Sorcerer from Another World

Sorcerer’s Path

When our cries died down, Galen commanded.

“Arm our people, Sorcerer. Druid, I expect everything you can give us and more. Morgana, it is good to see you again. Her word is second only to mine until this crisis is over or I am dead. Should I fall, Morgana Pendragon is my successor. Everyone, do your duty. That is all.”

Galen and his wife Rebecca left, their arms linked and everyone started to clear the roundhouse. 

“Successor? Nicely done.” I said to Morgana. 

“You did great.” Iris said. 

“Thank you, I am grateful for his trust. Galen has grown into a fine leader. I know of no others who could inspire such faith while also being bold enough to listen to an outsider like myself.”

“He is, but someday you will be an even better leader.’ Iris boasted proudly with a beaming smile. 

Morgana kept a straight face, but I was confident her heart warmed at her lover's boast. 

“She’s right, you know.” I said. 

Morgana turned to leave.  

“Sorcerer of Tomorrow. Nice ring to it.” an unfamiliar person said.  

‘Yes?’ I answered.

“The name is Geoffrey, Geoff for short.” a charming young man said. He had dirty, blonde hair and big, brown eyes like a golden retriever. He was clad comfortably in brown and green.

“If it pleases you, Master Sorcerer, Lady Morgana, and Druid Iris.” He said bowing to each of us in turn then he cleared his throat. “If I may join you.” He asked nervously.

His dog barked.

It was big and fluffy with thick grey hair. It had warm, brown eyes that soothed the soul. 

Morgana and Iris petted the dog and it happily received belly rubs.

I gauged the young man, though Morgana had already taken his measure. 

“I would be grateful, I can see a story, and you three will have many. It would mean the world to the lad and perhaps help with your reputation problem, eh?” spun the poet.

“He can, if he causes no trouble.” I agreed.

The dog barked and exposed its long pink tongue.

“We would be glad of your service, Young Geoff, you shall be well paid with food but we don’t have a home for you at the moment. I promise that it will come, all in good time “ Morgana said.

“You offer too much, Lady Morgana, I have a place to stay for now.”

“Good, come by our roundhouse later and we can talk more, okay?”

He bowed low. 

I passed him the sleep inducing flute and said cryptically, “Only use it against enemies or friends who need to sleep more.”

“Thank you for the gift, Master Sorcerer.” 

Geoff turned around and was face to face with an older, wizened woman wearing a colourful assortment of reds, greens and yellows carrying in one hand a tree with gold bells and in the other one with bronze bells. 

“Here Geoff… a tree of your own.” she said and passed him the one that had bronze bells. 

“I’m a poet, true.”

“Aye little one, time to tell your own tales.”

“Thank you.” he said tearfully. 

The Master poet bowed to us then walked away with Geoff out of the roundhouse. 

We followed after and arms linked through Ferisdarm.

I spotted Samiya as we went through a bustling makeshift market area. Samiya, Namir and Amina’s daughter, clashed wooden swords with one of the orphan kids from Yolin’s hill. The kid wore a red cap. 

They laughed and taunted, ‘Die, Redcap!”, Samiya shouted. 

Another much younger child laughed menacingly then waved their hands and muttered nonesene then screamed, “Thunder”. 

The orphan kid shook then dropped to the dirt dramatically, “Thank you, Sorcerer.” Samiya playful bowed to the child. 

The child's chest swelled with pride.   

I smirked. Kids. 

“Okay, I’m going Iris next.” Samiya said and picked up a branch, “Fire!” she roared then she lunged to tickle the child causing to run and beg for mercy. 

We laughed as we watched the kids, Morgana nudged Iris who was blushing.

We had entered our roundhouse when Morgana’s eyes glowed a dark yellow. The light faded. Morgana rose in the air and her voice deepened. 

“The path is chosen. The Once and Future King is determined. The Mighty is condemned to a second betrayal. The Trickster dances between light and shadow preparing one last move. The path is chosen. Druidry preserved and Sorcery rises. In Flight comes War.” she spoke in eerie montone, calmly as if listing a shopping list. 

Her eyes wide, unfocused and staring without a single momentary blink.  

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