Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Twenty-Two. Gone In A Flash

Peter was on a high as he went about the rest of his morning. While he had forgotten to ask, Gwen said yes. Now he could plan the whole ‘end of school’ experience, he checked his balance and even had enough to hire a limo.

First, he had to get to the end of school. He had Technical drawing and Physics before lunch. Then he would join Gwen and everyone else in English for a double period.

Once they were done, it was lunch but he hadn’t seen Gwen or Felica around.

He was finished putting his pad and drawing pens when Flash appeared at his side,

“So,” Flash said in an obnoxiously loud voice, “Gwen said she’d go to prom with me.” 

A few of the other seniors turned. Flash versus Peter was always a show worth watching.

Peter scowled and shook his head, “Yeah, we know that isn’t true Flash.”

Once more, he was almost shouting, “I don’t know Pete. She’s been very friendly with me at Oscorp. My dad wants to put her on a team I’m going to run. Get things nice and personal.”

“Flash, you couldn't get a date to the prom if every one of your cronies took your dick out their mouths long enough to ask. Stop being so pathetic for once in your life and get a grip.” Peter whispered. He had finally had enough. Even the odious smell of his aftershave was making him angry. Peter swallowed it down. 

not at school, not at school, he repeated over and over like a mantra in his head.

The anger at targeting Gwen was rising in his chest, and he had enough of Flash’s obsession with bullying him. “or, are you trying to make me jealous?”

Peter closed his locker and smirked, raising his voice to an equally obnoxious level. ”Sorry Flash, but I won't go to prom with you.”

Flash glared at him angrily, and the whispers started. He knew there were rumours going around about last year's prom and what happened with MJ. He had also heard she had denied them, being quite clear nothing had happened.

"Parker," he growled and without missing a beat swung a fist at him.

Peter's eyes went wide as the fist Flash had thrown seemed to move in slow motion. It was clear where Flash was going to strike, and Peter felt that with no effort at all he could move out of the way.

Squatting down as if going for his shoelace, Flash missed his swing. He pulled back for another, and realized Parker had ducked, switched to an uppercut. Flash's punch sped towards Peter's exposed face. To Peter, Flash might as well have been moving underwater. Smiling to himself, Peter made a plan.

Peter rolled back on his heels and skidded away from Flash, avoiding the blow. Flash's temper rose and with a growl, he lined up a kick to Peter's midsection as he tried to stand.

Peter seemed to slip, falling out of the way.  There was a sickening crunch as Flash's foot collided with the concrete wall support. He howled in agony and dropped clutching his foot.

The force of the kick had twisted it at an abnormal angle. The bone sticking out from the front of his calf made everyone turn away and a few people were sick.

The noise of his own bones breaking and the agonising pain that followed made Flash howl in agony. He grabbed his leg and looked down at it. The extent of his injury and the shock hit him both at once. He vomited over himself and then passed out.

"What the hell is going on here?" yelled Mrs Donaldson, as students quickly hid the phones they had been using to record the fight.

One of Flash's cronies piped up, "Parker started it,"

"Right, You. Go find another teacher, and I saw those phones. You might as well put them to good use and call 911." She huffed and motioned. "Then Mr Parker. You had better follow me."

Peter found himself being hauled off to the Principal's office.

As he was escorted away Jean watched Peter bite back his anger. She hadn’t meant to grab Flash’s leg like that, and she didn't know her barrier would twist it so hard. She looked around and made sure nobody was looking. She had messed up again and she needed to tell Miss Munroe that this was her fault and that she didn’t mean it.

He sat there for hours, an ambulance came and Flash was taken to hospital. A uniformed police officer came and reviewed the cell phone videos shook his head and left. Peter had no idea if he was disappointed he wouldn’t get to arrest a kid or if he was pissed at having his time wasted. Peter knew exactly how that felt as he sat waiting.

Eventually, Flash's Father, Harrison Thompson, came into the office. He started yelling and his face was beet red.

probably a sign of congestive heart failure, thought Peter.

He looked old and the well-pressed suit and tie did nothing to hide the man's obnoxious stench. Peter could smell the booze on his breath and the faint scent of lipstick on him. He never had a high opinion of Harrison. Someone who let his son act as Flash did was just as bad, and right now, he was proving Peter's point.

"You, You little shit, I'm going to sue you. My son's ankle is broken and he'll miss the finals. You've ruined his career."

Having heard enough, and having had enough from Flash, Peter stood straight. "Go ahead. Go ahead and I'll stand before a judge and tell them about the bullying. About the previous assault. All the complaints my aunt already put in." Peter took a step forwards, “So yeah, sue me? Go right ahead and see how well you do.”

Peter's anger was palpable and even Harrison took a step back, his fury being doused by the boy in front of him. Of course, someone like Harrison Thompson just moved his target. If the boy wouldn't be intimidated then the vice principal would.

"Him, I want him expelled, for fighting. He's cost you the season. The final is next week and Eugene will be out for at least six months. So do something!” He yelled.

"Uh, Mr Parker. While I can’t expel you because I would have to expel Mr Thompson as well I do feel that such behaviour is unbecoming of the school valedictorian. It might be better if Miss Stacy took your place, don't you think?" The vice-principal stammered.

Peter blanched though, losing the top spot was going to hurt him in a lot of different ways.

"That's it? Expel the little shit, you feeble-minded moron," Harrison shouted,

"Umm Mr Thomson, as I said I would have to expel your son as well. However. Removing Peter's name from the valedictorian list does deny several scholarships. Several scholarships, I might add, that are the only way Peter would be able to attend college."

The vice-principal had whispered in Harrison’s ear but Peter had heard what he said. He cursed internally because he was right.

The conditional scholarship offers he got were for top students only. One stupid fight with Flash and this not only screwed up his college plans but his university plans as well.

Harrison shrugged his arm away from the vice-principal, "Fine." Harrison Thompson stared at Peter, “Hey wait, you're that kid who puked in the lab weren't you?"

He smirked and pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"Yeah it's me, Harrison, I think you've got an internship for Peter Parker lined up yeah, shred it, yeah it's fine. Hammer won't care anyway, just some loser punk."

He smirked at Peter, who subconsciously balled his hands. Ending the call he smiled, "Nice to see you again Ernie, golf on Sunday?"

The principal shook his hand. "Of course, of course," as if ending a child's career and ruining his life was just another normal Monday for him. "Oh, Harrison. How long did you say Flash would be in the hospital?"

"About a week and then he'll need to have surgery, so maybe four weeks".

"Ah, not good. Peter, you're suspended for four weeks. If Flash has to miss school then I don't see why you should be free to attend. I'll have Gladys send a message to your Aunt, I'm sure she'll have words to say to you as well."

The vice-principal motioned to the door, dismissing Peter while Harrison stayed behind. There was no doubt in Peter's mind it was to see what else they could do to make Peter's life hell. Feeling the anger rise once more, he tried to avoid slamming the door closed.

Peter had done his exam prep already. But the school provided more materials that only teachers got. Peter knew full well that it wasn’t really for students like him. It was for the stupid assholes like Flash, the ones too dumb to get a decent score without cheating.

The problem however lay in that by missing them his attendance dropped. Which meant his test scores, graded on an average dropped. Then finally, his chance to get top marks in the final exams dropped.

Missing out on four weeks of school, right before exams was a nightmare. With one suspension already a black mark on his record he was being punished even more. A second suspension within a month of the first would raise questions.

It wasn’t fair, and with four weeks, he might as well not be here.

Making his way from the vice-principals office he stopped in front of the main secretary's desk. He rudely rapped his knuckles on it to get hr attention. "Yeah, get me the forms to withdraw from school, I've had enough of this place."

He didn't need to give his name as she knew who Peter was. She had felt sorry for him with all he had to put up with. With the yelling that everyone in the office had heard she knew he'd had enough.

While she wasn't allowed to interfere she was saddened when she handed over the forms. "You'll need-" she began to say,

"No, I'm eighteen, I don't," and she watched as he signed the forms himself. She sighed as he signed each form one after the other. He was a good student and a good boy, brought low by politics and asskissers.

Even with his amazing score on the placement tests the black mark on his record would haunt him.

She already had the paperwork cancelling most of the scholarships he had received. Somedays, today especially, she hated her job. Most of all she hated the stupid system that made life for kids like Peter a nightmare.

High School was hard enough for the students. With cutbacks and overworked teachers, it didn't make it any easier. Especially when one father showered the school with money. Making it his sons own private stomping ground.

"Well, Mr Parker. As you are no longer a student here, please clean out your locker, hand back the key and then vacate the premises. Hand over your student ID and any hall pass you might have, and Peter, I'm sorry, I know a lot goes on here but-"

Peter interrupted her, "Sorry, Mrs Henderson but an apology isn't worth anything. It’s been four years and no one did shit for me. My locker’s empty, here's everything.” Peter didn't even look her in the eye as he emptied his pockets on the counter. He left his student ID and locker key and then walked away.

Peter wasn't sad. He was free. Yes, he knew he'd have to endure a lecture from Aunt May and Gwen but it didn't matter right now.

He could attend night classes and get his GED at a community college. It wasn't an Ivy League institution but it was still qualifications. University could wait until he was more financially secure.

As Harrison Thompson walked through the school halls he was feeling smug. He'd maybe not gotten what he wanted but ruining that little shit's life was even better.

Flash would lose out on several football scholarships. They wouldn't know until after the surgery if his ankle would heal properly. If it didn't then his football career was over. He could sue that little shit though. The injury was still partially his fault.

As he made it through the parking lot he clicked the fob for his car. He scowled as the normal beep beep came out distorted. He had been so angry at hearing about Flash he had left his car near the school’s entrance. He didn't care about a ticket as he ignored the no parking signs. There were no cameras, so why should he?

Harrison stood open-mouthed staring at his car and in his shock, he dropped his briefcase. Someone had vandalised his car. No, someone had rammed one of the ‘No Parking’ signs right through the roof and into the driver's seat. The wheels were bent at an angle and all four tires had been slashed open. Not just cut but great gouges were ripped out of the tire walls. Stunned, he just stood there, unsure of how to even report this.


The bone sticking out from the front of his calf made everyone return away and a few people were sick.

[return away] could be either "turn away" or "run away".


I also noticed I spelt Miss Munroe wrong, so fixed that as well.

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