Skill-Less Swordsman

2. The Plan

“So let me get this straight,” I say with an eyebrow raised, “you want me to sneak into some progenitor’s party, find some mysterious safe, then you want me to trust that this so called code for the safe actually works, and on top of all that, you want me to not get caught or leave a trace?”

“You won’t be sneaking in Rowan my boy! You’ll walk right in! I worked some magic, and was able to secure an invitation, that before you ask, is completely legit! No need to worry!” Uncle Rowan says with a toothy, confident smile.

“Ok, but again I ask, why not put someone a bit more qualified for the task? I mean, I appreciate the vote of confidence but I don’t think I’m exactly qualified to be stealing from a progenitor. Those guys are monsters who’ve been alive since the old world after all. I’m sure they’re plenty aware of the possibility of someone trying to steal from them.”

“It’s just like I said, a tierless loser like you won’t be drawing any looks at all, especially considering there’s so many higher tiers out and about for this party! Who expects anyone to try something so stupid!” He bellows with a hearty chuckle.

“Well if you say so,” I sigh in defeat, “but you’re sure things won’t take a turn for the worse? I’m not exactly ready to die ya know.”

“Quit be such a, as the old worlders used to say, scaredy cat. Plus I have some higher tier guys ready to pull you out if things go wrong.”

“How high tier we talking here?”

“All of them are tier 5 minimum, and one’s even a tier 7.”

“Really that high? How’d you manage that?”

“Oh you know, pulled some strings.” He smiles evilly.

“Ok well that’s all well and good, but what if the big man comes after me? Ya know, one of the few remaining progenitors who still live on this shitty planet and tier 11, at MINIMUM.”

“Oh please, Waylen’s head is so far up his own ass, he wouldn’t be caught dead attacking such ‘weaklings’ as he would say.”

“Ok, but if your wrong, it’s my head on the chopping block”

“Relax, everything is gonna go great, you’ll see.”

“Rowan my boy! Can you hear me!” I hear booming in my ear.

“Yes yes, now please quit screaming. Now how far can this thing reach?” I say, referring to the old world ear piece I have on that looks vaguely like an earring, “And tell me again why we can’t just use some magitech equipment for this?”

“We’ve gone over this, we can’t risk being caught out by a magical array. I wasn’t able to find anything saying they have these arrays for sure, but you can never be to safe when it comes to this stuff. Those things should be good for up to a mile. I’ve got a small base set up at about that range outside his mansion, ready to give support.”

I look down at my outfit. A simple black tuxedo with a red bowtie and matching red lapels. Apparently the accent color of your tuxedo is supposed to correspond to the element of your core in high society, but seeing as I have yet to form my core, let alone establish my element, I’m supposed to accent my tuxedo with whatever element I believe that I will resonate with in the future.

Of course how could I forget my sword strapped to my waste, which isn’t exactly common, but neither is it uncommon. Ceremonial swords exist all over the place in high society after all, and while my sword doesn’t exactly scream ‘ceremonial’, I can just say It’s a very old heirloom or something similar.

I chose red because most people see fire-cored individuals as high tempered and underestimate their strategic prowess. It’s a small thing I know, but for such a high-profile mission, every little bit could come in handy. Plus, they may misidentify me if I ever get caught as already having a fire core.

I hear in my ear again, “Anyway, stick to the plan, show them the invite at the door, then wait approximately two hours, enough for people to get a few drinks in them. Finally all you gotta do is find the safe, destroy any wards placed on it with that signal-less disruptor I gave you and get out. Simple right?”

“Well if you put it like that it sounds easy peezy, you know more than I do that things don’t always go according to plan.”

“You’ll figure it out I’m sure.” He laughs heartily.

“Uh huh….”

I look up to see my magitech carriage quickly approaching the mansion, or should I say palace, in question. How Uncle Moren managed to get his hands on one of these is anyone’s guess.

I looks much like where you would expect a king to live during the medieval times of the old world. Set about 5 miles outside of the city, it had multiple large spires that seem to touch the clouds, with a large, imposing magically built stone wall that seems to be absolutely littered with guards.

“You’re absolutely, 100% sure about this? Those guards look like they mean business…”

“Yes, now quit complaining and get ready to show them your invitation.”

As I approach the gate, I see many carriages, similar to the one I’m in right now, lined up and waiting in line to enter the gate.

The gate, contrary to the rest of the wall, looks like pure reinforced steel. Not only that but it seems to teem with a low purple magical glow. Clearly not an ordinary gate, and they want you to know that.

Apparently this place was built almost 180 years ago, only 20 years after Earth’s integration. A time when factions vying for control often built large mega structures around dungeons to prevent other powers from coming and attempting to seize control of them. The dungeon in this place is still actively used to build up Waylen’s forces and family.

When it’s my turn to enter, I hand the strange box, given to me by Uncle Moren, to the guard. He pulls out a strange device and presses it against on of the boxes faces.

“Moren Investing group?” The guard says with a raised eyebrow.

‘Goddamnit it Moren, why’s he looking at me like that?! You said this thing was legit!’ I think to myself as a bead of sweat rolls down my head.

“Yup, that’s me.” I say, attempting to sound as non-suspicious as possible

He looks me up and down, and realizing my tier he says, “Whatever, your good to go through.”

I nod, trying my hardest to not let out a sigh of relief as my carriage enters the gate.

Well at least I got something out of that whole fiasco. Leveling a mastery gives much more experience, one, the more important an action is deemed, and two, the more stats that went into performing that action. That’s why the higher level you are, the easier time you have leveling a mastery. That combined with the larger amount of feats and traits that boost certain masteries.

Once through, and out of earshot of anyone else, I say, “What the hell Uncle Moren? What kind of name in ‘Moren Investing Group’? That name’s practically screaming ‘Fake company here! Come get me!’”

“Who cares? You made it through, didn’t you?” Uncle Moren says, definitely sporting a smug grin on the other, “Anyway with that behind us, let’s focus on what you have to do in the next couple of hours.”

“And what would that be.” I sigh out.

“Not looking like you want to rob a powerful progenitor, and acting like a proper member of Moren Investing Group. I.e. making connections and talking to people. Fitting in is the name of the game here Rowan my boy, and you just need to play it for a little bit.”

I finally arrive at the mansion, before I hop off my carriage and watch as it goes to park itself. Still don’t understand how some stupid lines in metal can do something like that.

‘Whatever not the time’ I think to myself.

Looking at the entrance to the mansion, its much as I expected it to be, and that is over the top and gaudy. From the expensive magical floating chandeliers powered on mana cores, to the carpet rolling all the outside that seems to have stat boosting enchantments on it, goddamn enchantments! Can you believe that?! Even if it’s a single stat point, the amount of wealth need to fully enchant a goddamn carpet is probably enough to buy all of Justice City!

The obscene disregard for money is enough to make me sick to my stomach, but I push that feeling down and approach the butler standing at the very large and imposing open doorway.

“Hello good sir, your invitation please” He says regally.

“Uh yeah sure, here it is.” I say as I hand the cube to him.

Much like the guard before him, he takes out what I assume is some type of scanner, and presses it to the same face as the guard.

“Hmmm, everything seems to be in order Mr…” He says.

“Uh Seth, Seth Moren. Daniel Moren is my father and the head of Moren Investing Group of course!”

“Well Mr. Moren, welcome to Mr. Wayland’s abode, please follow me inside.” He says, quickly turning and walking inside.

Following him, I look around and gawk at the obscene opulence of the place. Paintings of epic battles of what I assume take place during the integration, litter every section of the walls of the hallways. Gold tiled floors seem to be omnipresent throughout the whole compound, with that same enchanted carpet that curiously wonder which stat it raises.

I quickly look at my status.


Rowan Attain






Strength - 7

Agility - 11(+1)

Dexterity - 12

Endurance - 5

Perception - 9

Intelligence - 8

Willpower - 15


Swords - 14

Temperance - 12

Stealth - 7

Sprinting - 6

Exercise - 5

Thievery - 3

Deception - 3

Killing – 2



Early Killer - The deadliest killers started young, and once you've killed once, what's another? Kill a sentient being before level 1. Very slight increased progression towards your Killing Mastery.

Swords Prodigy - You've trained and begun your path of sword mastery strong. Get Swords Mastery to level 10 before level 1. Slight increased progression towards your Swords Mastery. +1 to all Stats.

Temperance Prodigy - You've tempered your mind to be as solid as stone. Get Temperance Mastery to level 10 before level 1. Slight increased progression towards your Temperance Mastery. +1 to all Stats.


Indomitable Swordsman - Your will remains steadfast and unbroken while holding a sword. Receive a slight boost to perception when in a tough situation. Scales based on willpower.

Meager Swordsman - A true swordsman needs nothing but himself and the sword. Increased progression towards your Swords Mastery while living humbly.

‘Hmm, agility I guess. Now that you mention it I do feel a little faster I suppose.’ I think to myself.

Still, such a small boost for something as large as a carpet that seems to travel across the entirety of this place, is so excessive that I can feel my face turn green with the amount of wasted money.

‘That much money could feed so many people in the slums…’ I think sadly.

I’m broken out of my musings when I run into something sturdy. I look up to se the butler glaring at me.

He clears his throat and says with a small hint of annoyance, “We are here Mr. Moren, please enjoy your time.”

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