Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Fifty-One. Milestone

Gwen blew the party favour, “Happy Birthday!” she shouted as Peter was led into the breakfast area of the warehouse.

This was his official birthday. His unofficial birthday started last night, as soon as the clock turned midnight. Ten rather amorous women took turns, showing just how much they loved and cared for Peter. It was glorious, and he loved every second of it. Less enjoyable was the cleanup. It took a good few hours to clean the mess and smell from the warehouse before they all collapsed in a giant pile. That was just the start, and they had more to come.

After breakfast, Peter was thrown out of the warehouse into a waiting cab. The women had plans, and Peter was not privy to them. Instead, he would be spending the day with Curt and May, shopping in New York and just generally relaxing.

The trio returned to find the warehouse decorated with balloons and banners. Tony had even switched the sign off on his museum. The party was already in full swing, and everyone was just waiting for the birthday boy to arrive.

Laura was sat with Logan, chatting to Cindy. Rage was still happily bonded to Logan, and was sharing her adventures with Ghost and Talon. Logan was a bit uncomfortable with swapping hosts. He had no illusion as to what happened in the warehouse, he just didn't want to experience it. Laura might be his clone, but she was more like a daughter and he did not want to experience what her sex life was like. So, the Symbiotes shared the 'boring' way. By talking to each other.

May kissed Peter on the side of the face. "Happy birthday, Peter," before Curt and May headed towards Erik and Charles. Curt still held hope he could fix his arm, and Charles was still an expert on genetic modification. May just smiled and nodded, before heading towards Pepper instead.

Pepper was with Matt. They were in a small group with Friday, Jocasta, Vision, and Tony. Pepper, now she was no longer single, had taken Tony to one side and they had ironed out their differences. He wasn't happy they wouldn't be working together, but Maya had been civil about the whole affair. Peter wasn't upset she wasn't here. She had declined, citing pregnancy issues, but he felt it had more to do with Jocasta than anything else.

That was one can of worms he was not going to get involved with.

Pepper was the woman Tony had left her for, and Jocasta being a copy of Pepper wasn't helping. Her main issue was Jocasta's insistence that Tony could share. Maya was not a sharing type and had not taken her advances very well. There was an uneasy truce in the Tower, as Jocasta had nowhere else to go. He had seen her giving him glances, and he could guess what was going to happen. He just hoped Tony wouldn't pitch a fit this time, as he did when Friday moved out. He smiled at the pair, took the birthday wishes with a small toast of his drink and moved on.

Shuri and T’Challa were sitting, talking to Felicia, and he heard the talk of her fight with M’Baku. She loved to tell the story, especially to those she cited as being responsible for her victory. With Felicia's past, she loved to hear it as well. Fisk had taken her father from her, and hearing about him and his patron getting a beating always made her smile. Huntress had taken the memories, and begrudgingly accepted Shuri as 'capable.' From her, that was practically a glowing endorsement.

Natasha was with her sister, her mother, Maria, and Fury. All trying their best to look less uncomfortable in civilian clothing. Fury looked almost normal in black trousers and a turtle neck. Peter had to stifle a laugh as Yelena tried, and failed, to contain her excitement about meeting her idol. Fury had already let Maria interview her, and she was on probation for joining Wrath. From the strained look on his face, it was a decision he was now regretting.

Scott was off catching up with Jean, who was cooking with Wanda. The professor, who had brought his own date, was talking with Gwen and Liv. Moira was a geneticist as well, and the group was animatedly discussing the X-gene. Peter walked in, was wished a happy birthday, and then escaped the group. His own unique DNA was still under investigation but Liv was the only one who was allowed to work on it. They could make more hybrids but knew the process could kill not just the host but the Symbiote as well. Liv made it perfectly clear, his cells were off-limits. Charles had asked but was rebuffed several times. It was bad enough they were cloning Augments for the ADAAM, there would be no cloning of Peter.

He walked past the kitchen and smiled as he caught Wanda giving her father side glances. She was still upset about him cloning himself. It wasn't his new age but the fact he could have died. Not only Liv but Curt, and Stephen were called to give them a check-up. It was not only a health issue but something nobody had considered. Had they killed Charles and Erik, and were two entirely new people?

Stephen had been called in, sighed in exasperation and restrained the pair. While Wong stood guard, he made sure that they were still human and that no, an alien entity hadn't taken them over. He left them with a warning that manipulating a soul was dangerous and often fatal. He politely declined Peter's invitation. The Sorcerer Supreme was too busy for mundane parties it seemed.

As he walked towards her, Jean pointed a spatula at him, "Happy birthday, but out. No spoiling your surprise." She pointed at the latest addition to the warehouse and he snorted a small laugh and headed to meet the last group.

MJ and Carol were in bathing suits, enjoying the open pool Peter had inflated in the main area. Ororo and Nakia had joined them and were all chatting while drinking. The bathhouse had curtains but the pool was far enough back it would block anyone from joining the party. Instead, they bought and filled a huge outdoor pool. It was surrounded by small arcstar heaters, making sure the main area was warm. January was not pool weather, and while the warehouse was warm, it was not that warm for non-hosts to swim.

He had suggested they cheat, and once the pool needed to be emptied simply sling ring it into the ocean to empty. As it would fall to them, neither Gwen nor Wanda were amused by his idea. Instead, he made sure the pump was working and that the hose reached the bathhouse. Ororo and Nakia both turned. "Happy birthday Peter," Ororo said as she leaned over and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "After the party, I do have something I wish to discuss with you."

Nakia swam over as well, and raised her glass, "I shall not be kissing you but many happy returns." She lifted her glass and gave him a small toast, "And while she is being dramatic, the talk can wait until tomorrow." She sipped her drink, "When we are all sober."

Peter laughed, "Thanks, and yeah. I think we've got plans for after the party, so tomorrow might be better." Ororo gave him a small smile but said nothing and the pair moved away.

MJ smiled at him as she swam over. “Happy birthday tiger,” she said as she climbed out of the water. Muse dried her, and she sat down on his lap and wrapped her arm over his shoulder, “having fun now you're an old man?”

Peter snorted, “You know Gwen and Felicia both had their birthdays last year.”

MJ shrugged. “Liv gave us all a talk. Women peak as they get older but men decline almost right after puberty,” she teased him. “And we were just worried you’d peaked early, with there being so many of us.”

Peter grinned and shook his head, “bored of me already? Rejected for a younger man, some rich movie star, in his prime ready to be devoured by an insatiable Watson.”

MJ laughed and batted his shoulder with her hand. Leaning forward she whispered, “ready to be devoured by an insatiable tiger. We all took the next week off, so dessert can take as long as you like.”

Peter smiled and turned his head, meeting MJ's lips and stealing a kiss.

You can unwrap that present later, he was scolded by Jean, save it until we’re all able.

All? Peter grinned, I've just been told I'm old, I might break a hip.

With a few making a birthday wish come true, death by Snu-Snu is definitely on the cards.

Huh? Peter asked, but he caught Shuri glaring at MJ with a raised eyebrow. MJ pulled an imaginary zipper across her lips and nodded, "Sorry Tiger. Birthday secrets."

"Aww, but it is my birthday. Don't I get to know?"

MJ laughed and leaned into him, kissing the side of his face, “so spoiled, and still so housebroken.”

Peter laughed. If it was a surprise, he didn't want to spoil it. “It's a torment, and I am so terribly cursed, but I manage, somehow I find the strength to carry on.” MJ kissed his cheek once more.

MJ turned and was about to give him more birthday kisses when Jean banged a spoon on the bottom of a pot. The conversations stopped and everyone turned.

“Right. I’ve cooked, so we need to set the food up. Once everyone is settled, we can start.” Everyone began to move as Jean and Wanda began to move dishes over to the main table.

Peter was not worried in the slightest at what they had made. In the warehouse, he did most, if not all of the main cooking. MJ, Felicia, and Gwen could all make breakfast as long as it was nothing complicated. Neither Carol nor Liv hadn't used a stove in years and Laura set herself on fire the first time she used one. Wanda was the next good cook, as she often spent her days helping her mother but she only knew Sokovian dishes. Natasha could cook but didn't like it as it was a reminder of the various lessons forced onto her by the Red Room. Shuri laughed if anyone even suggested she go into the kitchen. The only kitchen task she would attempt was putting beans in the coffee machine. She even made that easier as it was Wakanda, all she had to do was make sure it had coffee and water and switch it on.

The only person who actually enjoyed cooking was Jean. It was a sight to watch her telekinetically control several things at once, making it look easy. Making several items float and fly was easy. Making sure you julienned a potato properly, and that every strip was equal, was not.

Yes, I did most of the cooking, Jean told him. Everyone helped decorate the cake though. Except one thing.

May slid a box over. It was a larger-than-normal pastry box, As he saw it he smiled. No matter what was going on, Aunt May always made his favourite for his birthday.

“I know the girls made you a cake Peter but-” Peter shook his head and stood to hug his mom.

“They know.” As he opened the box, inside was a stack of his mom's wonderful wheatcakes. She made them every year for him, without question, and they were his favourite thing in the world.

She leaned forward and kissed his cheek “Happy birthday dear. Those will keep for breakfast tomorrow, I made more than enough for everyone.”

Your mom delivered them earlier Pete, they’re in the refrigerator, five boxes. Jean let him know.

“Love you, Mom,” he said as he held her tightly. Curt smiled and patted him on the back,

“Happy birthday Peter.”

Everything was Peter's favourite. There were hotdogs, pasta, and steak all cooked to perfection. Sides of coleslaw, salads, and potatoes, all made in various styles. It wasn't the healthiest of meals but everyone sat and waited, as it smelt and looked divine.

Peter stood. “Well Since I turned eighteen it's been a wild ride. I really never expected to find so many loved ones to celebrate twelve years later. Each chapter in my life has been difficult sometimes, but each one brings me great joy. I am glad to have shared it with all of you.” He lifted his glass, “Cheers.” Everyone raised their own glass and replied, "Cheers!"

"Before we eat, we have one surprise though," Shuri announced and she pressed a button on her wrist control. A portal opened and Two Dora Milaje stepped through before Romanda. She was dressed casually, or at least casually for a Wakandan. "Mother."

Romanda nodded and stepped toward Peter. "Please, stand." Peter looked at Shuri who motioned him up. “You have passed all our tests. You have proven to be the man any mother could wish for our daughter,” Romanda said while Shuri rolled her eyes. “I am proud to have you as a son-in-law.” Peter gave her the Wakandan ceremonial salute. She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Is that how you greet your own mother?” He looked over at Shuri who spread her arms out and rolled her eyes.

Peter laughed and moved in to hug her, and she laughed and she whispered. “Even if those old fools had said no, Shuri would have burned the capital to the ground. There was never any doubt Peter. I am sorry they were so difficult.”

“It's fine, mom,” he said.

T’Challa raised an eyebrow, “It is not fine, Brother. You a bad influence, and you must address her as Mother.”

Romanda huffed and turned, dragging Peter with her, “Oh sush, you are just like your father. That protocol is stuffy and outdated. Allow him to call me whatever he wants.” She lifted his head and pinched his cheeks, “such a handsome, dutiful boy. Raised properly." She looked and smiled at May before turning to scowl at T'Challa. "Unlike my other son, who ignores me, and travels the world without bringing gifts home.”

T’Challa rolled his eyes and laughed, “Mother, they are important diplomatic missions. I am not sightseeing. I am securing Wakanda's future.”

Romanda waved a hand at him. “And did you ever bring your mother with you? I see you give Okoye packages, but nothing for me?” Romanda huffed. “Peter installed a portal device in our Royal Quarters." She gave a small smile, as she knew exactly what was about to happen. "And will allow me use of his pool house when we visit.”

T’Challa raised an eyebrow and Peter held his hands up, “It's not like I'd be in there.”

T’Challa smiled, “of course, of course. I do think, however, that you and I should follow Nakia, and discuss this next door. About proper boundaries, and my mother’s bathing habits.”

“Oh come on. Shuri?” but Shuri shrugged.

“Mom?” but Romanda waved a hand at him as she talked to May.

“You know I’m stronger than I look right?”

“I learned the last time,“ T’Challa said, “and I have been training with Okoye. The new Extremis formula is much better than our own I will admit, and I am looking forward to testing it.” T’Challa grinned at him, “Younger brother.”

Romanda looked at the pair, stood smiling at each other, "Yes yes. You can argue over who is the biggest later, there is a feast, and I am hungry."

Both looked at each other and smirked, "Yes mother."

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