SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 530

In the following days, Keira enjoyed her superhero job, and Wesley was like his full-time reporter, constantly reporting some things about supergirls.

Of course, Wesley will not always report plainly, and he will not report some small things at all. If there are too many such reports, it will easily make people feel aesthetically fatigued.

But two months later, Wesley called into Miss Kate Grant's office that day, "Wesley, there is something you need to do now."

"What's the matter? I'm just a reporter. Is there any extra work?" Wesley asked suspiciously.

"Do you just want to be a reporter?" Ms. Kate Grant looked like she hated iron and steel, but Wesley felt wronged. He really wanted to be a reporter and had no other ideas, and this career was convenient for him Meet other superheroes, get close to them and get their DNA. "This is the air ticket and talent travel expenses. You go to the Metropolis. This is the opportunity I won. I originally wanted to invite a photographer from the Daily Planet to come to us as the art director, but your appearance made me dismiss it." got this idea."

Wesley was surprised, no wonder there has been no art director, so they were investigating him? "what do you mean?"

"Go there and learn. You follow Louise Lane, stand her up for me, and see what else she can do. It's a pity that Clark Kent is no longer in the Planetary Daily, otherwise I hope you can learn from him even more." Ms. Kate Grant had completely different expressions when she said the two different names. Wesley concluded that she hated Louise Lane and liked Clark Kent. This is exactly the same as what was said in American dramas.

"Then I'm going to the metropolis for a while, but what about here?" Wesley doesn't really want to go, after all, Superman is not here, and Keira is not very mature yet.

"You don't need to worry too much here. The readers have been fixed for three months. It's much better than before. You've only been away for two weeks. When you come back, you'll be the art director. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you."

Ten thousand points is really hurt. Wesley is favored by the boss, which makes him very speechless. He left with a plane ticket and a check. It is very generous. The fee of three thousand dollars can last for two weeks, but this You can't live in any high-end hotel, you can only live in a middle-level hotel.

Wesley only talked to Keira about it at night, "Really? Art director? Wesley, you are really great. I have been working for two years, and I am still a small assistant now." Wesley was delighted to arrive.

"I'm worried about you now, can you be alone? I'm not worried about minor issues, but you're still immature when it comes to major issues!" Wesley said, frowning.

"Don't worry, my cousin can do it, so can I. Don't worry, it's only two weeks. I'm sure there will be no problem."

"Well, if you have any questions, just call me. I have connected your watch to the Internet. You can call me directly through the watch, and my mobile phone can accept your real-time images, but there are some It’s not very convenient, and I don’t know what the environment is like when I get there!”

"Don't worry, don't worry, there's no problem."

Wesley left directly the next day with a salute, and his car is now directly open to Keira, and Keira also has the keys to the house. She is responsible for the hygiene of Wesley's room.

Flying to the Metropolis, Wesley really wanted to take a look, but that was in the presence of Superman. Now that Superman has left, it is unknown when. At the same time, Wesley did not see you on the Internet. Lightning Has the news of Xia not appeared yet?The Green Arrow is already famous, but this guy is just an ordinary person, and there is nothing worthy of Wesley's attention.

Wonder Woman has no shadow yet. As for Wesley, the character in other comics, he doesn't pay much attention. After all, he basically only needs the genes of Superman and Flash, and no one else.

The plane landed in the metropolis, but no one came to pick him up. He had to go to the Daily Planet to report by himself. He took a taxi directly to the gate of the Daily Planet, but he didn't get out of the car. It was a fool to walk up with his luggage.

"Are there any high-end hotels nearby?" Wesley asked while sitting in the car.

"Of course, but what grade do you need?" the taxi driver asked.

"The best." Naturally, Wesley would not wrong himself, he was used to high-end hotels, and there was a lot of relative privacy there.

He directly checked into one of the best hotels, asked for a high-end suite, arranged his salute properly, and then left the hotel. Instead of reporting, he wandered around nearby to familiarize himself with the environment here.

It's not that he needs anti-reconnaissance, but the current time. It's afternoon. You must know that the newspaper office is the most leisurely in the morning, and the busiest in the afternoon, especially before the evening typesetting. Now go to It's also because no one pays attention to him, so why not familiarize yourself with the environment and see what good cafes and restaurants are nearby, so that you can live a leisurely life in the next two weeks.

I had an hour-long phone call with Keira in the evening, and then fell asleep early. The next morning, I came directly to the door of the editor-in-chief's office of the Planet Daily with a briefcase, and Wesley knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Wesley pushed the door open, "Hi, I'm Wesley Gibson from the Tribune."

"Oh, you're here. I'm Perry White, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet. Wasn't it yesterday's plane?" the editor-in-chief asked.

"I naturally know that the newspaper office is busy in the afternoon. I might as well arrange myself and come back this morning. Don't you have a lot of time now?" Wesley said with a smile.

"That's right, you are a very thoughtful young man. I have also read your article. It is very well written. It completely captures the reader's psychology and makes the reader want to read it unconsciously." After speaking, he picked up the phone, "Louise, come here. Miss Grant asked you to learn from Louise. She is an experienced reporter, and now there is a super girl in your place. This is an opportunity for the Tribune."

"I understand very well and hope to learn more."

Not long after, the door of the editor-in-chief's office was pushed open, and a woman rushed in, "What's the matter with the editor-in-chief? I'm going out for an interview soon."

Wesley looked over, Louise Lane, Superman's girlfriend, of course not yet, there are many versions of Superman, and they are often restarted, Wesley doesn't remember much about the heroine in it.

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