Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Fifty-Seven. Waiting In The Isles

With her abilities, it only took Felicia a few minutes to reach the labs and return. "Liv says the blood will take a couple of hours. With a small sample, she wants to make sure she doesn't waste it." Felicia looked over at him, “You know. We have all that time before we have any leads on what's wrong with Thor. How about we practice my favourite F word?” She smiled as she headed towards the mat.

“Filching?” Peter asked, with a small grin, and she stopped and shook her head, “fleeing after filching.” She paused again and shook her head once more. “Feasting after fleeing after filching.”

Felicia stood on the mat, “We won't be doing my second favourite F word if you don’t stop messing about and get over here.”

Peter laughed and sent Charles one last message. As his outfit changed into more suitable sparring attire, Peter took off in a sprint and charged at her.

While Peter and Felicia sparred, Charles had received the news. That Thor wasn’t the Asgardian they thought he was, and that something was definitely wrong.

“Peter thinks the Asgardians are up to something. He didn't elaborate but I have to trust his judgement on this,” Charles explained to Erik and Selene.

The mansion in New York was still unsafe, and the Augments had retreated to Genosha once more. With the technology taken from Avalon, the island was once again safe. Shuri had been very helpful, and the island was covered in a protective shield. They had left a small group on the island, to grow food, and had been warned the US had been sending patrol boats daily. The technology gifted to them hid the island properly, from any spying attempts.

Selene stirred a cup of coffee. “So, then what do we do?”

Erik clenched a fist. “This time I am tired of running Charles. After the Sentinels and Pietro, after the loss of life, we must take a stand. Humanity will sell us out to save itself if the Asgardians turn hostile,” Erik explained.

“Erik, I know you are angry they used Sentinels, but we cannot incite violence on the basis of a hunch. We have no proof, only supposition. If Peter can find out, then we can act. Until then we prepare, stockpile food, plan escape routes and we expect the worst.”

Erik snorted. “The worst is one of those cruisers comes here and eradicates us, Charles. Whatever metal they are using is resistant to my powers. I can maybe take one, but if they send more, then we are defenceless.”

Selene sipped her coffee, “always the pessimist Erik. We are not. I have been in contact with Shuri, and while hesitant Peter assured her that we can be trusted. I believe Forge has made several trips to Wakanda and brought back some defence systems with him.”

Erik shook his head, “and will they cope against those ships? Against cannons the size of trains?”

Selene shrugged “I do not know, because I am not a soldier. I lived through so many wars they sicken me, as they should have you. But Shuri has spoken to Carol, who is a soldier and she says yes.”

Erik snorted, “And we are now to trust Peter blindly?”

It was Charles who shook his head, “Erik, you trust him with your daughter, and I for one know he is not our enemy. I know you are angry at what they did to Raven, but we need to remain calm.”

Erik's gloves squeaked as he clenched his fist, “Raven has nothing to do with this. They brought those machines back Charles, to hunt us, not for any other reason. To hunt us. They haven't changed, and although we look younger, neither have we. We tried your way. We tried diplomacy and peaceful coexistence and it cost us two homes, and how many lives?”

Charles let out a breath through his nose, “And then what? I am aware of the cost Erik, we both paid it that day, and I am aware that it is another choice taken from us. We have no say in what the government did with Avalon, and they took it.” Charles said angrily, “But causing a war only costs more lives. Fighting a battle against a foe we know nothing about will get us killed. And then? Then what? Let our feelings cause more suffering? Let our anger take the place of rational discourse that can end this before it even begins? No, Erik. Avalon was a great loss, and one they will pay for, but not in blood, and not in pain.”

Erik stood, “We shall see Charles, we shall see. And god help you if you are wrong.” With that Erik strode from the breakfast table.

Selene sighed. “Well, that went well, did you notice he has one of Starks halos, and it is programmed to stop us from using our powers?”

Charles slumped in his seat. “It hadn't escaped my notice no. He doesn't trust us, Selene. I fear that the Sentinel attacks have dredged up some rather painful memories. Erik is right in that respect, he has suffered more than most. However, I agree with your plan. Fortify and defend, but we must make sure that is all we do. Placing super weapons on the coastline will be taken as an act of aggression, and we need the UN on our side. As much as it pains me, we must be seen to be the victims here.”

Selene sighed. “I will contact Shuri again. The shield will keep out most, but if they use their own Augments we may be caught unaware. She may have defensive systems we can install without making it too noticeable. I will not start a war because I am scared.”

Charles could only stare at his own coffee as Selene left to contact Shuri. Once more the government had taken steps without looking at the bigger picture. Charles could feel the tension in the air as if the whole world was holding its collective breath. Every day the tension of a billion minds living in a state of unease and near panic threatened to overwhelm him.

Taking slow breaths, and centring himself he tried to relax once more. He just hoped that when the tipping point came, that he would be able to cope. He had one last card he was holding tightly to his chest. Scott provided samples and they had built the very first offensive ADAAM. It was an energy weapon and could be tuned to use Cyclops's full optic blast. Charles just hoped they would never have to use it.

As Selene sat at her office desk, feeling the same pressure Charles was, she had a simpler solution. She slipped one of the newer power dampers on her wrist. It was a small ADAAM, created from the cells of a young Augment. While his peers had named him Leech, Selene had named him her own personal saviour. His power was simple but effective. It created a field in which no X-gene would activate. The ADAAMs were used for people like her. Children whose powers could kill. She, of course, used it when she spent time with Logan. The couple no longer had to rely on his regenerative powers for him to survive their lovemaking.

She turned on her computer and clicked the video conferencing icon. Surprised when Okoye appeared, rather than Shuri.

“I am sorry Selene. Queen Shuri is dealing with a delegation from Xandar. I will let her know you called though. I assume that you are calling for the same reason?”

Selene nodded, “Yes and thank you,” and cut the call. She hoped Peter was wrong, she hoped that there were no daggers hidden in the dark. Not after the past ten years, and not against an enemy they might have no hope of defeating.

As Okoye was taking the call Queen Shuri was waiting at a prebuilt marquee. They had refused all attempts from Asgard to enter the Golden City. It was obvious what they wanted, and Shuri had no intention of allowing it. Peter had already warned her Thor was on Earth, and she was surprised he was here too quickly. She knew he could fly, but Africa was not a small journey from the United States.

As he approached, letting his long blonde hair and deep red cloak flutter in the wind, he cut an imposing figure. Shuri did see the attraction a lot of people had towards the man. 

Thor approached and bowed slightly. “Queen Shuri, I am honoured to finally meet you, and bring the greetings of Asgard. May our talks prove fruitful.”

Shuri stood and returned his small, if not slightly insulting bow. “Prince Thor, I return to you the greetings of Wakanda, may its glory last forever.” She motioned to a side table, with refreshments and they both moved over. A Dora Milaje pulled out a chair, and both Thor and Shuri sat.

“But, I am also confused as to why you felt the need for this meeting. I have made Wakandas position clear, and it will not change,” she said, spooning honey into a cup of tea.

Thor smiled, and frowned, “No alcohol?”

Shuri snapped her fingers, “Bring Thor some beer.” A servant bowed and moved away. “We do not usually drink at a formal occasion, the sun can be most unforgiving.”

Thor nodded, “Asgardians are tougher.”

The silence was uncomfortable as they waited for a cold glass full of pale yellow liquid to be brought for Thor. “From Peter, he has told us your constitution is hardier than most."

Thor smiled, lifted his glass and drained it, a servant removed it and replaced it with another full one.

“Now, to business. Why are your ships harassing our borders, and why are you here?” Shuri asked Thor as she sipped at her tea.

Thor sighed as he stared at his mug. “We both know your technology is not from Earth, and if it is Xandarian or Asgardian then we have a claim for its return.”

Shuri raised an eyebrow, “And if it is not?”

Thor half-heartedly shrugged, “then whatever species it belonged to has claim on it. Intergalactic salvage laws are quite clear. If another race has visited Earth before then they may reclaim their technology.”

Shuri smiled, “Such as the Kree? Or the Skrulls? We are aware of the past visits to our planet Prince Thor. We do keep in contact with Carol Danvers, and we do keep ourselves as up-to-date as possible.”

Thor frowned and shook his head. “Carol Danvers is not a reliable source of information Queen Shuri. She is still wanted for questioning, and her loyalties are unknown. The Xandarians are well aware she is here but are holding back because we asked them to. This will move from being a friendly request for access to your systems to a more impolite approach.”

Shuri sat her teacup back down, “and that Prince Thor would be a terrible mistake. We are prepared to defend ourselves. The United States does not speak for the world, regardless of what it may think." She saw Thor bristle but ignored it. "And you do not pose as much of a threat as you think you do,” she stated pointedly.

Thor took a breath, and the displeasure was written over his face. “To anger the might of Asgard is a mistake your people may be unable to bear. We come here at your invitation, on the understanding that the people of Earth are united in one common goal. We are not used to being told no, as none dare anger us.”

Shuri smiled, “Then you were lied to, and my people shall not suffer for the lies of another. You might want to make sure that you are not being manipulated, Prince Thor. It would be a terrible shame if you were dragged into Earth's petty squabbles.”

Thor stood, “We could go around in circles forever Queen Shuri, but I do not have the time or the patience to deal with this. You have five days. As the Augments gave up their Avalon. Know that if you stand against us, you stand alone.”

Shuri laughed. “No, Wakanda knows of our history, Wakanda knows of what we went through to ensure our freedom. And we are not alone. We stand with Avalon and its people, and you are aware of our King. Peter Parker knows of you Thor, and will not take this insult kindly." Shuri ignored the small smirk from Thor at the mention of Peter, but it was plain his name carried no weight with him. "Know that whatever threats you make Prince Thor that to anger us is to invite your death.” 

Shuri sat her cup down and stood. “We are not alone. We have allies and know more of the universe than you think. You, on the other hand, are a brash and brazen idiot. You come into someone else's home and threaten them. You will remove your ships within five days. I believe Charles gave you the same time limit. If you do not.” Shuri snapped her fingers.

A cannon rose from the ground. It was thin but sleek and only a few metres long. As it whined and thrummed a beam of bright energy pierced the shield and strobed into the atmosphere.

“Do you like it? Cybertronian. And that is one of our small cannons.” Shuri stood, “Even alone, the panther still hunts.” She turned her back on Thor, gritting his teeth in anger, crushing the goblet he had been given.

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