Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 56



Since ancient times, there have been seven elements foretold to eventually bring about the destruction of this world, passed down from mouth to mouth.

Just as everything in existence has an element of ‘beginning’, it is inevitable that there must also be an element known as ‘end’.

In the end, the apocalypse can be considered both the ‘end’ that this world will one day face and simultaneously signifying ‘death’.

However, among the people living in the current continent, very few believed that the apocalypse would truly arrive, and even fewer imagined that this world would perish within the next ten years.

Why is that? Because to those living in this age, the apocalypse was nothing more than a simple old tale—neither more nor less.

To put it metaphorically, the apocalypse in this world holds a similar position to the Dangun myth in Korea.

Every Korean is well acquainted with the Dangun myth, yet you would not find a genuinely crazy person who sincerely believes their ancestor was a bear, would you?

It’s the same case here. People are aware that at some point, the end will come to this world, but they cannot even fathom the idea that everything could be destroyed and that they themselves could perish in just ten years.

The current age is filled with nothing but peace, devoid of war or conflict.

In such a time, even if one fervently proclaimed that the world might meet its end within the next ten years and we must prepare for it, would anyone take such a statement seriously unless they were considered a lunatic?

Of course, there were those who believed his words throughout his nine cycles of regression.

For instance, the chairperson with the ‘Eye of the Libra’ who could discern the truth in others’ words, or even Altina von Rudel Seryas, who unconditionally placed her trust in him without considering the veracity of his statements.

However, it was Serika von Valentine who played the most significant role in convincing everyone that he was indeed a regressor striving to prevent the world’s destruction.

The House of Count Valentine.

Among the noble families possessing a myriad of unique abilities, they are recognized for having the most extraordinary power set.

What they possess is the ability of foresight—able to gaze into the future for a mere dozen seconds or even decades ahead.

The reason why the House of Valentine fully trusted Jin’s words was quite simple.

With their abilities, they could not ascertain what would occur ten years from now.

A complete void, chaos, and nothingness.

The very future they should be observing and calculating had entirely vanished, which served as the strongest evidence that Jin’s words were indeed true.

Always and everywhere, the House of Valentine provided positive affirmations of Jin’s statements and contributed immensely to confirming that his words were genuine.

It is that house, represented by Serika von Valentine.

From the moment it was confirmed that the apocalypse would arrive in ten years, their foresight lost its luster.

Even though the Bloodline of Valentine held the capacity to glimpse possible futures over time, there was no way to evade the apocalypse and the resulting destruction.

In any case, with all paths of the future leading to the conclusion of the apocalypse, reading even the slightest branches of future outcomes would prove utterly useless.

Yet, in that desperate situation, there existed one individual who could be regarded as an exception.

And that person was none other than—

‘You are to be the sole savior of this world filled with destruction! And the Bloodline of Valentine has been waiting for your arrival on this land!’
In a world where the conclusion is already predetermined, a world filled with destruction, Jin was the only individual capable of breaking through the desperate future where all outcomes were set in stone and proposing new possibilities.

For reasons unknown, the Bloodline of Valentine could not glimpse any future related to Jin.

Well, it was possible to read the future, but every time Jin took a new action, the future would continuously change, rendering any foresight meaningless.

It was precisely there that the House of Valentine, as well as Serika von Valentine, could observe a glimmer of hope.

If they could not read any future related to Jin, and if the future truly altered infinitely based on his actions—

Then it meant he was the only potential being capable of preventing the apocalypse and saving the world from the brink of destruction.

…But, however, after considering everything, being concerned, and thinking it over numerous times.

‘Ah! My master! The only light of this world! This humble servant humbly greets you, my lord!’

Serika von Valentine’s actions seemed a bit excessive.

No, every time I heard her call me “my lord,” it felt like my sanity was slipping away.

Please do not loudly refer to me as “my lord” in front of others! It’s not that they see you strangely; it’s that everyone thinks of me as an odd pervert!

‘…Everything is fine, but can we please avoid that “my lord” title? Honestly, every time I hear it, I feel so embarrassed…’

‘Ah! That is absolutely unacceptable! My lord is the only one destined to save this world! And the Bloodline of Valentine is born to serve you, my lord, from the closest proximity. Therefore, that statement is truly sacred and beyond reproach.’


‘And please lower your words. This servant does not dare to speak formally to my lord.’

‘…Then what should I call you? No, how should I address you?’

Jin hurriedly changed his tone, terrified that he might cry or bow his head to the ground if he didn’t receive formality.

‘How could I impose on my lord? Just call me freely and as you wish.’


No matter how I thought about it, those words lacked even a shred of persuasiveness.

He was saying to call him as I wanted, but it was clear that using formal language would trigger another episode.

‘This… this is ridiculous.’

Yes, let’s be honest. Frankly speaking, there was no way Jin would feel bad about such a stunning beauty, a noble of the House of Valentine, bowing her head in front of him and calling him “my lord.”

It’s not just a simple concept or play; it’s as if she would give up her heart and soul if he wished for it, so feeling dirty about that would be more insane, wouldn’t it?

…But, there is a limit to everything. There has to be a certain line.

It wasn’t merely a matter of humbly serving him; looking at Jin as if he were a cult leader while worshipping him and being emotionally swayed by his every action made Jin feel utterly out of his mind.

Well, the world is vast, and there are many people, so there may exist someone who enjoys being treated like that.

However, at least Jin was not one of those people. Above all, it was really embarrassing for this woman to act like that in front of others!

It has been decades since Serika von Valentine pledged her eternal loyalty to him as her “master.”

Now, just looking at Serika von Valentine’s face made Jin feel alarmed.
‘It’s a nightmare.’

To be honest, it’s something I still can’t fully grasp.

When she stays silent like that, she merely appears as a coldly beautiful woman, and in reality, the fact that this woman, who has such a personality, bows her head, calling me “my lord” and “divine maiden,” is utterly insane.

– So, if I were to summarize what you’re saying, it means that Serika von Valentine recognizes you as a time traveler and believes you to be the savior of this world. The terms “my lord” and “slave” are merely her unique preferences.

‘…Sort of, yes.’

– Hmm… However, as much as I didn’t want to say this… there seems to be a point I need to address.

Erekaya, seemingly at a loss or perhaps in disbelief, delicately opened her mouth, twitching the corners of her lips.

– Listening to your story, it seems that claiming oneself as a slave is purely a personal opinion of Serika von Valentine, and I take it you’re not too pleased about it?

‘Would you prefer that? I don’t think it’s something to welcome with open arms.’

When Jin replied in disbelief, Erekaya let out a sigh, perhaps without realizing it.

Is this man really so oblivious that he doesn’t recognize the contradictions in his own words?

– Yet, having uttered that, didn’t you just refer to Serika von Valentine as a “slave” a moment ago?


– Well… Ahem. From my perspective, you’re feigning discomfort with your words, but in reality, you seem to quite welcome the situation where she calls you her master… Um, her “my lord,” which is truly a case of double standards.

‘No, that’s not true!’

Damn it, that’s not it at all. I swear, Jin never thought of Serika as his slave, nor did he ever see himself as her master!

This is just… well, let’s just say he’s been subjected to a kind of brainwashing by her.

It has been decades since Jin got to know Serika and since she started calling him my lord.

During that time, Serika has been endlessly singing the praises of “my lord,” beseeching him not to punish this divine maiden, so it was only natural for Jin to eventually start viewing her as a slave!

What’s it called? It’s somewhat similar to Pavlov’s dog, or you could think of it as being under some hypnosis application too.

– Well… I suppose that’s a rather unconvincing argument, but let’s just go with it for now.

Saying this, Erekaya lightly clicked her tongue while watching Serika von Valentine, who sat among the student council members, staring at Jin with the coldest, most expressionless face.

– But regardless of how uncomfortable or repulsed you feel about her, you know quite well that you have no choices left, right?

‘…I know that well enough. What do you think I’ve been tearing my hair out studying for over the last two weeks?’

As Jin responded, a status window had appeared quietly before him, blinking.

[■The female’s after■, Se■rika ■ ■レン■■in and join■h■■ni■!]

[■language and ■abilities are significantly enhanced.]

[Please■. The ■will be ■■■■■■■in the ■■■■.]

It was truly an unwelcome revelation, but it seemed that Serika von Valentine undoubtedly held a key related to the End.

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