Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Seventy-Six. I Want To Break Free

Natasha looked at Liv, who sighed and shook her head, before nodding.

Without moving a step, Natasha vaulted from her spot and landed at reception. Helen, the receptionist, jumped in fright and pushed her chair back. Natasha mouthed 'sorry' before she hit the lockdown button on her desk.

The doors to the building slid closed and, with a hiss, locked themselves.

"Thank you, Mister Allardyce. You publicly outed the head of the company in front of witnesses. Rumours are bad enough without a known Augment team yelling them in the middle of the foyer." Liv looked over at Helen, who was backing away, wheeling her chair as far from Natasha as possible. "Sorry Helen, but you will need to sign some paperwork before we let you leave."

She nodded, "Yeah, uh yes. I will. I mean, uh, the NDA covers your identities, but I guess it's more legal stuff right?"

Liv sighed, "Yes. We are covered but acts of idiot aren't. Don't worry though, we'll add on a nice fat bonus as an incentive." She glared at the trio, "and make sure you three are properly punished."

"Wait a minute," John started, "We have information that Venom is compromised. We had every right."

Natasha lept again and landed in front of him, "Every right? You broke the chain of command and compromised operational security. You think you have the right to out another Enhanced?" John backed away, but had his hand on his lighter, "There are protocols in place if mind control is involved. You think we haven't dealt with this kind of thing before. No, you didn't, and now we have a security breach." She looked over her shoulder, "No offence Helen."

"Wolfsbane was hurt, there was no time for the protocols. If Parker was compromised and he got here, we needed backup," Illyana tried to explain. "So we came to get it."

Liv looked at Illyana, "And I am going to assume that John's little outburst was directed through you. The only X-Man who knows who Peter is is Piotr." Liv looked at Natasha who sadly nodded.

Lis sighed, "I am so very sorry." Liv took out a small phone and dialled a number. "We have a breach. Five with four Augments." After listening, she swiped the phone down and slid it back into her pocket.

"Wait, what was that?" John asked, and he looked quizzically at the group, "What. Was. That?"

Illyana gently lay a hand on his shoulder. "We compromised someone's identity, even accidentally, it needs to be taken care of."

A portal opened and Wanda, with Emma, walked in. "These four? Who else."

"Colossus. We may need to check Gambit and Rogue as well."

Emma nodded. "Under the Augment accords, revealing someone's identity is punishable by memory adjustment. As you are young, and it is your first offence, only the information will be removed. Please do not do it again."

John stepped back, "Wait, you can't do that. Xavier..."

Emma snorted. "It's his protocol. Peter made him set out rules if it happened again. Don't fight this John. People have families, and friends, that are not powered. If you reveal someone's identity you put a lot of people in danger."

John paled and shook his head. Sam and Illyana had defeated looks on their faces, "Come on. you can't just wipe our memories. No, I won't let you."

"It's only the connection between," Emma started to explain, but John had already moved. He rolled the open lighter against his leg, sparking out a flame. With a thrust of his hand, a huge fireball exploded across the room. It struck Helen and she shrieked in pain as she caught fire.

"Dammit," Emma swore. Reaching for John she yanked the lighter from his hand, extinguished it and felt for his mind. "This won't hurt, you idiot." Finding the conversation where Illyana revealed who Peter was, she removed his name. "There, that was it." It spread like a fire through his mind, removing all references from that point onwards.

"Uh, so, wait, what?" John shook his head.

"Charles Xavier designed the protocol. If you think he'd ever hurt one of his precious students." Liv cleared her throat pointedly. Charles was one of the reasons why they had these protocols. "Fine. It's nothing major. We remove a name, and oh what now?" Illyana and Sam had backed away and John was staring at something behind her.

Emma turned and glanced at Helen, who was standing, covered in singed clothing. The problem was the green blood oozing from her burns. "Well, that's different."

Helen looked down. She had carefully collected samples so if she was ever hurt, she could bleed the right colour. She had not anticipated being set on fire by a stupid angry manchild, "Well. Dung," she said. "Would you believe it's that time of the month?"

John snorted and Illyana batted him on the arm. "No, we would not. Explain."

"I'm an Augment?" Helen tried.

"Nope, we tested you for that during your physical," Liv said, the group moved together. Natasha made sure she kept herself between Helen and the group. She was the only real fighter here.

"Uh, a late bloomer?" Helen tried again.

Emma huffed. "Oh for God's sake." She reached out with her mind, and found, "She's an alien. Not Asgardian as their minds are more cluttered. Hers is more organised, like a library compared to a frat house."

It was Helen's turn to huff. She crossed her arms. "I think I'm insulted. Asgardian? Like I would be one of those stuck-up jerks."

"So, Kree or Skrull then. See, I knew we should have tested everyone. But nooo, someone said that's illegal, Nat, you can't just hold people down and take their blood, Nat." Natasha complained. "Well, now we're going to take it, whether you like it or not."

Helen bristled at that. She had survived the purges. The Kree death camps. She was one of the chosen who survived their extermination when they came to Earth. She was a Skrull, not some whimpering barely evolved ape.

"And your security leaves a lot to be desired." Helen smacked the back of her hand, and four charges placed on the glass windows of the building exploded. "I removed them before your sweep and just put them back after," she taunted Natasha.

Natasha growled and Widow spread over her, in response, it seemed like the Skrull had her own Symbiote. Thick armoured plates spread over her, and tendrils sprouted from her back. She threw darts of hard chitin at the group forcing them to scatter.

As she sprang forward, Widow rolled and sliced upward with a blade. Helen seemed to flow around it as if she was made of rubber. She twisted and her tendrils darted out, finishing the job of shattering the glass.

"Stop her!" Widow yelled. John stood helpless, as there was no fire. Sam's energy blast was more like a cannon and would destroy anything outside. Illyana didn't have any ranged powers, and her costume was at the mansion. She was not about to risk exposing her identity to the group outside.

"Some help you were," Natasha snarled at Emma who shrugged.

"I don't work for you dealing. In fact, as an owner, you work for me, so watch the attitude." Emma brushed off the dust from her outfit. "She won't get far. I alerted Negasonic and Yukio in the parking lot."

Natasha watched as Helen sprang from car to car, avoiding the group of reporters. She shot out a webline and swung into the New York skyline. "Yeah, fat lot of good they did," she huffed.

She could see them arguing next to Yukio's car. Ellie was pushing her jacket at Yukio who was smiling and waving at the men taking pictures. Natasha closed her eyes, and counted to ten, "Liv. Get Liz on the phone, Yukio took her top off. It's our parking lot, slap them with restraining orders if they try to publish any pictures of her."

Liv laughed. "At least we can't blame Peter for this one. Right, debrief at the warehouse, and yes, you are all still being censured. Shouting out sensitive information was stupid, and," Liv waved her hand. "We'll find out what those two were doing as well."

"How is he?" Liv asked as the small group walked into the warehouse. Gwen was sitting with Peter at the meeting table. Peter was building a tower from breadsticks while eating a bowl of cereal.

"Better, but not great," Gwen replied as the tower fell over once more. Peter huffed in annoyance and ate a spoon of food. "Still aphasic but at least he's conscious."

He smiled at Liv as she ran her hand through his hair, "Don't worry, you'll get it?"

"Uh, not to sound horrible, but what's with him?" John asked as he sat down. He spotted the pot of coffee, sniffed it and poured himself a cup.

"Oh yes, make yourself at home, and he's fine. A small accident left him temporarily incapacitated," Liv said dryly as she lifted the pot. She saw that he had finished it, and huffed in annoyance. "Oh, and the coffee is over there. Make a fresh pot if you finish it is the rule."

Illyana shook her head, "I will do it. Emma, do what you must, but we are sorry. I will make sure John learns from this mistake."

"Well, there we have a problem. Sam is done, but you are a telepath, even if you aren't very strong. Your shields are blocking my power."

Illyana took a step back, "So? Am I getting whacked?"

Liv laughed, "No. I swear, you lot have the worst imaginations. We just come to you first if it happens again. Security breaches are very serious."

The trio groaned. It would mean a few weeks of a refresher course. All theory and they would be grounded until they got a written exam right. It wasn't all glamour and fighting bad guys. The X-Men needed to be disciplined and well-educated as well.

"Now that that's out of the way. Why did you let our alien visitor escape?" Liv asked Yukio who smiled as Ellie looked sullenly at her.

"Oh, she's mad I am going to do Playdude," Yukio smiled as she watched the pot drip coffee into the carafe. "You know, I love the smell but hate the taste."

Peter walked into the warehouse, making John scrunch his face up in confusion. Peter nodded at himself and ate more cereal. "So, that was fun," he said. "I need Liv or someone else high enough up. I can't copy Pete's signature for the forms."

Liv nodded, "I'll be back once we sort this mess out, but get Pepper to sign what she can for now."

"Uh, can we get an explanation, " John motioned between the two Peters.

"Oh, I saw the future. If I do it, I make enough for University. If I get MJ to do it as well, we sell out the year's highest-grossing issue. if I get all the women from AIM, we sell out the highest-grossing issue of all time." Yukio said, still watching the coffee drip. "Well, in the time I can see. I don't know how far I can actually see."

Liv scrunched up her face, "Ahh, you're Yukio. Your power allows you to interact with electrons, and see the shadows cast on them by tachyons."

Yukio smiled, "See, someone gets it."

"So, all the women of AIM, or just the young ones?" Liv asked curiously. She had read some of Yukio's predictive papers and was intrigued. With the equipment in her lab, she was the only one qualified and set up to test just how Yukio's powers worked. Was her power the ability to alter the fabric of reality to what she saw, or was she seeing a possible future? Whichever it was, she was thrilled to find out.

"Everyone, I think it was five. So." Yukio held up her hand, "Me, You, Gwen, MJ, and Natasha."

"No, I don't know why you're even bringing this up. No." Ellie said sternly, "I do not want some incel pervert drooling over my girlfriend."

"And you do not get to tell me how to live my life," Yukio snapped back. "I was fine in the parking lot, and it saved Peter. I saw John create panic. I saw Shield come to arrest Peter. I saw so much death because of it. Doing nothing, he was taken and imprisoned, and the world was set alight." Yukio stood, "My breasts have saved the world!"

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