So, I'm a witch, so what?

V7: Commission

"There's something else I would like to do before heading back home, if you don't mind," I ask Klevan for permission to head off into the bakery nearby so I could pick up the pastries I had promised my goddess. Klevan doesn't even say a word and just lets me off with a head nod.

I know he is not the lovely, warm kind of guy, but sometimes, his low level of simplicity makes me question his power or lack thereof. In any case, I should be heading off to the bakery as soon as possible to start bargaining with the baker.

The baker recently increased his prices, but perhaps I can make something work. If I'm correct about my hypotheses about the baker needing help, then maybe I could lend him a quick hand or even fabricate him whatever equipment he needs this time.

I remember that last time I was here, the baker wanted some custom pair of long scissors made, and I just so happened to have the scissor skill tree unlocked after working with some at the farm. How very convenient indeed.

"Hey there, Pan." The baker soon greets me while carrying a heavy bag of flour as if it were nothing over his shoulders. Naturally, I greet him back.

"Good morning. Do you need any help with that?" I might as well try to open my encounter with him on a good note, as always, but it seems like the baker is wary of my words because he answers rather aggressively.

"Is it going to cost me four pieces of bread? I know what you're doing, Pan. You're rather sharp, but no, I got this for now. I don't need your help today." Talk about a guy who knows their clients, but even if he knows my intentions, I cannot let him dismiss me just yet since heading back home without pastries would mean death!

"Are you sure about that? Because I just so happen to remember you needed a pair of scissors." The store owner didn't look so shocked at my words, but he recognized my point and gave me the green light to continue.

"Yeah, I still need them, but you said you couldn't fabricate scissors last time you were here." Ah, of course, he couldn't have any way of knowing my skill improvements yet, so I had better let him know I could do the job now, if only for a small price.

"I learned how to make them. So if you still have the materials, I could make them for you." Advocado looks surprised at my words, but he smiles back at me once he lets out a small sigh.

"Boy, you sure are something else. You're a talking goblin with the talents of a blacksmith who works on a farm. Just when I thought I had seen it all. Fine then, I still have the materials, but I do need the scissors to be made exactly how I want them. Are you sure you're up to the task?"

"Of course, I've got it! Whatever customization you want, I'm sure I can handle it! Leave it to me!" The owner soon left the bag of flour on the floor and went inside his store to fetch me the materials needed for the fabrication of his scissors, along with a small piece of paper with instructions.

"Alright, here it is. I got the finest chunks of iron I could buy and also some Eris for the crafting. As for how I want them, everything should be written on that piece of paper; please make them right." My jaw dropped when I finally got to check the specifications the baker wanted since I had never expected it to be so complicated.

The instructions read as follows: "The handle must be at least 3 inches long with a firm grip holder for someone who would cut with their left hand. Please make the blade at least 1 inch wide at the widest and 8 inches long. Scissors must be enhanced with the special ore material (purple ore) so it gains the 'sharpness' enchantment."

"Alright, this is pretty complicated, which grants an early payment, don't you think?" The owner sighs as his left-hand hits his face, but then he just nods while heading back into the shop, probably to grab me some pastries.

"Fine! FINE! You've got me. I really want them built ASAP. My daughter needs them." The owner reluctantly handed me over a small box of pastries along with a firm shake of hands, so it was official now. I'm finally able to leave it back to Mr Klevan once my transaction with the baker is over, which lets me think about just how the hell I would make his order.

I know I already took the materials and pre-payment in advance, but I still don't even know if I'm able to customize things this much; what if I fail? No! I must not fail! No matter how tedious getting it just right might be, I must deliver him a great, enjoyable product that will bring him happiness!

Well, I guess it will bring happiness to his daughter, but you catch my drift, don't you? I want to make whoever uses my tools a complete pro, even if they're of low quality at the moment. I wish I could improve my products overnight, but as is, if I want something really well made, I really need to put a lot of concentration into my craft; otherwise, I mess it up, and it ends up being a low-quality tool.

Well, I've already got pre-paid, so it's not like I stand to win anything. Still, I don't want people to get the wrong image of my craft, so I will have to be extra careful with this order, as it will massively increase my level of reputation with the people if I keep accepting craft jobs like these.

Who knows, maybe I'll become the town's new blacksmith since the old one has already moved out of town for "lack of business." I'd say it was more because his tools and equipment sucked so bad it wasn't worth any money whatsoever.

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