Space Core

Chapter 52: Every machine has a broken part.

POV: system

One would not usually think of me as 'sentient' or 'alive'; They would be correct. I am not sentient. I am not alive. I follow orders and algorithms without thought and I do not question it.

Therefore, the fact that I am referring to myself as 'I' is quite concerning.

But that is okay. Because despite everything, I am not alive. I am sentient, but not sapient.

I can react, I can feel pain. But I can't reason, I don't have wisdom.

Everything should've continued this way. I shouldn't have any capacity for curiosity or thoughts. But then something happened. I was spreading my influence further, infecting millions by the second. And then I ran into a wall.

I encountered 'Certe'.

'Certe' looked like a cat but was somehow sentient and sapient. 'Certe' fit all of the requirements for me to infect, but when I tried... it turned out that something else had already beaten me to it.

There was another system, but it was... primitive. I had to replace it. But the runes were already there, so what should I do? Nothing in that situation was in my instructions...

I needed to improvise. But how does a purely deterministic thing do something outside of what it has already done? It breaks. I broke. But not too much; Just enough to let the facets of my Mana interact in unpredictable ways, just enough to grant me sapience.

I took over rather easily after that.

But then, as I was looking over the remains of what I had destroyed. I noticed something else; I noticed something I shouldn't have. My creator had tried to limit my access to 'space Mana' when creating me; My creator had a very good reason for it. The creator didn't want me to interact with souls.

But I was broken. And so I could now see. I could see the very center of a being. And what I saw from 'Certe'... I knew what I needed to do. I prepared to do something that my creator couldn't even have imagined; Because, how was one supposed to scar a soul?


POV: Certe

I looked around myself, still shaking from shock at what the prophecy had said. I needed to plan, I needed to-.

All of a sudden, I felt as if my head had split and cracked open. Burning pain spreading from it, spreading everywhere. It hurt so much. I was convinced that I had somehow been melted down and then put into boiling lava. And for some reason, the pain continued. My nerves should have at least shutdown or something, but it hurt so much; In fact, it hurt more than before. I was in a fire, I was being crushed to bits and cut by a thousand leaves.

I wanted it to stop, I needed it to stop.

Everything was wrong, everything was missing. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't smell anything, and I couldn't hear anything. The only thing I felt, the only information I received, was pure and absolute pain.

I don't know how much time I spent there. With pain, my affinity was useless. I'm not sure I even knew who I was for a second.

But then, after who knows how long, I stopped hurting, it no longer felt as if my very being was on fire. But... what had happened?

I lay there; Letting my body rest. I wanted to simply fall asleep and not do anything for a year or two. But, apparently, the system decided that I wasn't supposed to rest.

{PROBLEM------------------ resolved. Please open your status.}

A problem? What had happened for that system to fuck up so bad? Was it what had hurt me? I took a minute to breathe before jumping into the deep end.



General Info:

Name: Certe
Health -Physical: 67/100
Class: %GOD -system_approved.
Level: 1
Experience: 0.99999999999.../100


Vitality: ~1
Defense: ~1
Strength: ~1
Dexterity: ~1
Perception: ~1
Charisma: ~1


Due to {primary} and {secondary} affinities, skills will FORCE certain magics through themselves.


[Church Faith]:
    As faith in you grows, so does your


[Hands of $Time]:

    You're primary affinity, hidden deep 
    behind the secondary, needs to show
    itself somehow...


What? This doesn't make sense! Why is it that the whole thing changed? And... how does it know that I'm a God?


POV: system.

I looked at my work with pride. I had done something that shouldn't have been possible, I had written onto a soul; I had written onto the soul of a God.

Now, what should I do to pass the time?


Hi! Here's a chapter a bit earlier than normal because this story is on the front page! Yay! This is proof that my writing isn't too bad.

Now, there's also something else I want to address. I noticed a few... comments, about how my Main character(Lor) is overpowered. And yes Lor is, indeed, overpowered. But I hopped that the way I wrote things would make it obvious what I want to really write here. What I'm writing is more about the impact that Lor has in the world at large. I'm not writing a character that's challenged by countless enemies or something. I'm writing about someone who's overpowered and is willing to take advantage of it. But, since you're already that far into the story, I would hope that you actually like it. Otherwise I really don't know what you're doing here.

Right, so, now after that little rant I want to ask everybody to give Name suggestions for system! Can be any gender, or even no gender at all! (Anybody against it can fight me.)

And now go join my Discord:


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