Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 55


At the top floor of the student building located in the center of Nineveh, there lies the Student Council room where Erekaya del Pendragon, the president overseeing all students belonging to Nineveh—numbering in the tens of thousands—along with the other Student Council executives, manage their tasks.

For the first time in a long while, all the Student Council executives were gathered in their meeting room, seated in their respective places.

In fact, even though they were part of the Council, it was extremely rare for the executives to actually show their faces in the Student Council room. This was primarily because there was no regulation mandating that Student Council duties be conducted in the meeting room, and the main building where the room was located was quite far from the classrooms and dormitories, making the trip to this location quite an inconvenience.

More than anything, though, it could be said that the fundamental reason was the lack of sociability among the current Student Council executives, led by Erekaya del Pendragon, who always wore a cold expression and showed little interest in others not related to her.

This assembly of the current Student Council could be considered a gathering of antisocial individuals—a true reflection of this semester’s executives, as they were all people completely unrelated to socializing with others, from the vice president to the treasurer and the secretary.

Despite their antisocial natures, students questioned why they were involved in a position that required mixing with others, but the student assigned as the treasurer confidently responded to such inquiries.

“Well, it’s because it’s profitable.”


“Certainly, keeping up with classes in Nineveh is no easy feat, and having to meet with people whose faces you hardly know at random times is not exactly delightful. However, I wouldn’t remain a part of the Student Council if there were no benefits for me, you know?”

As she spoke, she brought her thumb and index finger together to create a circular shape, undoubtedly a blatant gesture.

“When you become a Student Council executive, you automatically get scholarships, numerous benefits, and additionally, you earn extra points for your school grades. People don’t realize that this is far more efficient than simply studying like a nerd to secure a scholarship.”

In any case, the reason that the otherwise socially inept Student Council executives gathered in the meeting room today was quite simple.

“So, are you saying that you intend to elect a new Student Council executive two months into the semester, Chairwoman?”

At this, a woman with sharp features and blonde hair, sitting to Erekaya’s right, spoke up, and Erekaya simply nodded her head in silent acknowledgment.

What this meant was that, as she had previously told Jin, she had called all the existing Student Council members together to elect him as a new executive.

While the election of council members is ultimately a privilege of the Student Council president, it would not be wise to disregard the opinions of the existing members entirely when accepting him as one of their own.

Ultimately, she was here trying to find the maximum compromise and resolve this matter democratically by gathering all the officers.

…However, to be honest, regardless of whether they approved or opposed, Erekaya hardly cared about their opinions, as she had made up her mind a long time ago.

“Yes, I want to appoint that student Jin as the new secretary of the Student Council. I believe he possesses significant abilities, and most importantly, he is someone that needs to be included in the Student Council.”


Following Erekaya’s statement, the blonde woman and the other Student Council executives stared at her with bewildered expressions.

Sure, it was accepted that this Jin fellow was capable, and that he was indeed a valuable asset to the Student Council—though that was something they could concede.

It’s often said that every worm has its turn, and just by getting into Nineveh, it implied that this Jin must have some outstanding talent.

Nevertheless, it was only natural for everyone gathered in this meeting to question whether it was truly necessary to have a ‘secretary’ position in this Student Council.

It has been three months since the current Student Council officially took over the duties from the previous one.

During this three-month period, none of the individuals gathered here felt the need for a ‘secretary’ even once.

Why? Because among the Student Council executives, there was not a single person who struggled to remember the conversations held during meetings!

Fundamentally, the role of a secretary is to record the discussions or tasks that need to be addressed among the Student Council members.

However, starting with President Erekaya, none of those present had trouble recalling what was discussed during the meetings or the tasks they needed to complete.

Why on earth would there be a need to keep records? How much did we really talk about during our meetings? It seemed we barely chatted for about an hour, right?

Could it really be that there exists someone who cannot remember even that little and must rely on documentation?

Oh, come on. That would be absurd. How could someone lack such basic memory skills? Isn’t it natural for anyone to remember what they said just an hour ago?

With such individuals around, the Student Council found no need or reason to elect a secretary.

In fact, Erekaya herself had no intention of burdening Jin with the role of a secretary or assigning him tasks.

She merely needed a position where she could be with Jin and share something together.

…Yes, for example, like how Altina von Rudel Seryas is involved with Jin as a mentor-student relationship.

However, despite her personal desires, Erekaya sensed the need to persuade everyone present.

After all, if she couldn’t even convince her closest ‘allies’ among the current Student Council executives, it would become increasingly challenging for her to combat Altina or Claire in the future.

“Um… however, from what we understand, this student Jin is quite notorious. It’s only been two months since he enrolled in Nineveh, and he has already made quite a name for himself. Is he really someone suited for the Student Council?”

When the female student who acted as treasurer voiced this, Erekaya answered smoothly, as if she were expecting that question.

“No, it’s precisely for that reason that I believe he should join the Student Council even more.”

“Why is that?”

“Should we be able to bring him into the council as an executive, he would be likely to cause trouble in front of us rather than behind our backs. At the very least, we wouldn’t have to rush around handling situations after they arise like last time.”


At Erekaya’s words, the student nodded her head as if she found some understanding in them.

Though not widely known, it was the Student Council’s responsibility to manage the aftermath during significant incidents, such as when the ogre was unleashed during Magical Beast Practice or when strange rumors circulated surrounding Jin following his duel evaluation with Hugo.

Of course, delving into the details, Jin hadn’t done anything wrong during those incidents, but still, the Student Council executives who were busy managing those situations couldn’t harbor particularly good feelings toward him.

But it was precisely for that reason that they could readily accept Erekaya’s statement.

As she said, if they could simply put a ‘Student Council Executive’ label on that problem child Jin, it would make handling him much easier.

“I find this rather undesirable. Student Councils are meant to set an example for all students and play a leading role in guiding them. I believe transforming our sacred Student Council into a daycare for troublemakers is absolutely not the right approach.”
The blonde-haired woman spoke somewhat curtly, prompting the pink-haired female student to giggle and respond.

“Ahaha, but if that’s the president’s wish, what can we do? And this isn’t the first time the Student Council has accepted a troublemaker.”

Saying this, she glanced at the male student seated across from her and let out a light laugh.

Despite the pink-haired student’s blatant gaze, the male student frowned but didn’t rebut her words, for her statements were all facts.

“Well then, since it seems we have reached some consensus, let’s take a moment to introduce the new treasurer starting today.”

“…Excuse me? So you’ve already invited him here and then called us to gather our opinions, haven’t you, President?”

“That’s the most efficient way to handle matters.”

As Erekaya said this, she calmly surveyed the faces of the three seated before her and spoke softly.

“Otherwise, would I have to call you all here again later to introduce him and waste time on meaningless social chatter? I doubt you all would have been excited about coming here again, even if I had.”

“Hmm… That’s hard to deny.”

Understanding what she meant, the female student nodded, and soon after, the entrance to the Student Council room opened, revealing a certain young man.

“…The very troublemaker of the rumors.”

Jin stepped in, having listened to their entire conversation outside, and stated in a notoriously blunt manner as he began to scrutinize those gathered.

First, starting with Erekaya, who sat at the head seat, then the unfamiliar brown-haired boy and the pink-haired girl.

…And lastly, the blonde woman, whom Jin was extremely familiar with—cold and somewhat prickly in demeanor.

The Lady of the House of Valentine, Serika von Valentine.

– Hm? Do I somehow know that woman personally? Given your reaction, it doesn’t seem like you’re just encountering a stranger.

At Erekaya’s question, Jin sighed internally.

Did he know her? Ah, indeed. How could he forget her? It would have been better if he were blissfully unaware, like the other two.

– What kind of relationship did I have with her to be feeling this way? Could it be an antagonistic one?

‘Honestly, I’d rather be enemies with her. Then I wouldn’t be sighing like this.’

Thinking so, Jin recalled memories related to her and let out a groan as he responded.

‘She’s my slave.’

– …What, what did you just say?

In that moment, the unexpected retort left Erekaya stammering.

A slave? A slave? Who’s a slave to whom? Surely not Serika von Valentine, right? Why? Wait, what could possibly be the reason?

…Ah, damn it. This is exactly why I didn’t want to say anything.

No matter how it’s explained, I’d just come off as a strange person! And anything I say will just sound like an excuse!

‘So… this woman was one who willingly chose to become my slave. Even when I said not to, she followed me around calling me “Master”… and begged me to give her orders—such a strange girl—’

– …….

‘…Are you disregarding what people are saying right now?’

Ugh, seriously, just don’t say anything. Just don’t.

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