SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 531 Superman Returns

"Louis, this is Wesley Gibson from the Tribune. He came to study with us. He will follow you for two weeks and take good care of our guests." The editor-in-chief introduced Wesley.

"Hello, Wesley Gibson, I'm very glad to have the opportunity to come to the Daily Planet." Wesley stood up, and then extended his hand.

"Hello, Louise Lane, let's talk as we walk, I have an interview to go right away, let's go with your things." Louise Lane rushed out again in a hurry.

Wesley smiled, "Mr. Editor, then I will take my leave first."

"Okay, I hope you're having a good time here."

Wesley left the office, followed Louise Lane and left the newspaper office, and took a taxi to the suburbs, "A newest space shuttle can allow humans to travel to the universe and watch the earth in the universe. This is the latest technological product. You can also conduct interviews at that time."

"Thank you very much. It just so happens that I can also see how Pulitzer Prize winners conduct interviews." Wesley responded with a smile.

The two came to the space launch base outside the metropolis, where a large passenger plane was waiting to take off, and a space shuttle was fixed above the plane, and the large passenger plane was used to send the space shuttle to high altitude, and then the space shuttle broke away and climbed through again. over the atmosphere.

Wesley felt that this approach was very problematic, but now he was just a reporter, so he kept silent for the time being, and flipped through the documents in his hand.This is an experimental flight, they can only sit in the passenger plane, and the space shuttle will fly into the universe empty.

Not long after, the plane began to taxi on the runway. Because of the weight, the taxiing distance of the passenger plane was much longer, and then it took off.It's stable for the time being, and Wesley has a bit of a headache, because according to Apple's calculations just now, the failure rate of launching the space shuttle in this way is very high, especially when the space shuttle is detached from the back of the passenger plane, the connection is very difficult. prone to problems.

This project was privately funded, and a lady was introducing it at the front, and Louise Lane asked a question, which was nothing special, but Wesley would not be so polite, he directly raised his hand to ask a question.

"I'm from the city of Nishonnar, and I'm a reporter from the Tribune. I read your information just now, and I found that there is a big problem here. Although this idea is very creative, the weight and resistance of the space shuttle, and the connection with the passenger plane Some parts will bear a huge force, which is very powerful, are you sure that the connecting parts are strong enough to withstand this force?" Wesley asked directly.

"Of course, Mr. Reporter, these are the conclusions of scientists after experiments." The other party replied very politely.

"Conclusion? The conclusion after calculating the high-altitude wind force, resistance, and reaction force? Or is it a whimsical conclusion? You must know that the high-altitude environment is very dangerous and changeable, especially the lateral wind force. Although I am only a Reporter, but I still understand this, if there is even the slightest problem, it is basically an unsolvable disaster."

"Please rest assured, we are full of confidence, please ask the next question." The explainer directly ignored Wesley.

And at this moment, Clark Kent returned to the Planet Daily again. He had already contacted the editor-in-chief and was allowed to return to his original position. However, he seemed to have been away for a long time, and he seemed a little at a loss in the huge office , but after looking at the TV news, he happened to see Louise Lane asking a question there, and he smiled happily.

And Wesley frowned. He felt that this scene was a bit familiar, but before he could ask Apple, the plane had entered a relative altitude, and the space shuttle was about to leave the passenger plane.

But at the next moment, the plane was powered off, and Wesley communicated with Apple, "Is this the situation in Superman Returns? A guy named Lex Luthor got an alien crystal and is experimenting?"

"Yes, he was the enemy of Superman, but now we can't be sure that Superman has returned. If there is a problem with the space shuttle, he may need to save himself. Do you want to use the 'Black Jazz' armor?" Apple asked.

"If Superman doesn't come, of course I will use it, or can I contact Keira first?" Wesley hesitated, he didn't want to be a superhero, especially in this universe, he felt that the profession of reporter was very good .

The narrator said embarrassingly: "It's just a small problem of power outage, which has been resolved now." Wesley could see her cold sweat, but with the mental preparation, Wesley put on his seat belt.

"Louise, I advise you to put on your seat belt." Wesley whispered to Louise.

"Do you think there will be a problem?"

"Don't talk about the power outage just now, just talk about the way they disengaged, the way the bolts fell off, this method is very unsuitable for this situation, the weight of the space shuttle, the wind and resistance outside, the bolts are prone to problems, by the way, Superman still Didn't come back? I have a feeling we might need him in a moment."

"We don't need Superman." Louise Lane's tone suddenly became cold, and Wesley felt a lot of resentment, but Wesley didn't express any opinions on this kind of emotional issue between men and women.

The media personnel in the airliner suddenly felt a shock, but the narrator was still saying that there was no problem. Wesley knew that the power outage just now caused a problem with the program, and the bolt that had come off could not be opened. This was not simply a power outage problem. Caused.

The crisis, the vibration is getting bigger and bigger, and the program of the space shuttle cannot be terminated due to the power outage, and the powerful thrust will rush towards the atmosphere with the passenger plane, and the shell of the passenger plane is not designed for this.

Wesley said to Louise Lane again: "It seems that we really need Superman." Louise Lane was silent.

At this time, the jets of the space shuttle started according to the program, and the passenger plane seemed to be pushed by someone, and it accelerated instantly. The backs of all the passengers were stuck on the backrests at once, and the explainer flew directly towards the tail of the plane. , she yelled in panic, Wesley happened to be sitting on the edge of the aisle, and grabbed her by the shoulder without hurting her.

"If I am still alive, then I will definitely tell all the citizens of Nishionnar about this matter, and at the same time protest against the space agency for this kind of private space project." Wesley said with a smile, without the slightest panic .

The narrator held Wesley's seat tightly with both hands, his body was limp and shivering on the ground, and he was not in the mood to argue with Wesley in the slightest.

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