Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Fifteen. Chapter Four Hundred Fifty. Family Affairs

As well as Enhancing Yelena and Cindy, now that Ghost had settled, there was the issue of Melina and Alexei. Ivan was content to just wear his harness, and Melina was happy working in the lab with Gwen. Alexei, while he was awaiting his hearing, had come to visit Peter. He had asked him over to discuss the problems Yelena had brought up and to find out if Alexei would listen.

It so was much easier when it was just the one warehouse. They had one empty Home, now that Jean and Nakia had moved in. Not that anyone really lived in their home. He had found Gwen sleeping on a couch, and when she woke up, she headed to Felicia's home to sleep. He was a great believer that everyone should have their own space and come up with a solution. In the corners were single-room studio apartments. A single room, bathroom, a Murphy bed and a small kitchen. Yelena and Cindy got one each, so Shuri didn't have to give up hers. If anyone wanted some peace, they could use one. The twelve larger Homes were still there, he just added another twelve smaller ones as well. Of course, Gwen and Felicia had seen the plans and teased him mercilessly. The large homes were for his wives, the mistresses only got a single room.

Which did not make Cindy happy as she was in one. Yelena just laughed, "So, now I know how I am paying rent?" and moved her things into the bottom corner next to Natasha's.

Eddie, Ivan, Alexei, and Melina were all permanent residents next door. Scott and Maria took a home for when they were in New York. Fury shook his head, “I've got plenty of safe houses.” but Peter really didn't mind, he could find his own gargoyle to skulk on.

As it stood, the other warehouse had plenty of space for more if a need arose, and the extra money was more than welcome.

Peter had made coffee and laid out a small meal. It was only sandwiches and cold meat, but Peter didn't want to give Alexei any more fattening foods.

“So, I hear you are giving Yelena a new Formula.” The normally jovial and nonsensical man was in serious mode today. He sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. “I would like to get a new Formula as well.” He waved his hand. “I am not used to sitting, well I am, being in prison there is not much else to do, but I am still young.” He looked down at his stomach, “Eh, young enough.”

Peter leaned back and looked at the coffee mug sitting on the table. “Enhancing you is a risk, and you're not as healthy as you think. Plus that.“ Peter motioned to the ankle monitor Alexei was wearing. He pursed his lips and frowned. “We can't. Not with the government breathing down our necks. You are a known criminal and Coulson has every right to throw you in prison. Enhancing you probably breaks your parole, and puts me in an awkward position. So, no." Peter tapped a finger on the table, "We also have to talk about next door. The space is more than just yours. The homes are yours, and you are welcome to stay as long as you like. But the training rooms, the bathhouse, and everything else belongs to everyone.”

Alexei waved a hand dismissively “Bah, I have been behaving, who said something eh? One of your American prudes, too scared to admit that this.” He motioned a hand down himself. “This is peak Russian performance. They just don't like being reminded how a man should look.”

Peter sighed and ran a hand over his face. Blunt it is then, he thought to himself.

“Nope, your daughter complained about you and Ivan double-teaming Melina in the bathhouse. Your daughter complained about you walking around naked when she’s trying to study and train. Your daughter complained about the smell and the noise. You’re not a fucking child, stop acting like one.”

Alexei stiffened. “Well, yes, after being in prison certain urges, well. Okay, I am sorry. But uh, I mean, look.” He motioned to the warehouse. “I am not used to this luxury, is like a hotel. So I am sorry, and eh maybe not so much for Melina, she likes, you know,” he grinned and shrugged.

"I do know, my mom visits and she's walked in on worse." Alexei laughed, "But she understands, and it's not a habit we want to get into. Your home is your home, the bathhouse is communal. Clean it and keep it in your pants. There are flags. Use them."

"So, if I behave, can I get fixed?” Alexsi asked hesitantly.

Peter nodded, “Fixing you isn't the issue, you might need six months to adjust anyway. Natasha mentioned nerve damage, and let's face it, you’re a fat slob. Even a normal Formula will leave you sick as it cleans up whatever mess you’re in.“

Peter figured that being blunt with Alexei was the best option. He had a habit of ignoring things he didn't like or brushing off bad news with deflective humour, but Peter knew. He was too old and very out of shape. Removing the Red Room Formula would be painful and leave him weaker than most. Natasha was in top form, and de-powering her left her sick and helpless. She had made him promise not to do anything that would ultimately hurt her father.

“I know that look, and yes. I have been trying Peter, but after so long, it is hard you know.” 

Peter nodded “I just don't want anything to go wrong, and it can. We also need to wait until your sentence is up.” Peter hadn’t taken the device apart but he knew it was more than just an ankle monitor. He wouldn’t put it past Coulson to have added in a gene scanner, to make sure they didn’t enhance Alexsi. 

Alexsi nodded, “But if it works, you can talk to Fury for me? Maybe Steve too?” and 

Peter snorted and shook his head “Uh uh, not my team, not my call.” 

Alexsi shrugged, “It was worth a shot, now, how long and who do I talk to?” 

Peter took out his phone and sent a message to Liv. “Liv is currently dealing with Nakia and Yelena. You need a full physical first, but we can do that with Melina, and then it's up to Liv.”

Peter sighed. They had been unable to find a medical doctor they felt they could trust. While Liv had the relevant education she didn't have the actual bit of paper, the bit they really needed. 

Idiot, he thought to himself and he tapped out a message. After a few minutes, his phone buzzed and he smiled. “Right, so we now have another patient, but once he’s cured, we’ll fix you, as long as he agrees.”

Peter had spoken to Curt and his mom and they agreed to de-power Curt and get Shield off his back. Peter had just asked if Curt was a doctor, not just someone with a doctorate. He was happy and would be taking over as AIM’s chief medical officer. It was perfect as he still held board accreditation in New York, and was a licenced surgeon.

First though, Curt had wanted to be depowered. While he was missing an arm, he lived a healthy lifestyle, thanks to May. The process had been relatively painless with, hopefully, only a few days of sickness. Once he was strong enough, it would take another few days to fit him with a CLS and make the adjustments to that. Even then, he could still examine and sign off on treatment for Alexei.

“Melina?” Peter asked.

Alexei shrugged. “My wife is on the fence. She has seen Gwen's work, and while she will be glad to be rid of the toxic one, but she is unsure if it is worth getting another. She was always happy in her lab, and she has that. But uh, visas?”

Peter nodded. “I had them all ready to go before the attacks began. You’re all sponsored by AIM, even you, but uh, It’s Romanov now. Natasha was insistent, even Yelena.” 

Alexis sighed, “Little Natasha always has to have the last word. It's fine, I have had so many, one more is not a big deal.”

Peter sent another text. “Right, papers will be here in a few weeks, and we can deal with you and Melina then. But really, no walking about naked, “

Alexsi laughed, “You tiny Americans are so prudish,“

Peter laughed, “Uh, no, it’s to stop you being embarrassed. Yelena was wondering how Melina was able to see something so small.” Peter patted him on the shoulder, “Wear a towel big guy okay?” 

Alexei slumped. “No respect for Papa, not even from my son-in-law.”

“Oh, and stop drinking my cider, buy your own,” Peter yelled at him as he headed over to the second warehouse.

Alexei followed behind, mumbling. “Not even drinking your stupid cider. Always blamed. Ask Yelena. Ask Melina where your cider is. Real men drink vodka. Now that, I drink,” 

Peter just smirked and shook his head.

He knew that after dealing with Alexei, he had to pass the message on to Eddie as well. Eddie had been surprisingly quiet. He kept to himself, kept his home clean and rarely used the bathhouse. If that was because of Alexei and Melina though, it needed to be addressed.

“Right, as everyone is here. No hogging the bathhouse. The flag system will be used, as well as a rota system. Mark down what hours you're using it, and those are your times. No fighting. Make arrangements and stick to them. If you don't I can always switch the water off and you can just shower like everyone else. I'm not babysitting a bunch of delinquents who can't share a bathhouse.” As he looked around at the hesitant faces. “Other than that, I don't care. Just don't trash the place, sleep with who you like, do what you want. As long as you clean up your mess I really don't give a shit what you do here. Just, no fighting.”

The bathhouse on this side was not as extravagant and had two single pools. One was big enough to swim in, and the other for relaxing in, with small water jets. There were no showers or baths. The homes had been fitted with showers so Peter didn't think he needed to. Next door was a luxury and more like a spa. Here it was just a perk to stop people from using his.

“Right, now. Eddie and Cindy, we’re waiting to fix our Doctor, but once he’s off Shield’s radar, we’ll get you both checked over. Cindy, Extremis is fine, and Ghost should be able to handle it without unbonding you. Nakia, Extremis, and check-up, and Alexei, check-up and then we’ll see. Yelena though, we’ll talk about that in private.” Yelena nodded, “and Eddie, just a medical. But, Shuri should have sent over some data.” Nakia handed him a tablet. “Thanks. Yup, Gwen investigated the Purple Heart Serum, and while it's great it's also poisonous. Logan. He’s got metal poisoning from having the same stuff melted to his bones. Gwen and Shuri figured out a way to neutralise it, but it's your call. We can't make you, but you know. Maybe not dying at fifty ‘cause you have toxic gunk in your veins.”

Nakia tutted. “The Dora all live to at least a hundred and were in good health until the last few years. It is not as bad as you are saying." Peter raised an eyebrow and pointedly looked at the tablet she had just given him. With a large document on it stating that yes, it was as bad as he said. "Yes, yes, fine. It will still kill you.”

Eddie shook his head. He loved having his powers, but sometimes they were a burden. Adding in more seemed like a bad idea. “I mean, how technical is that? Can I read it?”

Peter nodded. “Yeah, I can understand maybe half of his, but go ahead.” He handed the tablet to Eddie. “Just, you know, no taking that out the building.”

Eddie looked at the open file. It was at least a hundred pages long. After a pause, he looked a the title.

‘Vibranium modified foliage and its effects on human cellular interactions’.

He smiled, nodded, and handed it back. “Yeah, not even gonna try. I’ll trust your word on this, so, Extremis too?”

Peter nodded. "Standard package, or if you want, we can just keep you with enhanced senses, speed and strength. It's up to you."

Eddie looked down at himself, “Will it, uh, you know?” As he waved a hand in front of his groin Peter laughed.

“No more than the Purple Heart Flower should have, but uh, we can have someone check. Not me though,” Peter added hastily.

“Wait, Extremis makes you?” Alexei did the same thing. "Not that I uh, need it, but you know."

Peter shook his head. “I am not touching that one.“ He had a sudden thought, and as he grinned, “Ask Curt. He’s our in-house doctor, I’m sure he’ll be happy to explain.” That would be one job he would be passing on. With a doctor in-house now, AIM had a full staff and was ready to reopen. The warehouses were finalised and everyone was happy. Life was looking good for Peter.

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