Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Five. Taking A Stand

Seizing the opportunity, Peter had roped in everyone for a heist. In the mess and confusion,  they slipped in quietly, posing as a clean-up crew to empty Liv's hideout.

Peter used Liv's name to bypass the cops while Gwen hid under a cap to avoid anyone she recognised.

MJ had smacked Peter when they saw the mess and he rubbed his arm, "What the hell Pete?"

"What? This wasn't me," he defended himself. After explaining they all calmed down. “I left Sandman on the roof, so I guess he escaped."

The trio was quiet after that. Gwen kept watch while they loaded machine after machine into the back of a truck. She was giddy with excitement at some of the high-end medical equipment.

Taking the back streets they avoided detection. Sighing in relief as they made it back o the warehouse, where they unloaded everything. As Gwen was driving, she left MJ and Peter to move everything while she returned the van they had hired.

"This, this doesn't bother you, Peter?" Muse was out helping Peter lift the machine into their storeroom. The house next to his would serve as storage until he could make a proper lab for either himself or Gwen. He had bought four more offices and the steel needed to make frames for them. He just hadn’t started on them yet.

Even without using Venom, he was strong enough that he could manhandle them all. "No, these are stolen Muse, and who knows what she was doing with them."

"That's not the point Peter, even if they're stolen you're stealing them too, it's not cancelled out."

Peter put down what looked like a mass spectrometer, "MJ what's really wrong? I mean, you know I go out and stop muggings and stuff, so what gives?"

"That's just it Peter, you hurt them. Are you doing it for some sense of revenge against Flash? or some kind of vent for all your anger? cause it's not right Peter, it's not right."

He'd had this talk with himself. "MJ, if they took the chance they wouldn't be mugging innocent people, and yes I hurt them and yes it's both those things.” He paused and leaned on one of the crates. “I return wallets and purses that have ID but yeah, I keep loose cash because I checked. The city doesn’t give that money away, it keeps it. The department that seized it gets it. If they gave it to a homeless shelter then,” he shrugged.

MJ didn’t look happy about that but didn’t say anything.

He took a breath and continued, “Yes I take revenge against people like Flash. People who think they can get away with hurting someone else because they're better. What gives them the right to take someone else's purse? What gives them the right to scare someone so bad they never go out again? Look I get it, I do, Flash didn't deserve to lose his leg, but I didn't do that. That wasn't my fault and would I go out and hurt Flash? no, I wouldn't, but he got what he deserved Muse, just like those scumbags do."

Muse held one of her arms across her chest, "but Peter, I get these urges. To, you know, go find my dad, to make him feel the pain he put me through, to hurt him, just for you know, hurting me.”

Peter moved in and hugged her, "and if you want to then that's up to you, but that's it MJ, it's up to you, no one else. Muse can talk and whisper but at the end of the day it's your choice."

Muse wrapped her arms around him, “thank you." 

Muse whispered in her mind,

but we would help if you did and so would he.

Gwen made a choice, and she dialled Felicia's number. "Busy?"

She swung by her place and picked her up.

"Nice ride, all the other girls will be jealous," Felicia said as she climbed into the cab, "So, what?"

As they drove back to the rental place Felicia and Gwen shared a quiet moment. "I'm going to tell my dad we're dating.” She had spoken to Peter, who’d agreed it would give them both some breathing room. While that was for now, a much more in-depth discussion was coming.

"And I'm here because?" Felicia drew out, "Moral support, ass-kicking if he yells. Hot make out?" 

As she grinned, Gwen shook her head. "Easy for you to say, Felicia. Your dad was okay with you coming out." Gwen took the last turn off and they were outside her home, her old home she corrected herself. “This is stupid, he'll freak out.”

Felicia leant for a kiss, "yeah but he'll get over it." Felicia neglected to mention her father didn't know. He was already missing when she’d discovered her sexuality.

"Ahem," George Stacy stood in the driveway, keys in hand, watching the pair. "Gwen?"

Gwen shrunk back down, "shit shit shit."

Felicia took a deep breath, "band-aid time."

"Hi, I'm Felicia Hardy, and as you can see, I'm Gwen's girlfriend."

She stuck out her hand for George to shake and after staring at her he took it, "Gwen?"

"Shit," she muttered and sat straight up, "yeah dad. Come on, can we at least talk privately?" She pursed her lips and shook her head, this was not how she wanted this to go.

“No need, I get the gist of what's happening. So Peter?" he asked.

"Still living with him but no dad, wasn’t dating Peter," she raised her eyebrows as he nodded.

"Well then, uh Felicia, why don't you and Gwen come inside. I’ve got fresh danishes.”

As he unlocked the security door to their driveway Felicia batted Gwen's arm, "See?" she said as they followed George inside.

Gwen sighed. She could have brought home anyone and as long as they weren't Peter Parker her dad would be happy.

She wasn't happy about having to lie. But as it was the smallest lie of everything else that happened, it was okay. Letting her dad think she was gay rather than dating Peter was fine. Plus it meant free danishes and at the word, Poison stirred and purred

sugar sugar yum yum, she said in her mind.

Yes, baby. Sugar sugar yum yum, shaking her head and smiling, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Across town, Harry was sitting in the office of his father as Liv sent him a text. As inconspicuous as he could he hit an emoji and sent it back to her.

He hated those damn things but Norman would get even pissier than he already was if he saw him on his phone. Harry watched his father inject himself again and he allowed himself a small smile.

"Harry," Norman said, "ah uh, these allowed me to finish the Goblin Armour and Glider. The test is next month. Are you, excited boy?"

Norman threw his arm around Harry, in an unusual show of affection.

Harry spoke "Of course father, with the new armour specs and the glider. The military contracts granted to Oscorp will make us all very rich."

Norman's face darkened. "Make me rich son. You've still not gotten over that small genetics hurdle yet, have you? I told you once the WSC sets its mind on something it never changes it. Genetic manipulation is only going to be allowed to treat illness. There is no money in curing the sick son, make money prolonging the disease."

Harry had heard this lecture before. Right after Norman had shut down the Oscorp genetics research lab. It was a minor hurdle that had forced Harry to start another one, hidden within the building.

His father, of course, was a hypocrite. The serum he so readily pumped into his veins was the result of that lab. Not that Norman would ever admit that.

"Now now, don't scowl, it'll all be yours eventually. Come, have a drink with me." Norman poured himself and Harry a scotch, which Harry hated. It was sour and burned, if anything he preferred the mellow taste of cognac or brandy. Sniffing the glass he took a sip, "to success,” and his father raised his glass,

"To success," Harry echoed, knowing full well what the results of the test would be.

After he left his father, he picked up his phone,

Deal with Venom, I dont care how, just do it.

Once Venom was dealt with, his father was next.

Dealing with Harry left a sour taste in his mouth. Even fifty-year-old scotch couldn't shift it but his next meeting would change all that.

Noman smiled as he entered George Stacy’s office,

“Commissioner. It is always a pleasure.” He held out his hand which George took and shook.

“I would say the same Norman, but so far, I've had nothing but headaches. I don’t appreciate your son making waves where my daughter is concerned.”

Norman waved a hand. “Harry simply undid a mistake. Gwen is perfectly safe in her position at Oscorp, George. You know I would never do anything to jeopardise our working relationship.”

George eyed up Norman, “I know. But this,” and he slid over a file to Norman, “this might.”

Norman already knew what was in the file, and laughed, “they’re just drones, George. Not military and nothing but nonlethal systems. Perfect for your little bug problem.”

George had to admit that Osborn was right. Spider-Man had caused a lot of damage with his little stunt. With JJ ranting on about him in the paper he now had the Mayor asking what he was doing about it.

“Drones are fine. What I need is better equipment. They destroyed a building.”

Norman smiled, “A new task force does need new equipment. I so happen to have a contract right here.”

He slid the folder from his inside pocket, handing it to George,

“Body armour, shields, new rifles with high-velocity impact rounds? This sounds more like military spec than police issue.” George said, raising an eyebrow, “I really don’t.”

Norman interrupted him, “The mayor has already signed. We need you on board though. No military? With super-powered criminals with no regard for property or people? You need the military. Rhino and, what was his name, Sandman, took out four cruisers I heard. Spider-Man, trying to get one of them, flooded a whole block. The clean-up alone will cost the city millions.”

George leant back and sighed. He was right. It wasn't even a close battle. Rhino grinned and laughed as he picked up police cars and tossed them like they were toys. He would have more reservations if Gwen hadn’t been there. If he hadn’t felt that chest-crushing agony as he watched her being stretchered into an ambulance.

He undid the top of his favourite signing pen, and with a flourish, signed at the bottom.

Norman smiled, “You have saved this city, George. We’ll be hailed as heroes.”

George had an uneasy feeling as Norman folded the contract and slid it back into his jacket. A feeling that behind that smile, lay a very dangerous man.

Across town, Harry waited for Harrison, who arrived with the usual scowl on his face,

“This better be good Harry. Your father,” but Harry interrupted him

“My father is exactly the reason we’re here. I already know what he’s done.”

Harrison had been called before the board and was on administrative leave. A headline,

‘CEO strikes aspiring young actress’

Was plastered over a few of the seedier newspapers. Only the Bugle had refused to run it, mainly as it was all hearsay.

“He’s edging you out, and I have a plan to stop him,” Harry said as the waitress poured Harrison a glass of wine. Harry had no problem talking in front of the staff. If anyone betrayed the club they would be pieces of meat not long after.

Harrison snorted and tasted the wine, it was a nice enough red. He drained the glass and motioned for the waitress to refill it,

“I dont care, Harry. Once the glider test happens I’ll be gone. Osborn will get his big score and nobody will care about you or me.”

Harry laughed, “two steaks, rare,” and he shooed the waitress away, “You might find that test won't go as well as he hopes.” Harry said with a grin and twitch of his eyebrows. “But, I need something from you to make that happen.”

Harrison lifted his own glass, “You know my access is being revoked. Anything in the Archive is off-limits.”

Harry waved a hand, “This you can do. I need access to the pilot.”

Harrison frowned, “the pilot? For what? He’s military. He won't betray Osborn.”

Harry snorted, “I don’t need him to,” and he set a vial of pale blue liquid on the table. “Just have the technician monitoring his vitals give him this, call it a booster shot.”

“You want me to drug him, somebody will know.”

Harry laughed, “not with this they won't.”

As the waitress brought back their meals, Harry paused, “Ask if we can get an ice-cold special for dessert. I know the owner, and she will be spectacular. If you do this for me, I can promise you a cure for Eugene's problem. Not just the best prosthetics but the best in a new biomechanical limb.”

Harrison nodded as they ate. The streak was excellent.

Harry lifted the cheque when it arrived, and the waitress brought over their dessert.

“I have to get back. Harrison, Enjoy,” he said, leaving a black card on top of the bill. The waitress saw it and nodded.

Harrison looked at the young woman that had walked over. She was well endowed, dressed in a white body suit and had almost pure white flowing hair,

“You’re dessert? What's your name?”

“I can be anyone you want, but most call me Emma.”

“Emma huh? So, is there somewhere private we can go?” Harrison asked.

Emma just smiled, lifted the passcard Harry had left, and motioned for him to follow.

The VIP suites were invite-only, with membership only available through referral.

Maybe if everything worked out, he would ask Harry for one last favour. It looked bad if the new CEO of Oscorp wasn't a member. Even Stark had one.

He knew Bar Sinister was just a front, that's what the rumours told him. The real deal was the exclusive members-only group that only the very rich and powerful got to join.

Harrison swore to himself, as the cute young blonde knelt before him and undid his pants. He would make sure he was a member of the Hellfire Club.


The quartet was quiet after that.


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