Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 47 – The whispers of a ghost

Vol. 1 - Chapter 47 - The whispers of a ghost




With a sleep of about five hours, he opened his eyes like a possessed ghost and quickly moving to take a shower to refresh himself before taking his breakfast and jumping straight to the capsule, connecting back to the game.

It was already 15 hours since he disappeared from Satisfy, and when he connected back, he saw that Fayrene wasn't inside the cabin. He didn't panic since he could see in his party system that she was alright. In fact, she was at the lakeside.

Exiting the house after placing some clothes on his, he saw Fayrene wearing her adventure clothes with her black trousers raised to her knees and holding her feet inside the water. Walking toward her, he sat beside her, gazing at her as she was reading his book.

"Good morning, my love."

Fayrene, while she was reading, gave a sweet smile. Closing the book, she looked at Mathias, asking him with a warm voice.

"Hmm, I guess it should be morning for you. Are we going to start preparing to descend the mountain? I already tanned my skin a bit, which probably will make me unrecognizable with the neighbors."

"You got bored of the vacation?" asked Mathias, taking Fayrene in his arms, looking at her face.

"No, not at all. But you should be busy, correct? Taking care of the book, you are supposed to write for His Majesty, teaching me Mathematics and Economics and Business Management as you call them. Can we actually do this here when we are breathing our own air without getting intimate?"

Releasing a hearty laugh after hearing her comment as he was holding her on his lap, he agreed with some points of her.

"You are right, my love. We need to find our balance in the relation, which might take some while. Getting all sticky is just what those naive kids think. As for me teaching you those mischievous things, I can do it anywhere as long as I have an ear to speak. Nevertheless, it is better at home because you can take notes."

"We also have to craft the ointment, something we can't do here without some special equipment." continued Mathias saying to her calmly, taking in her presence fully.

"Have you eaten something?" asked Fayrene because she heard Mathias yawn a bit tired.

"Aye, I am ready whenever you wish to descend to Titan."

Staying for a bit more at the lakeside, until the clock showed it was 15:50 to which they got up, walking toward the cabin and checking if there was anything else missing. Mathias placed the rags the two used back to his inventory which was placed to dry on the ancient tree at the backside of the cabin.

"Love, should we leave our mark on this tree? You know, like how the kids used to do. I remember the girls in the village talking about them doing something like this with their lovers." asked Fayrene, who accompanied Mathias to the ancient-looking tree.

Looking at the tree's thick bark, which was left untouched by ages, he told her with a calm voice, picking up the rags they washed.

"If this is what my little lover wishes when she returns back home, she can boast to the other girls that she and her husband immortalized their love on an ancient tree."

*Giggling* "Exactly. I will not let those girls look down on us."

Chuckling at Fayrene's childish side, he took the 'Saharan Sword' and moved to inscribe his name and Fayrene's. "Should I also put that heart on it?"

Hearing Mathias says that with an evil smile, Fayrene blushed a bit before responding to his harmless question with a shy voice.


With her confirmation, he did the heart surrounding their names. Yet afterward, he began inscribing a verse on the bark with Fayrene eying all the words he inscribed.

[Amantium irae amoris integratio est.]

"What have you inscribed underneath the childish mark?"

"Something from an old language of my world, which says the following "Lover's quarrels are the renewal of love." How does it sound to you, Fay?"

"Hmmm, this is the first time I heard of such a saying. Indeed, if a couple doesn't even quarrel once, could this be considered a love? As long we don't betray each other and support each other in hard moments, we will be fine. Yet what that person said is true."

"Hehe, it is so easy with you, Fay.  We immortalized our love, got everything in my bag, all we got to do is go home and concoct that ointment." commented Mathias holding her hand staring in her violet eyes.

"Let's go, dear. My little home is waiting for me." said Fayrene after taking in the atmosphere as if she was storing in her mind this event.

Getting to walk away from the tree, a wind blew, which made Mathias hear something strange. Looking at Fayrene, she didn't seem to have noticed anything strange, so without stopping more than required, he continued down the mountain.

<I am here! STOPP! You have to pick me up from this blasted trap! STOP YOU LITTLE SHITS!>

<Hah, once again, I lost most of my energy to send my voice to the rightful male candidate. >

<How long has it been since I turned like this? 400 years? 600 years? No, it has been 800 years since I've been stuck here. My plan backfired on me so hard! Damn you, Zik. Do you think you can use my children and me as your slaves to fight the corrupt Gods and those Underdark Drows protecting the path to the exiled Gods? Not a chance, I, your Emperor, I am still in this world!>

<Sigh, I can feel my bloodline being diminished, losing their power with each year I am stuck in this cursed place.>



<Too tired, this old man needs his beauty sleep>




<I shall see a future candidate whenever my energy is recharged. See you in the next life>




The words of this ghostly being were something that didn't reach Mathias or Fayrene, but from the base of the ancient tree, a small red, crimson light was released, slowly dying down like a dying star.

The return to Titan was smooth sailing. In fact, Mathias took advantage of his combination of speed and mana, and picking Fayrene in a prince's carry, he activated [Raven's Movement] starting to sprint.

"Yaaaa, my hair is dancing in the wind. Slower, dear. You will stumble on some beast and drop me on the ground?"

"Ahaaa, what did you say, love? I can't hear you because of the wind in my ears."

Fayrene moved her upper body closer to Mathias's ears, and after taking a deep breath, she shouted, scaring Mathias shitless.


Gazing at her face while slowly decreasing his speed, he moved his hand around Fayrene to get a better grip of her delicate body, and as she began feeling better going in the forest with a slower speed, he told her.

"Ahem, it wasn't required to scream in my ears. Also, before you touch the ground, I shall be smitten by lighting."

"You don't have to be smitten by anything. Just move slowly and let me see the scenery around us."

With the slower speed that he was going, he had to use both of his mana refilling spells to keep his fast speed, yet as Mathias was constantly using [Raven's Movements], he saw the notification window potting in his face, which made him stop in place.

[Congratulations, your skill 'Raven's Movements' has leveled up!]

"What happened, Mat? Is there a beast ahead?" inquired Fayrene with a worried voice, looking at Mathias' surprised expression as he was checking the newly updated skill he was using daily in this entire month of game time.


[Raven's Movement - Lv.2]

Rating: Unique

Skill Type: Active Skill

Skill Effect: Special Skill

A footstep that tries to emulate the way of a raven and the speed it would have in flight along with his cunningness.

During the cast and until the canceling of the ability, your movement speed is increased by 13%, your agility by 6%, and your dodge chance by 2.5%.

Mana Consumption: 10 MP per second. (Will change according to your MP resources)

Skill Cooldown Time: No Cooldowns.


'Wow, the increases of stats sure are impressive. I expect no less from Corvus. Sigh, now that I think about it, maybe I should approach that guy like how Vlad does his old man. Getting trained in spear skills and all sorts of techniques. He is probably also a swordsman because of how he used the sword stances for his own spear.'

'Next time, I will approach him even if I risk getting killed. Wait, don't I have to give him a bottle of wine for losing the bet in the first spar? Indeed, then I shall use this chance to visit him if I find him.'

Turning to look at Fayrene after sorting out his thoughts, he shook his head, smiling gently at her, before continuing to hike on the forest with Fayrene in his arms.

"No, it is not that. I just got a revelation and improved my movement ability, the 'Raven's Movement'."

"Ohhh, the ability that releases raven's feathers on the ground. Congratulations, dear. Can you teach me that ability too? I believe I can learn it too, knowing how great of a teacher you are."

Hearing her words, his ego felt as if it was kissed right on the lips, starting to chuckle, something that even affected Fayrene, whose experience was similar to a rollercoaster.

"We shall see how talented you are in hand-to-hand combat."

"I can't wait. Thank you, dear."




The journey out of the Gravelmark Mountain, followed by the 'Empar Forest', was smooth, with Mathias carrying Fayrene until his MP would dry out, then they would walk slowly, shoulder to shoulder.

"Phew, finally out of this forest. We didn't encounter any dangerous beasts. The 'Direwolf' also got scared by our presence and left, similar to the boars and the owls." commented Fayrene as she was holding Mathias's hand, breathing in relief when seeing the stone road leading to civilization.

As the couple was walking on the stone road back to Titan, they encountered a party of 4 people walking in the direction they were coming from Empar Forest.

"Hey dude, do you have any inside info about 'Empar Forest'. We are first-timers. Maybe you could help us with some guidance on what to expect." asked one guy that was in his mid-twenties to late-twenties with blonde hair, seeming to be American wearing leather armor and a longsword at his waist, followed by a black-skinned person, wearing the clothes of a knight, followed by two girls one having the attire of a magician and the other one having a bow in her hand with leather armor.

Both of their appearances were pleasing to the eye, but Mathias didn't bother much to stare at them, shifting his attention on the person who asked him for info, called Anjo. Fayrene too stopped, looking at Mathias to see what he would do and if this group was friendly.

"Sure, why not. What level are you guys?"

"Our level ranges from 14-16. We heard from the forum that Empar Forest is a good place for this range until getting to level 25."

"I see. The first part of Empar Forest should be easy for your party, you just have to be careful at the 'Divebeak Owls' who seems to have a ranging level from 14 to 25, there's also the Tusked Boars who seems to have gained in levels, getting to an 8-20 range. Direwolves are apex predators there along with bears."

The party looked at Mathias with big eyes, as he was detailing without holding much information to him, the spots where he hunted and the monsters he spotted while getting in and out of the forest, omitting the part of the Mountain. The right path, because from what Vek told him, the Gravelmark Mountain was filled with dangerous monsters similar to the 'Mutated Bear.'

"Wow, so much information. Don't tell me you are a first-day player and also got to MAX level?" asked the archer girl, Viviana.

Mathias turned to look at the young woman, and with a smile, he told her casually. "Secret."

"All I can say to you is good luck and have fun."

"Indeed. Thank you a lot for the information, Mathias."



The party of players moved toward the Empar Forest while Mathias and Fayrene resumed their journey toward Titan, arriving back after 30 minutes seeing the imposing walls and gates of the capital city along with the patrolling Black Guards. Entering inside, not questioned by the guards, once they got back home, they dropped like dead fish on the single bed inside Fayrene's room.

"Hah, I missed this bed those three days!" exclaimed Mathias, while dropping face first in the bed, followed by Fayrene, who did the same but opposite to him.

"Hmm, you are right. No offense, but your building skills suck, dear."

"Not my fault. I don't live in the wilderness like my grandfather. The old man tried to corrupt me by teaching me all those things, but I let them pass on my ear. At least take the good part. The bed lasted all the rough moments."

"Hmph, don't make it as if it is my fault. Also, prize your elders for how long you have them. It is a saying of Mother."

"Indeed, you are correct, but I wasn't badmouthing my old man. Anyway, no worries, you will understand from where I am coming when you meet my old man, if he is still breathing." laughed Mathias, thinking about his grandfather and something he told him when he was a little brat.

<Little guy, I only have one wish after all these years I've lived, to relieve my life with better choices. I keep on holding tight on life, doing exercise, and keeping my body as young it could be, just to see the advancements of this world and reach a new world.>

'Old man, your time has come to smile. You probably saw the news online, but I will try to help you get one of those capsules.'

Relaxing after getting back home, the night came about rather quickly, having the two inside the main room of the building, when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"A client? How rare." asked Fayrene, who was writing something on some pages, mostly numbers and functions with Mathias beside her with the quill in hand.

Casting a spell where an orb appeared in her hand, the image of a woman in her late-thirties was revealed, which left her surprised, as if she forgot she had a tailoring shop.

"Mat, go open the door while I clean the counter. It's been 3 months since I got a new client. I really look forward to what project we might do together."

Nodding his head, he watched Fayrene gather her paperwork and place it in a safe place, and only afterward did he walk toward the door and open it up.

"Welcome, madame. Please come inside." said Mathias with a calm voice, greeting the woman who had a mature figure, wearing simple clothes but who got some style to them, with brown hair cascading over her shoulders, while her stature was smaller than Mathias, about 1,71 meters.

The woman looked up at Mathias, who welcomed her and greeted him back calmly, and entering inside, walking toward the counter, she saw Fayrene, who placed a professional smile on her face, something Mathias taught her.

"Welcome, madame. How might my services help you?"

"Greetings to you too, young lady. I want you to help me out with a dress for a banquet that will happen in one month from now. I have Ascanius recommendations."

Fayrene, who heard that request and also Ascanius, the merchant who supplied her shop with materials, put a word for her own business, pondered for a bit, while Mathias closed the door and walked opposite to the mature lady in mid to late thirties.

"Madame, I suppose you are looking for something that would be unique for this banquet you will attend?" inquired Fayrene, starting to ask the client more questions so she could know what to work on.

"Indeed, it will be the birthday of a friend's son, and I can't look bad when meeting my old friends."

She went to her private room to get her sketchbook, leaving Mathias with the lady, who asked her calmly.

"Madame, are you by chance a noblewoman?"

"What makes you think so?" asked the woman, turning to stare at Mathias with her black eyes, wearing a small smile on her face, which in turn had Mathias shrug his shoulders.

"Good question. Let's say it is my 6th sense?"

"And who would you be in this shop?" asked back the woman, ignoring what Mathias implied.

This question made Mathias stay silent for some seconds while the two were alone, and with a small chuckle, he replied back.

"You can call me the administrator of this shop but at the same time a lowly worker."

Raising her gaze at Mathias's face, she nodded before turning quiet, and only after Fayrene returned with a sketchbook did she get to the counter where Fayrene began showing her some basic designs. Mathias was there too, and seeing these sketches, he thought to himself with an evil smile.

'I see, so you are keeping the good stuff for yourself. What a bad girl. Well, I would do the same, since this lady asks for the dress to be made in one month. I guess I will not see this part of the work. Nevertheless, I have some activity to do while waiting for the game to shut down.'

After some time where he just watched and listened to the two girls discuss the drawings, they returned to look at him after settling on the ideal dress, with Fayrene asking him gently.

"Dear, can you calculate the cost of the dress? I can tell you the amount of materials, but I am still not good with the numbers."

"No problem, isn't this the reason I am here?" taking his inkwell, quill, and paper, he started to list the amount of materials required for the dress, with the prices of the material, after some calculation which had the mature lady look strange at him, he declared the price.

"The total price of the dress would be 125 gold."

"Can we lower the price a bit? What about 100?"

'Hmm, she isn't a noblewoman? I guess I can lower a bit since I can juggle with the princes of work.'

"Sigh, madame, the material prices raised in the last month, and this project seems to require high-quality silk on the key parts. However, if you respond to my question, I might lower it."

"Sadly, I am not a noble. However, you were not wrong on one part, sir, my family used to be nobles, but just some lower nobility."

"I see, then let's go with 105 gold. You might ask why I even bothered to check on your status?"

"Indeed, why are you even bothered."

"Well, you see, my lady, I am quite the curious person by nature. I hope you didn't get offended by my inquiry, feeling it forced."

"Don't worry. Everything is good, no harm done to me or my feelings. I am fine with the price since I understand doing a custom dress isn't something cheap."

With everything said, the woman followed Fayrene next to the workstation, where she took a tailoring line starting to take her measurements, and only afterward did the lady depart from the shop, leaving Mathias and Fayrene to look at one another.

"I guess we have new work to be done. Should we start it now or keep it for tomorrow?" asked Mathias, taking a glance at the sheet of paper containing the measurements of the mature woman.

"Let's go back to the lesson. I am not in the mood to start working on a dress."

They went to talk again about different subjects, with Mathias being asked mostly questions by Fayrene, from why she should use certain formulas to calculate some problems to managerial and investment areas, all until Fayrene went to sleep, leaving Mathias with a kiss on the lips to go to sleep.

"Goodnight, dear. Take care of yourself while you are alone here and if you get bored, come to bed."

"You leave the door open to the wolf? My, my, how daring."

"Sure, I am a small little sheep. A sleepy sheep."

"Goodnight, my love. I will return to bed, don't worry."



With the two separatings, Mathias, as he began writing the last parts of the book, getting closer and closer to the moment he was writing, along the way also talked with Malakai, keeping each other mind focused, not dying of boredom.

&Mathias: What are you doing?

&Malakai: I am preparing to receive a quest from the old Bayek. What about you?

&Mathias: Writing for Lord Juander's book, trying to keep my mind occupied as I am copying the book.

&Malakai: Damn, aren't you bored constantly writing? You should take a break and let your mind relax once in a while.

The conversation went all sorts of directions, from him talking about the kobolds he met and the raid he had done against the 'Mutated Bear' to him having to do another dress with Fayrene.

Meanwhile, Malakai was telling stories from his walks with the old man and how crazy the old man was, not caring about anyone or putting the king in his eyes.

&Malakai: "Yea, so there's this new information I managed to steal from the old man, about a place called "The Tower '' or so he calls it. When he mentioned that, he frowned hard as if he was angry about something. Think about this since you have nothing to do, and you are also a smartass."

&Mathias: "Well, I can always go to bed."

&Malakai: "Fuck you, no need to rub salt to my wounds getting stuck with this old man."

&Mathias: "Ahem, you can always try getting closer with that artist lady."

&Malakai: "No, it is too late, and I'd rather prepare for Saharan, so no need for distractions when we gang together. What do you think of the new info I got from the old man?"

&Mathias: "I have no clue, bro. It could be a powerful entity or organization who done your old man. I can't say for certain. But we will find out in the future. Better keep in touch with him when the live starts."

&Malakai: "Maybe."



Getting to 92% of his book as he stopped talking with Vlad because of lack of subjects to discuss this day, he went outside of the house walking to the 'Raven's Pub' not far away from where he was staying. Once he got inside, he scanned the pub finding Corvus with his face dropped inside a large mug.

Arriving and getting to the innkeeper, he was welcomed inside with a professional line.

"Welcome, dear guest. How might I be of service? Ohh, you seem familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Obviously, Edmon, this brat came to the tavern 3 months ago, looking like some beggar asking something of Corvus. Now it seems he returned back after getting on his feet. Kid, can you give us some booze?" asked an elder guy who was seated at the counter with a mug in his hand.

Mathias looked at the guys at the counter, who began laughing, making fun of Edmon for forgetting him. Others saluted him, knowing him from his night walks.

"Fine, I will treat you guys with some beer since I am not that cheap." mentioned Mathias, placing 5 gold coins for Edmon while continuing to say to him.

"Innkeeper, can you help me out with the strongest spirit you have in your establishment?"

The innkeeper took the 5 gold coins with a shrewd expression where he was made fun of by the people at the counter, and while flickering them with his middle finger, he placed them some beer in their mugs, only afterward did he walk out of the station, moving to another location.

"Ahhh, it feels so good having free drinks. Thanks a lot, son. Also, no need to worry. Edmon will not scam you of your money. To tell you something, we got some dwarf merchants passing by not too long ago here, and Edmon took advantage of buying their strongest spirits."

"Stop giving me away, you morons." called out Edmon, who arrived back from his storeroom holding a green glass bottle filled to the brim with some spirit, placing it on the counter.

"How much would that cost me?" asked Mathias, looking curiously at the bottle.

"That would be 30 gold coins."

Not staying much at talk, he took from his bag 30 gold coins which had most of the people inside the tavern stare with big eyes at him, whispering with each other, some were curious about how he made his money, while others schemed to steal his money. Yet when he took the bottle and walked toward Corvus, who was at the back of the tavern, seeming to sleep, they all turned silent.

Mathias placed the bottle down on his table and took a chair from another table he sat opposite to him while saying calmly.

"Sir Corvus, I came to pay back my lost bet."

"Mrrhhm… Haven't I told you motherfuckers to not disturb me?" asked Corvus, who began moving his head from the large mug, only to meet his eyes with the dwarven spirit and Mathias.

"You are the kid holding Gabrils seal? Right, I remember you, so what's the meaning of this?"

"The lost bet. Haven't I bet that I will give you a strong spirit if I lost that exchange back then?"

"Hmm, ahhh, I remember. It is you little shit. Seems you grow a bit, but still a little shit to me. You know what, since you keep back to your word, I will check on your improvements and afterward go finish the bottle and take a nap."


After Corvus mentioned all of those things, in front of Mathias's eyes, a quest was triggered with the name [Corvus Curiosity], which surprised him, not expecting anything from this person who didn't even care to teach him much of his skills in the past.


[Corvus Curiosity]

Difficulty: A

Corvus, the first person to train you on the spear art, wants to check on your progress as a gesture of sincerity and for keeping the word given in the past.

Quest Clear Conditions: Spar against Corvus

Quest Rewards: ???

Quest Failure: ???


"Sure, I see no problem in showing you my progress. Maybe this time, I will have some chance to fight you."

[You have accepted the quest]

"I doubt you will be able to do much. Anyway, how are your steps? Have you started getting the hang of the movement ability?"

"You will see in the spar, Corvus." said Mathias, as he got up from the table, following Corvus, who was holding the bottle, exiting the tavern and returning back to the courtyard having an ancient tree inside.

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