Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Two. Now I Know My ABC’s

Both Blink and Kitty were enjoying the luxury of the pool. Kitty missed being able to swim, as her room on Avalon was a single, and Blink just enjoyed the warmth of the water. She was an X-Man and had an en-suite, but the designers of Avalon didn't allow for luxury such as this. She would miss it, even if she could create a portal here it wasn't allowed. Charles didn't like any of them being away for too long. They had too many enemies.

Being able to swim, undisturbed, was freeing.

"You think Peter would let us use this more often?" Blink asked. She hated her name, Clarise, and got tired of the jokes about lambs within ten minutes of the film's release. She liked Blink and made everyone call her that.

"Uh, you know why we're allowed here right?" Kitty said as she pushed herself back and forth across the length of the pool, "He uh,"

Blink laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. We all know about him and his lifestyle, but I mean, the pool. I doubt he'd want to have sex with us just to use the pool."

"Swims naked. He and the rest swim naked. Jean told me."

Blink floated, treading water and she looked at the sheer white costume Kitty had on. They had found a selection and just chosen the right size. But now she looked properly, Blink could see Kitty's dark nipples and shaven slit through it. She wondered if that was the reason for the costumes. "Really? So." but a voice interrupted her.

"While this is amusing, I need to interrupt. Kitty. The mission will start in about an hour, and no. Emma chose the costumes, blame her," Selene called through the door. "Peter is a gentleman, remember that."

Blink bit her lip, while Kitty stared over at her before bursting out laughing. "Yeah, I can see Emma buying these. She does like to tease and these are her style." Kitty had no problem being naked around anyone. The mansion had bathrooms, but for most students bathing was communal. Growing up, shyness was quickly stamped out if you wanted time to enjoy your shower.

"So, is he?" Blink asked. She stripped from her bathing suit and stood under one of the showers. turning it on to wash away the pool water before she dressed.

"Uh-huh. Emma was really pissed at him because he refused her, but she's kind of a brat like that." Blink snorted and sniffed the soap dispenser before squirting some into her hands. "She does have great taste though."

"Is he really as bad as everyone says? I heard second-hand about Scott and Jean."

Kitty sighed, stripped and stood, "Scott was pissy about Jean remembering Peter. That was over before Jean even kissed Peter. Peter is a gentleman, he's kinda like Poitr."

"Uh huh," Blink said as she smirked. "So, you and the big guy?"

"Think he'd be up for more?"

"Really, you and Emma and him? Leave some for the rest of us." Blink said with a straight face but the pair burst into laughter. "Go for it. You get shit for being an Augment, hell isn't going to burn hotter 'cause you've got two lovers."

Kitty rubbed the soap over her arms. Blink was right. Emma had made hints about adding more, happy to emulate Peter, but it was Piotr who would be the fly in that ointment. She could only ask, and after the mission, she would.

"Now that we are all here, we are going to lay out our mission." Shuri stood in front of the TV with a projector running. "First, we need to infiltrate the base, we will have two teams. One will look for the main entrance to the Kree facility and infiltrate. The second will scout and determine the invader's numbers and purpose."

In the seating area were Felicia, Liv, Jean, Wanda, Peter, Laura, Natasha, Gwen and finally Kitty. Listening but not a part of the brief were Shuri's guard, and Charles. His part would be strictly communication. While in Avalon, he would also head off any attempts to interfere with the settlement, but not the mission.

"The plan will be simple. Kitty will phase Peter down to the reactor chamber. There he will disable it, drawing the attention of the Asgardians. By the time they have breached the reactor room, they will have moved to the hangar. Contacting Wanda, she will open a portal and the remainder of the team will come through.

Felicia raised her hand, unsure of how to interrupt. Shuri snorted, "I am not a teacher you need to impress Felicia." She raised an eyebrow, "although, I have heard of the naughty schoolgirl fantasy from Peter. Are you asking to bow out, and prepare?"

Gwen snorted and Felicia batted her arm, "You asked the same as well, what was it thick thighs and thigh highs, so shush." Gwen just giggled more. "No, how are you going to open a portal to the Moon? Isn't it a vacuum?"

"We have a zero gravity testing facility, where we test fighter craft. It can be pressurised to different altitudes. We can make a vacuum so there will be no decompression when a portal is opened," Shuri explained. "Anything else?"

Felicia shook her head.

"Then. Team one, to infiltrate the Kree facility shall be myself in lead, with Peter, Liv, and Kitty. Team two shall be Felicia, who is in lead, with Laura, Natasha, and Wanda. While I am unsure, Charles shall be communicating through Jean and Kitty. He is familiar enough with the two that his telepathy can reach them, even if blocked by the Moon."

"What is our goal? I mean, we can count bodies all day but what if we're discovered?" Gwen asked.

"Then evade capture and retreat back to Wakanda. So far, we have no evidence that they have sorcery or can track anyone using it. No unnecessary risks, and no thrill-seeking. Scout, observe, and then retreat. Wanda. You have several safe locations you may portal to, but if you are in a pressurised zone, you may have to escape in a hurry. I have medical alert bands for you all in case anyone suffers from pressure sickness. Jhalia assures me that they can cope with any sudden decompression but better to be safe than sorry."

A Dora Milaje stepped forward and handed out medical bracelets. As the group snapped them on, the case she had them in lit up. Heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels started to stream across a small screen. She handed the case to Gwen, who nodded.

"The bracelet transmits to a Wakandan satellite. My guard will remain here and monitor the situation. If you need immediate medical aid, portal here and they will take you to Wakanda. I am sorry, but the council will not permit anyone to portal directly to Wakanda, Royal Consort or not." Shuri was angry about that. The only reason they had given was operational security. An alien invader could steal the bracelet and use it to invade the city. It was a bullshit power play and Shuri knew it, she just hadn't decided how she was going to respond. "It will be up to you to keep track of everyone, Gwen. If Wanda is disabled, you may have to provide emergency portals to evacuate the teams."

"Then I want a small guard of Dora if Cindy or Eddie aren't available. We need small meals, easily eaten, so if there is an emergency nobody is off washing their hands, plus reliefs. You get to go off and have fun, but I'll be sat here making sure you're all safe," Gwen stated. She doubted she would need all that, but even a small injury could be potentially fatal.

"Guards?" Felicia asked.

"Uh yeah. If you're fighting, who's gonna save my ass when I'm saving yours," Gwen replied. "I might like my lab work, but even I attend Nats security drills."

Natasha nodded, pleased her lessons had sunk in.

"Then we are in agreement. We need to be ready, so one hour. Liv, is the Mark Three armour rated for a vacuum?" Shuri asked but Liv shook her head.

"Never tested it. Someone forgot to mention their vacuum chamber. But, with a Symbiote, any leaks should be fixed. It won't short out if you get a dose of radiation though, it's all shielded since Ross went nuclear."

"Then we are ready. One hour and we leave for Avalon." Shuri motioned to her retinue and began to issue orders for Gwen's guard. To keep the suspicions to a minimum, Cindy and Eddie would be left out of the mission. A small force of Dora Milaje would make sure Gwen was safe if any hostile forces attempted to breach her portal. It would be up to Gwen to make sure they were then evacuated to Wakanda, and into Shuri's personal medical bay. There would be no interference from the council on this part, as she wouldn't tell them. She had decided on this occasion it was better to ask forgiveness than permission. or as Shuri preferred it, to ask them to shut up as they could not change the past, and remind them that she was Queen.

While she gave orders, Peter and the others waited. Blink took Liv to collect their armour, and once they were all fitted, the mission could begin. She would return to Avalon with Charles and Kitty, set up a ruse, and then bring an invisible Venom and team up to the Moon.

"Hey, you okay?" Peter asked Gwen. She normally stayed away from the fighting, but he could see she was more annoyed at being left behind.

"Yeah, just you know, boring boring boring," she said in a passable imitation of Poison.

Peter laughed, "Well, Cindy definitely isn't that these days. But, are you okay? I can still make a Symbiote for you, maybe this one will like science."

"Nah, I like being alone with my thoughts, and you know, not wanting to eat a dumpster full of cookies."

"Plus, Ghost swaps back and forth when they have sex," Felicia added as she sat down. She pulled sugar and creamer towards herself and began to add them to her cup, "Most of us do."

"And Cindy's okay with that?" Peter asked. He generally didn't intrude, but Cindy was a special case.

"She's chilled out a lot since school, Pete. She had a good school life but a rough home life. She was like you but in reverse. She still swears a lot, but it's kinda hot," Gwen said. "Uh, and where's mine?" She raised an eyebrow at Felicia who shrugged.

"In the pot, next to Pete's. He can get it while he's getting his," Gwen pouted and Felicia rolled her eyes, "fiiiine." She stood and added coffee to Gwen's mug, Peter raised a hand and declined.

"So, Cindy. She happy with the poly now? I did hear the three of you a few nights ago. Joining in with Pete?"

Peter shook his head, "Nope, I was there, but it was Liv. Cindy, no, Ghost likes me to watch, but Cindy really doesn't like guys. Even Ghost says she can't change that."

Felicia sipped her coffee, "Huh, so we were all kinda gay before the Symbiotes then." She looked at Gwen who shrugged, "Yeah, don't really care."

"Cindy's better. Pepper got us all counselling, as we did a lot of stupid things. She's a lot happier, and not as angry. Just you know."

Felicia laughed, "Oh yeah. I almost died the first time I heard her shout I'm gonna tongue your uh C word."

"C word? What are you five now Fel? Pussy is fine but you can't say cu-" Gwen started but Felicia splatted a blob of webbing over her mouth.

"Dad kicked my ass the first time I said it. Not upset, not angry, he literally kicked my ass. So no, we do not say the C word," Felicia said as she glared at Gwen.

Gwen frowned "Sorry, I'll kiss your C word better later, maybe your A word, but definitely your B words." She grinned, "Come and sing along with me, let me tongue your A B C."

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