Shadow parasite

Chapter 43: Uncanny shadow

‘This is weird…’ thought Rebeca while feeling her ass tightly grabbed. Using one of her hands, she took Gorn’s arm and pushed it away, to the ground.

Gorn’s expression turned more serious. ‘If you don’t like it, then I won’t do it.’

He moved the hand that Rebeca pushed to the side, and put it between him and her. Using some force, he pushed Rebeca’s whole body off of him, to the side. It wasn’t much space, but there were still a few inches to spare.

‘I don’t touch you, you don’t touch me,’ thought Gorn.

Rebeca felt embarrassed as she suddenly realized that she was the one to first invade his personal space improperly. ‘I hope he won’t be too mad at me…’

Gorn squeezed and released Elisa’s ass multiple times. If she wasn’t happy with it, she just had to act like Rebeca, or do something similar, to show her displeasure. None of those things happened. Contrary to that, Elisa actually brought her leg completely to the other side, and got on top of him entirely.

Gorn’s grin returned to his face. ‘Nice. A woman that knows what she wants.’

Before falling asleep, Gorn played wholeheartedly with Elisa’s ass. She didn’t seem to mind it at all, so he was determined to try more at another time and place.

Night was quickly replaced by day. Gorn teleported outside their little room, with Elisa still in his embrace. Waking up, she looked him in the eyes like nothing happened: “Good morning! Have you slept well?”

Gorn put her down gently: “I slept extremely well. How about you?”

Elisa smiled beautifully: “Me too.”

He looked carefully for any unusual behavior or words, but Elisa was still acting like everything was rather normal. “Unfortunately, I have quite a few things that I need to do today,” said Gorn with some reluctance.

The fight with the wild boar inside his system did not go too well. It was a complete defeat. He could not gain even one win. ‘I guess that level eight durability skill is too strong…’

He had yet to enter the auto farming system, but it wasn’t hard to deduce some things with all the information he already had. The fights seemed to be pretty simple, and direct, thus, overly complex abilities could not be utilized to their fullest potential.

‘I currently don’t have enough attack power to break that boar’s defense. Seems like I underestimated that ‘durability’ skill,’ thought Gorn.

“I understand. We will also try to finish a few more rooms until tonight,” said Elisa, a little sad that he had to leave so early.

Gorn left a few things for them. “I’ll leave right away. Probably I won’t be back until tonight, so stay safe until then.”

“We will! Please be careful as well!” Concern was visible on Elisa’s face as well.

Gorn nodded, then disappeared from her sight. A few moments later, he appeared on top of the tree. Closing his eyes, he breathed in powerfully.

“Another day, another adventure!” Exclaimed Gorn while opening his eyes wide. The scenery was amazing as always. As he took a few moments to admire the nature, something peculiar happened to his shadow.

Gorn’s shadow trembled slightly, and a bizarre looking mouth made its appearance in the middle. It wasn’t a real mouth, but the shape of a mouth made from his shadow. It was extremely black, and ominous looking. Its form was not that of a human, resembling more the outline of some sort of other creature.

Gorn had no idea what was happening to his shadow, nor did he feel anything amiss. After a few more moments, his shadow trembled again, and that peculiar, and frightening shape vanished.

“Alright, let’s go!”

Gorn started his day from really early in the morning. He had to find another suitable target for farming. One option was to choose a weaker wild boar, but that implied obtaining a lower leveled skill, and much less gold.

‘If I plan on farming gold, then something with no skills, and a slighter higher level of power compared to me, would be ideal.’

At this point, what he needed the most, was yet again time. There was also the option of completing the mission that implied killing five adult reapers. That, however, was something that didn’t look like it was doable at the moment. He still remembered clearly that four-tailed fox, and the adult reaper. They weren’t creatures he could hope to defeat at this stage. Thanks to his ‘blink’ ability that he recently upgraded, the escape chances from such monsters were a lot higher, but defeating them seemed far-fetched.

Atypical tactics could be used as well, but that also inferred certain risks. ‘I must keep a good balance between taking risks, and not doing enough,’ thought Gorn while moving further and further away.

He saw several groups of people, some smaller, and some bigger, but he chose not to interact with them. The same thing applied to monsters. ‘I wonder what happened to Sara…’

Sara, Lora, and Sebastian were the few people with whom he had a somewhat closer relationship. If possible, he was going to lend a helping hand to them. Teleporting, and running on air, was a very convenient way of moving around. As long as he didn’t want to interact with something, he could just walk away very easily.

In roughly one hour, Gorn traveled approximately one hundred kilometers. By blinking, that distance could be traversed in a few minutes, however, he wanted to inspect, and analyze a few things.

“Stop right there!”

Reaching the base of another gigantic tree, Gorn was stopped by a few armed men. They wore some kind of armor that looked to be a combination between leather and iron. The quality was better than what he used to see, and the same thing applied to their steel swords.

Some of them had bows, arrows, and even shields. “Who are you?!”

There were over ten such individuals. By the looks of things, they seemed to guard the tree. Taking a glance upwards, Gorn could notice the presence of quite a few people on the tree. It was like a small community.

“If you don’t respond, we will be forced to attack you!”

None of them had any collars on their necks, and their power levels were above five hundred, a few reaching even seven hundred. Some of them also had some skills. “Calm down. I’m not an enemy. Just passing through the area,” said Gorn without being intimidated by them. Fighting so many opponents at once could prove to be a little challenging, even for someone with a power level of one thousand. Unfortunately for them, Gorn had multiple abilities that drastically decreased their chances of defeating him.

While they didn’t have collars, they had multiple of those special watches. Gorn was not yet in their action range, so they had no information on him. With precaution, half of those guards came closer towards him.

“We need to inspect you. If you resist, we will use force,” warned one of them.

By the looks of things, they had no intention of letting him go freely, since he found their location.

Their attitude was understandable, but Gorn did not like their tone and their choice of words. “You will use force?” It sounded incredibly funny when it came from someone way weaker than him.

Gorn laughed: “A little shit like you will use force to inspect me?”

At this moment, the man was close enough for his watch to work. When he saw ‘1040’ written on it, his face turned pale, and he jumped backwards instinctively. His comrades followed his example.

“What’s the matter? Weren’t you going to inspect me ‘forcefully’?”

The man’s face turned unsightly, but did not panic. “Everyone! Adopt battle formation!”

This signal had a clear meaning behind it. Each one of them took a certain stance, and position. “Even if you are a little stronger, you can’t defeat all of us.”

Gorn sighed: “You are not that bright, are you?”

His remark made them frown. Gorn continued: “That watch of yours can accurately detect power, I’ll give you that. Unfortunately, it can’t detect special abilities. Do you know what, and how many special abilities I have?”


“The answer is simple: Enough to slaughter every single one of you, regardless of the battle formations you use. So please, stop with the bullshit. Go call your boss, and don’t waste my time,” said Gorn with great confidence.

His words were definitely having an effect. One of them quickly went up the tree, presumably, to bring their boss. “Good! Looks like you are not that stupid as you look, after all.”

After a few intense moments for the guards, the man that left came back. With him, was one additional person.


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