Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Seventy-Five. Critical Condition

"Where the hell is she?" Talon yelled into her mic. The energy field had come down, and Mysterio had appeared. He started to fight Venom, and Wolfsbane had vanished.

"We don't know. She is off comms," Colossus replied with his usual calmness, "and it is no good yelling. I am checking her last location now."

There is a need for fucking yelling, Talon hissed. She knew for a fact Peter was still in a coma, and here he was being used as a prop for this asshole's show.

They knew Mysterios was a technopath. Hank took one look at the stream Charles had lifted from Peter's mind and just said, "Danger room." He designed and programmed it, so of course he recognised coordinate vectors when he saw them. He even took the data to the Danger Room to figure out what the data was. And, after filtering out a lot of data noise, he had a wire model of the building Venom had been swinging toward.

But it came too late. Hank hadn't finished when the call went out, and they dispatched the normal team. If they knew he was using mind-altering technology, they would have sent a different team. But they hadn't.

Talon frantically searched the area and eventually found Wolfsbane. Sticky with blood, and barely alive.

Medic, she calmly asked Talon, who sent out a tendril of symbskin into Wolfsbane's body.

She has four skull fractures and lacerations on both kidneys and liver. One eye has ruptured and is loose. Her legs are broken as is her spine. She is dying Laura. Will we end her suffering or attempt to save her?

She was a medic, spurned on by Logan to digest tomes of medical data. Talon's bedside manner needed some work though.

We do not just kill people we can't save. If you bond with her, will she stabilise?

Yes, but we were yelled at the last time. Not that Peter complained when Shuri accosted him in that hallway.

It's an emergency. Do it.

Then be prepared to be yelled at again. Talon left Laura and wrapped herself around Wolfsbane.

"You could have left me clothes you stupid snot," She dived behind the nearest trashcan and clicked her mic. "Wolfsbane is critical, I switched host, so I need an evac and clothes."

She could hear the quiet laughing on the other end of the channel, but a portal still opened. "Yeah yeah, stare at my ass later, Wolf is in bad shape."

Beast, Bobby, and Jean all exited the portal, opened a stretcher and Jean lifted her gently onto it.

"Talon is playing life support, but she's alive," Laura walked into the portal room without a care. So what if everyone stared, she was stupidly hot, and she knew it. She ignored the smug grin on John's face. He had been after her since he got here, but she was never going to leave Pete. Plus, he couldn't even make fire, only control it. It was kinda lame. "Come on John," Laura said as she pulled a spare uniform from a locker, "it's not like you've never seen a pussy before. Your room does have mirrors right."

He snarled and snapped closed the lighter he was always playing with. "Yeah, at least I know that one's not been with half the mansion," before he stormed from the room.

Laura shrugged. It wasn't half the mansion. The only X-Man she had slept with was Jean. Wanda didn't count, and Ororo kept resisting her sexy naked charms.

"You know, you could be nicer to him," Jean said as she brought Wolsfbane through, "he is only a kid."

He was, at sixteen he was one of the younger X-force, but that didn't stop him from being an asshole. Jean caught the thought and shook her head. Laura pulled on the tight stretchy leotard. "I could, but not everyone is nice, and not everyone takes niceness the right way." She tugged at it, as she hated the feeling on her skin. The universe seemed to take great perverse delight in destroying their uniforms. It was as if it was pandering to some universal fanservice. "He needs to mean to be professional, and if he can't, then we kick him to the kid's team for good."

Jean nodded. It wasn't her call to make, as she was only on call if it was a real emergency. Her powers were a lot stronger than was generally needed. She placed a hand on Wolsfbane, feeling for Talon.

You can move back to Laura now, we have her. She felt the damage and where Talon had stitched her back together. Geez, this is a mess.

We will stay, her head is hurt, and we are keeping her asleep, it is kinder than your drugs.

Then keep out the way. Helios is going in to start microsurgery soon.

Blah blah, fix the furry one, stop complaining.

Jean rolled her eyes. Laura wasn't the only one who could be a lot nicer.

John Allardyce, known as Pyro, slumped down onto the couch in the main area. His team slowly made their way there. They were on call as backup when the main team went in, and had been relieved.

Illyana, Cylclos's sister, sat and glared at him. "You know, she'd be nicer to you if you stopped calling her a slut."

Cannonball, or Sam, snorted, "Yeah, 'cause women love it when you call them out, especially one of Parkers."

Illyana glared at him as well, "They make it work, and it's not just them."

There were a few small poly groups in the mansion, not to mention a lot of LGBT+ students.

"I know!" John groaned, "It just slipped out. I mean, she's our boss, even I'm not stupid enough to say that to my boss."

Illyana laughed, "Well, apparently you are."

John groaned and held his head, "So, Venom's back."

Illyana curled her legs up and grabbed a cushion, cuddling it, "It wasn't him."

John sat up, "You know." a small smile played over his lips, "so, who is he?"

Illyana bit her lip, "I can't say."

John looked over at Sam, "It's someone you know, so Piotr knows, if he knows, then it's someone from that time."

Both Sam and John looked at each other, "Parker."

Illyana hid her face behind the cushion, "Not saying."

"No, no, it makes sense. Jean, Wanda, Laura and Ororo all hang around him, Charles asks him to consult, and he got Fury in to teach classes. Yeah, it's Parker."

"Doesn't matter," Illayana said softly, "It wasn't him. He'd never hurt anyone Laura liked, plus, he would tell her he was there."

"Not if Mysterio was mind-controlling him. Hank said he was using Danger Room tech right? So he must have a spy or someone leaking him information. He takes out Wolf cause she can see past his tech. It's not a secret she can tell the Danger Room is fake." John spitballed. "Mysterio used Venom to take her out."

It did make sense, in a weird John way. Normally he was for setting fire to stuff and left the thinking to someone else.

"That's great, but what can we do? Venom is a heavy hitter, we can't just go attacking him," Sam added.

"No, but we can warm them. If Parker is Venom, and Talon is Laura, then the rest must be people at the warehouse. So that means Parker Industries. Uh," John paused as he really wasn't interested in who worked with Parker.

Illyana rolled her eyes, "Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, Olivia Ocatvious, and Natasha Romanov." She had no shame in gushing over every single one of them, each of those women was at the top of their field. She had studied with Jean, who told her about Liv and Gwen, and Natasha came with Maria Hill to give them lessons. They were all beautiful, intelligent, amazing, and she knew she definitely had a crush on most of them. "But I don't think they'll drop everything to listen to a bunch of teens."

"We go to the Parker Building and confront him. If they're all as great as you say," Sam rolled his eyes before she could start again, "then they'll see. We don't need to tell them, we can just show them."

Illyana looked at John, who frowned but shrugged, "Fine, but I'm driving." She was eighteen, and while Sam and John had licenses, they were only provisional.

John looked at Sam, "Shotgun."

It was their day off, so Yukio and Ellie were in bed, not sleeping, but enjoying their spare time.

Yukio had just wiped her fingers on a tissue when her eyes glazed over, and not for the same reason Ellie's were.

“I see fields of green,

Sunflowers too,

But where they bloom,

Death comes for you,

And I think to myself,

It’s the end of the world.”

Ellie sighed happily. “A bit depressing, and ripping of Louie Armstrong, but,” she paused, “Dammit.” She spotted the vacant glazed look and was about to roll over, grab her bra and buzz the main office in the mansion.

“No, We must go, and we must go alone.” Yukio placed a hand on her shoulder, "I promise, it will be fine."

"And the doom and gloom?"

"There is always doom and good Ellie," Yukio stood and searched for her own clothes, "but it will be gone in a snap."

Ellie groaned and waved a hand dismissively at her, "I hate your vagueness." Ellie just wanted to flop back in the bed. Instead, she stood and looked around. "Help me find my bra." Yukio smiled and pointed up. It was hanging from the ceiling fan, having been thrown there. It was their day off after all

Ellie gripped the steering wheel of her car as they tried to make their way through New York Traffic. "We're not going to get there to stop them," she grumbled. Yukio smiled and nodded. "Wait, are we supposed to stop them?" Yukio hummed and shrugged, grinning. Ellie groaned, "I hate your power sometimes, can't you, you know, be more specific?"

The smile turned into a pout, "it's not my fault the power doesn't work like that," she snapped, "plus."

Ellie raised an eyebrow, "Don't you dare!"

"Laser boobs."

Ellie sighed and hid her face on the steering wheel, groaning, "I was thirteen, and I just got control of my power!"

Yukio ran her hand over the short hair at the back of Ellie's head. "And your nipples glowed for a week as you tried to shoot your blast out of them. It was very amusing."

Ellie sat up and huffed, "Fine. I'm sorry. I know that powers can be unpredictable, especially ones that affect reality. There happy?"

"You can proofread my thesis on quantum probability, to be really sorry." Yukio smiled.

"I can barely spell quantum probability, get Jean to read it, oh or ask Olivia. If we stop those idiots from trashing her building she'll owe you."

"Oh, they won't, and we won't get there in time anyway."

Ellie managed to pull into the parking lot in front of the building. "Then why are we here?"

They could see a gathered crown, thankfully held back by trespass laws. They were gathered outside the building, taking snaps. Through an open door, they could hear John yelling at someone.

The pair quickly exited the car, and Yukio put a hand on Ellie's shoulder, "Not yet."

Ellie frowned as Yukio put two fingers in her mouth and whistled.

Immediately, the crown turned. Yukio waved but before Ellie could say anything, Yukio whispered, "Trust me." A burst of power disintegrated Yukio's top. As the crown began to either take pictures to yell, Yukio dipped her and kissed her deeply.

Unheard by the crowd, too busy distracted, John, stood in the foyer of the Parker Building. As he argued with Liv and Natasha, he lost his temper and yelled.

"We know Peter Parker is Venom!"

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