Sorcery Monarch

Chapter 59: Dreams and Hope

Chapter 59: Dreams and Hope


Hearing Ralph’s somewhat dramatic declaration, Matthew wasn’t surprised.


After all, in this world, true beauty is hard to find!


March 10th, year 129, noon.


The rich aroma of wheat spread across the temporary living area, carried by the gentle breeze.


Many of the cart pushers who had just received their pay stared at the core of Bay Village with disbelief.


On the newly cleared flat ground, the recruited life and manufacturing talents were enjoying the welcome feast provided by Bay Village.


Twenty tables were surrounded by white bread, piled meat steaks forming a small hill, oriental-style stir-fried dishes, and large cod nearly half a meter long, steaming with irresistible fragrance.


Boiling broth with large bones simmered on the stove, filling the air with a savory aroma that made mouths water.


The free black bread and fish soup that had previously satisfied everyone now seemed far less appealing as they eyed the feast from a distance.


Everyone gathered together, nibbling on their bread and sipping their soup, quietly standing in place.


The primary reason they stayed put was the fully armed soldiers, lined up and standing guard by the fence.


Their palpable killing intent sent chills down everyone’s spine.


Perched on her brother’s shoulders, little Jixiang excitedly pointed and said:


"Brother, I see that cool big brother from earlier…"


Thankfully, Leon didn’t hear that, or his ego would have inflated.


"And that scary steward is there too…"


Poor Ralph’s reputation was suffering.


"Who is that? Is he the lord?"


Jifan instinctively looked over and immediately noticed the tall, striking figure.


The tall and lean man carried a more commanding presence than the burly Tom. His long silver robe was intricately embroidered with complex patterns.


Jifan remembered the other identity of this lord: a mysterious and powerful arcanist.


This didn’t sit well with Jifan, given that he had grown up in Blood Moon City, which was also under the rule of an arcanist lord.


But what followed left everyone speechless.


A dragon!


No one saw how Yaya had appeared.


When they finally noticed, she was already perched silently on the lord’s shoulder.


Beautiful, mysterious, and exuding an aura of unapproachable majesty!


Many people’s legs grew weak, and they dared not look directly at Yaya’s slender, perfect figure. Others were filled with fanaticism and disbelief.


The rumors were true—this lord truly had a dragon!


A stir of excitement spread through the crowd but quickly settled into silence.


Behind the lord, two dragonborn kobolds strode forward, followed by hundreds of kobolds grouped together.


Yaya glanced over at them, her eyes glinting with bright light, before lowering her head and closing her eyes in a coiled position.


The awe-inspiring entrance had the effect Matthew desired, and a smile appeared on his face. He cast a spell to amplify his voice, speaking loudly:


"Welcome to Bay Village. You are all about to begin a new chapter in your lives here!"


"Each of you will receive a house and ten acres of land for permanent use."


"In the future, if you’re satisfied with life here, you can bring your family to join you."


"Here, no crime or exploitation will be tolerated!"


"Here, everyone’s hard work will be rewarded fairly!"


"Here, with diligence, you can provide for your entire family."


"Here, wisdom, experience, and skills will be respected to the fullest."


"Here, as long as you follow the rules and work hard, everyone has the chance to achieve their dreams!"


"This is a place of hope, where everyone can showcase their talents."


"If you face any difficulties, ask the guards for help, and they will assist you without hesitation!"


"Finally, enjoy your meal…"


"And for those who haven’t yet joined Bay Village, don’t be discouraged. Work hard and follow the rules, and in just three months, you too can become part of this community!"


After finishing his speech, Matthew didn’t linger. He left the area with Angela and the kobolds, giving the space back to the people.


As soon as he left, the previously silent banquet burst into life when Ralph shouted, "Dinner is served!" The atmosphere quickly became lively.


The excited newcomers eagerly ate while discussing their bright future, their words filled with hope.


But outside the fence, those who hadn’t yet joined the village were left speechless, an inexplicable thought forming in their minds.


"If these old folks can do it, why can't we?"


Indeed, under Matthew's policy of not minding age, half of the talents and professionals recruited by Adam Smith were retirees over 60 years old.


For Matthew, it wasn’t about having these individuals do the work themselves. He valued their rich experience and needed them to train more specialists.


These elderly professionals acted as mentors for the entire village, their last contributions creating a foundation for the younger generation.


Once they had passed on their knowledge, they would make way for the new blood they had trained.


It was a wise investment.


The power of "Charisma" had once again revealed itself.


Ralph observed that many hesitant people were now considering joining Bay Village.


"This must be what the lord meant by the herd mentality. It’s fascinating…"


Originally, Ralph had believed that slowly cultivating talent would be a safer approach.


But seeing this fervor, he realized that human behavior could indeed be manipulated!


Cultivating homegrown talent had its advantages, but so did recruiting talent en masse. The latter provided numbers quickly, leading to faster results.


Having fully understood this, Ralph could now deeply appreciate that the lord’s ambitions were vast.


"Perhaps, with the lord’s talents restored, he already senses that he will go far on the path of an arcanist."


"So, he doesn't want to walk this journey alone—he seeks to bring others along to witness his growth and greatness…"


With that thought, Ralph felt even more motivated!


Being a steward was both his job and his dream!


Once, he had dreamed of managing a vast territory, earning the respect of its people, gaining the lord's trust, and organizing everything to perfection so that the lord's family would flourish.


Now, his dream had evolved.


Managing a floating city would be a magnificent experience!


Overlooking the entire territory from the sky would offer an even more breathtaking view!

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