SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 573 Busy Alien

The crazy titan Thanos was exiled by Wesley. Although his final blow severely injured Wesley, he was also left in place. His powerful strength allowed him to survive in the universe, and his rich knowledge made him I understand my position.

Observing constellations is not a unique ability of human beings. As the most powerful Titan family in the universe, Sanosu has enough insight, so he found the direction of the Milky Way, and then started to move forward. Fully controlling the power of the two gems can make He survives.

After a year of progress in this way, Thanos finally approached the Milky Way, but the distance is still very far away, but he still has enough patience and time, after all, he has no choice.

In the next year, he finally entered the Milky Way. As soon as he entered, he was discovered by some countries with intelligent life, but no one dared to provoke him, and Thanos returned to his place angrily.

A desolate asteroid, very small, his throne still stands there, but there is no life here, and he sat on it all at once, Thanos was relieved in his heart, and finally came back, "This damn earth Man, let me drift in the universe for more than two years, I will definitely tear him to pieces. But I need a large army, I can’t just go by myself, what if he exiles me again? His last Did the blow kill him?"

Thanos is no longer defiant. After all, he has had a miserable life in the past two years, and he has been rushing on the road. Even though there is no physical problem, he does have a feeling of collapse in his heart.

"I don't know what happened to the Chitauri people? Will they be wiped out? If they can't do it, they can only use the Cree, but their King Cree is a coward." There are not many people that Thanos can use. More, "The saboteurs might be able to, but they're not to be trusted."

"Let's summon the Chitauri first." Thinking of this, Thanos nodded on his throne, "Damn it, my servants didn't take care of their master's throne." Thanos growled.

The throne has no energy, so he can only use the infinite gems to input energy into the throne, "bang" because he was full of anger and input too much energy, the energy system of the throne was destroyed, "Calm down, I should calm down, I can't fight for those ants Lost wisdom." Reassuring himself, Thanos turned and flew into the universe, heading for the Chitauri planet.

What about the Chitauri?In the battle of the earth, they suffered heavy losses. The leader of the Chitauri people finally ran to the Chitauri star by himself, and ran directly back to the Chitauri star in the rescue capsule, and then began to recover his strength. Fortunately, when attacking the Qaidar star, there were two motherships Damaged, returning to the planet for repairs, Chitauri is not completely defenseless now, he hurriedly asked his subordinates to hurry up and repair, and then started building again.

"Rocky, you even escaped." Not long after the leader of the Chitauri returned, Rocky also came to their planet.

"I'm just sending something to Thanos, and I can't participate in the war there with my strength, so why am I staying there?" Rocky said indifferently.

"I forgot, how could you put yourself in a dangerous place with your wisdom, but Lord Thanos doesn't know what's going on?"

"He was exiled. The earthling Wesley Gibson possessed the space gem. He opened the space channel, and then took Thanos through the channel. None of them came back again. I don't know what the situation is now."

"Exile? It's a good choice, but Lord Thanos will return sooner or later. Now it's just a matter of time. It seems that I need to hurry up, otherwise the Chitauri will be useless."

"Your Chitauri's technology is good, and your army is also very powerful in the Milky Way. Why are you attached to Thanos?" Rocky was very curious about this.

"Don't you understand? Master Thanos is the most powerful, especially after getting the Infinity Stone, he will be an invincible existence in the universe, and the Chitauri follow the Lord, even if they are slaves. Incomparably noble."

Rocky didn't ask any more questions. In the following time, Rocky stayed on the Chitauri planet, and the Chitauri people were trying their best to restore their combat power. In more than two years, their mothership recovered to eight ships. The number, so the Chitauri people are also relieved.

The Qaidar people are not only repairing their homes, but also started to build large warships. The past policies have been changed, and their homes were almost destroyed. This made them extremely angry. And Qaidar Star's Nova Corps began to expand.

The latest large-scale mothership began to be put into construction, and the number of twelve ships was built in more than two years. In this way, a new space fleet was established, and then training began.The Guardians of the Galaxy stayed here for two years. During this period, they did not stay on Qaidar all the time, but scouted for news from various places in the universe. However, just after they left, there was news that Thanos would come. Straight away.

The saboteurs are still at ease, they can do whatever they want, they can do things for anyone who pays them, and they are very happy, but Thanos will come and wash them away, making their happiness disappear in an instant.

"Yondu, Thanos is back, the war is about to start again, what should we do?" The subordinates waited for his answer.

"What's our business? That's someone else's war." Yondu waved his hand impatiently, but everyone didn't know what he was thinking.

The aliens are busy, and Wesley still doesn't know the situation of Thanos' return, but the preparations for the war on the earth are proceeding in an orderly manner, Wesley is very busy every day, and sometimes accepts the Avengers Their siege is an actual combat practice with them, and only Wesley can fight against them all.But the gap is too big, they have nothing to do with Wesley.

On this day, Stephen Strange came to Wesley, "Wesley, this is what Master Ancient One asked me to give to you. The magic research you brought back is very good. Master Ancient One combined the knowledge into us. In the system, this is all the research results."

"Thanks, how are you doing now?" Wesley asked.

"Me? I am guarding the New York Temple now, but I have nothing to do. After all, you exist, and the earth still has the Supreme, so I have nothing to do."

"I guess we will have something to do soon. I have a hunch that Thanos has returned. This is something I have learned from the Jedi Knights. It should not be wrong."

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