Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Three. Ding Dong Ditch

"So, how are we doing this?" Kitty asked. Her suit was done up, and all she needed was to fit her helmet. Even though it was rated for space, Professor Xavier insisted it still looked like the X-Man uniform. It was a dark blue, with two yellow panels at the side. Wearing it you couldn't tell, but it was an X.

"Right, Nat says if we have snoopers the best way to fool them is to talk nonsense. Anything will do. Groceries, relationships, stuff like that but nothing specific, no powers, no money. Nothing that can be used." Peter was in his prototype Mark Three armour. Its smooth helmet covered his face, but only so if he needed to use his Symbarmour, nobody could tell he was Venom.

"So, uh, if I wanted to ask you how this, um, poly worked, that?" Kitty asked nervously.

"Got your eye on another person, and worried they'll freak out?" Peter checked his gloves. His armour was a pale silver colour, but the rest of the outfit was black.

Kitty nodded, and as they walked to the ADAAM, they were met by Charles and Blink.

"The ADAAMs are offline, but we can pretend for today. Once you are in position, we can move the rest of the team in." Charles nodded at Blink who opened a portal. The four stepped through and it closed behind them.

"Right, last one then," Peter closed his helmet and Blink helped Kitty on with hers. After they pressurised, Kitty took Peter's hand and they phased through the floor.

Good Luck, Charles sent them and then moved off to finalise the decommissioning of Avalon.

"Yeah, it works if you make it work. Having more than one doesn't make it more complicated. The only thing that makes it more complicated are the people involved." Venom talked as they sank through the rock. It was strange, like floating in a void, but holding Shadowcats hand was keeping him grounded. She had already warned him not to let go, but to trust her. Part of her powers was an innate sense of direction, and she knew where the surface was. She had Augment GPS, and would never get lost while she phased.

"But, what about, uh, you know?" Talking nonsense was easier than this. She knew Peter had slept with Emma, Emma had asked if she could invite him to their bed, but Kitty declined. He was handsome, but it was weird thinking he'd slept with Jean and Ororo. All she could think when she saw him was 'he banged my favourite teacher.'

"That is up to you. We had this discussion, and it boils down to what you want. Are you comfortable with it? Do you like it? Does anyone not like it? Sex with more than one person is just like with one. Don't do anything you don't like or are unhappy about doing. It's just common sense."

As they moved, Venom began to see the outline of energy bleeding through the rock. It was a subtle glow of the reactor as they approached.

"So, what about jealousy?" The pair stopped at the reactor, and it looked the same as before. Shadowcat cracked a glow stick and Venom moved around to where the cables had been patched on.

Venom sighed, "Same as with rule one. If someone is ignoring you or doing something to annoy you, tell them." Venom looked at the cables and pressed a hand to the reactor. He wanted to find out if any of these were monitoring energy output or if they were just power taps. "The basis of any relationship is trust and honesty. You just have to trust more than one person in a poly group." He lifted his hand. "I don't have to remove these. They're just taps. Once I shut down the reactor though, a whole bunch of aliens are going to lose power."

Charles, we have a small problem. If I cut the power, we don't know what systems I'm going to shut down. We could kill a lot of people.

Then I suggest waiting until team two is in place. The scouts can find out where their power is going. Kitty, Phase Wanda to the main hanger, so she can bring the rest of the team through and then return to Peter.

Unseen Venom rolled his eyes. Charles, we have no idea if anyone is listening, Codenames, please. We have them for a reason.

And while I may look thirty, I am still over eighty. I know, and I am also aware of every mind on the Moon. I may not be able to read their thoughts but I can sense them. There are no hostile telepaths in the region. Whatever powers they may have, telepathy is not one of them.

Fine, sorry, how are team two doing?

On hold until you examine the reactor. I can have Blink send Wanda through, and you can move with phase two of the plan.

Sounds good. There is enough space here for both, so in three?

One...Two and Three.

A portal opened in front of the pair and a nervous Hexen walked through. "I did not think that being on the Moon would be as intimidating. You are sure we can breathe?"

Venom snorted a small laugh, "A bit late, Hex. The room you were in was a vacuum."

She snorted, And that does not mean you may make fun of us. Are you ready Shadowcat?"

I am, Don't panic, and don't let go.

Shadowcat took Hexens hand and Peter watched as the pair phased out of the cavern. "Yeah, everyone has cooler powers than me."

Charles did not relay Venom's last message but had a quiet chuckle to himself. Power envy was common amongst the young,  even if he knew Peter was joking.

We are at the door, professor. Octave is examining it now.

Octave ran her hands over the newly installed doorway. It was sealed tight with a liquid resin she didn't recognise but it was new and not bleached white by the sun. "The cables are going into this door. I think they must have a separate power source, knowing their theft might be discovered.

That makes sense. You don't power your air with stolen juice, plus one reactor isn't enough to run a facility, Venom replied.

"Shadow, can we phase through this, or are we waiting for Venom to cut the power?"

"We phase through the rock. The metal stops my powers."

"Then we go through one at a time. Widow, I believe this is your expertise." Jhalia said. Widow nodded and took Shadowcats hand, disappearing through the rock face. Can we hire her to do some geological surveys for the Vibranium deposit? Her powers would make exploring below the asteroid much easier.

Vibranium disrupts her powers. She might not be able to.

I can only ask.

On the other side of the door, Widow was examining the locking mechanism. "Looks like a lock. V, don't cut the blue wire. it's hooked to an alarm."

"You know I'm seeing the electromagnetic spectrum right? I don't know which one the blue wire is, they're all blue, the energy they're giving off is blue."

"Isn't light part of the electromagnetic spectrum?"

"Yeah yeah, smartass. I'm seeing the energy, not light. if you can touch the cable, I can probably feel Widow through the cable."

"Touching it might set an alarm off. It's four millimetres thick, and gives off a short pulse every second."

Venom searched the reactor and found the cable, it was wired in a group of their cables, hiding it from view. "I've got a cluster of six around it, five centimetres thick, giving off a steady flow."

There was a pause, "That’s the power to the door. It's the only thing they're using the reactor for. Give us five and then cut them all."

Widow nodded to Shadowcat, "Bring the groups in and then head back to Venom. We'll start our sweep while you provide a distraction."

"Got it. Take care," he replied and started a counter on his helmet display.

Inside the two teams readied themselves. Huntress, Widow, and Octave were already invisible. Jhalia, Hexen, and Shadowcat were patiently waiting for the timer to run out. Shadowcat had to be the most careful. She couldn't turn invisible and had to make sure she could phase into an object to hide. For the mission, she was going to stay under the floor until they reached their goal. If Jhalia couldn’t open the door, it would be up to her to try and phase them through.

"Once you have numbers, call for Gwen. The base is pressurised so she can portal you home," Jhalia ordered. "We do not know how long we will be, so do not take risks. I expect everyone to make it, and will be very upset if you do not."

The small group chuckled but nodded. Shuri was quite domineering when she wanted to be.

The counter in their helmets had been synchronised when Venom received his orders. It slowly ticked down to zero and then all hell broke loose.

What is that? Jhalia asked.

Silent alarm. There was a transmitter on the door. It was rigged to only go off if the power was cut. Both Widow and Huntress had examined the alarm and missed the alien tech. Without a crash course in alien technology, there was no way to identify it.

Jhalia sighed. It is fine. Team one, go. I can already hear them approaching.

The team of Octave, Huntress, and Widow nodded and lept, sticking to the high ceiling. The hanger they were in was high enough for a craft to turn, and it made moving unnoticed easier.

Jhalia had her own team to worry about. Shadow, sink down. We need to move and out of sight until the patrol leaves.

Shadowcat nodded and vanished below the deck plating. She could feel Jhalia above her, as the others moved towards a row of lockers.

The patrol that arrived talked in an alien language and waved instruments over the door. They looked Asgardian, including the normal gaudy golden armour. One touched an ear and then they barked what must have been orders to their comrades. The troops pressed a button on their belt and a blue energy helmet spread over their heads. Once ready, they touched the airlock and opened the main door. The group of five moved out and into the pressurised door.

They must be on their way to Venom. Shadow, head back to him and get him here as fast as you can. We will make our way to the door. Team two, are you proceeding successfully?

A lot of guys here, and a lot of guns. but yeah, making progress. I can bug this place, and leave a transmitter on Avalon, Widow answered.

No, Charles interrupted. Avalon is being demolished. I will not allow it to be perverted.

Well, there goes that idea. Taking count. Will report if the situation calls for it. Widow out.

Shadowcat had an easier time reaching the reactor chamber. "We need to go. The alarm was rigged and there are a lot of soldiers on their way here."

"Uh, damn. How are you with a reactor and Vibranium alloy?" He asked as he had a plan.

"I can phase with a low-powered reactor, but not through one, same with Vibranium. Jean got some for me to try. It's like, uh, syrup rather than air, hard but not painful or anything."

Venom sighed in relief. "Then sorry but not sorry." He scooped her up in his arms, holding her more than acceptably close, "You need to phase us before we hit that wall."

"What the helllllll," Shadowcat screamed as Venom ignited the thruster on his armour. In the zero gravity, they shot forward in an instant. Her scream of surprise changed to a shout of enjoyment as they zipped through the rock at high speed. Kitty had never thought to try phasing with a vehicle of any kind, and it was amazing.

Venom and Shadowcat sped through solid rock, whizzing to where she knew the others were.

As they arrived, Shadowcat phased them back into normal space and was giggling happily as they stopped a few paces from the others.

Octave turned, and seeing Shadowcat, laughed, “Venom dear, we are on a mission, but if you have time to get Shadow in that state, I think it’s only fair we all get a turn.”

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