Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Twenty-Three. The Last Straw

While Peter knew Harrison couldn't and wouldn't say anything. The random act of violence he committed against the car did make him feel better. He'd made sure no one saw him and drove it right down through the car's chassis, even removing it would wreck the car. The smugness lasted until he got home and an irate May was waiting for him.

"So, fighting? What did I tell you about that, It's not like you Peter," she was mad, and she stood with her arms crossed as she glared at him.

"Aunt May, I didn't, honest, Flash's dad blew it out of proportion."

May calmed down after he'd explained it all. He even spotted a small grin when he explained how Flash had broken his ankle. That left her face when he explained the four-week suspension. She knew he'd lose out on every scholarship that he'd applied for. Almost all the colleges he applied to only gave out scholarships to the top students.

She was downright mad after Peter had finished explaining. She was reaching for the phone when Peter stopped her, shaking his head. "Aunt May, we can't, you can't do anything. Flash's dad is on the board at Oscorp. I lost, even with pictures and evidence to clear me, I still lost.''

A deflated Peter couldn't bring himself to tell her he'd spent almost all of the money he had. She knew he had spent a lot of it, but after finishing the warehouse, it was almost gone.

“No, but I can still phone the school board about this Peter. Twice now, twice Flash Thompson has cost you. I don’t care if his father is a board member, I don’t care if he’s rich. Peter, I have to do something.”

Peter sighed, “I dropped out.”

May paused, “You WHAT!” she yelled but as Peter looked at her, with a mix of anger and defeat on his face she held back

“I couldn’t take it, Aunt May. Harrison Thompson was there. He almost got me expelled.” He huffed. “I just couldn’t take it.”

He knew Aunt May thought he meant the stress. She was wrong.

As he saw Flash's ankle break he was thinking. Wondering if his arms would look the same and if he would scream just as loudly.

He wasn't leaving because he was afraid of Flash. He left because he was afraid of what he would do to him. Of every single thing, he wanted to do in retribution for how he had treated him over the years.

Or worse. How he would treat Gwen.

He might not have said, but if Harrison put Gwen on Flash’s team, even if Flash wasn’t in charge, he would still be her boss. He couldn’t do that to her. Flash would find a way to torment him even if he wasn’t even there. Peter knew he would snap. He felt the anger burning in his chest as he thought of Flash hurting her.

So he left.

It was only six weeks until the end of term. He would sit his exams elsewhere and to hell with anyone else. Gwen would be warned, and if she needed, he could introduce her to Matt. Businesses were a lot different than high school.

And if that failed. They would meet Venom.

He patted her shoulder as she sat slumped at their kitchen table. "Don't worry Aunt May, it's fine.” Knowing that May wouldn’t let this go. “It's fine. I've got a job and I've got a plan, everything is going to be okay, I promise.”

It would be fine. Even without help, he had a different way to get back at Jack and the Principal. One that involved more than just a signpost through a car. One that would make a broken ankle seem like a minor scrape,

Peter decided there and then that if Flash Thompson dared to make a move on him again, he wouldn’t hold back this time. he would make sure Flash got what he deserved. If his life was ruined anyway, why not make Flash’s life hell as well? Make him feel what he was going through. Make him know what hell was like.

Aunt May stared at Peter, the frown on his face and the anger that blossomed after it. “Hey, it’s fine Peter, It’s fine. You’ll be okay.” she reached over and gently patted him on the hand, taking it in her own and rubbing it with her fingers.

Peter shook his head, “yeah, sorry Aunt May, sorry, just, angry I guess.”

He leaned into her and cupped her hand with his. He realised he’d been thinking about doing a lot worse than wrecking a car. He needed to get a grip, needed to take back control, not just of his life, but of his anger as well. Before things got out of hand, and it was more than just a car he smashed up.

“It’s fine Peter. But I think we need to see Mr Murdock.”

Peter sat with Aunt May in the office of Matt Murdock. Listening to the tape Peter had of the so-called interview he had with the vice principal.

Peter stayed quiet. Aunt May squeezed his hand as she listened. Her face couldn’t pick between being angry at what was being said, or upset that Peter had to endure it.

When the tape finished the group was silent for a moment, but Matt leaned back and smiled.

“I think that's it. Peter, honestly. Go home, have some quality time with your friends and your aunt, and leave everything to me.”

Peter frowned, “that's it?” but Matt leaned forwards and grinned,

“Oh yes. I can’t say too much Peter but look at it this way. They pulled a student into an interview. With the second-highest member of the school's administration without legal or parental representation. They then allowed the father of the injured party to berate and threaten that student. Then he pretty much admitted to bribery and extortion. So. Yes, that's it.”

“I think that’s saying quite a lot Mr Murdock,” Peter said, but he knew what Matt meant. They had gone too far, and now Matt had the evidence he needed.

Matt laughed, “Yes I guess I did. I know it's been rough, but just keep doing things as normal. Apply to college, and let me deal with the school. Okay?”

Peter looked at Aunt May, who seemed to have calmed down. “I guess.” 

She smiled reassuringly and patted him on the hand.

“Peter, go hand the rest of the tapes to Karen. I need a quick word with your aunt.” Matt asked and Peter nodded and headed into the waiting room.

He strained as he unzipped his bag, listening through the closed door.

“Let Peter relax, nothing stressful, this will take a while but. Sorry, but it isn’t over.” he heard Matt say softly.

Karen began to inventory the times and dates Peter had written on each cassette. Peter sat with his eyes closed, listening while he sat holding his bag,

“I? I thought you said that was it?” He heard his aunt, and she sounded worried.

“Peter might have left voluntarily but the suspension complicates that. His leaving won't be processed until it finishes. The expulsion order has already started and they may still call a hearing. If they can prove Peter did everything they said he did, they can strip him of any awards he got from his clubs. It will leave a permanent mark on his record. Which will affect scholarships and grant applications.”

He heard Aunt May gasp, “but?” she stammered, “that's not fair.”

Matt must have moved, “I know, and I am going to fight it. But, I don’t want to stress Peter out. He doesn’t need to know about it until they actually post a date.”

Aunt May moved in her seat, as Peter sat listening. “Are you sure that's wise Mr Murdock? Peter might be a quiet boy but he is tough.”

Matt snorted slightly with a small laugh behind it, “I know Mrs Parker, but let me deal with the stress. He’s got enough on his plate, there’s no need to add more.”

Peter leaned back in his chair as he heard Aunt May stand. “I will leave that in your hands then.”

They moved to the door and Peter lifted his head and stood as Aunt May turned and shook Matt's hand, “thank you, Mr Murdock. For everything.”

Matt laughed, “and now I know where he gets it from. It’s Matt.”

Peter's next big task was to tell Gwen.

He had called and arranged to meet at the warehouse. It wouldn't be much of a date, but they could at least get coffee and talk. Or he hoped it would be talking, and she wouldn't yell at him.

She was waiting, dressed in a thick woollen tan coat, leggings and woollen-topped boots.

He had already gotten them coffee. He figured, even if the day was overcast and a bit chilly, they could have hot drinks and stare at the sea.

“I dropped out,” he said as they sat down.

Gwen frowned, sighed and took the coffee from him.

“I kinda already know. I mean, Flash has been out, and the school made an announcement he would be gone till after the season. With your locker empty. We all kinda figured.” She tipped two sugars into the cup before closing the lid again. “Are you okay?”

Peter snorted out a laugh, “Honestly. I haven't felt this good in years. I mean, got a warehouse, got tenants.” He placed his cup on the bench, “and I’ve got you.”

“Coffee’s sweet enough Pete. Is that why we're freezing our asses off.” Peter caught a look in her eye and she grinned as she held the cup to her face, “I swear if you propose I’ll throw you in the sea.”

Peter laughed, “fine, I dont have a smoking hot girlfriend. I've got a harpy, who doesn't appreciate me and bullies me.”

Gwen laughed and nudged him with her elbow, “but really?”

“Oh yeah, bullied all the time.” Gwen giggled and nudged him again. “Honestly. I’m actually doing great.”

Gwen leaned her head on his shoulder, “but?” and he leant his head on hers, “I know you well enough, there is a but.”

“Flash made a comment about his dad pulling strings to get you into his department.”

Gwen sat up straight and leaned back, looking sadly at her cup, “so that's what he meant. My asshole boss text me I was getting a promotion.”

“Gwen I,” he started.

“Pete. This is my fight, not yours. You did enough, put up with enough, but I’m not you, and I really, really don’t give a shit about who Flash is.” Gwen gave him a stern look, “I will handle it.”

“Or ask Felicia to kick his ass,” he joked.

Gwen frowned but nodded in agreement, “or that. Sure she’s been looking for an excuse. If you’d asked she would have done it years ago.”

Peter snorted a small laugh, “yeah, which is why I didn’t. Nobody needed to get into trouble for me.”

Gwen let out a long sigh, “and that, Peter Parker, is half your problem. You’ve got friends who have your back. Don’t count us out because you think we can’t handle it.”

“I didn’t and I don’t want anyone else to get in trouble.” Peter drained the rest of his coffee and tossed the cup into a trash can. “Flash is a petty douchebag, and you know he would have made,”

“Yeah yeah, Pete. I know. Everyone knows. He walked around letting everyone know. But he’s gone. You’re free. Take some time, get my home done and then.” Gwen ran a hand down his arm. She pulled it close and squeezed it against her side, hoping he would take the hint this time.

“I can find out if the carpet matches the drapes?” Peter asked. He slid his arm around her waist and pulled closer to her.

Gwen laughed, mainly at his sudden directness. “Sorry, Pete. Drapes only. A certain girl was expecting you to enquire about that last date, but someone chickened out.”

Peter was stunned, “well, uh. A cot bed wasn’t really, uh,”

Gwen just laughed, “it’s fine. I’m patient,” she leaned over and kissed his cheek, “but not that patient.” Peter smiled but Gwen stood. “Now. Take me to the warehouse. It’s freezing and I want to do some measuring.”


Aunt May moved in her east,

'east' should be seat.

and while not a grammatical or spelling correction. but,

“It's fine, I uh, kept it secret but, I've got a job and I've got a plan, everything is going to be okay, I promise.”

in this draft, didn't Aunt May already know about the warehouse by this point? since some of this was copied straight over from the first draft. she should already know he has a plan.


I also corrected the time. In the original Peter leaves months before school finishes, this time it's much closer.

Four months to six weeks (two weeks to exams, three weeks of exams, and a final week of school.)

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If you would like to read the first draft, you can find it here


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