
Chapter 11

That was intense.
Suddenly, losing control of your body and basically becoming a puppet for the literal concept of death is not healthy for your mind. Good thing that he doesn't seem to be malicious to begin with.
The good thing is that I seem to be having a better time controlling myself with the whole 'breaking balance' thing. Whatever he did made me able to control my instincts concerning my 'divine domain' easier. So that when my balance got broken again, I wouldn't go into a rage that easily.
I need to go to the Nazarick. I don't really remember what Tabula wrote in those 'lore books', and since all of that most likely became real, I need to know what kind of stupid things he made. I wrote some of those books, too, but he wrote a few of them without me knowing about their contents, so I am in the blank here.
Now, we stand before some bunch of misfits and a bald ugly man who are dressed in robes that scream 'I am evil necromancer!'. Yeah they are resposible for the souls inside undead, an act that destroy the balance.
They notice us due to the distance and light from some sort of crypt behind them. They look turbo tense, but the old man tries to cover it by talking shit about how great and mighty he is or what an amazing artefact he has. Blah, blah, blah, I am an evil villain sort of monologue.
I got fed up and unsheathed my sword, slashing it in the air. Mr. Typical villain actually ducked and evaded the attack while his 'coworkers' all got cut in half. I still remember that my zanpakuto, while controlling my body, literally shattered the earth around most of the cemetery, leaving it in ruins with the same action.
"Why is the soul queen making a move? Shouldn't she stay put unless the balance was affected?"
He asks, clearly scared.
"Undead trapping souls and keeping them from moving on is breaking the balance."
I answered him, and he looked confused.
"But it's how necromancy works."
This is weird. If that's the case, then why am I not angry and offered by Satoru and his undead? They don't have souls inside. From what we learned, there is no difference between magic from the game and here.
"I see."
Aizen said smugly. Of course, it would be him who would figure it out. I will ask him later about it. Speaking of, why is he wearing those glasses? He doesn't need them.
The baldie takes some orb from somewhere and it flashes with bright light. Out of nowhere two skeletal dragons show themselves towering above us.
"Skeletal dragons! Kill them."
The undead dragons roar while trying to attack. I was ready to blast them with kido when Zaraki jumped at them with a grin on his face. Seeing this, Unohana shakes her head and jumps after to fight the dragons.
Rest in pieces, lizards. I truly pity you.
Both kenpachis have completely different methods and fighting styles. Zaraki is limiting himself to make the fight last longer by randomly slashing with his sword without any real technique while taking every hit he can. Normally, you try to dodge attacks, but he actively is doing his best to get hit by them. On the other hand, Unohana is doing her best to destroy her enemy as quickly and cleanly as possible. Her opponent was reduced to scattered small shards of bones with just two sword strikes and a punch to the skull. After dealing with her opponent, she went and did the same to the other dragon, making Zaraki grumpy that his fun was stopped.
They are like psychopathic mother and sons. The kid just wants to torment his enemies and have fun, while the older woman wants to be efficient. That's both a wholesome and scary thought.
The instant they dealt with the undead, Ainz maid showed herself by teleporting behind a scared shitless necromancer stabbing him in the heart and killing him. She stops hiding and wears actual maid clothes.
I also spot the skele-boi coming from the side with the corpse of some woman? Ok.
"It seems you are back to normal. It got me worried."
Yeah, me too.
"That guy likes to play pranks but doesn't seem to be willing to cause problems."
We went into the sarcophagus where necromancers were guarding and found the h protag boi. It seems that the dead girl came for him and changed the others into zombies there. The funniest thing is that if she hadn't done that, it would have taken me much longer to realise what was going on.
The boy is naked and wearing a weird magical circlet on his head. If they were not necromancers, I would think that some weird, kinky things were being done here.
Ainz destroys the item, covers the boy and decides to exit to return him home.
As we walked to the nearest guards to give them the victim, I decided to ask.
"Ainz. The baldie said that all undead made by necromancy have souls in them, which breaks the balance. Then why don't I get angry at you?"
He starts humming. It's a habit of his to do this when thinking.
"The most probable option is that I have a higher tier class of necromancy than any other native to this world. Most likely, I don't use souls inside the undead, but why? Believe it or not, I also felt and found their undead incomplete, disgusting and... illegal."
Wait what?
He just nods.
"Yeah, as if it was not allowed to be done like that."
Huh, that's weird.
"If I may, my lady."
Aizen. Right, he figured something.
"Have you realised something?"
"Yes. I got a theory, but after overhearing the conversation, I got the confirmation for it. It seems that to use undead correctly and not against the balance by making souls go away while leaving the undead function normally requires permission from death itself."
Ainz stopped as If gaining an epiphany.
"Yes! When you try to get a higher-level necromancy class, you need to complete a quest. It requires you to craft a statue depicting death itself to gain its approval. Basically, it is rubbing the ego of the very concept. No one ever thought much about it because the statue never had any real being on it outside of an empty throne."
Oh my. That explains most of the questions about that, but there are other concerns.
"Is the statue in Nazarick?"
"Yes, it is. What about it?"
He seems to not get it. So I say one single word that makes us both sweatdrop at what could possibly be happening in Nazarick, and the worst of all, Ainz is not there to stop her from freaking out.
His eyes shined so bright that even from under his helmet, I saw the flash.
"Shit. Quick, Nabe take the boy to the guards and explain the situation. We need to move!"
It seems he got more paniced at it rather than me if he is willing to let a being who sees humans as annoying ants with them alone.
We quickly left through the gate that Ainz summoned towards Nazarick or, rather, right in front of the entrance.
"Maybe you should teleport with the ring to the correct floor while I go there on foot."
"No, only you can stop her like this. She will most likely stop until I leave out of her sight."
So we went inside the Nazarick. We had to reach the living quarters, which were on the ninth floor.
On the way, we noticed multiple blood trails, looking as if many bodies were dragged inside through the floors.
"It seems we are late."
After some time and passing by some cut-off limbs, we reached the correct room. We opened the door and saw Albedo cutting the heads of poor lizardmen who were gagged to stop them from screaming. Some of them were missing limbs and being kept alive with magic.
"Keep silent, pigs. Just die and be useful."
After dying their souls left their body and instead of my sword went into the statue which is like Ainz explained a throne, but this time something or rather somone is sitting on it. Yes the statue of the same guy both me and Soi Fon saw a while ago.
Both Ainz and I brathed out in relief. We were worried that she would try to kill maids or some other servants due to them being closer.
Why would she? Well, Tabula was my friend and a total gap-moe maniac. So he made a super sexy succubus who is a total fanatic-yandere priestess of my zanpakuto. Once she realised that he was around due to the statue taking form, she would instantly want to feed souls to him, and looking at her insanity, she could potentially want to kill other servants in Nazarick to do that.
Ainz looked a little bit put off by the sight of her covered in blood grinning happily at the souls being absorbed so I am the one that makes the most sensible decision here.
"When you are done, please clean yourself and meet me."
After this, I closed the door.
I can already feel the headache I will have later because of her.

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