Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Forty-Six. Confession

Gwen came back with a huge smile on her face. She ignored Poison but arranged to visit Felicia once they had MJ settled. Felica had understood but shook her head at visiting until it was resolved.

Peter had made coffee and MJ was sitting on the large couch in the communal area, wrapped in her blanket.

“Fel’s fine. A little put out, but uh. MJ, we’re both here for you.” Gwen said as Peter sat a coffee in front of her. “We can get your phone and your stuff.”

“No, it's fine.” MJ took a deep breath and let it out. “I need to deal with this myself. Peter being there would just make it worse.”

Gwen nodded, “So? I’ll go.” She gave Peter a look, and he nodded, “I’ve uh, been working out. Felicia wants me to go to keep fit, so I uh.”

MJ shook her head, “Harrison won’t care.” she stared at her cup, “he won’t care who you are, or why you’re there.” MJ sighed “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Peter moved and sat next to her, leaning against her slightly, “MJ. I don’t care about him, or Flash, or anything they have to say. I care about you.” He took one of her hands, “I don’t want you to go through that alone. I know how it is.”

"Flash bullying you was my fault.” she blurted out. “I told him uh, that we were friends and uh, he got jealous I guess.” Then she panicked as she felt Peter try to move away.

“He never told me what he was doing and I never asked him to do it. It was all done behind my back but um, I'm sorry,” her eyes dampened and she shook her head, “I’m so sorry. I so was scared, everyone loved him, and no one gave a crap about what he did or who he did it to."

Peter froze. It was a lot for him to take in. Flash bullying him made his life hell after he started high school. He had few friends if any, and once Flash made himself known everybody began to avoid him.

Even Gwen had gotten a few snide comments from Flash's crew, her only shield was her dad. So to hear MJ admit so bluntly it was her fault threw him for a loop.

Did he want to forgive her? Hell. Did he even blame her? and as he thought about it, he didn't. If she'd asked Flash to keep him away then yeah, she'd be on her ass in the street right now. Could he really blame her for how Flash behaved? He never bought that ‘guilty by association’ crap and he wasn't about to start now.

"I just," MJ began, "My dad wanted it, Flash was nice you know, to start but then it began. The constant messages. Always wanting to know where I was, and who I was with. Then it got worse."

Both Peter and Gwen had no idea what Flash was like in private,

"He was controlling, I'm sure Harrison hit him. He had a few bruises, but he'd yell if I mentioned it." MJ gave a short laugh, "he yelled about a lot of things" and she looked over at Peter, "you mainly."

"MJ, stop, Flash wasn't your responsibility, he did those things himself, he did it to both of us, so no, stop," Peter said. He moved back towards her and she sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's fine, I don't blame you." 

MJ wiped her eyes and Gwen handed her a tissue from her bag. MJ nodded and blew her nose, "Sorry."

Peter shook his head, "stop apologising." He stood, "I'll make us all something to eat, or pizza?"

Gwen took over hugging MJ, "Pizza's good. It was supposed to be a moving-in party." Gwen left the statement hanging. Nobody realised that MJ had it just as bad as Peter.

She wants him, smell it, and it wasn't until she took in a slight sniff through her nose that she realised that she could.

MJ's fear, her guilt and even her slight dampness were all open to Gwen. Even from Peter, she could smell the heightened adrenaline in his scent. He was angry, his calm demeanour hiding it as usual.

kill her, eat her, Poison whispered in her ear

Shut the fuck up, right now she mentally slammed back,

mate her too. If Gwen wouldn't listen to her she could only make more reasonable suggestions.

Now that, Gwen mused as she hugged MJ, is a much better idea.

"We still could, I mean, it's never too early for pizza," Peter suggested, and MJ looked at Gwen who nodded as well.

"Pete, go get them from that new place. I uh," Gwen asked and Peter nodded. Maybe his presence wasn't needed.

He grabbed his jacket and headed out.

Gwen watched as he closed the warehouse door, and made sure he was down the path.

"MJ, You need to tell him."

MJ sat up, and frowned, confused, "I uh,"

Gwen shook her head, "don't give me that. I know you like him, and he was awake when you had your little sausage party."

MJ went bright red and scrambled to escape, but Gwen held her tightly under the blanket,

"Look. I don't mind. Pete and I talked, and he might be okay with it too. But you need to tell him."

MJ snorted, "so, what, he can be happy with you and I can be a third wheel." she sighed, "please Gwen, not right now."

"MJ, I'm giving you literal permission to strip and fuck him as soon as he gets back. Flash is an asshole, fuck him, fuck his dad." Gwen took her face and turned her head to face her, "Tell him you love him then take what you want for a change." Gwen leaned forwards and kissed MJ, feeling a strange sweetness rise in her mouth. She didn't care though, not right now.

MJ struggled against the unusually strong Gwen. Gwen released her, leaning back with a huge grin as MJ coughed and swallowed, "Gwen what the hell?"

Gwen shrugged "I like girls. I'm seeing if Pete wants an open relationship, so, go right ahead."

MJ scrambled to her feet, "what? No. Gwen, what the hell?" and she balled up the blanket, "I'm going to shower. Don't you dare say anything to Pete."

Gwen had to stop herself from laughing as MJ scurried away.

I get the kissing, but really? You scared her off

hmph, too slow, she wants him, you want her, get food, eat then scooshies, whizzes and splats all for us!

People aren't like you. We have feelings and need time to work them out. I get you're happy when you get things you like, but sometimes it's too much. you should be patient.

boring boring boring. We don't like it, stop being boring!

Gwen could only sigh. I have drinks.

hmph, fine. as long as they are yummy.

She remembered she had bought ingredients to make mock-tails. With Poison finally silent, she headed into her own home to prepare for when Peter got back.

MJ sat at the huge table, while Gwen brought out a huge pitcher of some kind of bright green drink.

"I made mock-geritas," Gwen said, bringing over a huge jug of pale green juice. "Yeah, back to work tomorrow so I can't drink sorry, but they're good, honest." If her chemistry scores were anything to go by, they probably would be.

Peter finally arrived with the pizza. They had discovered a family place that made their pizzas from scratch. They were expensive they were amazing. Peter had opted to just get pepperoni, and they glistened on the melted and bubbled cheese.

Gwen stuffed a whole slice into her mouth and MJ looked at her, "waat?" Gwen said with a full mouth.

"We're doing keep fit, it's fine," Peter said as he grabbed a slice of his own, "To you MJ," and he raised the slice in a mock toast.

She grinned and raised her own,

damn the pizza's good, they both thought.

Pouring each of them drinks Gwen acted as host and handed them out. "So?" She said, "Going to chicken out?" MJ almost spat out her drink and began to cough.

"What?" she glared at Gwen, "I said no."

she lies, smell it, wants to mate, yes, yes

"Look, let's get this out the way," Gwen said, "You've always liked him, so just admit it and we'll all move on. Look, I'll start, Pete and I are dating, we've had sex, like a lot and uh, I kinda like you MJ, you know, that way. So why not make it a threesome?"

Even Peter didn't know what to say. They had talked about having a more open relationship but he had no idea Gwen liked MJ as well.

"Bi, Pete and yes, since, you know, it's been on my mind and living together, well, I don't want it to get weird." She admitted.

"Uh-huh," MJ was quiet, looking at her drink.

"Get weird? you mean, admitting we're having sex, that you like MJ and that she should date me so we can have a threesome weird?" Peter asked.

"Oh stop being a drama queen Pete. We're all adults now. So what? You would rather sit and mope about hurt feelings and unrequited love, or just admit it and get over it?"

Pete clenched his jaw, staring at Gwen, "now's not the time for that, is it? Gwen. Maybe you need a time out."

"It's uh, warm in the warehouse huh?" MJ asked as her face flushed and she fanned herself.

"Uh no, I've got the air-con hooked up, it shouldn't be that warm. Gwen?"

"Nah, it's hawt!" MJ declared, trying to put her glass down on the table and missing. Peter sprang forwards and caught the glass, "wooo, way to go, tiger," MJ clapped and cheered. “Still hawt though,” and she began to strip her top off

Peter turned as her sluggish movements lifted the thin camisole she had underneath. She didn't care that it pulled up, fully exposing her breasts and Gwen frowned as she tugged it down.

"Easy there tiger, a girl might get the wrong idea," MJ giggled, but Gwen turned to Peter and shrugged,

"MJ, are you, are you drunk?" Peter raised an eyebrow at Gwen, now taking a drink from her own glass she tilted her head and shrugged.

Lifting the glass, Peter sniffed the concoction, but it was just lemon and lime juice. A ton of sugar as well, but he could blame that on Poison.

MJ swayed back and forth, "You know Pete, you know, I was hurt. Hurt!" she slurred. "I mean, we were best buds, the two amigos and then poof, you forget me. Yah know you left me with that asshole and dumb bitch me just let you."

MJ drained her glass, "and then, then, you get a sneaky peek and what? nothing!" MJ lifted both her breasts, "I mean, I would, " and she turned to Gwen, "wouldn't you?" She sniffed,"do you hate me, Pete?"

MJ reached for her glass but swaying she missed, knocking over the pitcher instead. Seeing the fruit juice everywhere, she giggled, "ahh oops."

Peter sprang up, "Gwen, get MJ some water and I'll clean this up."

He grabbed some paper towels from the kitchen unit. He'd scored an industrial roll from a bulk warehouse and had plenty.

Gwen bent down as well, "I swear Pete. It's just juice."

"Then what the hell is going on? Did Poison do anything?"

Gwen took the glass from Peter and sniffed it. She could smell the lemon and lime plus the few other ingredients she mixed together and he was right. There was nothing in it. Even she had taken a sip, and she had tasted a few different things before. Something was wrong, and she had no clue what it was.

"I have no," Gwen started but they were brought to panic as they heard a glass break. A moment later they heard MJ take in a sharp breath and cry out in pain before there were several large thumps and cries.

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