So, I'm a witch, so what?

Chapter 24: I never learn do I?

Another day begins with a simple yet fulfilling wake-up and a satisfying stretch to grow just a little taller. If only growing was as easy as wishing for it. There's not much to my life now that I have moved into a small town, so I simply follow my routine.

I've got to do some errands in the morning and buy a couple of daily supplies for the day with the money I get from our adoptive father. Life couldn't be easier at the moment, but the fear of things crumbling remains within my heart.

I guess you couldn't blame me since I thought everything was going well back in my previous life until it all went to shit. I got tricked into slavery and only got saved from that awful fate by mere luck and not much else. It's not like I did anything worthy of praise back then.

Why am I even thinking about random stuff now? I should just get on with this simple lifestyle and assimilate into this town as best as possible. I have a clean slate to live at my leisure, so letting my guard down shouldn't be a problem.

I mean, it's not like enemies are about to appear out of nowhere to start destroying this town as well. That would be absolutely ridiculous to think about! My luck would have to be the worst in the entire world for that to become a reality. Hmmph!

And, of course, because I didn't learn my lesson the first time to not summon bad luck by asking for unnecessary trouble, I've summoned the skeptics on me. While it is true that most people in this town accept me and love me overall, two ladies are suspicious of Vera and me.

Their names are "Miss Oka" and "Miss Jean." Ugh! I hate their guts, and they probably hate mine, but that's what they get for being so nosy! Why are there people like them in the world?! Geez, get a life! Get a husband! You need kids, so you stop being so nosy!

{Sigh} Well, I can't avoid the hags. Now they're about to meet me face to face in the middle of the street, and there's not a single soul around to stop them from harassing me.

"Are you going to use our appraisal stone now or what?" Miss Jean exclaims while she places her nasty old hands on my head.

'We've told you to show us your status! We want to confirm you're not a threat!" Miss Oka backs Jean up by grabbing my right shoulder tightly so I can't move at all.

Oh great! Let me go, you nosy hags! I've got nothing to prove! I'm not a menace! I'm the opposite of one! I just want to live a quiet and happy life! Just let me go on with my day! I don't want to hurt some old freaks!

"I'm sorry you think a 7-year-old girl could be a threat to you, but I swear I didn't mean to be born with ten times, no one hundred times, your combined beauty." Oops, it came out, didn't it? I think I should've held my tongue back.

The hags don't get it at first, and that makes me think they're simply stupid or close-minded, but after some awkward seconds of silence, Miss Oka angrily reacts to my words by pulling my hair down with the strength of a well-old hag, to put it bluntly.

Miss Jean is the last to react to my offensive language with a firm slap directly to my lower jaw. I didn't think she had caused me much damage until some blood spilled from my lower lip and into the ground below.

Seeing my blood on the floor soon triggered the recent trauma I had been suppressing away, and I tried to control my emotions to not hurt anyone out of rage. It takes a tremendous effort not to relate with all my might, but I can hold it for now.

"You've got a dirty mouth, you bitch!" Oka screams while laughing at me and my held-up emotions or anger toward them.

"Use the appraisal stone! There's nothing to hide, is there?! Why are you so afraid to show us! SHOW US!" Jean presses me further while pressing the appraisal stone on my face until I snatch it from her hands.

"You want to see my information, aye? I'll show you, alright... APPRAISAL"

Another floating projection appears before the three of us, coming from the small blue stone that shines brightly at the reaction of my power. I hadn't checked my own status for a while, so I was partially doing it because I thought I was still weak, but I would've never expected what I saw in front of me.

{Clock Works - Yugo Kanno}

[Generating Appraisal]

Witch Child {Rank 1}

[Classless Witch]

Name: Yoimiya

Age: 7

Level: 15

HP: 18,000/20,000 [Limitless with enough Hope]

MP: [Stone level too low to appraise]

SP: 10,000/20,000 [Limitless with enough Hope]

Stamina: 6.000/7,000 [Limitless with enough Hope]

Strength: 1,200

Damage Output: [SS-tier] [Holy title holder boost]

Defense: 1,000

Speed: {Enhanced} 4,000 Base: {2,500}

Skills: Appraisal {Level 7}, LMSH {Level 3}, Pain mitigation {Level 10}, Pain nullification {Level 2}. E=E {E=E}.

Titles: {Ruler of Hope} {Ruler of Temperance} {Holy}

Information: The first dark magic individual in history to unlock a holy tree. The power that flows through their veins is enough to destroy and vanquish thousands of evil-doers. Heavenly virtues are more accessible to obtain thanks to the tree unlock.

"A ruler?! You're a ruler!? At your age!?" Unlike Jean, who looked conflicted, Miss Oka was the first to respond with a pretty generic response from her gazing awe.

"How is that possible!? A ruler of a heavenly virtue! I'M SORRY! Your holiness! I'm sorry!" Jean actually threw herself before me, asking for forgiveness like I was some sort of princess or something of the sort. I didn't get it, so I just gave her the stone back.

"There, so you found out my secret about my race. Does that make you happy? Is humiliating me and my character what you sought?" I asked them while they both suddenly went to their knees. Did they know something I didn't? If so, please tell me what's up because I'm getting freaked out!.

"Uh? I already forgave you, so why are you bowing down to me? It's a bit weird, so please stop."

"We are sorry to have tried to corrupt your holy spirit! We are very sorry! Please forgive us for trying to tempt you into rage! We are not devils! Please believe us!" What the hell were those two on about?! I wasn't getting any of it!

"What are you talking about? I'm not that impressive. Just keep it between you, and it will be all good!" I said while smiling, but of course, I should've known better about those two. They would be about to spread the news in town and all other surrounding ones for sure.

I just hoped that the drama wouldn't be that serious. I mean, how important could it be that I'm considered holy and the ruler of heavenly virtues? I mean, it's not like that will cause a lot of trouble or unexpected things to happen, hehe! EHEHEHEHE!

{3 days later}

"I never learn to shut my mouth, do I?"


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