Spoiler American Multiverse: Opening Live Avengers

Chapter 083

S.H.I.E.L.D., Office of the Director.

Looking at the Mjolnir hammer held in Thor’s hand on the big screen, a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

“Wouldn’t you?”

Although I think this idea is very incredible. But as the king of agents, he still followed the call of his heart and directly picked up his mobile phone.

“…… Well…… Yes, Agent Coulson, you can use your phone right now, take a picture of the hammer that can’t be lifted, and pass it to me. ”

After giving the order, he waited for dozens of seconds, and received several photos on his mobile phone.

After unfolding the photo, the egg only glanced at it. Suddenly, his face changed, and his eyes showed disbelief.

This is really Mjolnir!

In addition to the hammer, Coulson even took pictures of the environment around the hammer.

Looking at the huge crater that seemed to have been smashed out by a hammer, the brine nodded thoughtfully.

By now, he was certain that the hammer had fallen to New Mexico. It is the Quake in the hands of Thor, the god of thunder in front of you!

Thinking about Thor’s previous statements in chat groups, the halogen quickly strung the whole thing together.

This God of Thunder should have been stripped of his divine power and hammer by his father for something, and then exiled to Earth.

However, that god king Odin actually threw this hammer to the earth as well!

And for what?

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the IQ of the brine egg is definitely the first in the world.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately came to a conclusion.

“Hmm… Coulson reported that no one seemed to be able to lift the hammer.”

“Is it waiting for the one who can lift it?”

“That is to say… Thor? ”

Thinking of this, the gaze in the one-eyed egg suddenly froze.

Should he find some scientists to study this hammer from the Divine Domain?

After seeing with his own eyes the divine power of Thor in “Avengers 3” and killing all sides, the brine egg is really envious and vigilant about the power of thunder he controls!

How good would it be if such a power could be in the hands of human beings?

But after pondering for a while, he still shook his head helplessly and gave up the idea.

After all, judging from the images and previous chats, the power held by these Asgardian gods is too strong.

If you provoke them, the consequences can be unimaginable!

“Forget it.”

After giving up the idea of monopolizing Mjolnir, the brine egg began to think about how to use this valuable information for himself…

No! Maximize the benefits of S.H.I.E.L.D.!


[Image continues.] 】

[Thor and the others rode to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, but were stopped by Heimdall on the way. 】

[Seeing Thor walk up and seem to be about to negotiate with Heimdall, Loki volunteered and smiled and said:]

【”Let me deal with it this time”】

[Immediately after. Loki stepped forward and just said hello. 】

“Hello, Heimdall, I…”

Before Loki’s words were finished, Mdal interrupted him directly. 】

“You’ve alerted me. “】

“What? “】

[Loki hasn’t reacted yet. Just listen to Heimdall said with a cold face:]

“Do you think you can fool me? “】

[Loki also wanted to try to fool through, and laughed directly. ] 】

[“You must have misunderstood…”

[Who knew that this time Heimdall didn’t even let him finish his words, and directly raised his voice and reprimanded. ] 】

[“Enough! Shut up! “】

[Loki’s expression instantly stiffened, and his face sank at once. ] 】

[Seeing that his brother’s negotiations failed, Thor directly stepped forward and said:]

[“Heimdall, can you let us pass”?

Heimdall looked away and never looked at Loki again. Staring at Thor, he answered what he asked:]

“Until today, no enemy has ever escaped my surveillance and blended into Asgard. “】

“So, I’m curious to know… What exactly happened. “】

Thor said in a commanding tone without hesitation: “Don’t tell anyone that we went to Jotunheim until we return.”] Do you understand? “】

[The gesture of the superior gave the order to Heimdall, and Thor didn’t say a word, directly passed the patron saint of the fairy palace and walked towards the center of the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[See Heimdall treating himself… As well as the attitude towards Thor, Loki’s face was already covered with frost. 】

[And it seems that to make matters worse, the chubby Vostag of the three warriors, when passing by Loki’s side, did not forget to sarcastically say something to him:]

[“Oh, it seems that your three-inch tongue doesn’t work this time.] Huh…”]

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room involuntarily glanced at Loki.

And Loki’s expression at the moment. It’s also so gloomy that it’s about to drip water,

“Damn, you fucking bastards, someday I’m going to…”

Just as Loki was breaking his mind in his heart, he suddenly heard little Wanda whispering next to him.

“That… Strange, how I look a little weird. ”

“That Loki is obviously also Thor’s younger brother, why did the people next to him treat him so badly?”

Little Wanda’s voice was very small, obviously not deliberately preaching.

However, there were only a few of them in this live broadcast room, so her words Loki listened to them all clearly.

“Human imp…”

Originally angry, Loki turned his head and glared at Wanda fiercely.

But seeing his appearance, Wanda stood up fiercely and raised her voice:

“And… That Heimdall why did he let Thor go so simply? ”

Listening to Wanda’s question, and then looking at Loki with an unhappy look in front of him, Strand thought for a while, but still opened his mouth and replied:

“It seems to me that what Heimdall said should indicate that he has agreed with Thor going to Jotunheim.”

“This person’s role in Asgard should be that of security director or something.”

“The ice giant invaded the treasure house, let him smear his face.”

“That’s why he wants Thor to be in Jotunheim… Investigate the truth about the ice giant’s invasion of Asgard. ”

“As for … What are the differences in the attitude of those people towards Thor and Loki? ”

Strange looked at Loki, whose face was getting more and more ugly, and smiled:

“This kind of thing, I think you might as well ask the party.”


Hear it here. Loki’s face became even more ugly.

He knew it since childhood. Almost everyone in Asgard prefers Thor, who has great power. And I don’t like his younger brother who likes to play pranks.

However, seeing that he was practiced in public twice on the screen, Loki still only felt anger rushing to the top of his head!

I can’t wait to rush back to Asgard and kill the two bastards who dare to be rude to themselves.

But in addition to anger, Loki calmly discovered one more thing.

After putting the ice giant into Asgard, he and this guy Heimdall should have already formed a feud.


At this point, Loki suddenly sneered secretly.

What a sleepless monitor of the Nine Realms, Heimdall is still a selfish guy after all.

Just because he showed flaws and caused outsiders to invade Asgard, he did not hesitate to openly release water and put Thor that guy in Jotunheim?

If this stupid big one is not careful, there is some mistake, this responsibility, Heimdall… Do you deserve it?

【Image continues】

[After entering the center of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall inserted the sword in his hand into the base. The Rainbow Bridge to Jotunheim was launched. 】

[At this time, Heimdall said with a serious face:]

[“First of all, I will honor the oath I made when I held the Gatekeeper’s Sword to defend this star field. “】

“If your return endangers the safety of Asgard, I will close the Rainbow Bridge and leave you in the cold and barren land of Jotunheim to die!”] “】

[Vostagg asked with a shrug: ]

[“Can’t you keep the Rainbow Bridge open”]

[Heimdall has no expression on his face:]

[“If you keep the bridge open, it will completely unleash the power of the Rainbow Bridge, and finally destroy Jotunheim with you!”] “】

Thor chuckled, “I’m not going to die today.” “】

“I hope so. “】

[Heimdall plunged the gatekeeper’s sword in his hand into the base, and the Rainbow Bridge was fully opened, sucking Thor and his group in. 】

[In the shot, a colorful brilliance instantly crossed the infinite space, and finally fell on a planet full of ice and snow. 】

“This is a teleportation device that is enough to cross the universe?”

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, the halogen Huo Ran stood up from his chair, and his one-eyed look showed an uncontrollable shock.

Just in an instant, Thor and his party left Asgard and came to this new alien planet.

Is this the technology of the Protoss?

Or magic?

It’s really incredible!

Previously, the brine egg had also seen Thor use the Storm Tomahawk to cast the Rainbow Bridge.

But in that case, nothing is visible at all.

On the screen in front of him, Heimdall used the sword of the gatekeeper similar to a key to open the rainbow bridge device and teleport Thor and the others out, but it was easier for people to understand.

The halogen’s mind turned, and many thoughts soon arose.

This kind of portal can instantly cross countless star fields, as long as you have it, you can randomly cast combat power in the universe.

It’s really a strategic logistics artifact!

And listen to that Heimdall, if the Rainbow Bridge is opened for a long time, there is even a chance to destroy a world. Or a planet!

In the ears of the king of agents who have experienced cold war, this device has only one name.

That’s a strategic-grade weapon of destruction!


The brine egg gasped, inexplicably having a feeling of sweat standing up and a cold back in his spine.

Sure enough, he chose not to offend these Asgardian gods, which was definitely a wise choice!

These guys, in a sense, may be more dangerous than Thanos!

At the very least, Thanos’ goal is to wipe out half of life in the universe, and even in the worst case, half of the people on Earth remain.

And if they offend these Protoss, they open this ultimate weapon and bombard it down. The whole planet may be gone!

“What to do? How to deal with these Protoss? ”

“Is it to engage with them, or…”

As a veteran agent, the persecution paranoia of the brine egg is definitely first-class.

Therefore, he would not consider this kind of thing at all, “the Protoss holds the Rainbow Bridge as a world-destroying weapon, but will not use it casually”.

At this moment, if someone walks into the office of the hawn egg, they will find that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., his whole face is almost white, his forehead is full of cold sweat, and he is desperately thinking about something…


A house in a small town in New Mexico.

“Is this … Einstein Rosen Bridge? ”

Look at the colorful light on the screen that spans the universe. Jane Foster swallowed his spit with difficulty, and an indescribable shock emerged in his heart!

According to this theory proposed by Einstein, through this magical wormhole channel, human beings can cross the universe at will!

Even millions of light years away can be crossed in an instant.

If you can really master such technology, then colonizing the universe is no longer a dream!

Hearing the shouts of the girl next to him, Thor looked at the screen in front of him intently, and just waved his hand casually.

“Human, don’t interfere with me watching, flash aside.”


At this time, in the otherworldly live broadcast room, Tony looked at the big screen, and he was also thoughtful for a while.

The last time he was rewarded with the Void Engine, the system also gave him techniques such as “Microwormhole Handling” and “Space-Time Algorithm”.

However, these technologies can only achieve short-distance space transmission for the time being.

But Tony is keenly aware at this moment that if he can take another step forward on the basis of these technologies, he may be able to establish a space channel across galaxies.

“Well, if such a device is really made, it can’t be called a microwormhole, but what should it be called?”

“Is it a big wormhole?”

With his mind constantly calculating, Tony fell into deep thought.

[Image continues.] 】

[Thor and the others came to Jotunheim in the snowy sky. 】

[It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the Ice Giant’s palace. 】

[Looking at the empty palace, the female warrior Sif asked. 】

“What about the ice giants? “】

Thor said nonchalantly, “They’re all hiding.” Cowardly as always”]

[Soon, an icy voice came out of the palace. 】

[“You really come from far away to send death, Asgardians”]

Thor looked up and proudly declared his name: “I am Thor Odinson!” 】

[Icy voice: “We know who you are”]

[Thor got straight to the point and asked directly: “How did you infiltrate our Asgard?” “】

[An ice giant sat high on the throne of the palace and replied coldly:]

“Odin’s temple is full of traitors. “】

In the otherworldly live broadcast room, Loki’s heart shook violently, and he unconsciously clenched his fists.

Wouldn’t it, his secret, so soon to be exposed?

PS: Thank you all for your monthly passes and tips!!!

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