Sorcerer from Another World

Meredith’s Path

“Galen, you cannot think to trust Unseelie?” Rebecca said, shocked.

“Not trust, but to use them as a tool.” Bomdall soothed.

“If we carry a spear into war we best be careful lest it splinters and snaps in two.” Rebecca argued. 

Morgana agreed and doubled down on the disagreement, “Rebecca is right, Druid. Arthur had little qualms about continuing to send hunters my way and though they were wrong about my connections to the Unseelie their response to a potential Unseelie threat was correct. There can be no negotiations when we have far better options within our walls.”

“The strength of our warriors, the support of our people and the power of my Paragon Damian the Sorcerer are the foundation of our survival. Imagine every warrior clad into unbreaking metal suits, with weapons that can piece any hide or armour, think about walls that rise high as hills and the might of the Sorcerer greater than Merlin crushing the enemies that foolishly bear down upon us.”

Bomdall smiled sweetly at first, but it soon seemed bitter.

But it was one of the crafters who argued back for him, “No offence Sorcerer, but we do not know you and Lady Morgana. M’Lady you sound like that fool outside preaching he died and resurrected! Unbreaking metal suits? I trust not Romans nor the despised Unseelie. Why do we not send for Arthur? If we are to put our trust in anyone it should be our King and our warriors who follow him.” 

“I sent a messenger by horse weeks ago, and Bomdall tried but failed as well. We cannot rely on Arthur’s help, anyway he would fly to Guinevere before checking on Ferisdarm. The rest of the Chiefs died at Lan’s hand. Any survivors are busy dealing with their own crises to give us aid, last we heard.” Galen answered.

“Chieftain Lan killed the other Chiefs?” Morgana asked, shocked.

“Meredith tells us a curse took him.” Bomdall answered. 

“Yes, he became enflamed with jealousy and sought to steal Guinevere away. Many died to give her time to escape. He fled across the sea, Galen was going to give chase but then the Romans arrived.” Meredith told. 

“Lan?” Morgana asked again, this time with a softer tone. “Did anyone else see this?”

“Well, Chieftain Triste.”

“He is with Arthur, at the moment.” Rebecca said.

“So, it is on Meredith’s word that we believe Lan betrayed us?” Morgana reasoned.

“What are you suggesting?” Meredith asked angrily. 

“I knew Lan, his skill in warfare was only exceeded by his honour. I would sooner argue that grass is blue than accept this tale without having it confirmed by a trusted source.” Morgana replied. 

“Love hurts, Morgana. That sort of pain changes people. Even more so when Unseelie trickery is added.” said Rebecca.

Morgana nodded slowly but seemed unconvinced.  

“I trust my Niece, cousin as should you. What hope do we have if Pendragons start turning on one another?”

“A dragon is doomed when its claws are turned to its throat.” Bomdall imparted wisely. 

“I would not dismiss Morgana’s doubts so lightly. Her judgement is of equal in value as Meredith’s claim. It means nothing to me, I do not know this Lan or you Meredith. Frankly, we are not a dragon, we are a society of people. If we are to overcome this threat we need power. The power of a clear plan led by united purpose, of organised warriors and the steel to arm and protect them. Morgana has given you the best plan, you have the warriors and I can give you something better than steel.“ I said. 

Meredith spoke up, “You are an outsider as is she, my way is the only guarantee of your survival, Galen. Everyone in this village lives if we seek sanctuary with the Romans.”

“Meredith, that is not true. Only the strong will be able to endure the travel and we have no idea of what demands they will make of us. My Aunt after her husband surrendered peaceful was raped by Romans warriors. They made her thank them for the honour before they did the same to my cousin. She was not fully grown then.” Rebecca told. 

Galen held her hand as Rebecca took a swing of her drink.

“I have heard stories about the Romans from those who have lived among them. Romans only respect Romans, they view all others as barbarians to be treated as cattle for their slave markets. I will not allow us to suffer a life under the Roman heel.” promised Galen. 

There were rounds of agreements around the table while Meredith scowled and left.

“She will understand, she needs time.” Rebecca soothed her husband.

“She wants certainty when I can offer none. I used to be the same.” Galen reasoned.  

“I do not know or trust these Romans but we should leave Ferisdarm. It is too dangerous to stay.” I said.

Morgana tugged at my arm. 

“Don’t.” she whispered.

“We are not going.” said Galen bluntly.  

“But…” I tried to argue. 

His face set.

“You will do as I command.”

“We cannot stay in Ferisdarm.”

“Yes, we can with your magics we can hold.”

“I am not enough!”

“Yes, you are!” He went silent. “You have to be.”

I could not say anything back.

“The people will not survive the journey, Master Sorcerer.” Rebecca explained. “We do not even know of any safe refugee even if we did leave.”

“I will not sacrifice a single one of my people.”

“My husband, we have little time if we are to decide a course forward we cannot afford to delay. All the options have advantages and difficulties. But you are the head of Ferisdarm and our leader. It is your choice.” Rebecca detailed. 

“I cannot lead our people to the Romans. They are mighty but no friend of ours. Of those that make the journey, what we may gain in security we will lose in freedom.”

“We are here to help.” Morgana announced and gestured to Iris and myself with an open palm. “A new way for a new world, one that does not mean relying on Rapacious Romans or the Unforgivable Unseelie. 

“Morgana, you better be right.” he sighed. “ We trust in the Sorcerer. Tara you are to guard the Sorcerer to the death. Protect him as if he was me. Is that understood?”

“Aye, Chieftain. From this day forth with a glad heart and a strong arm, I will defend Damian the Grey, Champion of the Seelie Court as a brother. I swear upon the rivers and the mountains below and the clouds and sky above to hope to die on the same day. If I should ever break this bond may the I be swallowed by the earth and denied by place in the Otherworld.”

“Do you accept this Oath?” Galen asked.

“I do.”

“Bomdall, even in our darkest hour we should not step out of the light. In trying to trick them we will chain ourselves to horrors that betray the honesty and integrity of our people.”

“I understand, my chief. I am sorry that you could not do what needs to be done.” Bomdall said coldly and walked out of the tent. 

Galen betrayed a moment of pain but his wife clasped her hand in his. They shared a glance and he smiled with surety. 

“We may be the last of the Cetii and together we face the greatest challenge ever to face our people. Behind the walls of Ferisdarm, our ancient refugee, we fight against Unseelie domination. I have clung to the hope of a safe and free life for our people. It is the cause for which many have died for, and I am prepared to die to keep hope alive. I do not believe in myth but the sword in my hand and the power of our people. I trust in the future promised by Morgana Pendragon and ushered in by Damian of the Grey’s the Sorceror of Tomorrow. I promise our final victory is certain.”  

“Galen! Galen! Galen!” we cried out. 

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