Skill-Less Swordsman

1. The Big 20 and 2/3's!

The morning is gray and chilly, as is usual at this time of year. I can tell that winter is close based on the frosty condensation that leaks from my breath. I can even feel the slight chill biting at my muscles, though the cold is the least of my worries today.

After all today’s the day I’m finally going to turn level 1. Though, if that was it I would be feeling a lot better right about now. Because alongside that, today’s the deadline I set for myself to form my core, I can’t turn level 1 without it. Well, I could, but as soon as I learned about cultivation 3 years ago from Uncle Moren, I knew I had to form my core before level.

I’m just so close, I can feel it. Though if I’m completely honest with myself, It probably won’t happen after all less than one percent of people manage it, and though I have my own share of impossibilities, I just don’t think I’ll be able to do it today. I’m missing something. What it is, I have no clue.

On top of all that, Uncle Moren’s been hyping up some big job he’s got cooking up. I have no clue of any of the details, as he loves to keep me waiting until the last possible moment when it comes to these jobs he gives me, but I know it’s going to be a big one.

‘Anyway, the day’s not gonna start itself.’ I think to myself as I stretch on last time.

With that I take in my very familiar surroundings. A small clearing in the woods, surrounded on all sides by leafless trees. This has been my go-to spot for almost 10 years now, and though not really the prettiest place in the world, it’s nice enough, and more importantly quiet.

Without this place, I’d be stuck practicing in the loud, annoying cacophony of noises that is the city. ‘Practicing what?’ you may ask? Well, the sword, of course! I truly believe there is no greater pursuit than the sword in all of the multiverse. The routine of it, the betterment of oneself, it truly doesn’t get better.

I glance to my right to look at my trusty ol’ reliable. The sword isn’t exactly anything special, looking like a typical gladius sword with some slight rust and dirt strewn throughout it’s length, and the cloth tassels slightly unwound. It’s been through thick and thin with me ever since I snagged it from that wandering adventurer so many years back. At first glance it may not look like much, but though my father wasn’t good for much, one thing he always used to say was the better the sword, the worse the swordsman!

Thinking of my father still leaves a sour taste in my mouth, even all these years later. Thinking of his face as I plunged this same sword through his chest. Though he was an asshole and made living my life truly miserable, I always wonder if there was something else I could’ve done…

“Quit getting distracted you idiot…” I chide myself quietly.

I slap my face lightly and begin my usual routine of practicing my swordsmanship for hours and exercising, though for many less hours than I would like. After all I’ve many things to do today, and I need to finish this job AND form my core before the awakening time at 11:39 at night. Don’t ask me why everyone’s awakening time is such a random time, couldn’t tell you, apparently the multiverse isn’t one to care about even numbers.

After practicing my sword skills for a few hours, I close my eyes to cultivate. Apparently forming my core isn’t something physical that happens, instead it feels spiritual, and like I become close with the wider multiverse, whatever that means. I’m half convinced Uncle Moren is messing with me sometimes, though I know he’s not, as I often see what he can do with his own formed core.

The first step to forming my core is to envision what I want my core to embody. Since I’ve learned about cultivation, I knew what it needed to be. There is no greater thing I want my core to embody than the sword. After all, to me the sword represents the best parts of life. Diligence, routine, and most importantly, the betterment of oneself.

The next step is reaffirming your ideals and what your ideals mean to you. Lots of self-reflection type stuff, which is something I’ve never struggled with. After all, life in Justice City is tough, and without self-reflection it’s easy to fall into dark habits.

The last step is the part I’ve been struggling with, and its actualization of those very same ideals. It’s not that I haven’t been diligent or bettering myself, I just have yet to make a breakthrough in further embodying the sword as a whole

I’m quickly shaken out of my musings, much to my annoyance, to see Uncle Moren grinning widely down at me. He looks much the same as he usually does. Bald, strong thick hands, crooked teeth, red graphic crewneck, scraggly gray beard, and that stupid Irish cap on that he thinks makes him seem like some sort of gangster from the old world.

Don’t let looks deceive you though, Uncle Moren is quite well connected in the City of Justice. He’s easily one of the most trustworthy and reputable underground information broker in the whole city.

“I knew I’d find you here Rowan my boy!” He practically yells.

“Really? I was kinda in the middle of something here. Big day and all that.” I say flatly, my tone filled with annoyance. “Also do you really need to be so loud? I come out here for a reason ya know.”

“Oh don’t be so rough around the edges Rowan my boy! Today is a joyous day! Joyous indeed!”

“Uh huh, I don’t suppose this has something to do with that job of yours that you’ve been ranting to me about for weeks now, but won’t tell me anything about?”

“Very astute Rowan my boy! Why yes indeed it does! Trust me, once you learn how much money were gonna be making, you’ll have the same shit-eating grin I do!” He says as he slaps his hand on my back.

“Uh huh,” I ask suspiciously, “If it’s so important why am I going, and not some higher tier? Surely there’s more qualified people than your glorified errand boy.”

“That’s where your wrong my boy! See this jobs requires a certain amount of, shall I say subtlety. Anyone higher tier, especially on this backwater planet will attract too much attention. Even a tier 1 will always have a few eyes on them. But some nobody who hasn’t even awakened yet? Nobody will bat an eye at them. Also I need someone trustworthy, and whose more trustworthy than the brat who I practically raised.” He says confidently, nose pointed high in the air.

“Raised is a bit of a strong word, more like took advantage of for free labor.”

“Oh please, you loved those little nick and run jobs and you know it.”

“Whatever I’ll be out of here by tomorrow anyways so doesn’t matter to me.”

“Yeah… about that. You really sure you wanna go? I mean, we got a good thing going here, ya know? And after you awaken, business will only get better! After all who knows what kind of awesome classes skills your gonna get to chose from, what with all that training your always doing. No way you haven’t got at least one prodigy feat in that status of your after all.”

“Sorry Uncle Morin, my mind’s been made up a long time ago, I need to temper my mind and sword with challenges outside of this city.”

“If you say so kid.” He says with a sigh before turning around and beginning to walk towards the city, “Just meet me at my place to go over the details of the job at 3.”

As I watch him walk off I can’t help but feel nostalgic for simpler times, times when all I had on my mind was the sword and the simple jobs I used to do when I was younger.

I mentally look at my status before continuing with my cultivation.


Rowan Attain






Strength - 7

Agility - 10

Dexterity - 12

Endurance - 5

Perception - 9

Intelligence - 8

Willpower - 15


Swords - 14

Temperance - 12

Stealth - 7

Sprinting - 6

Exercise - 5

Thievery - 3

Deception - 3

Killing – 2



Early Killer - The deadliest killers started young, and once you've killed once, what's another? Kill a sentient being before level 1. Very slight increased progression towards your Killing Mastery.

Swords Prodigy - You've trained and begun your path of sword mastery strong. Get Swords Mastery to level 10 before level 1. Slight increased progression towards your Swords Mastery. +1 to all Stats.

Temperance Prodigy - You've tempered your mind to be as solid as stone. Get Temperance Mastery to level 10 before level 1. Slight increased progression towards your Temperance Mastery. +1 to all Stats.


Indomitable Swordsman - Your will remains steadfast and unbroken while holding a sword. Receive a slight boost to perception when in a tough situation. Scales based on willpower.

Meager Swordsman - A true swordsman needs nothing but himself and the sword. Increased progression towards your Swords Mastery while living humbly.

Pretty impressive status, if I do say so myself. Looking at my race, though, always takes the wind out of my sails a bit. Apparently, my mother was a Janin, which is basically just a human but green. I’m not exactly green anywhere, so I suppose I took after my father more than anything.

While Janin aren’t exactly common on earth, they’re not so rare that I’ve never seen one. What I will say about them is while they may look almost human, their mannerisms are quite alien. It’s like watching an animatronic walking and talking out in the real world.

Anyway the rest of my status I’m quite proud of, though. When it comes to masteries, even getting one to level 10 is considered to be a 1 and 100,000 genius, so you could say I’m a bit of a genius. Not that I exactly care what other people consider me… ok I do a little bit, but not a lot.

When it comes to my three feats, the first one I got immediately after killing my asshole of a father. Though it’s a bit of an open secret that this trait exists, nobody really wants to, or will, talk about it. After all nobody wants to be asked how they came to find out about it.

The last two I got for progressing both my swords mastery and my temperance mastery to level 10 before my awakening. These two are my proudest achievements, the culmination of years of hard work and training put into two little feats.

My traits I’ve almost always had, I remember being 13 and 1/4’s old and unlocking my status for the first time. Seeing these traits made all the tough, hungry nights worth it to me, and still do. If I ever meet whatever controls the system, I’ll have to thank them for both of these traits.

I, of course have no skills yet, as I’ll have to wait until my awakening to even begin gaining skill points.

I sigh to myself, ‘Alright, enough gawking. My core isn’t gonna form itself.’

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