SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 572 2 Moons

"Gentlemen, this is a super weapon I got in the parallel universe. Now I will give it to you. You can invite scientists to study it. The technology involved here is much higher than that of the earth. If the research is thorough, then the technology of the earth must be One more step forward."

Wesley then showed the Death Star's attack and defense methods through holographic images, which made these soldiers very excited. With this base and the fighter planes handed over to them by the Avengers, the earth will face the alien fleet again. When the time comes, you will definitely be able to fight back.

"Thank you so much for everything you do for the planet."

Wesley left here, this is not the place where he should stay for a long time, this time the direction is the temple headquarters of the mages, Wesley wants to keep the magic of the earth world here, I hope Master Ancient One can study it, after all Wesley didn't have time for that.

"Wesley, I'm glad you're alive." Stephen Strange gave Wesley a hug. His hands were still not healed, but it didn't matter now.

"Long time no see, really long time, I want to see Master Gu Yi."

"The master is waiting for you."

Wesley entered here again, and there was still no slight change. After all, it was only a year, which is really short. "Master Gu Yi, long time no see."

"It's good that you can come back, otherwise I don't have confidence in that Titan back then. It seems that you are full of confidence this time?"

"That's right, I'm very confident. These are some magical materials I got in the parallel universe. I want to ask Master to study them." The data has already been entered into a mobile hard disk, and Gu Yi took it.

"Don't worry, I will study it."

In the following time, Wesley has been in the Avengers and at home, and Daisy will live two days a week. Wesley has transformed her body many times. The two decided to wait for a while to get married. Earth is now in full gear.

Every superhero of the Avengers has a deformed body, and Tony Stark's Iron Man has been involved again, imitating the template of Wesley's new armor.Afterwards, everyone's equipment began to be improved with the help of Wesley, and the technology mastered by Wesley was also taught to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. After all, they are real scientists, but technology The amount is too large, and they don't have biological computers, so it is extremely difficult to learn now.

"How about this, put the data and technology in Elizabeth's place, and Jarvis's place also keeps a copy. When you need it, they can help you complete most of the content. You only need to come up with ideas."

"This method is good. Although I really want to learn, but the number is too large. We can only see some good ones. By the way, will the Guardians of the Galaxy be recruited?" Tony Stark asked.

Star-Lord and his Galaxy Guardians did not stay on the earth. After Wesley disappeared, they returned to the universe and went to Chaida Star, hoping to get help. This journey took more than a year.

"Not for the time being. After all, our communication can't reach that far. Even with the communication technology of Transformers, they can't receive it. Let's talk about it later. Maybe I will go to the universe once to see how Star Qaidar is." Weiss Leigh shook his head.

Then the earth began to be busy. A large number of scientists entered the United Earth Army. They were responsible for researching the super weapon technology information provided by Wesley. The scientists were like treasures. This is a very detailed information. The large amount of technology in it made them happy. Ruo Kuang, frantically researching, and scientific and technological achievements appear one after another.

With Wesley's consent, scientific and technological achievements began to be continuously transformed into civilian technologies. The technological level of the earth is steadily improving. If there are still deficiencies, Wesley will make supplements to make the technological level of the earth rise steadily. Super weapons The Death Star was named Fort Gibson in honor of Wesley's contributions.

Compared with these, the Avengers' moon base transformation went very smoothly. The materials were brought to the moon, and then Wesley used the reality gem for the final completion. The original semi-concealed bases are now all built on the surface of the moon. As time went by, Earth Mountain began to see two moons slowly.

Another year has passed, Fort Gibson has completed one-fifth of the progress, the results are very gratifying, and the Guardians of the Galaxy are back on Earth again.

"Wesley? You've come back?" Star-Lord looked at Wesley in surprise.

"What? Are you surprised when I come back?" Wesley asked with a smile.

"No, no, I knew you'd be fine, you're a strong guy." Star-Lord patted Wesley on the shoulder.

"Tell us about the universe."

Xingjue nodded, and then said: "Qaidar suffered heavy losses, and finally had to hand over the power gems, but now they are getting ruthless and starting to build a large fleet, planning to settle accounts with the Chitauri."

"Oh? The big fleet, aren't those small fighters anymore?"

"Yes, after all, Chitauri's large battleship made them suffer. The planet that was originally very peaceful has still not responded. The anger of the Qaidar people can be imagined. We have been active around the Qaidar star to search for news. Chitauri People have suffered heavy losses, and they are now licking their wounds. The loss last time was too great, and the universe really knows about those problems. Our earth has severely damaged the Chitauri people, but they still don’t do anything. After all, that Thanos Did not die."

"Thanos is back?" Wesley narrowed his eyes.

"No, God knows where he is now. The place where you were exiled is probably too far away. I don't know when they will come back. I asked the Qaidar people to pay attention to his news, and we came back this time to see the situation."

The Guardians of the Galaxy stayed and received Wesley's training and equipment improvement, and two moons appeared in the sky of the earth. They were at the two ends of the earth and revolved around the area every day, but one of them was still very small. is constantly getting bigger.

The formation of fighter planes of the United Earth Army is also constantly expanding, and the preparations for the entire earth are proceeding in an orderly manner. Wesley and Sol went to God's Domain once. Odin is still Odin, but was replaced by Loki. Wesley knows his own strength. Arrival changed some things, especially those things that I didn't know the plot.

The crazy Titan Thanos is struggling forward in the universe. As a Titan, he knows a lot about the universe. After distinguishing the direction, he headed towards the Milky Way. North is so embarrassed."

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