Space Core

Chapter 62: A lot of soup.

POV: Harry Terria

I continued to look at the strange class I had obtained for a few minutes, before realizing that I was making pretty much zero progress on figuring out what had happened.

I went back through what had happened in order; I had first found the weird shop that hadn't burned down in the fire, and then I met that crazy shopkeeper... after that things were just kind of fuzzy. I remember... asking something for a class, I think. I know that I had requested it with 'Certe' in mind so that apparently worked out.

I guess I passed out and someone found me? I'm quite sure that Trevor would be too crazy to actually do anything without it involving some kind of animal part and judging by the fact that the room I'm currently in doesn't have such animal parts, I'm gonna bet it's not him.

Guess I'm gonna have to find a way to thank them, somehow. 

I looked around the room, not getting out of the bed just yet. The walls and floors were made out of somewhat maintained wood, with imperfect coloration from years of use. A wardrobe stood tall, surely containing some clothes. Next to it, a well-used desk was present; It had so much paper on it that I was impressed the desk hadn't collapsed yet.

Suddenly, I started to smell food. The scent came from beyond the door of the room I was in. Moments later, Antier arrived through the door, a bowl of hot soup in hand.

Antier looked at me, and then smiled in apparent relief, "You're awake! Good, you need to eat."

Before I had the time to respond, Antier set down the bowl into my hands and gave me a pointed look.  I gingerly took the spoon from the bowl and sipped at the soup. It had barely touched my tongue when I found myself already reaching for another spoonful of the liquid. I didn't know what was in there, but it clearly was some sort of luxurious food based on the taste.

Time passed by in a flash as I scrapped up all the soup I could get, not willing to waste a single drop.

It was then that embarrassment set in, as I realized that Antier was still there, and had just seen me devour the meal in such a short amount of time. I wanted to just not look at him at all, but to do so would just point out the fact that I was embarrassed.

"I- uhm, it was really good. Thank you Antier."

The man's smile only intensified, "No need to thank me,  it's just a recipe from my- from someone I once knew. The best food in the world I tell you."

I noted the slip up from Antier, but decided to not comment on it; Chances were, that it was someone who had died judging from how he had said it. 

"Oh... well, still, thanks. Do you have more? If so I'd really want another bowl."

Antier's smile grew a little bit, before turning thoughtful. "Yes, I do have more. You can have as much as you want actually. But... I do have a question."

Just a question for the best food in the world? I'll take that. "What is it?"

The man sighed, before talking in a rather cautious voice. "Well... I would like to know why I found you passed out face down in the dirt. If, well, if someone attacked you... please tell me."

That question... it stumped me. Oh sure, I could just answer it with what I remembered; But why the heck would he believe me about a building that appeared from nowhere and a crazy guy like Trevor? In fact, he might believe that I'd gone nuts. Plus... it's not like anyone had believed me about stuff before.

"Oh, it- uh- it was nothing really. I just didn't sleep well recently. It probably just caught up to me all at once, t-that's all."

Antier narrowed his eyes at me, clearly not believing me. I tensed up, preparing for, well, anything. And then Antier just sighed before nodding and then walking out of the door.

It was only about a minute later that he returned with a fresh bowl of soup.

Looks like today wouldn't be the day when I told him about what had happened.


This chapter I really wanted to explore Harry's and Antier's relationship, I find it really interesting.


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