Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Fifty-Eight. Selfish

The results were in so Wanda created a portal to Wakanda so that the conversation could be held in person. This was important enough they wanted everyone to be here. As well as Shuri and AIM, Peter called Pepper and Matt. The group had gathered and sat looking apprehensively at their drinks. Once the meeting was over, and Shuri had returned home, he could brief Fury and Wrath.

“So,” Peter asked, “what are we going to do?”

It was a loaded question. They really only had two choices. Go against the Asgardians, or side with the rest of the world and accept that Earth was now part of a much larger Empire.

Shuri leant forward, “Wakanda must not fall. If the Asgardians learn of our Vibranium, they will take it. We already have scans of their ships, and we know they use it for most of their construction. I say no. We fight.”

Liv sighed, “But is that selfish of us? This isn't just one country, what of the rest? Are we going to start a war over what could be nothing? We have no proof, just feelings and some alien blood.”

“What did you find?” Peter asked but Liv shrugged.

“It's alien, but with nothing to compare it to we have no idea if it's Asgardian or not. Even the sample Carol supplied is markedly different. She is a normal human plus a strange DNA fragment, which we now know is Kree. The sample is two separate strands of what I would consider DNA by the slimmest definition.”

“Two?” Gwen asked.

“Yes, two. A primary stable sample, which I suspect is for reproduction, and a second more malleable set. Which, if I'm honest, I have no idea what it is for. It comes back to a singular problem. I don't have anything to compare it to. Human, then yes, it is different, Asgardian, who knows, and I really hate not knowing or theorising. The sample could be one hundred per cent normal for all I know,” Liv explained.

“What about the formula we smelt though?” Peter asked.

Liv shrugged again. “Again, there is evidence of a chemical within the sample, but without an Asgardian to ask or compare, I have no idea. Thor might simply have not been in fighting mode or our senses weren’t developed enough the last time we met. It's all conjecture Peter, and once again, nothing concrete to prove anything.”

Peter rubbed his face, “So back to our main problem. Do we trust them?”

“When it comes to my people and Wakanda I cannot take that risk, Peter. They have already made threats if we do not comply. That is not the resolve of a peaceful defender, but a hostile invader. Especially one after a large Vibranium deposit.”

“Can we hide the Vibranium?” Peter asked, but Shuri shook her head.

“The deposit is several kilometres in length and width. Even if we could, where would we put it? It's the size of a city,” Shuri explained. "Not only that but to excavate it would loosen the foundations of the Golden City. We would lose our main advantage if they decide to invade."

“So, this is a needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one situation, right?” Felicia snorted.

Gwen gave a small laugh as well. “We trust you Pete, but yeah I guess.”

"Matt? We know that the Xandarians are giving out copies of the new code of conduct, what's your opinion," Peter asked.

"It's fine on the surface. I mean, it is several thousand pages. I can speed-read, but I'm not that fast. The main issue is that punishments for crime will be much more severe. The Xandarians don't believe in rehabilitation as much. The Kyln seems like it's a death sentence." Matt had been impressed with their legal system, but that didn't mean it was perfect.

Carol nodded. "It is. I've never heard of anyone being released, but it should only be for the worst criminals. Minor infractions are fines or community service."

"But they don't specify where. Nothing says Earth in the laws. For all we know that service could be indentured slavery."

“Asgard is anti-slavery. They've wiped out whole planets that were selling kids. Believe me, they aren't looking for slaves." She sipped her drink, "But is it just me or is it selfish to say yes? I mean, I know Wakanda will lose its Vibranuim, and they might even want the Kree tech, but is that so bad?” Carol asked, “Not for you, I mean, sure but we dont know what they’ll do. The Asgardians were always fair, hard but fair.”

“And if it was your home, would you?” Shuri asked.

Carol shook her head. “I just dont see the alternative being that great. Plus, if Thor is right and the Kree come back, I can't fight them again, not like this,” Carol explained.

“Again?” Liv asked her.

“They were here in the Nineties. They were chasing a race called the Skrulls to exterminate them. I had just escaped their mind control and was kinda angry.” Carol shrugged, “So I blew up a few of their star cruisers, and uh, they ran away.”

Peter sighed. “That changes a few things. While Asgard and the Xandarians are friendly we have to think that there are other races that aren't. So, fight one galactic empire to have another turn up and try to take over, or ally ourselves with one to stop the other?” Peter looked over at Carol. “What is the galactic situation like?”

Carol leaned back in her chair. “I can’t say for certain as I've been out the loop for a few years now. The three big empires are the Xandarians, the Asgardians, and the Kree, but there are more. An alien asshole called Thanos attacks planets and wipes out half their population. A group of pirates called the Ravagers will raid unprotected worlds. Then we have the Sovereign and their quest for racial purity.”

“So basically,” Peter said as he took a drink. “The galaxy is full of assholes, and the nicest of them all are offering us protection.”

“But they are still assholes right?” Gwen asked and Carol nodded.

“Oh yeah. Odin goes on a campaign every hundred or so years to remind people why Asgard is the top dog, so yeah. Still assholes.”

MJ rubbed her forehead, “this is too much for a big city gal. I’m going to vote with you Pete. I trust you, and you've never steered us wrong before.”

Gwen laughed, “Fine, fine. Not too much, but this,” she motioned around. “I want to keep this, is that selfish? Probably, but we’re allowed. How many times have we saved the city, how many people are alive because of you?” She took a breath, "And how much crap do you get every day for doing it. The Asgardians will pin a medal on your chest the next time you kick some shithead with powers to the curb, not yell at you."

Peter scratched his head, “Fine, Jean, what are the Genoshans doing?”

Jean looked up from her cup. “War. Erik is mad after the Sentinels and Charles is unhappy about losing Avalon. So, yeah, they’re expecting war.”

Shuri looked over at her, “We may have a problem there too. The Augments, they are fake.”

Jean scrunched up her face, “fake?”

Shuri frowned, “sorry. Fake is the wrong word. With the language database we received from Optimus, we were able to decipher more data. Augments are not real. The gene was manufactured using the Reality Stone.” Shuri shrugged, "They called it the Aether."

Peter rubbed his head, “You know that can never be released right? The Kree might be assholes but there are plenty of people on Earth who’ll use the same excuse to strip away more rights.” He leaned forwards and tapped his fingers on the table, “Are you sure? I mean, Even with the Mind Stone Kree wasn’t the easiest thing to read.”

Shuri nodded, “we discovered medical data. The Kree created the gene sequence. It is not a joke to say aliens made us. Not just Augments but every human as well. Our origins are not natural.”

“Great,” Jean said throwing up her hands, “so now we risk the ones who did this coming back and claiming we’re what? Slaves? Fakes, that they made us so they own us?”

“Okay, Jean, calm down, and Shuri, are you sure?” Liv asked, and Jean huffed while Shuri nodded.

“Their notes are very detailed. They mapped out our entire genome and the structure of the X-Gene. It is beyond what you already knew. But we also have the final entries. My people rose up and rebelled, and they abandoned the planet. They can claim what they like, but we are not their creations, not anymore. We have evolved, and while the X-Gene still remains, there is now more to Homo Sapiens than their creations.”

“Probably why Apocalypse was so messed up. He was using original tech to alter himself further. He just changed into whatever the Kree were hoping to actually make,” Peter pondered.

Carol leant forward. "That actually helps. If they have a record of abandoning the planet they can't claim rights to the tech here. They left it, and we found it. We can even use that against the Xandarians."

“But, right now, it doesn't matter. The issue is still the same. Asgard or not?” Liv said, “And sorry Shuri, but I am siding with Asgard. We had Harry do unspeakable things to a few of us, and that was one person with one single Kyntar. Against a whole species? Carol, you took out several cruisers. What are our chances right now, without the Asgardian's help?”

Carol took a breath and sighed, “Not good. On the ground, we have Hulks and Enhanced. In space, we lose that advantage. We’d lose. Even with the tech we have. Attacking a planet from orbit is much easier than defending one.”

Shuri looked over at her, “how long?”

Carol took in a long breath and stared thoughtfully into space for a moment. “We could hold out for a week, maybe. Some species use planet crackers, or high-burn explosives to choke the air. If all you want is the tech, there are plenty of ways to kill the planet to get it.”

As she looked at the now worried faces of everyone around her, she quickly corrected herself. “I doubt the Asgardians or Xandarians would go that far though, but they also have a lot more ships than us. Even with ground cannons, pretty much every species has its own version of a shield. We could mount a defence, but it wouldn't last.”

Shuri slumped backwards, “Well. Fuck.” 

Peter snorted, “My, such language from a queen.” 

Shuri laughed, “I have said much much worse in the bedroom Peter, and now you complain I am unladylike. Such hypocrisy from my heart, I am wounded.”

The group laughed, but it hid the worry they were all feeling.

Peter stood, “It's selfish, but I vote Asgard. Thor might be acting weird but it's been years since we saw him, but, it's not my home, it's not my people. Shuri, I’ll side with you. No matter what.”

“So once more, it is my duty. My people or my planet?” 

Peter nodded. “It has to be, we all lose so much, but no one more than you.”

Shuri sighed, “Then. So that there is no misunderstanding, and that you all know what I will tell the council. If we accept it will be with heavy assurances on our Vibranium. We are not going to allow anyone into the City, I do not care who or what they are. We know the Vibranium is valuable, and we know it will bring problems. We are willing to negotiate, but not surrender. In exchange, we become part of the Asgardian Empire and are afforded all rights within that. And if they say no, that we forcefully repel them from the Earth with all the might we can muster.”

Peter looked around the table, and he and the rest nodded, “I think that is more than fair. Wakanda was slowly opening its borders, and the Asgardians simply got there first.”

Shuri nodded, “Then I need time then. I have five days. Peter, can you get in contact with Coulson and Fury? I want to know everyone's stance. If Wakanda stands, does it stand alone or do I have allies? If we are alone, then I will not blame anyone for their choice, even if we all suffer for it.”

Peter nodded, “Does everyone agree?”

Jean shook her head. "I need to tell Charles about the X-Gene. It changes a lot, Peter. We need to find out if this makes us less than people to the Asgardians, are we a species or are we just some Kree weapon?"

Peter looked over at Shuri who nodded back. "With my blessing. If the Asgardians even look at you funny, I'll put my foot up their ass. We all have some variant of the X-Gene, and it doesn't change a thing. If Charles says no, then we all say no. Needs of the many? Not if it means sacrificing the needs of the few."

Jean swallowed back her fears and nodded. "I can send a signal and have Blink create a portal here. The network is down, but Charles can still access it."

Matt and Pepper both stood. "We'll get a team of lawyers working to find if there are any legal traps in those files. It does seem too good to be true."

Peter nodded at Matt, who was led by Pepper from the warehouse. “Good, let's have some food while we wait. Shuri, I know you need to head back to Wakanda, but please, stay, at least for a meal.”

Shuri laughed, “Peter, I am staying, to remind myself why I chose this life. You may make food, but I am going to enjoy myself in the bathhouse until it is ready. I would like my wives to join me, in full view of my husband-to-be.” She looked over at Wanda, “As long as you agree. We will not force you to make a portal, as I know it is tiring.”

Wanda nodded, “But I will make sure that Peter suitably compensates me. I am still not a taxi service.”

Shuri laughed. “I will make sure of it my wife-to-be. I shall have him prepare a feast for us all, and make sure we are all pampered for the long task ahead.”

Shuri stands and changes into a form-fitting bathing suit. “Just dont burn my food,” she said with a wink, “I intend to be very very distracting.”

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