Space Core

Chapter 39: Castle talk.

POV: Lethe

And another wall there... And one fake window right over here... Perfect!

I looked over the grand castle I had just finished making; The very stones forming it had been chipped at and deformed just enough to make them look old, but not broken. The windows had just the right amount of blurriness to make them seem useful but not enough to let people actually see what was outside; Which was nothing but a dark void.

But now that I was finished with this... what was I supposed to add to it next? I hadn't really thought much further than making the castle itself, and now I found myself with an empty feeling; What was I supposed to do?

I took a bit of time to reflect on my options, but I didn't find anything good. After all, if no one was going to see it, what good was it for? I eventually decided to talk to Lor in the end, maybe he would be able to give me a good idea.

"H-Hey Lor?" I called out.

"Oh- Euh- What?" He seemed to be surprised at my calling of him, maybe he didn't think I would be done with my projects so soon.

"W-Well... I-I just finished my project, a-and I don't k-know what to do anymore. I-It's not like anybody o-other than us would be able to s-see it..." I said, my voice quiet in shame at my needing to ask more from Lor.

"Hmm, well, let's think about what you already made right now. You created a frankly incredible castle-" If I could blush right now I would be, "-and I can see that you don't want it to be violent or anything. It could be good at something else though."

"L-Like what?" I responded, "I c-can't think of anything! And any of t-the b-buildings I remember from t-the outside world w-wouldn't work anyway; I-I mean, I don't t-think I'd be able to make s-something like a school in t-there..."

When Lor's voice came back to me a few moments later, it held an excitement I hadn't ever heard from him, it was almost childish"Okay, I got an idea for you. First, I will bring to you a few people that the world won't miss; Then, how about you give them some sort of book telling them that they've been 'Chosen' to help with making the castle as filled with secrets and strange things as possible. Once that's done, I would be able to let people enter and exit it in some way to give you company and some entertainment as people would try to figure out everything about the castle! And you could make the whole castle area death-proof or something."

I took about a minute to register everything that Lor had just dropped on me without warning; Truly this idea came from something important to him if he was able to think of all that. though a few things seemed to have been overlooked.

"T-That's cool! B-But how w-would people d-discover the secrets if t-they were the ones m-making them?"



"Also, if you could change the throne room into a large banquet hall with four long tables and another one elevated it would be nice."

I took note of the strange request and got to work. Truly, this would lead to interesting results...


Dear <READER> hopefully this letter finds you well, I would like to invite you formally to the group; you know the location but I feel like you might not know about the password, so here it is: -Cafou

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