Shadow parasite

Chapter 44: Meeting Sara yet again

In front of him was none other than Sara. She looked great as always. Unlike the others, she wore normal clothes. Black jeans, and a black sweater. Her dual colored eyes could mesmerize almost anyone. With the wind picking up, her long black hair fluttered in the wind, adding to the mysterious aura that seemed to surround her.

“Honestly, I wasn’t expecting you here…” Gorn had to admit, she was still the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life. Looks, body figures, demeanor, she had them all. But what intrigued him the most were her eyes, something inexplicable seemed to lurk behind them.

“I’m glad that you escaped the city as well.”

Gorn quietly looked her in the eyes for a few moments. Her gaze was different from before. Sara seemed colder, a feature he did not see before. But then again, he barely knew her.

“I wasn’t inside the city when Norman took over,” said Gorn with a serene face. He wasn’t overly concerned with what happened.

“I see…” Sara appeared to be reminiscing about something. That lasted only for a short time. “This is a temporary base formed by people that ran away from the city. You can rest here whenever you want.”

Gorn took another look at the towering tree. “Thank you. Do you perhaps know the whereabouts of Sebastian and Lora?”

“Sebastian is in here, along with his family. As for Lora, she must still be inside the city,”

Gorn was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sebastian was there. Before doing anything else, he was curious to see if Sara progressed in the past months.

“Select!” Scratching his nose, Gorn covered his mouth with his hand while saying this word. After all this time, he could do it in an almost inaudible manner.

Race: Human

Talent: High

Power level: 1100

Abilities: Flight(Lvl4); Wind resistance(Lvl4); Lightning bolt (Lvl4); Durability (Lvl4)

Equipment: Normal clothes

Loot: 1100 gold; Flight(Lvl4); Wind resistance(Lvl4); Lightning bolt (Lvl4); Durability (Lvl4)

‘Oh?' Her power level increased by eighty, and her flight, and wind resistance skills by one level. ‘This is faster than it should have been normally. I guess everybody has a few secrets, or perhaps, there are more details about powering up that I do not know of yet,’ thought Gorn.

“Good to hear that. Can we talk in a more private place?” asked Gorn, not very fond of the nearby guards.

“We can. Meet me up at the top of the tree, we will talk there.” With those words, Sara flew ahead. This time, she didn’t offer to ‘transport’ him as well.

Gorn scanned everyone present with his eyes one last time, then disappeared, leaving behind a dumbfounded group of people.

‘Shit! He didn’t lie about having special skills…’ thought the man in charge of the guards. A lot of details were not known, but still, he was very happy a fight did not occur between them.

“Alright, everyone move out to your places! Next time, let’s try to be a little more polite with people, at least until we know their power level. Special skills, and a higher level of power is not a combination that I want to face.”

“Yes, sir!”




In a few blinks Gorn was already at the top. The tree was roughly the same size as the one where he made camp at. Sara arrived shortly. She made a very surprised face after seeing him there before her. While she didn’t use her full speed, it wasn’t slow either.

‘How strange, is he able to teleport or something?’ though Sara at the same time as she landed next to him.

“This is good enough for a more secluded place. What do you want to talk about?”

Gorn sat down slowly. “You must have more information about what is going on inside the city. Can you share them with me?”

Sara also sat down. She was now only a meter away from him. “What do I gain if I do that?”

Gorn made a weird face. This was similar to what happened the first time she came looking for him. This time, however, the roles were switched. “What do you want?”

“I want information as well. More exactly, I want to know how you disappeared from my mansion last time,” said Sara, a little anticipation showing on her face.

Gorn was planning on using his ability to teleport to the fullest, so it wasn’t such a big secret. From his point of view, as long as the specific details of his skills were not leaked, it wasn’t mandatory to use too much effort to hide them.

“I can teleport.”

Sara laughed: “Don’t joke around with me.” Seeing his serious face, she continued: “You can’t be serious, right?” She didn’t exclude that possibility entirely, nevertheless, she tried to seem as surprised as possible in order to maybe obtain more information out of him.

“Does it look like I’m joking?”

Sara paused for a moment: “It is a little too hard to believe. Unless I see it, I won’t believe it. For example, you can teleport to that branch over there and back. We will talk more after that.”

‘How cunning of her,’ thought Gorn.

If he did that, Sara could find out additional information about his ability. Like distance, time, and the fact that he could use it multiple times. He could act, and deceive her to some degree, but that was something he was in no mood of doing.

“No. This is not how I do things,” said Gorn, unfazed by her little tricks.

“Then I won’t tell you what I know about the city. Are you sure you don’t want to find out more about that?” Sara seemed displeased by his lack of cooperation.

Gorn gave her a look: “From my point of view, what I told you is enough to obtain that information.”

Doing what she asked of him wouldn’t be much, but he didn’t feel the need to prove himself to her in any way. A gentle gust of wind blew into their faces, pausing the conversation for a short moment.

“Then I won’t tell you anything.”

‘I wonder if she even knows something important…’

“The same applies for other questions as well?” asked Gorn, curious to hear her answer.

“Depends on what types of questions you have,” answered Sara calmly. She appeared to not care that much.

“Questions like what are your plans with these people, and if you plan to bring them to that floating island?”

Sara smiled dryly: “Plans? I don’t have any plans at all. They chose me as their leader, but that decision was something unilateral. Except helping them with a few things to kill boredom, I don’t really care…” Her face started to express sadness, and misery.

Gorn watched attentively: “Why not? Is there nothing you want to do at all?”

“What would be the point of doing that if everything can be so easily destroyed? Wouldn’t that be just a waste of time…?”

Gorn remained silent for a moment: “Well, you have a point…” The sour mood partially affected his emotions. What she said had a very deep meaning, and was something that he thought about quite often, even before coming to this world.


After some time, Sara turned her head towards him. Gorn was looking far away into the horizon, still deeply immersed into the words she said. His face was sad as well. Seeing this, Sara’s expression softened significantly.

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