and even the small amount of entertainment that ping pong gave was quickly stifled because of mistrust.

I didn't want to stay anymore. I was still safe because of the nature of this prison but it lacked the spark of joy life had. We existed but it was an empty life. The Jedi could be so very cruel in their indifference decisions. Maybe it was just me, as I refused to meditate.

And so I planned my escape. I had to wait for the spaceship that would deliver new inmates but it gave me plenty of time to prepare. When it came I gassed the whole transport ship. It was easy.

With the Jedi master completely high as a kite due to my gases, the only worry was the ship which was staffed with droids and that was never going to be a problem. The new inmates found themselves being gassed, carried to their cells and imprisoned. None of them even saw me enter the ship.

And that was how I escaped the unescapable prison called the prism. The hardest part was deleting my information from the network so it looked like I had died. This was the problem with an almost completely automated system like the prism. It only took someone who could hack into the system and have it work for them to take complete control.

The Jedi wouldn't even know that I had escaped and that was the perfect escape in my opinion. They wouldn't look for me, they couldn't find me and they wouldn't even know I exsited, perfect.

I left the transport ship and deleted the ship's records. I hopped to different ships and travelled to backwater planets, each time making sure I changed my facial features using some simple force illusions. I wasn't heading in any one direction and just floated around making sure that my ass was covered, only after my fifteenth backwater planet did I put the thought into my actions.

I made it super simple for myself, I never wanted to be controlled as the Jedi had done before. What would I need? Power. Personal power, political power, what I needed was a terrifying threat that destroyed the game board if ever I was attacked. A nuclear table flip. Something that would dissuade an attack because it would take out the attacker as well, mutual destruction, if you will.

I didn't know how to achieve that but I could work towards personal power. The Jedi and Brotherhood of Darkness weren't the only force users out there and so I searched for them.

From the Dagoyan Order, I learnt how to use the force passively and deepen my roots with it, I had personally seen a master punch through dark steal but it might have been fake, I wasn't that close to the example. The Matukai were like monks who primarily used the force to sense their surroundings and boast themselves physically, they also made great bread. The Fallanassi had incredible control to make illusions, they even had a secret illusion ability that projected an image across the galaxy by the cost of life force, I didn't learn that. Zeison Sha hated the Jedi, which was fine by me. They were amazing with throwing weapons such as disc blades, each one thrown would curve and twist until it found its mark with the help of telekinesis, I would have stayed with them longer but they were isolationists who lived on an inhospitable planet. I met up with an Aing-Tii anti-slave ship and tried to learn some of their abilities, they had abilities that left me dumbfounded. Their ships were organic, powered by the force and travelled instantly from two points like teleporting. It took a lot of presents and promises to learn a little of flow-walking and ended abruptly when they had enough of me. There were many groups of force sensitives out in space but not all of them were successful and yet there was always something to learn about the force.

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