Spoiler American Multiverse: Opening Live Avengers

Chapter 084

[Image continues.] 】

[“Traitor? “】

[Thor didn’t believe the words of Laufey, the king of the ice giants, and directly shouted angrily:]

“Don’t insult my father’s glory with your pathetic lie!] 】

[Laufey directly sneered at each other:]

“Your father is a murderer and a robber!”

[Then he looked at Thor and the others:]

“What are you doing here with weapons?”] Is it here to seek peace? “】

[Laufey stared at Thor, as if he had seen through him, and his tone was also full of ridicule:]

“You are eager to fight!”] Extremely desirable”! 】

“You’re just a kid, but you’ve always wanted to prove you’re a man!”] “】

[At the same time as Laufey spoke. A large number of frost giants walked out from all around, surrounding Thor and the others. 】

[In the face of adverse adversity. Thor became even more angry, clenching Mjolnir and yelling: ]

[“This “kid” has heard enough of your nonsense”]

[“Huh? “】

[Seeing that Thor was still continuing to provoke, the ice giants around them all used their ice control talents to condense sharp frost blades. ] 】

[Finding that the situation was not good, Loki quickly walked up and whispered in Thor’s ear:]

Thor stopped to think calmly. “】

[“Look around, we are outnumbered”]

[In the face of Loki’s kind advice, Thor was not appreciative at all, but snorted coldly. ] 】

[“Brother, figure out your status! “】


In the live broadcast room, Loki looked at the scene in front of him. Suddenly, a wave of anger rose from his heart, and he involuntarily clenched his teeth.

Are you kidding?

In that future, I put my life on the line to save you.

Outcome…… Is that my position in your heart?

Like the Three Warriors, Heimdall and those people look down on me, even you stupid big man looks down on me?

Just when Loki was angry and his forehead was bulging with bruises. He suddenly saw movement on the barrage below the screen.

[Thor: Brother, there must be something wrong in the image, I would never speak to you like this! ] 】

[Thor: If I really said such a thing, then I must have drunk at the time! 】

[Thor: Anyway, you have to believe me. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: ……… Thor, are you afraid that I will be angry with you and stop sending messages to Heimdall on your behalf? 】

[Rocky Oddinson: In that case, you may not be able to return to Asgard in the future, and you will have to stay in the atrium forever? 】

[Thor: This… Hahaha, Loki thinks too much. ( ̄□ ̄;)I…… Well, I just think I’m a little rude on screen. 】

[Thor: By the way, did you communicate with Heimdall?] 】

[Rocky Odinson: No! It will not be passed on in the future, you will stay on earth for the rest of your life. 】

[Thor: Wait! Don’t! Loki, don’t abandon me!!! (ㄒoㄒ)】

“This idiot.”

Looking at Thor’s pleading appearance in the chat group, Loki snorted coldly, and his face showed an arrogant expression again.

But at the same time, the anger in his heart subsided a lot.

[Image continues.] 】

[Laufey, the king of the ice giants, does not seem to have the intention of starting a war with Thor and the others here, he said directly:]

“Before I change my mind, you guys leave. “】

[Watching a burly ice giant walk over, Loki said directly to Laufey before Thor could speak:]

【”We are willing to accept your generous favor”】

[After that, pull the unconvinced Thor and walk back.] 】

[Thor just turned around.] The burly ice giant actually opened his mouth and laughed:】

“Go home, little princess. “】

“Oh, oops. “】

Upon hearing this, Loki and the three warriors laughed bitterly. 】

[This guy actually dares to provoke Thor? 】

[This is over.] 】


With a cheerful smile on his face, Thor turned his head to stare at the burly ice giant, and knocked him out with a blow. 】

[The ice giants swarmed up, and the war broke out in an instant. 】

【In the chat group】

[Thor: Hahahaha, it’s me! ] Well played. ^_^】

[Peter Parker: Well, Mr. Thor, don’t you think it’s a little too irrational to go to war in this situation? 】

[Peter Parker: After all, there are too many people on the other side, and it’s scary to watch. 】

Looking at the blue-skinned and red-eyed ice giants on the screen, Peter felt that his scalp was numb, and his cold hair stood on end!

Is this an alien? It’s even scarier than that Dr. Lizard.

[Rocky Odinson: Ice Giant… Is it really that scary? 】

[Master Mordo: Do you still need to say this?] But it seems to me that these ice giants are even uglier than the demons of hell! 】

[Rocky Odinson: ………………]

[Thor: Hahaha, I haven’t killed the flame demon of Musbelheim, what is killing a few more ice giants? ] 】

[Nick Fury: Excuse me, this Thor, may I ask if the Musbelheim you mentioned is also a planet like Jotunheim? 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Huh? How do you speak, chief… This tone? 】

[Nick Fury: Ahem, Natasha, please don’t say anything unrelated. 】

[Thor: Of course Musbelheim is a planet. However, we Asgardians are more accustomed to calling them the Nine Realms. 】

[Thor, the god of thunder: My father, Odin, is the god king who rules these nine realms! ] 】


Hearing this, the brine egg was a little suspicious.

After all, whether it is Odin’s words in the treasure house before, or the words of Laufey, the king of the ice giants, just now, they all reveal one thing:

Between Asgard and Jotunheim, there is still a truce, definitely not who rules whom.

“However, in that hall before, Odin also told Thor to protect the Nine Realms like himself.”

“In this way, the gods of Asgard, probably, at least nominally… Really this so-called ruler of the Nine Realms. ”

“It’s just that over time, some kingdoms have rebelled and even gone independent!”

The brine egg was still opening his mind here, and Thor’s sudden words immediately scared him all over his body.

[Thor: I forgot to tell you, in fact, your atrium is also one of the nine realms. 】

[Nick Fury: Huh? What did you say? 】

[Thor: I’m talking about Earth. 】

[Thor: But to be honest, this place is really backward, far worse than our Asgard. I really don’t understand, why did our ancestors include your planet in one of the Nine Realms? 】

[Nick Fury: This and this…”

At this moment, the brine egg was really panicked.

What a joke, just now, he was still struggling to figure out how to deal with these terrifying and powerful Asgardian gods!

But who would have thought that these guys actually drew the earth directly within their domination!

And so you get it.

If one day… These Asgardians came to Earth on that rainbow bridge and asked the earthlings to submit to them, so what should they do?

At this time, the brine egg only felt a chill in the back of his spine, and a cool breath rushed straight to the brain door from the soles of his feet!

It’s terrible.

If this happens, face these terrifying aliens who can destroy stars at will. So how to resist?

Remembering a certain “insight plan” that he had been carrying out for a while, an inexplicable chill suddenly spread in his heart, and then he couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

He originally thought that as long as these flying carriers could be lifted off and combined with powerful monitoring devices, they could kill all threats on Earth in advance.

But now it seems, he! Or these moves of S.H.I.E.L.D., in the eyes of those higher-level cosmic-level existences… It’s as ridiculous as a child playing with mud and sand!

Before he knew that his casual words made the brine egg fall into a situation of doubting life. Thor looked at the situation on the screen where he was holding Mjolnir and beating a large number of ice giants to the ground, and he was immediately excited and cheered.

Around him, Jane Foster and the others were already looking stupid.

Is this an alien war on another planet?

Watching Thor casually hammer and smash the body of an ice giant, blue blood splattered everywhere. Jane Foster swallowed, a deep sense of fear rising in her eyes.

As a scientist, when had he ever seen such a brutal and bloody battle?

Daisy John was more daring, and actually came to Thor’s side and asked in a low voice:

“Thor, your Asgardian technology is so developed that even Einstein Rosen Bridge can use it, why are you still using cold weapons? Not even a gun? ”


Thor glanced at him with disdain, and laughed:

“Of course we have these things, but guns are similar to magic, and they are as pleasant as killing enemies abruptly with a hammer.”

Professor Eric and Jane Foster listened speechlessly.

It is clear that there are high-tech weapons that are not used, so it is necessary to go to cold weapons.

What’s wrong with these Asgardians?

【Image continues】

[Loki was left alone and was forced to the edge of the cliff by several ice giants. 】

[Seeing that the enemy has no way to retreat.] An ice giant pounced directly, and it turned out to be just a phantom. 】

[“Ah! “】

[With a scream, the ice giant fell directly from the cliff.] Broken bones. 】

[Greeted by Loki pulling out his dagger and seizing the opportunity to stab an ice giant to death.] 】

[Mage Mordo: Isn’t it, Archmage Asgard, can’t you even use a decent attack magic, and only use these trick-like illusions? 】

[Mage Mordo: To be honest, are you a mage or an assassin?] 】

[Loki Odinson: Human, you really have a lot of mouth, do you want to use spells or daggers? 】

[Master Mordo: Haha, since you said that I have a lot of mouth, then I will say a few more words. 】

[Master Mordo: Do you know that the scene you are seeing now is actually not your future, but a scene in another multiverse! ] 】

[Rocky Oddinson: What? 】

[Master Mordo: That’s right, since that system pulled you into this live broadcast room, because of the fork of time, a new universe of independence was born! ] 】

[Master Mordo: The future you see on the screen now has nothing to do with you. 】

[Tony Stark: What are you kidding?] 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Wait… Time forks, won’t that time authority intervene? 】

[Master Mordo: Time Authority? Hehe. Those time guardians may simply be made up by them to deceive people.

[Master Mordo: Even if it’s true, are you so sure that the Time Authority can really deal with this amazing system that can catch people across the multiverse? 】

[Master Mordo: If they really have this ability, or have this guts, why haven’t we seen the shadows of those time guards until now? 】

[Wanda Maksimov: Shhh! So is this system so powerful? 】

[Nick Fury: Multiverse !!! This live broadcast system has actually created a new multiverse? 】

[Thor: Uh, what are you all talking about? How I don’t understand something. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Thor, we’re talking about serious issues right now, so don’t just make a fuss. 】

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room gasped, you look at me, I look at you, an inexplicable horror filled their hearts in an instant.


Just create a multiverse.

And it can also suppress those time administrations that claim to be able to integrate the multiverse, and dare not move!

The system they encountered may really have unimaginable power.


Strange swallowed his saliva and puffed up his spirits. Raised your own doubts in the chat group.

[Stephen Strange: Master Mordo, your statement should have been proposed by the ancient mage. 】

[Master Mordo: Of course, the ancient mage is pedantic, and what he said will never be wrong. 】

[Stephen Strange: But if the future we see is already the future of other universes, then what’s the point of looking at it? 】

[Master Mordo: It can’t be said that even between different parallel universes, there are many similarities, which can still be used as a reference for us. 】

Seeing this, silence fell into the live broadcast room again.

No one could speak.

However, no matter how many people’s minds turn upside down, the image on the screen continues.

[In the chaos, a three-warrior was touched by the hand of the frost giant, and as a result, he was immediately frostbitten. 】

[Loki was accidentally caught by the Frost Giant. But not only did his arm not suffer frostbite, but suddenly became exactly like the frost giant. 】

“What is it? Am I mistaken? ”

In the live broadcast room, Wanda rubbed her eyes and looked carefully, but found that Loki on the screen had defeated the frost giant, and his caught hand had returned to normal.

Wanda looked at Loki suspiciously. I saw that his face was livid, his forehead was protruding, and the whole person exuded an aura that was not close to people.

As it stands, Tony gently rubbed his chin, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

“Oh, interesting, it seems that the background of this second prince of Asgard is not simple.”

[Thor: Hey, Loki! What was that just now? Do you have illusion magic? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Idiot.] I’m not in a bad mood right now, don’t talk to me. 】

[Thor: Well, I think you just practiced those magics to make your personality so strange. 】

[Thor: If you had practiced hammering like me, there would have been so many bad problems. 】

[Wanda Maximov: Oh, your brother’s relationship is so good, enviable. My stupid brother knows all day to fight with me. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Our relationship is not good! 】

[Peter Parker: Mr. Loki, you are too modest, after watching the exchange between you and Mr. Thor, I can’t wait to have a brother. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Go be brothers with those spiders. 】

[Image continues.] 】

[The number of ice giants is increasing, and even terrible behemoths have appeared, and Thor and the others finally can’t support it and begin to retreat. ] 】

[Just when it was too late, God King Odin came on the Rainbow Bridge and rescued Thor and the others. ] 】

Back in Asgard, Odin angrily rebuked Thor for being reckless and putting his own lives and those of his companions at risk. 】

[But Thor is pampered and arrogant, and openly contradicts Odin:]

“You stupid old man! “】

[Hearing Thor’s angry scolding, Odin showed an extremely disappointed expression on his face. 】

[He then stripped Thor of his divine powers, and also took away his divine hammer, banishing the hammer to Earth along with Thor.] 】

[Thor: What? How is this done? Why is my future always like this? 】

Looking at himself on the screen standing on the ground with a blank face, looking up to the sky and shouting at his father, Thor only felt bitterness in his mouth. A sense of powerlessness arose.

Is this his destiny?

No matter what universe you are in, you are destined to be banished?

[Image continues.] 】

[Thor who fell into the mortal world roared up to the sky, like crazy. ] 】

[On the side, Jane Foster and the others were already looking at him with horror on their faces, their expressions as if they were looking at a madman. 】

[After shouting, Thor suddenly turned his head to look at Professor Eric and roared:]

[“You! What country is this? Elfiheim, or Dorenheim? “】

Daisy John said as she took out the stun gun from her arms and aimed it at Thor. 】

“This is New Mexico. “】

Seeing this, Thor was furious. 】

“You dare to threaten me, I’m Thor! Odin’s eldest son. I…”]

[Seeing Thor walking towards him viciously, Daisy pulled the trigger of the stun gun without saying a word. ] 】


[Thor trembled all over, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, directly convulsing. 】

[Master Mordo: Hahaha! Thor, aren’t you Thor? How can you still be electrocuted? It really laughed me off. O(∩_∩)O~】

[Thor: No, this didn’t happen to me! 】

[Thor: By the way, didn’t you just say that this is another universe? Yes, I haven’t been coronated! This is happening in another universe! 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Thor, growing up, your lying skills have always been so bad. 】

[Wanda Maksimov: Isn’t it, Thor was electrocuted? Whahaha, what a scene. I feel like I can laugh about it for the rest of my life. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~】

[Thor: ……… Damn, I hate Earth. o(╥﹏╥)o】

The scene of finding himself being electrocuted was actually seen by Loki and those nasty mortals!

At this moment, Thor felt as if he had been publicly executed, as if his face was going to be lost for the rest of his life.

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