Space Core

Chapter 64: Starter Village.

POV: Certe

If someone would've asked me how I felt right now, I would've clawed them right across their face and then gone back to the strangely comfortable warmth that was Jerome's arms. Really, it felt like I was being bathed in a warm blanket. Not needing to walk anywhere and instead just sleep, it really was the life.

Of course, that wouldn't last too long. I remembered that little girl from the past clearing, it meant that a house of some kind was near; And while I didn't need to sleep in a bed, Jerome did if I wanted him to stay healthy. I didn't want him to die -just suffer from my claws.

And so, just as I had thought, a village soon showed up in front of us. From what I could see exiting the forest; The town looked to be next to a large body of water, a slightly chill breeze indicating its closeness to the ocean as well. The houses were all made of sturdy-looking bricks, dirt and mud painting them. Slight splashes of wood appeared here and there, usually for temporary-looking buildings or small pop-up shops.

But, the most impressive part of the city wasn't present in any of the things previously listed. It was a tower of sorts, clearly recently started in terms of construction. On it, a grand symbol made of rough metal was hung up; It was a shining flat rectangle with two different phrases inside of it: "Lor, System creator." and "The whispered help."

I had to give it to the guy, he had some skills in setting up his own religion. If he even was aware of it, some of the new ones starts confused. But it was still rather frustrating that this Lor guy got to have his followers standing and alive while mine's were all dead now.

I slightly shook my head and refocused on the town, merchants were loudly shouting out what they were selling, a few birds were darting around -Why do they look so tasty?- eating bits and pieces of food left unattended.

It was all so... normal, and yet it was beautiful. To see such a town from the perspective of what I could only call forced mortality, it was so different from the perspective of the divine...

I quickly whispered into Jerome's mind, 'Find us a place to rest.'

I received a vague sense of agreement back, I didn't pay any mind to how unusual that should be. I really just wanted to rest up and go to sleep now... especially when considering just how comfortable I was in the warmth of Jerome's arms.





POV: Jerome

I finally relaxed a bit when Certe fell asleep in my arms. It felt... weird to hold the little murder machine this way, I ignored it and started my search for a place to rest. That tower-church looking thing looked like a place I could get at least some info in any case. I made my way over to said place, only getting lost three times on the way.

The tower wasn't much right now, but if the scaffold was to be believed... well it would certainly be an impressive bit of work. Now, to find someone I could talk into letting me stay a night or two for free. Don't blame me for not bringing money to what I had thought to be some brief dungeon clear.

There were plenty of people all around, most of them merchants. But, right there at the entrance of the church, a man stood tall with all the strength of an old fisherman and the confidence of three lions. He didn't look too different from the others around, but the few religious-looking items on him made him stand out much more than any normal person.

I quickly made my way over, maybe I'd learn something good from him. "Hey, are you a priest by any chance?"

The man looked at me with a bright smile, it was almost blinding. "Of course! I am Adam Terrance Ivan Fistyer, but just call me Adam otherwise it's way too much." I just noticed that I was actively being blinded, I wasn't able to look away though. "I am a priest of Lor, and The whispered help! Now, I know you're probably confused by that second one but don't worry about it, I'll explain soon enough! So The whispe-"

I interrupted the man, actively feeling bad at having to stop such a happy guy. "I- uhm, that is quite interesting and all, but I was actually searching for something and was wondering if I could get some help. I'm kind of looking for a place to rest for free, one that would also accept... 'cats'. I know that that's a bit forward, but I really need shelter and I don't have any money on me."

Still, the man didn't stop being happy. "Oh! I do in fact think I know of a place! If you go right around that corner over there and take a right you then need to go lef-





I looked in disgust at the building in front of me. It was a miracle that it hadn't yet been taken down, the mold growing onto the sickly-looking dead wood seemed to be the only thing keeping the building from falling down. The few windows present were just structural weaknesses at this point.

I walked up to the door and gently knocked. I was halfway scared that the door would fall down at the slightest touch, but it seemed to be actually quite solid. I then waited, and waited, ...and waited. No one seemed to be there.

I knocked once more, this time a bit louder. All of a sudden, the tumbling of someone falling down a flight of stairs made its way to my ears. Sounds of some sticky, wet, material appearing out of nowhere made me wince.

And then, finally, the door opened abruptly. There stood a woman, she looked rather disheveled. The bags under her eyes were seemingly deeper than any abyss that I could imagine. She had a tired look in her purple eyes. Her dress looked fancy... if it wasn't for all of the rips, tears, and dirt covering it. I could see a few bits of pasta sticking to her face.

"Fish pizza!" The woman shouted. I didn't know what pizza was, but I didn't say anything rude.

"I- ah, hello?" I called out.

The woman seemed to calm down all of a sudden, "Oh, sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to say that! Sorry, I- well, I sometimes get like that, don't think much of it!"

I nodded, she certainly was... something.

"Right! So, I'm Ohimi Fyu! I- ah, what is it that you're doing here?" Ohimi seemed to be actively scared of her own words. Interaction certainly wasn't her forte.

"Yes... well, I asked a priest if he knew of a place I could stay at for free and he pointed me to you. I hope it's not too much of a problem?" I glanced up at the sky nervously, the sun inching its way across the sky more like a threat than anything else.

Ohimi nodded, "Oh! Adam sent you? In that case of course you can stay a few nights here! It shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'll just need to clean up a room though!"

I sighed in relief at the assurance that I wouldn't have to sleep outside tonight. Now, let's think of how I could get some money...





POV: Belief

I looked at the little group that would be my only companions on this journey to freedom. Emotion looked quite sad, and Plan was obviously nervous. Nothing... wasn't doing anything, while Innovation was tinkering with a few random bits of metal. Artist was next to me, she was as excited as always.

It was understandable that none of us felt good about this; I was the only one who had ever descended to the material realm, and even then that was hundreds of years ago.

"It's time to go." Said Plan, a frown on her face.

That got us moving, I took Artist's right hand in my own; Emotion's in the other. We all linked up this way and prepared ourselves for the descent. Major-Gods could descend without trouble, but we minor ones have to combine our powers just to hope to make it. With only us five... it would be rough.

Then, in perfect sync, we all started cycling our divine energy in a circle. Each of us slowly gave more and more to the ritual. An eerie green light started pouring in from an unknown source. It wasn't perfect, but it would be enough. The little flickers of instability only served as a reminder of how dangerous this was.







I fell to the ground with a thud, grass tickling my face. And then, out of nowhere, a pain deeper than anything blossomed in the depth of my soul.


Here it is! A brand new chapter! I made this one a long one to try and make up for those I missed. I hope you guys like it! I used a different format than the others, and I hope I did it correctly.

Btw, the 'Pizza fish' that Ohimi Fyu said is only because one of my friends told me to put it in, don't look too deep into it.


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