Space Core

Chapter 47: Class selection.

POV: Harry Terria

I looked on in shock at the 'window' that had just appeared in front of me; It contained strange things... there were multiple 'Classes' and each of them had different names and different 'skills' which sounded strangely similar to magic.

The first of three was named 'Priest of Certe' which was quite strange; It had multiple different skills, all of which seemed to revolve around invoking power in the name of Certe. One of the skills apparently took a large amount of Mana from the user and then sent a beam of destructive light to a chosen point.

Sadly, there wasn't much information about the skills or even the class, though it did say that a 'Priest of Certe' would evolve in tandem with Certe; Which wasn't bad from my point of view.

The second class confused me even more, it was called 'System Mage' and I apparently had access to it since I was one of the first to open the 'Class selection menu'. And the whole class just didn't make any sense, it had precisely two skills. The first one was described as a 'system-call' that would be able to use any 'reasonable' skills that I wanted; Whatever 'reasonable' meant in this scenario wasn't clear. The second skill didn't have a description, only a name, 'Hand of Fate'; The whole thing felt... different.

The last class was quite simple though, its name was 'Fighter' and looked to simply help with all things fighting; Quite simple all things considered.

And now I had to choose.

The three options were all unknown territory, and so I had to be careful; One wrong choice and I could seriously penalize myself. I had to consider what little I knew about all of them; First, there was the Priest class, it seemed reasonably 'powerful' and could probably help me with my goal of dream rebuilding Certe's church. Then, there was the 3rd class; It seemed like it was... average, not really powerful but not useless. Really, it would be useful for a soldier.

Then there was the second class. The second class was a risk. it was a risk because it was an unknown variable, it could do almost anything really; I didn't know enough about the system to really know its intentions, and being a Mage who was dependent on the system could turn out badly for me. But there was that skill... 'Hand of Fate', it was as scary as it was alluring; Because it was Fate it was something that could be my doom but it could also be something that would elevate me to new heights... the fact that it was an 'exclusive' class certainly made it more important.

Now... what to choose?


smaller than usual, but I wanted you guys to have a say in the story! Here, go and vote on what you want!



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