Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Six. Editorial Help Less

Spider-Man sighed as he read the evening edition of the Bugle. He had been trying to get more positive press for himself, but the incident yesterday had thrown it all away. Once more Jonah was ranting about how much of a problem he was becoming.

‘Helpless? No Spider-Man. Help Less!’

JJ here. Another truth was revealed. Another menace shows his real agenda.

Spider-Man. He once promised us that he was a hero. Once promised us that he was against these criminals. Once promised us to protect the streets of New York.

Spider-Man is now wanted in connection with the flooding on Staten Island.

That's right. Spider-Man.

We have obtained records that he called in from the store where the water tower was found. Pushed over but not during a fight. No, we have evidence that it was done deliberately.

We obtained the forensic photographs (see page fourteen for a Daily Bugle exclusive) that Spider-Mans webbing was found all over the roof, but no signs of any other people. A coincidence? No. I think a desperate man made a dangerous mistake and caused more damage than he intended.

A whole block was deprived of water. Businesses shut down, costing their hard-working American owners money.

Ordinary families, simply taking a leisurely walk down a typical American street. Hurt, and traumatised. A poor defenceless dog, washed away, a crying child, and no hero to be seen.

That's right. Once the water started, he fled. It was up to our fine New York emergency service to figure out where the damage started. Not even a hint as to where he left a water main open. All to catch one villain.

So he says. After they managed to clean up his mess was there any sign of a villain? There was not, all the police found was a poor woman's flooded home and hints of a robbery.

Not only did he allow a crook to escape, but he also robbed an innocent civilian of their lively hood.

Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man?

Unfriendly neighbourhood menace more like.

It’s called a hero complex. A person becomes addicted to the limelight. Is Spider-Man now causing accidents so he can claim the spotlight? Was this a horrible attempt to endanger innocent lives, so he could feel better about himself?

Are we seeing the manipulation of public opinion by another masked individual?

Is Spider-Man simply hungry for power and attention?

If Spider-Man was a true hero, he would turn himself in and allow the citizens of New York to see who was under that mask.

But rest assured readers.

I, J Johan Jameson, will be in contact with the mayor.

I promise that this mess will be solved by our law enforcement officers

This so-called hero isn’t wanted and isn’t needed.

Liv had watched Venom and Sandman trade blows and had avoided the majority of the fight. Even if she wanted to help, orders were orders. She had no such compulsion about Spider-Man though.

She had listened to him talk nonsense about arrests and a story. She knew if Venom was Peter, this must be the reporter.

In the confusion after Sandman dealt with him, she followed Sandman down into the sewers. While it was unpleasant she had taken the injured Marko back to Oscorp to reform.

Harry yelled and smashed the useless samples she had presented to him. It wasn't her fault that Venom's skin and blood seemed to degrade almost immediately. The black goo had become dried dust as he examined them.

She kept his identity to herself. He hadn't asked so she didn't have to tell, and after he dismissed her she headed back to her home to check the rest of her data.

It was late evening before his royal overlord released her to clean up the mess they had made. He didn’t care that Spider-Man was involved. He cared that there was evidence that could tie Oscorp to the Fearsome Four.

Once he was happy, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand and she made her way back to what was her home. The door had been forced open and attached to the inside was a note

‘I borrowed some things – Venom ❤’

Venom had taken everything he could. Her sample cases, her medical fridges, and the mass spectrometer were all gone. Every inch of the place was cleaned out. The rotten bastard even took all her kitchen appliances. He had left a single cup noodle next to her kettle, another note,

‘bought you dinner to make up for fucking you’

She swore and cursed his name, "damn moocher."

She worked hard to steal all those machines from Oscorp, and now he'd come in and just lifted them.

It stung. This was the only place she had to call her own, and over the years she had barely scraped by. It wasn’t like Norman or Harry paid her. Why would they pay a slave?

She eyed the cup noodle. He at least had the decency to buy a very nice brand of Japanese instant ramen. It wasn't one of the ten-for-a-dollar varieties. No, this one had real meat and a little sachet of oyster sauce inside.

Sighing, having lost to a kid, she filled the kettle.

At least he bought me dinner, sighing again as she remembered the last time someone had done that was over eighteen years ago.

He is still a little shit though.

All it really meant was switching to plan B. Losing all the equipment she'd collected wasn't too big a deal. Not if she finally got free.

Calling up the lock screen of her phone she entered the pin,

‘I have a plan to deal with Venom. I need help again.’

She got a smiley face back from Harry, “damn kids,” she said to nobody as she stirred her noodles. She did smile as she ate her one meal for the day,

maybe he can save me.

As she tasted the noodles, they became saltier. Tears dripped from her face as she faced the truth.

Nobody can save me.

“You asshole” Black Cat yelled at Spider-Man as he dodged out of the way of her claws.

He had been setting up his camera to capture her when she suddenly let the man go and headed straight for him. A very angry look on her face.

“Taking pictures of my ass?” she yelled, “I’m gonna kill you.” As she stuck out, Spider-Man was forced to leap away.

She was not as fast as he was, but she was better trained. Even with a tougher body, his forearms hurt as he took several punches. With nothing but a cotton suit to protect him, he knew he would be bruised and sore.

“Hey. Hey, I’m sorry okay,” he yelled as once more she slashed at his arm. As she scored several cuts through it, Spider-Man swore. “You have any idea how expensive these suits are?”

That just incensed her more. “Suit? Screw your suit, you asshole,” she shouted as she lunged for him again.

Of course, she does, she’s wearing one as well, he thought.

He sent a web to stick to her hand. She snorted and slashed through it. He released the webbing from his wrist and leapt backwards, this time sending out two. She just clasped her hands together and pulled, sending him stumbling towards her. She kicked out this time, sending him flying across the roof had been hiding on.

“Stay still, let me hit you a few times, and then I’ll let you go,” she said as she peeled the webbing from her hands. Balling it up, she threw it back at him.

It stung, he hadn't realised his webbing was so hard. It was just another of the weird effects he had from being bitten at Oscorp. Not that he’d been able to test them. He doubted a gym would like him wrecking their equipment. Whereas firing off webbing everywhere just made a mess.

He was still faster than her, and even as she kicked off the roof and dived at him, he leapt over the top of her. He sprayed her with finer webbing to escape. She was on the warpath, and nothing he could do would stop her. He had no intention of letting her beat him until she had vented.

She screamed as he covered her in sticky fluid, “My hair! You, you dick!”

All he had done was piss her off more. Spider-Man might not have much luck in love, but messing with a woman's hair. Especially one as long and well-maintained as Black Cats was asking for trouble. So why leave it free-flowing like that? He would never understand.

Right, leaving now, he thought, before I make it worse.

He shot a line out and headed as high as he could. He knew she used a grapple gun, and was not as quick as moving through the city as he was.

After a few minutes, he rested on a gargoyle. He sighed and pulled out the camera he had webbed to his back.

He looked at the pictures, all unusable as it was obvious who she was fighting. With a frown, he hit delete on all of them. Thankfully he had been moved to staff properly and had a.

He felt the air shift and had hardly moved when he felt the thud against his back. He twisted as he fell, seeing a smug-looking Black Cat above him,

“Stop taking pictures of my chest, you asshole!” she yelled after him before her grapple gun fired and she swung away.

It’s not like I can help it, he thought, it's bigger than anything else.

Sighing he figured that taking a break from photographing her might be a wise choice. As he shot a web line and snagged a building he swung away.

At least Venom doesn't complain when I take his picture.

Spider-Man was sitting on another gargoyle. How exactly were you supposed to fight a villain who let their hair flow free? As he pondered just how to fight Black Cat he felt the air move.

Not again! he lamented as he spun and dived, sending a web line out and swinging away.

“Hey, moron. Nice moves.” Venom shouted after him.

Spider-Man spun in mid-air and swung back,

“I thought you were someone else,” he said, landing back on his gargoyle. He made sure to keep his distance from Venom.

“You didn’t tell Black Cat I was taking pictures of her uh, taking pictures did you?”

Venom laughed, “I did. Naughty naughty Spider-Man. She really hates that whole bimbo bit. You should be nicer to a lady.”

Spider-Man shook his head, “I was cataloguing a crime. I just happened.” he stopped, “You know what. Screw you. What do you want?”

Venom huffed, “You fought Cat not too long ago. Where?”

Spider-Man snorted and gave a short laugh, “why should I tell you? So you can go tell her more lies about me?”

Venom stretched before he shrugged, “Take better pictures, maybe take a course. I don't care. I want to know where she is, and maybe I stop being so picky about what pictures you take of us.”

Spider-Man frowned under his mask, “you want to know where she is, and I can get an exclusive?”

Venom realised that the difference between Spider-Man and himself was the press. There had been pictures of Spider-Man fighting a gang. One unlucky man got whacked with a manhole cover. But it was

‘Plucky hero saves a store.’

The last time he hit someone with a manhole cover he got

‘Defenceless man crippled for life.’

Maybe letting Spider-Man take some decent pictures and get him on his side wasn't such a bad idea.

“Then tell me,” Venom said. He rolled his eyes a moment later, as Spider-Man pulled out a camera.

“You know, nobody ever got a good look at you,” he said as he snapped shots from different angles. “Someone even thought we were the same person.

“Enough!” Venom said, holding a hand up, “where was she?”

“Sunset Park, near the junkyard.”

Venom stretched, “This once, but.” he paused, “thank you.” and he shot out a line of his own and swung off.

Tonight wasn't a total bust, Spider-Man thought to himself. Now I know he can be reasonable.

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