Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 46 – Heavenly Cries

Vol. 1 - Chapter 46 - Heavenly Cries




Fayrene, who slept far more than her usual schedule, opened her eyes to find for her first time Mathias actually not vanishing in nothingness as if he was a character of her dreams.

She beamed with a wide smile, being greeted by Mathias, who turned at her, saying to her.

"Good morning, my sleeping beauty. How was your sleep in this cottage we built?"

"Perfect. Also, you didn't run anywhere all this time, it might be boring for you standing next to me without sleeping."

"You think so? Well, I did have my fun in counting your strands of hair and contemplating the fight with the bear monster."

"Dear, if you are tired, you can return to your land and return after you have rested. I can wait for you here in this beautiful place."

"Thank you for understanding me, Fay, but it is not the time for me to rest yet. Do you want to spend more time here and try to see the effects of the salty water on the scar? Maybe also look around for the plant which has healing properties."

"We can stay for as long you want here, dear. I am fine anywhere as long we are together."

Kissing her forehead and wrapping his left hand around her, enveloping each other like a cocoon, the couple suddenly heard the knocks on the cottage door along with the familiar voice of Vek.

"Elder, wait, what if we disturb the Lord and Lady? All the preparation would go for nothing."

"We have to trust in the benevolence of the human lord."


Fayrene and Mathias looked at each other, asking what happened for someone aside from Vek to knock on their door.

"Dear, could it be the kobolds want us away from the mountain? From my talk with Vek, he told me his tribe is peaceful, respecting an oath of their ancestors to not hurt the humans." asked Fayrene getting off the bed and taking some clothes on her gifted body.

"I doubt. I think someone with authority from the tribe wants to meet us. Quickly change in some clothes if you don't want to get embarrassed." said Mathias while chuckling when seeing Fayrene look angry at him, getting inside her trousers and placing her bra along with the shirt which had the sleeves destroyed.

"I am done. You can respond to them, Mat."

Walking casually and dragging his trousers from the inventory on his body with his upper body, which was worked out, opened the door of the shack to see an 89 cm creature with gray-red scales, wearing a red-dyed robe, having some white hair-like tentacles going at its chest.

At the back of this old-looking kobold was Vek wearing the armor he received from Mathias, bowing his head at him in greeting.

"Greetings, human Lord, I am Morkl, Elder of the Kobold tribe residing in the place you humans call Gravelmark." greeted the old kobold, who looked up at Mathias, who was 1,80 meters with some worry in his eyes.

"My greetings to you too, Elder. I didn't expect any meetings after settling down here, but there are no problems if I get visitors. Enter inside." greeted Mathias while making a hand sign welcoming the two kobolds inside his cottage.

The old kobold felt much better when he heard Mathias' calm voice, feeling the intent in his personality, which wasn't aligned to an evil side. Entering inside, followed by Vek, he looked around himself, feeling this shack similar to a big mansion, and when the elder noticed Fayrene, he greeted her respectfully.

"Human Lady, greetings and my apology if I disturbed your moments together."

"No worries, you didn't disturb anything. Welcome Elder. Come, get a seat on the bed while I go prepare something for you three. Mathias, I will go take some water to prepare tea." said Fayrene as she took a small bucket Mathias made with the remaining wood he didn't have use inside the shack.

After Fayrene left, Mathias turned to look at the two kobolds, one older sitting at the edge of his bed and Vek having a bag strapped around his waist, which he took it off and handed to Mathias.

"What is this bag? Was there a need for this between us? Haven't I told you Vek, I am not looking to extort your tribe…

"Human Lord, please listen to me. It was my idea to reward you for saving Vek's life. Unlike our cousins in the other mountains and forests, we of the "الجبل السماوي" are peaceful kobolds living over this blessed land by hunting and foraging."

Mathias had a brief part that he didn't understand when the old kobold started with 'we of the' and seeming curious while nodding his head, agreeing with his story.

"The word you just used, I could understand it, what that meant?"

حسنًا ، لا يستطيع البشر فهم لغتنا". 

"Elder, don't speak draconian in the presence of a human. Only learned elves might understand our speech. Apologies, Lord Mathias, my Elder isn't used to speaking with humans for a long time. He is 95 years old."

"It is fine. Have I sounded offended in any way? I was just curious. Anyway, let's see what you bought for me, and we'll talk afterward."

Feeling that the bag was quite weak to touch, he opened it to see a plant inside along with 2 pieces of jewels.

"The plant is?"

To which the old kobold looked calmly at Mathias saying 'دموع الداليا', however once he noticed he messed up again, he told him again in the common language of humans.

"Dahlia's Tears. I heard from little Vek that your wife is suffering from some scars which upset her. This plant is quite rare in the mountain, and only the ones gifted in magic among our tribe can sense it."

"Dahlia's Tear? This name is quite familiar on my tongue."

He started to ponder, returning his thoughts back to the book he read along with Fayrene, and after some minutes, with big eyes, he gazed at the old kobold and Vek.

"This plant actually exists? We planned to look for 'Ivory Bell' this morning. You heard about it, right?"

"Ohh, you know the names of the draconian translations in the common language. Indeed there is such a plant that has healing properties, but 'Dahlia's Tear' is an assured treatment. I have this plant from two generations of elders. It was nourished inside the fertile land of Gravelmark rich in mana for about 250 years."

*Hiss* "Elder, this gift is too much for me. The earnings, also, look to be worth a lot of money."

"It is just something we crafted using the gemstones and gold we gathered inside the mountain, accept all of them, Mathias. I just want to show my appreciation for helping us by ending that beast brought like a curse to my tribe. For years children of my clan lost their lives trying to defeat it. At first, they tried approaching the fight using numerical advantage, something ingrained in us, kobolds, but it failed, almost backfiring into guiding the monster our tribe."

"For such a thing, you gifted me such a precious thing such as the plant which might heal my loves, scars."

"Heal what scars, dear?" inquired Fayrene returning with the bucket filled with spring water.

Mathias closed the bag and let Fayrene place down the bucket and have the water boil before he walked closer to her, showing her what was inside the bag.

"That flower, why does it seem familiar? Dahlia... It is really Dahlia!! But how?? It was said to grow into magic rich lands."

"Young human lady, Gravelmark is such a place. I hope you get cured with this flower."

Her hands trembled, holding Mathias's hands, before asking the kobold.

"We can't let you go with your hands empty. Tell me, Elder, can we two help you with anything? Do you have trouble defeating monsters such as the bear?"

"No, we don't have such problems yet. However, I heard many voices of humans passing on the lower levels of the mountain and the forest, constantly shouting.

"Kill all the beasts and monsters. We have to grow faster and reach the rest of the pack. I fear for my tribe's safety if those human monsters would find out about my tribe's whereabouts. We don't wish to fight you humans, and I am aware we can't win against those human monsters carving their way in the forest. Now that I think about it, maybe it was a bad idea of killing the bear."

"Elder, what are you talking about?? So many of our brothers died trying to get that beast away from our home." said Vek, who didn't like what the elder mentioned.

"Sigh, Elder Morkl, some of my brethren are completely different from me. I can stay here calmly talking with you, but some of them would do as you heard them shout. Not seeing you different from a monster. Yet I know and understand you are not really dangerous. From my understanding, kobolds should hate humans and gnomes, acting all cowardly, but you are not the case."

"Is there any way to not be hurt by them?"

"Hmmm, let me think. I might be able to solve this problem of yours."

With the bag in hand, he walked to pick the tea boiler from the burning wood and brought some tea leaves that he dropped inside. Taking his time while patting Fayrene hands into calming her, he looked at the two kobolds who gulped their saliva.

Only after taking a sip from the tea did he continue talking, responding to the kobold Elder with his idea in a casual manner.

"You know, Elder, my brethren, have a big weakness. They abide by a system similar to the adventurer guilds. Do you know about it or want me to explain?"

"Please explain. We don't have contact with humans and have no idea about the outside." pleaded the kobold elder, bowing his head, making Mathias pass him a cup of tea, another one for Vek, and the last one being in a silver cup to Fayrene.

"The adventurers work according to quests. Simply put, they are contracts binding the two parties, the contractor and contractee, into an agreement. You have to do according to the contract, an example, kill certain beasts making hard for your community. Pick up some hard-to-find plants. Like this, you can do something similar, requesting my brethren to do tasks for you in exchange for some rewards."

"We only have to do this much?"

"Yes, and to act friendly and not seem like you are trying to cheat them. They are quite the petty kind."

"I see. By Asgorath, I can finally breathe at ease. You have my thanks, Lord Mathias, and whenever you need my Tribes help, just ask. We will be glad to respond."

[You have gained 15 affinity with Kobold Elder Morkl and gained the 'Honored' reputation with Gravelmark Kobold Tribe.]

[Kobold tribe members will not be scared to approach you.]

After the old kobold said that, he downed the teacup, raising on his feet, bowing to Mathias, and with a gaze at Vek, who also downed the teacup, the two kobolds departed from the shack, having Mathias see them off.

Entering back to the shack, Vek walked side by side with Morkl, who had a serious expression, talking in the draconian language, something only the two could understand.

"We gained a strong ally which will help our tribe survive. I have no regrets about giving the girl Dahlia's Tear. The intent was to have the chosen one of the kobold tribe eat it and evolve, gaining the fabled mana core, reaching closer to the ancestor dragons, but we waited for far too long. It was since our ancestors who searched for a new home encountered the human called Haycien who helped them settle down in this place."

"Wasn't that just a story about kobolds who could be born closer to dragons? Gaining wings and a strong magic affinity?"

"It is possible. I never doubted the ancestors' writing."



Back to the shack, Mathias, who entered back, walked to the bed, which seemed to be cleaned just a brief moment ago by Fayrene. Taking a seat, he gazed at Fayrene, no longer holding his surprise, laughing happily.

"We managed to find it, love. Haven't I told you there is hope in healing the scars! There is always a returning gesture by the world whenever you do something good."

Fayrene looked excited but at the same time scared as she touched her scarred arm, and once she got next to Mathias, she felt his hand touch her ears tenderly.

"Just now, I noticed, dear. You don't have piercings for earrings."

"Because I never had money to buy such expensive jewels. Ahhh, it tickles, stop playing with my ears."

"What should I do? The kobold has gifted us a gorgeous pair of earrings."

"Sigh, I guess I have to do that too. Be gentle, okay."

Biting her earlobe teasingly, he said to her calmly.

"My love, it will be just like an insect bite. I promise."

Nodding and closing her eyes, Mathias took a set of needles and a bottle of alcohol and checking the earings, which were of simple built perfect for human anatomy, he prepared the needles.

Fayrene trembled a bit, but stroking her thigh, he made a long "Bzzzzz" sound, and a needle entered perfectly and in a balanced manner in her right earlobe.

"Did you start?" asked Fayrene not feeling any pain from the insertion of the needle in her ear.

"Yes, the right one is done. *Bzzzzzz*" doing the same loud sound, which distracted Fayrene, he did the last pierce too.

"Auch! That hurt a bit, you jerk. I feel some stinging pain."

"It will pass away in some seconds, don't make a scene about it."

"Jerk! Go pierce your ears and see how it feels before commenting that." added Fayrene to Mathias's comment, still feeling the pain of the needle piercing her earlobe.

Chuckling while giving her a kiss on the lips, he gazed at the piercings that didn't even ooze blood, and after telling her to stay calm, Mathias prepared the golden earrings, which had a beautiful pattern and balance.

Taking the needles, he used his dexterous hands to place the earrings in her delicate earlobes.

"Good girl, you didn't scream in my ears for feeling betrayed."

"It stings, but compared to the time I failed my arcane spell or the farm work I had to do, or all the needles I inserted in my fingers from clumsiness, this is nothing."

"My tough lady. I knew it would be nothing for you. Come, I brought your mirror with me, do you want to see yourself? To tell you in advance, these earrings make you feel more like an untouched flower."

"Ouchh! Hey, hey, that hurts." cried in pain Mathias, who got pincked right on his armpit zone by Fayrene, which really scared him a bit.

"Bring out the mirror."

"Did I say something wrong? Aren't you, my flower?" asked Mathias caressing Fayrene's back and waist before being sent off by Fayrene.

"You are greedy. Ahhh, bad boy, stop."

"Right on the job, my lady."

Only after the couple had their fun teasing each other did he bring the mirror from his inventory, having Fayrene close her eyes before placing the mirror in front of her.

With his signal, she opened her eyes to see her face, which was completed by the two golden earrings.

"Those earrings are really something I would see high noble ladies wear. Wouldn't they draw unwanted attention?"

"This will be something you would put on when we walk to festivals and events. Don't worry, we will visit the jeweler again to look for a new pair of earrings that wouldn't make those noble ladies too jealous. Okay?"

Nodding her head, she started to shift how she looked in the mirror, doing some posses like a model, revealing her legs, later unbuttoning her shirt to reveal some skin.

Mathias looked from behind the mirror, admiring his muse, and it seemed she was intent on railing up his little brother.

Casting 'Isolation' he told Fayrene with an evil smile.

"Show off your entire model poses. My eyes are only for you, dear."

"This is enough for now. Don't you know that if you boil the carrot too much, it will turn soft?"

"Heh, really? My, my. What indecent words."

"What's indecent? Boiling carrots? You are the only pervert here to actually think of something indecent."

"Sure, sure. You are innocent as a flower, only I am the devil."

"Exactly. Keep Dahlia's Tear inside your dimensional bag. We don't have all the ingredients for the ointment. What now? We completed our task without even adventuring inside the forest or mountain."

"I intend to laze around and sew the last piece."

Fayrene looked calmly at Mathias, not feeling dejected or cheated, especially after he showered her with his unconditional love and attention, healing her trauma. She only told him something which surprised even him.

"Show me what you are doing for my little sister."

"Little sister? Do you have a little sister that I don't know?"

"Haha, very funny. You fully know who I am referring to. Chop-Chop, I want to see from advance what you are doing for Jeanne." responded Fayrene, doing a sarcastic laugh, before looking sharply with her mesmerizing violet eyes.

"Yes, lady. Give me your thoughts." no longer feinting the subject, he brought the canvas where the angel and devil were touching their hands staring at one another, which was 75% complete.

"What a baddy. I already understand the symbolism of the piece. The little devil courting the pure angel into holding hands? My, my, aren't you the artist, Mat? She might feel disturbed at first, but she will get attached to it. Nevertheless, my gift is much better."

"Cough, that… I can't deny, yours is more detailed. It took me more time to create and also holds quite the story."

"That is what my ears wanted to hear from your sweet mouth. Can you give me my book?" cutely asked Fayrene, which made him not resist at all.

Taking the book Fayrene copied for herself from his bag, he placed the book in her hands softly while she moved to the bed, starting to read.

Mathias, on his side of the bed, spread out the threads and needles along with his sketch and canvas, starting to sew.

His work continued to progress rapidly, at which when the sun raised heating the lake, the couple took their time to spend time together, messing with the mud and swimming.

Once the night started to settle down on the mountain, Mathias, who had some candles next to him held by Fayrene, finally stopped from sewing, saying with a satisfied voice.

[You have finished a piece of art called <Timid Angel meeting a curious Devil> branching from the tailoring craft, gaining the following rewards.]

[You have gained 5 dexterity points and 3 intelligence points.]



"At last, I also finished this creation of mine."

"Congratulations, my love. Your sewing skills have improved since I last saw you. It is clear as day that you have constantly been using the needles."

*Cough* "I have no other choice, and thanks for all the moral support and for not burning my work."

"I told you, Mat, I am okay with you trying to get Jeanne together. I never had a sister, and she will for sure need my help with things. Right, you better bring her home since I have to protect her from you, devil."

"Hey, I think I am not that bad? Right?"

*Giggling* "Yes, you are. Look at poor me. How will I meet my parents to explain to them, they will have a new daughter."

"Oh no, I feel like I dug my own hole underneath." said Mathias with a bitter voice after Fayrene started to tease him.

Yet, she put off the candles, placing them on the ground, and after that, he moved to Mathias, embracing him lovingly.

"If you think one relation is easy to manage, my love, I can only wish you good luck with a second one. Know that I will always offer you my shoulder when it is too hard."

"Little succubus, you found a subject to tease me with, correct? I remember you saying something about teaching me a lesson after I teased you the first time. Is that it?" asked Mathias as he brought everything back to his inventory, removing his shirt and getting Fayrene to his chest.

She placed an innocent-looking expression, asking back theatrically.

"Mee? Doing that? For what reason? No way. I will never."

Taking her right scarred arm and biting her delicate fingers, she still didn't admit, only after he turned her over, getting into a dominant position, that she turned into a meek girl.

He casted "Isolation" again, trying a crazy thought and moving along working on Fayrene's body. She also got excited, beginning to kiss him with more desire.

Looking at the enormous countdown timer which restricted his love activity, as he was eating and liking in the right places, getting her ready for the main course.

It was right when he inserted without receiving any errors or being stopped by Fayrene because of some possible tinkering to her character, he heard the heavenly cries in his ears, declaring his success.



*Hallelujah* *Hallelujah* *Alujah*




'Hahaha, I bypassed the system!! I no longer have to be restricted by some stupid worries that don't address me.'

He felt more excited as he entered Fayrene, and lowering himself, he kissed her passionately, wrapping his tongue inside her mouth, feeling her fresh mint breath from eating some mint.

Changing positions and shaking the bed while they were captured by their desire, when he was at the 20-minute mark and noticed he had only 10 minutes of the spell, he casted it again, consuming all his MP.

"Ahhhh, I can't. There's that feeling down there, dear!! It is coming!!" cried in ecstasy and pleasure Fayrene, seconds later cumming again, dripping her fluids at Mathias's base.

He too felt his limits appearing, and after sending Fayrene walking in other dimensions, he pulled out releasing on her chest and splashing her face a bit too.

Getting besides her, he wrapped his arms around her, and picked her on his chest, where he closed his eyes, feeling his mind clear, a post nut clarity so to speak.

'I can't abuse that spell and only do it with Fayrene when she wants and when the atmosphere allows.'

'What time is it? Let me see.' asking himself that question, he found to his surprise the clock showing 1:54 AM.

'Hah, so it is time for me to sleep.'

Staying 6 more minutes holding Fayrene in his arms, he noticed that she was still awake stroking his chest.

"My love, I will have to leave. It will not be that long, I left the two books, the one I've kept adding pages and yours. I will miss you too."

"Take care of yourself and goodnight, my love." the couple did a passionate kiss, and only after placing Fayrene back from his chest did he log out, turning into fragments of gray light.

"I need a baby to keep me busy when he is alone." said Fayrene with a shy voice, touching herself down and looking at how wet her hand was.




Meanwhile, Mathias, whose gear was removed, got up from the capsule had a wide smile, pure as a child's one.

"Archmage! You are the man. Blessed be your long elfish ears for creating such a cheating spell. I will do everything in my power to meet you, even your ghost or a dead body if this is all you got left. I have to get in front of you and do a respectful bow to show you all the respect I hold for you right now. You even tricked the game system with this spell. I wonder what surprises does your book hold in store for Fay and me.

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