So, I'm a witch, so what?

Interlude: A deal with the devil?

[Les voici ! Voici le duo ! - Yijun Jiang]

"You're aware that I hold the key to your predicament, aren't you? Naturally, I have my conditions." A voice, shrouded in an ethereal mist, resonates from the heart of a square formation. Its origin, a puzzle yet to be solved, remains visible only to me, adding to the intrigue of our encounter.

"What manner of being are you?" I address the enigmatic fog, which gradually coalesces into the form of a horned human. The entity remains unseen and incomprehensible to the others, who hold their positions, oblivious to the conversation.

"My identity shouldn't be important now; all you should care about is that I can stop and eliminate your current enemies for a hefty price, of course!" The being's words, delivered with a hint of menace, sent a shiver down my spine. Even more so when they finally finished manifesting as an elegant demon girl, the suspense of their proper form added to the captivation of our interaction.

The demon girl wore the skin and body of a young woman who couldn't be above her 30s, and she had a strange set of clothes I had never seen anyone from this land wear. She did not look like a savage or royalty but like a peculiar businesswoman from some distant land.

"Why would you help me destroy your kin?" I ask away while the creature slowly creeps forward, carrying itself with such confidence it sends shivers down my spine. The being before me was more substantial than anyone I had ever dealt with.

"They're not my kin. Think of it this way. I'm a true dragon, and they're, well, normal dragons. I have no connection to these inferior creatures that call themselves 'demons.' Besides, are you really sure you have time to yap about me?" The demon girl's words, laced with a hint of disdain, drew my attention back to the impending conflict. The enemy was still coming at us, but something did seem strange, intensifying the engagement of our situation.

"Why are they all moving so slowly?" Once I had time to think the situation through some more, ever since the girl spoke to me, everything seemed to have slowed down significantly, as if time had come to a halt. The demon girl smiled when I commented while looking at me with her wretched eyes.

"Took you long enough. I thought you would never stop yapping about nonsense, so I slowed down time so that you wouldn't all die. You can call it a gift from my great benevolence!" A demon being benevolent?! What blasphemy was she on about? I was sure she would ask for something for even doing just that!

"You're the one talking nonsense! Ask for your price already! You know I've got no other options, you demon!" The girl quickly laughed at my words as if I said something amusing. I guess she was still evil, probably delighted at the thought of having my soul.

"Straight to the point! UUOO! I like that. I like that a lot, indeed! You're one of those! Good then, all I ask for is a small sacrifice on your part! A simple yet powerful request! I'm sure you'll agree to it!" The demon girl kept teasing me by getting closer so that she could run her fingers through my face and body like a little freak.

"Are you not going to tell me? Is it something that valuable to me? Come on, spit it out already! What is your demand from me DEMON!" The girl finally finished her inspection of me with a gentle kiss on the lips, which I couldn't refuse since she could kill me at a moment's notice.

"No need to be so aggressive. Well then! All I want from you is for you to sacrifice your firstborn child to me! Kill them before an altar to my name, and your debt to me will be paid!" Ugh! What did she say?! Kill my own child to her?! Kill my kid to a demon?! Why would I ever do such a thing!? I'd rather kill myself!

"How dare you even think I'd agree to that?!" The mysterious girl simply smiles as the scenery around us changes from the current time stop to a scene where we are all dead, bleeding out after a quick one-hour fight, hopeless as the demons take second shots at our bodies.

"Oh? Are you sure the life of one is not worth all these men's lives? Are you really that selfish? Will you let all their families wait for them just so you can save one small life? Aren't these ten thousand lives not worth more than one small one?" NGUUGH! YOU! DAMN HER! How can she put it like that?! Of course, I want to save them! But my child! I have never even seen their face!

"Wouldn't my life be enough for you?! Take my soul! I willingly would sacrifice myself for you instead of my kid, please! I don't want such a deal!" The Demon girl laughed even harder at my words as if I was saying something so unreasonable that it was funny.

"Oh? Your soul is so very corrupt and dark it's utterly worthless to me! You wouldn't even be considered an appetizer! But a newborn's soul! Oh yes! Those are the most delicious souls to devour! Put it this way: you're simple dirty pond water, but your kid is like a fine vintage wine to my pallet!"

So she was planning to devour his soul? Would I have the courage to accept such a wretched deal? Let a demon devour my kid's soul to save myself and my men? Would I? Of course not! But these men also trust I'll bring them home safe and sound! And here I am, failing to fulfill that promise!

"How many souls would to take instead?! Do you want people's souls sacrificed to you?! How about I sacrifice some people for you until my last living day!? Please! Anything but my child!" The demon's smile grew even larger and creepier while her strangely shaped pupils stared into my soul.

"No! I want your firstborn's life! I will not take anything else! So choose mortal! TIC TOC! The clock is ticking! I might not have the power to stop time for much longer, you know? She would be really mad if I did!" Damn it, I was running out of time, but then it clicked. If it was the kids she wanted, then how about!

"I'll sacrifice multiple firstborn children for you instead of just mine! How many do you want?! TEN?! MAYBE TWENTY?! How many to spare my own?!" The demon looked at me menacingly but with a gentle smile at my deal while extending her hand toward me.

"You're a brilliant one! Alright then! If you can fetch me Twenty-five, I'll spare your kid! You'll have a year to fulfill your part of the deal! However, if by a year you haven't completed this task! I won't only take your kid's soul but yours as well!"

This damn demon! Twenty-five kids?! Really? Well, I suppose I could get that done with my power as noble. I'll have to come up with an accident cover-up with a wealthfare trip gone wrong or something! A year is more than enough time to fulfill this task.

"I'll do it, so please get rid of my current enemies and let these men arrive safely back home!" The demon shakes my hand when I extend mine to her, wearing a fake, happy smile.

"You've got it! I'll erase this company attacking you and teleport you all back to your home country! Oh, such an excellent negotiator you are! A very bright one at that, as well! Pleasure doing business with you!"

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