Siheyuan: The young man starts off and beats the stick.

Chapter 261

These changes did not happen overnight, but Su Ming gradually improved his soil protection methods through experience and practice. He began to observe an improvement in soil quality and a more stable growth of vegetables. At the same time, he shared his experience with other farmers and encouraged them to also pay attention to the importance of soil conservation.

Su Ming's journey to grow vegetables continued, and his concern for soil led him to further explore the issue of soil acidity. At an agricultural workshop, he met a soil scientist and together they discussed the importance of soil acidity for vegetable growth.

The scientist explained to Su Ming the concept of soil acidity and how to test and adjust the pH of the soil. He told Su Ming that different vegetables have different requirements for soil pH, so understanding and adjusting the acidity of the soil can significantly improve the growth of vegetables.

Su Ming decided to try to adjust the soil pH in his vegetable garden. He purchased a set of soil acidity testing tools and began testing soil acidity levels in different areas of his vegetable garden. He found that the soils in some areas were too acidic, while others were more alkaline, which could affect the nutrient uptake and growth performance of vegetables.

At the suggestion of soil scientists, Su Ming began to experiment with different soil amendments, such as lime and iron sulfate, to adjust the acidity of the soil. He carefully applied these amendments, monitoring changes in soil acidity to ensure that the ideal pH balance was gradually achieved.

The process was not easy, but Su Ming's perseverance and patience allowed him to gradually master the adjustment method of soil acidity. He has noticed a significant improvement in the growth of the vegetables and the quality of the vegetables. His vegetables began to become more popular in the market, attracting more customers.

Su Ming's experience has also sparked the interest of other farmers, who have begun to learn how to adjust soil acidity and gradually improve their own farming management skills. Su Ming is proud because he has not only succeeded in his own vegetable garden, but has also played an active leading role in the agricultural field of the entire village.

Su Ming's passion and dedication to agriculture keep him trying new challenges. Although his vegetable garden, which focuses on vegetable cultivation, has become his pride, he is eager to further expand his farming skills. On this day, a new idea came to his mind, and he decided to try his hand at growing corn.

He realized that corn had different growing needs than vegetables, so he began to research about corn cultivation. He searched for a wealth of information and consulted old farmers in rural areas and local agricultural experts for practical tips on corn cultivation.

One day, he met an experienced farmer named Zhang Ming at the agricultural supply store in the village. Su Ming asked Zhang Ming some questions about corn, and Zhang Ming answered him enthusiastically and offered to help him start planting corn. The two began to work together, and Su Ming prepared a special plot of land for corn cultivation in his vegetable garden.

Su Ming and Zhang Ming planted corn seeds together and began to pay close attention to the growth of the plants. They fertilize and water carefully to ensure that every corn plant is fully cared for. Su Ming learned a lot of new knowledge, especially about the different stages of corn growth and the control of pests and diseases.

Although Su Ming's corn fields yielded well, he began to notice a problem: the size of the corn kernels was not as large as he expected. This became a new challenge for him. He understands that the size of corn kernels is directly related to the market value and quality of the crop.

Su Ming began to actively study how to improve the size of corn kernels. He spoke to local agricultural experts and corn growers to seek their input and experience. He also spent time studying the growth process of corn plants to identify potential factors that affect particle size.

In the process, Su Ming met an agricultural scientist named Liu Lei, who had a deep understanding of corn cultivation. He explained to Su Ming some of the key factors that affect corn grain size, including nutrient availability, water management, and pest and disease control.

Su Ming began to implement these recommendations, adjusting his fertilization plan to ensure that the plants received enough nutrients. He also monitored the moisture content of the soil more closely to avoid problems with drought or over-irrigation. At the same time, he has taken more effective measures to control pests and diseases to reduce their impact on corn growth.

After some hard work, Su Ming began to see some positive changes. His corn kernels have gradually become larger and the quality has improved. This makes him very satisfied, and he knows that his continuous learning and practice is worth it.

Su Ming's exploration journey is not over, and next, he decided to try his hand at growing eggplants. Although he already had considerable experience with vegetables and corn, eggplant cultivation was a new challenge for him.

He began to study the cultivation of eggplant, learning how to cultivate and care for this vegetable. He went to the local farmer's market, bought eggplant seeds and related equipment, and then prepared a plot of land in his vegetable garden for eggplant cultivation.

In the process of growing eggplants, Su Ming encountered some difficulties, eggplants have certain requirements for soil quality and temperature, and need special care. He consulted an experienced eggplant grower who taught him how to manage the soil, control the temperature, and control pests and diseases in the eggplant plant.

Su Ming also began to learn about the timing of eggplant harvesting to ensure that they were harvested in the best condition. He noticed that the color and size of the eggplants could be used to judge their ripeness, and gradually mastered the correct harvesting techniques.

Despite some setbacks in the early days, Su Ming persevered and finally saw the fruits of an eggplant orchard. His eggplant plants are growing well, with bright colors and excellent quality. These eggplants began to sell well in the village market, attracting more consumers.

Although Su Ming's eggplant plants were thriving, one day, he began to notice that the leaves of some of the seedlings were yellowing. This worries him, as the color of the leaves is often an indicator of the health of the plant. He took a closer look at the affected plants and began to look for a solution.

Su Ming decided to consult a local botanical expert to find out the possible cause of the yellow leaves. Experts told him that yellow leaves could be caused by nutrient deficiencies, soil pH problems, or pests and diseases. Su Ming began to check the soil and nutrient supply to make sure the plants were getting enough nutrients. He also strengthened the prevention of pests and diseases to prevent them from damaging the plants.

However, the yellow leaf problem was not resolved quickly. Su Ming continued to observe and study until he discovered a possible cause:

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