Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Forty-Five. Trouble In Paradise

“Pete, can we talk?” Gwen asked as they lay in bed together.

He shimmied up the bed and shrugged, “I can think of a better thing to do.” 

Gwen interrupted him by putting a hand on his chest. “Not this time. Serious talk.” 

He pulled himself further up and sat. “Okay. Serious Peter.”

She snorted and shook her head, “well. We’ve uh, you know?”

“Been impersonating rabbits for two weeks?” he smirked at her,

“Pete. Serious.” He mimed zipping his mouth suit and throwing away the key. “I kissed Felicia about a month ago.” As he frowned, Gwen sighed and nodded. “I know I should have said, but with everything, there was never a good time.”

“So you waited until we had sex to tell me?”

Gwen scowled and gave him a serious look. “No.” She tutted and shook her head, “I never said anything as I knew you’d be mad, and you had enough on your plate.”

“So. Are we splitting up?”

Gwen laughed, “you thought that was break-up sex?” but he nodded, ”shit,” she quietly whispered. “No, Pete. you don’t have breakup sex unless you want to break up. I just.”

Peter lay back down, “like girls as well, and want to date Felicia?”

Gwen pulled a face and slowly shrugged, “maybe?”

Petr rested his hands on his face, “have you?”

“NO!” Gwen shouted, “I haven't even said anything to her.” She rested a hand on his chest, “If you say no I won't touch her. I swear.”

“You want to see other people though?” he asked.

Gwen looked apprehensive at him, bit her lip and nodded, “but only girls. I like girls too.”

“Have you uh, with MJ?”

Gwen laughed, “Pete. That girl is straighter than an arrow. She hasn’t kissed Flash, let alone me.” but Peter wasn’t laughing this time. “I think you’ve gone further.”

“I uh, need a bit of time okay.” Peter said as he climbed out of bed, “But, yeah. Maybe talk to Felicia as well. Get her to come round.”

“We could make out for you?” Gwen suggested. She had hoped Peter would be more open-minded but right now she felt she was losing him. “Pete, do you hate me? Because I'm gay?”

Now Peter laughed, “Gay? I don’t know how I feel Gwen, but it's not because you’re gay. It’s because you kissed Felicia two months ago and are only telling me now. You waited until I was so happy I just,” but he paused. “I don’t know.”

Gwen stood and moved over to him, sliding her hands under his arms, “I didn’t wait, Pete. Because right now it's so inconsequential I forgot. You made me so happy I forgot all about her and only wanted you.”

Peter kissed the top of her forehead, “so what changed?”

“Yeah, I forgot. School ended and we’ve been screwing so much that I forgot my best friend. So yeah, the shittiest person of the year goes to me. But I want Fel in my life, and that means owning up to kissing her and wanting more. But. If you say no, it goes no further. I just wanted to tell you the truth.”

Peter sighed, “Is this where I make the joke about wanting to watch?” 

Gwen huffed a laugh as she held him. “Pete, If I could get Felicia naked for you I would. I love you, anything you want. Me, her, MJ, I don’t care as long as you are here, and you are happy.”

“MJ? Really?” Peter asked, pulling away slightly so he could look at Gwen,

“Oh yeah. She really likes you, Pete. And I had to spend two years watching you two be mopey and miserable as Flash did his jealous boyfriend bit.”

Peter reached up and cradled her head with his hand pulling her back close. “The night we slept together I thought it was a dream but I'm sure MJ grabbed my uh, junk and I think I felt her chest.” He hadn’t wanted to say anything as he was sure it was a dream.

“Sly dog. So we both did naughty things and hid them.” Gwen sighed and relaxed back into the hug, “Let's not lie again, okay? We’ve both got powers now, and really a super-powered fight would mess up my new home. How about if you’re mad at me, you know, just say, and we talk. Like the adults were supposed to be.”

Peter laughed, “fine. Sorry, I lied about MJ. Not happy you kissed Felicia. Not happy you waited two months to tell me, don’t care if you're gay. And I love you too.”

Gwen kissed his chest, “Sorry I lied. Sorry I didn’t tell you. Not sorry I kissed her. Totally okay with you saying no,” and with one final push of courage. “Totally okay if we have an open relationship and you date MJ.”

“And you’d be free to date Felicia?”

Gwen shook her head, “no, totally separate. You and MJ are you and MJ. Me and Fel would be me and Fel.”

Peer sighed, “this is nice, but can we lie down again? I don’t know Gwen, it's been two months and all this.”

“Can I ask you something?” to which Peter nodded, “Do you see it as me cheating?”

“The kiss? Not really, but more? Then yeah.”

“And if we agreed but only with certain people?”

Peter raised his hand “I dont know!” he said more forcefully, “it feels like it. Would I like to see you have sex with Felicia or MJ? probably yes, but that's sex, we do that, but then you stay and we lie and talk, we sleep curled up and we, you know bond and stuff.”

“But we do. Felicia is my friend, and I hug her. I've slept in the same bed as her, and sure we didn't do anything but we talked and did this. So it's just the sex part we’re missing.”

Peter lay his hands on top of his head. He hadn’t thought about it like that. “So, with some people, the difference between friends and lovers is just the sex.”

Gwen reached over and kissed his nose, “ten points, yes. I love you and we have sex, I love Felicia but we don’t. I’m not cheating on you when I confide in her, just like I’m not cheating on her when we have something more.”

Peter couldn't deny that it made sense. A relationship was a series of connections. A good relationship needed more than just sex to survive.

“Can we see? Let's get MJ settled first, and then we can talk about it once Felicia starts visiting more often.”

“There is a test Pete. Because sometimes we overthink things, but I know how to find out how you really feel.” Gwen said snuggling close to him.

Peter shrugged and brought his arm down and lay across her shoulder.

“Close your eyes. Now think of me, straddling Felica, letting her eat my pussy while you watch, begging her to fuck me.”

Peter did, and Gwen laughed, As he opened his eyes he felt her hand slide under the blanket and grip his erection.

“See, that never lies.”

Peter laughed, “Well, it’s your fault, you should deal with it.”

Giggling Gwen lifted the blanket and dived under, and Peter felt the warmth of her mouth a few seconds later.

Maybe he really didn’t mind more than one.

Gwen and Peter had moved on from simple playing to much more. Then, after showering and dressing for the warmer weather, Gwen headed to find Felicia,

‘Hey Fel, want to hang out?’ she messaged her but it was only an hour later she got a reply,

‘Uh sure, where?’

‘Well, there is the park nearby, want to go for a walk?’

‘Sure, give me ten,’ and then her phone was quiet.

Gwen waited at the north gate to the park, watching as Felicia slowly headed towards her.

She was in a black dress and had tied her hair back. Gwen snorted, it was totally goth, even if Felicia denied it.

She frowned though s when she went to hug her, Felica stepped back, and scowled at her,

“I’m here. So, we can walk and talk a the same time.” but before Gwen could reply, she had walked past her and into the park.

Gwen hurried to catch up,

She is angry, we can feel it, you should eat her.

Gwen ignored Poison, “hey Fel, what’s up?”

Felicis stopped and glared accusingly at Gwen. “Oh I dont know, school ended and then my best friend moved into her boyfriend's place. Ignored me and,” Felicia leaned forwards and sniffed, “spends most her time fucking him. So I dont know. What's wrong Gwen?”

Definitely eat her, she does not get to be grumpy at us.

Shut the hell up.

“Fel, I’m sorry okay? Yes, things with Pete got out of hand, but he needed me.”

Felicia snorted, “Oh, and I didn’t?”

Gwen rolled her eyes, “oh come on. Did you get arrested for breaking Flash’s leg, or hauled before the school board and expelled? Did you get,”

Felicia interrupted her, “fine I get it, but I was right. You moved and I was left out, so,“ and she shrugged, “so we have our walk, and then that's it.”

“Wait what? Come on Fel. I was moving house.” but Felica had walked off. Gwen yelled after her and hurried to catch up, “and I’m trying to apologise. Fel, wait goddam it.”

Eat her, problem solved.

Shut the hell up Poison.

She didn’t need this, no attachments her father always taught her, and now he was proven right.

Even as Gwen hurried to catch up the lump in her throat and the ache in her chest didn’t lighten. As she thought of leaving Gwen behind after she found him the pain got worse. Gwen being stupid and nice wasn’t helping.

She wanted her to just admit she was screwing Peter all the time and that she wasn't her friend. MJ was back in the picture and they didn't need a miserable idiot messing up their happiness.

It just isn't fair, she thought to herself as she tried to leave. Gwen not only caught up but wrapped surprisingly strong arms around her.

“Stop being a stupid bitch,” she hissed and Felicia blinked in surprise at her. “You’re my best friend, and yes I'm sorry I've been screwing Peter senseless but we missed you, and want you to visit us.”

Felica pulled her arm back, “And I would if I knew you weren't going to just ignore me.”

Gwen groaned and threw up her hands in frustration. “Look, we’re having a housewarming for MJ tomorrow night. You can come. Peter will be glad to see you, and we need to talk.”

Felicia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, “Yeah, prom was cancelled, I know, You bailed on me.”

Gwen hissed and pulled her close, “We have had enough of this. We are trying to get Peter to let us eat that tasty peach of yours and you are being a downer. Stop it and we will get you what we both want.”

Felicia was stunned, “what? No! I dont want,” but Gwen pulled her in and kissed her,

“We will do more. Once we have Peter's permission,” and she left the stunned Felicia standing in the park lane.

What the fuck was that Poison? Don’t make me say shit.

Poison huffed, we know you like her, we see all the thoughts you have about her. Devour her, take her to Pete and let him devour us both.

Wait, you mean sex right? not actually eating.

Poison was forever asking what things were, and if they were tasty. Gwen had given up, and even foods she liked were sampled again. If Poison liked something, she would constantly whine and beg Gwen to eat more of it.

Yes yes, the mating ritual, the warm squirting and the tasty treat that follows.

I dont think Fel is into that.

Bah! We smell her, like the MJ when she is near Peter. She wants him as much as you do, go back to her, drag her to him and take them both.

Poison, no. please. Gwen spotted a park food vendor, look if you calm down, and let me back in control I’ll buy you a treat.

Treat? One we haven't tasted?

Yes, it’s called cotton candy.

Ten minutes later, after watching Gwen eat ten sticks in a row, Felicia held her hair and rubbed her back as she was sick into a trash can.

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