RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Traumatic bloodbath in the bathroom 2

Pov 3 person

Blake : " Leave her alone .......... "

Shouted Blake , pulling him by the hood and then wrapping her legs over his ribs and her arms around his neck in a triangle choke . 

In this way , Blake managed to topple together with the man she was holding to the ground . Where she was able to take full advantage of the situation . Blake did this without even caring that she was now lying on the puddle of blood of the red-eyed man . What mattered to her at that moment , was to help Lappland , who was injured before her eyes .

Due to the fact that Balke was directly on the men's back , and they were both lying on the ground . The man she was holding had little room for maneuver as to ways to free himself . An attempt to hit Blake with the back of his head failed when Blake hid her face in the back of his neck . Hitting her or catching her by clothes or hair , was also not impossible as he began to feel short of air . 

This left him with only one thing he could do at that moment . That was to tear Balke's arms off his neck or at least give himself breathing space . Unfortunately for him Blake used all her aura holder strength and training knowledge to lock her arms and legs in such a way that it was virtually impossible for him to free himself .

 Blake despite her age and small body , was already as strong as the adult male . Adding to that her training-learned grip and good position . In this situation even the best trained SDC agent would have a problem to free himself .

Of course, Lappland did not waste this opportunity . First she rose to her knees, then she put one knee on the man's leg that she had stabbed earlier . Then with her single, unharmed hand she grabbed the knife stuck in his thigh. With the knife in her hand Lappland did not hesitate to stab the man in the inner thigh . After the first strike, Lappland began to tear the inner part of his thigh to disable him from the fight .

Even with a knife not made for this kind of thing , Lappland managed to open a terrible jagged wound . Apart from the terrible bleeding , it caused further damage to man's leg . This obviously caused , pain and more muscle and tendon injuries that did not allow him to gather strength to get up . 

Consequently , he could not fully focus on Balke because someone was stabbing him in the leg . To make matters worse, Blake sensing the weakness of her " victim " , pulled his neck back even harder, choking him even more. And the fact that he was somehow pulled back and strangled in the process , did not allow him to interfere with Lappland in any way . 

What's even worse for him , the place that Lappland stabbed, was the inner part of his thigh . And anyone familiar with anatomy knows that this is where the artery passes through . Hit once or worse twice , would have been certain death for most people in that situation . And unfortunately for him, he was in a situation where he would have surely died .

?? : " Fuck ....Fu-ck.....!!!!!? ..... Stop her ....... !!!!!!"

Shouted the man held by Blake with his muffled and strangled voice full of panic and pain . As he screamed he blindly kicked his healthy leg towards Lappland , who took it in the face without even blinking . His co-worker , who in those few seconds in which the joint action of Lappland and Blake happened , did not yet have time to react . As he was busy dragging the body of their companion from Lappland and his partner . Only now after a whole three seconds was to help him with Balke , stopped , hearing the scream of the injured man .

Suggested by his partner's shout , he noticed the actions of Lappland . Then he immediately moved directly at her to stop her . Unfortunately , Lappland had already managed to stab the man's leg several times in those few seconds . This created a few more ragged wounds on his leg .

 Catching the forearm of her brandishing a knife hand . The man , who was previously unconvinced of hurting children , now without less guilt hit Lappland in the face . Of course because of her aura it did nothing more than annoy her . However , already knowing that it would not work . His plan was just to distract her . 

 The man alredy decided to embrace Lappland with his free hand in a hug and lift her off the ground . Meanwhile , his other hand , still held the knife-wielding hand of Lappland by the forearm , away from his body . Once he had stabilized with Lappland in his arms , he carefully began to pull her away to the bathroom exit .

Blake : " Lappy ...... ! "

Shouted a panicked Blake seeing her friend being taken away . Her moment of inattention caused her to inadvertently loosen her grip on the neck of the man she was holding. This let him, who was already all red in the face and with many visible veins on his forehead due to exertion, lack of air and oxygenated blood to the brain, slip his hand under Blake's grip on his neck. 

With a little air, the man began an attempt to wattle off the floor, which due to his damaged leg was very difficult and ultimately unfortunate. It can be said that the fight hurt him even more because he lost more blood in the process . It was a stalemate situation. Therefore , eventually the man calmed down and stopped fighting .

After all his co-worker already took one of them . When he load this little crazy bitch into the car he will come back for him with their partner , who is waiting for them in the car . Now he just has to wait and not be strangled or bled to death . Which was likely , with the amount of bright red blood , that flowed out pulsatingly from his wound . Unfortunately, he did not know , how much he overestimated his strength . 

In the meantime Lappland being dragged away by another man could not do much .Her knife-holding hand was held in a very strony grip . And she herself was held very close to the body of her kidnapper . She was also lifted off the ground so she had no support in her legs . 

All this meant that , similar to the man held on the ground by Blake , Lappland had no room to maneuver . Or at least it would seem so . When Lappland and her attacker were already halfway to the exit . Lappland intended to hit him with her head , but he tilted his head to the side avoiding it .

??? : " STOP YOU MAD BITCH !!!! "

Shouted the angry man , whose hood Lappland caught in her teeth , to then expose his head covered with blond curls . With her options exhausted , stressed Lappland , feeling the adrenali flowing through her body . Suddenly , after twitching her wolf ear , she looked at the mirrors hanging above the sinks complete as if she had been called .

 Looking at her reflection , and then looking from over the shoulder of the man carrying her . Lappland saw the situation of Blake , who tried with all her might to keep her attacker on the ground . Lappland's breathing began to calm down . Her previously frantically beating heart slowed down . Her ear as if listening for a call twitched a few times . 

As if time slowed down for her . Looking at her reflection in the mirror , at her bloody face and hearing Blake's scream of panic , Lappland let out a quiet growl . Her pupils contracted as she opened her mouth wide , showing her white teeth with a pair of upper and lower sharp fangs .

Then Lappland did something that no one expected of her . At least no one at the time . Leaning over , Lappland in a movement faster than any before , bit into the side of the neck of the man who was holding her . And no , it was not a gentle bite . It was not even a simple bite to the blood . 

Lappland effortlessly bit off sizable chunk of meat from the men's neck , causing an inhuman shriek from him . Obviously, he did more than just scream . He suddenly threw Lappland onto the mirrors , which broke on contact with her back . After this collision , Lappland landed on the sinks from where she fell to the floor . However , she immediately got up from the ground , being already ready for the next round .

 With one hand hanging loosely and the other holding the knife Lappland snorted with her bloody smile , paying no attention to her dislocated jaw . Apparently she opened her mouth too wide , but Lappland did not even pay attention to it . She simply smiled as fresh blood ran down through her mouth . And it wasn't her blood .

As for the man , whom Lappland just " bit " . He stood there staring at her like a deer into a speeding car . He simply stood leaning with his back against the cabins , taking as much distance from her as possible . His glasses and mask had long since been abandoned , showing his lightly stubbled face and clenched teeth . His confused blue eyes , stared into Lappland's senseless , narrowed and cold pupils .

The very fact that he was still standing , showed that Lappland or him , managed to avoid a fatal hit to the neck . Perhaps that was the only luck he had today . As even so , his bloody hand , which held the wound showed that without help he would still lose his life . Staring at each other for a few seconds , Lappland finally spit out a piece of flesh , which she had just taken , on the floor .

??? : " Did you JUS...... ??!!!!? "

The shocked man couldn't even finish when Lappland again rushed at him with a knife . The man , however, finally did something befitting a trained SDC agent. First he grabbed Lappland by the wrist of the hand with the knife and pulled it away from his body , then grabbed Lappland by the neck and kicked her in the tibia of the leg that she held the balance of the thrust .

With that , with a nimble and practiced move , he knocked Lappland to the ground inside one of the cabins , with her own momentum . The force with which Lappland hit the ground was so great that even her aura flinched . However , this did not break the floor , after all , the man did not have super strength . But he had the training , so he knew to immediately hold his knee on Lappland's chest to immobilize her . 

??? : " I previously thought that using violence to catch children was an overkill ........ However, now I am not even sure if you are a child ........ What I do know, however is that , because of your aura , the only way to complete this task and bring you alive to my boss , is to break all your limbs . Although I am really tempted to just put a bullet between the eyes of a monster like you . But the sound of your bones cracking should be enough "

Said a man blinded by rage , pain and fear . In all this he forgot about Blake , which turned out to be a serious mistake . Suddenly there was a single shot in the bathroom . The bullet pierced the man's back making him look back in shock . Blake was standing there , in her shaking hands was a gun taken from the body of the man Blake was holding . Now the man , lay dead on the ground , his pale face and the mass of blood on the floor betrayed the reason for his death .

At first Blake did not even know that he had died , only realized when she saw Lappland pinned to the floor again . Only then did she discover that the guy was no longer straining or fighting . So seeing the situation in which Lappland was , Blake who noticed the gun hidden behind the man's belt did the most instinctive thing . Now she stood there with tears in her amber eyes watching as the man with most likely a damaged spine , fell on his back after Lappland pushed him away .

Looking at Lappland who slowly got up from the ground , Blake could not help but flinch . Remembering the scene from a moment ago , the scene in which Lappland bit off a piece of meat from someone's neck , Blake felt goosebumps . Is it her friend ? If so, why she seems so ...... Different . Swallowing her saliva, Blake looked at Lappland, which was completely covered in blood.

Growling with her still blood-dirty mouth , Lappland showed a toothy grin that was no longer white but red from the blood on her teeth . Giggling Lappland stood over the man , who just moments ago threatened her . Now he was looking at her without much strength . To buy himself at least a moment longer , he held on to his neck wound , but with the injury to his back and most likely internal bleeding , there was not much time .

Lappland " : Once you decide to pick up a weapon on me , I don't need a reason to kill you . "

Said Lappland raising her foot over his face . Then she was about to step on his face but he managed to catch Lappland's small foot with one hand . In the end Lappland only had strength , not weight . This changed the pressure force of her foot enough for even an injured man to catch it .

???: " What weapon are you talking about you crazy bitch ? "

Asked the angry man holding Lappland's foot , with no intention of letting her go .

Lappland: " Hahahaha hahaha ...... Why do you act like you are right you bastard ???? You wanted to hurt us ....... And now you get mad and call me crazy because I defend myself ? What I am talking about , means so much that I don't need a bigger reason to kill you when you come to me with the intention of hurting me or Blake . "

Said Lappland pulling her foot out of his grasp , only to kick him in the face , rendering him unconscious in the process .

Lappland: " Sleep tight... enjoy your sweet dreams while you still can. "

Said Lappland with a giggle , as if everything that has just happened is not important . With her face red with blood , Lappland looked at Blake , still paralyzed by shock and fear , and smiled broadly . But when she was about to speak up , her ear twitched as she caught a sure sound . Looking at the bathroom door, Lappland could do nothing more than watch as a woman in a white jacket with a mask and glasses on her face rushed into the restroom with a gun pointed in their direction.

Blake instinctively turned towards the woman with a gun already pointed in her direction . Unfortunately, the woman was to prove faster . Lappland , sensing danger was to throw herself at the woman while running into the line of fire , which was to shield Blake from the bullet . And if even with the aura surrounding her body , Lappland still instinctively felt that something was wrong , it openly signaled that there was something wrong with this weapon .

Unfortunately before Lappland managed to take a step , everything went silent , everything stopped . Lappland's mind was no longer able to process information, only her senses. Her ears, before they could transmit information to the brain, were already listening to the mechanical actions of the intruder's weapons. The shot was already about to happen and Lappland would not have time to cover Blake or attack . The bad feelings of her instincts were out in the open and Lappland consumed by them was sure that if the shot was fired , something bad would happen to Blake . However, Lappland would not have had time to save her .





How unfair is that ? 






Why is the world so unfair ? 






When some never worry about anything , others live their whole lives in despair .





Why is this happening to her ? 





All the time she loses every hope she had .




Her spirit has long since begun to crumble . 






It's all because of her misfortune .







Although the mind of Lappland has not yet had time to understand and communicate anything . Her awakened soul . The spirit , which had been crumbling for years , felt everything as it happened . And again , slowly gave up and burst from the despair hidden deep inside Lappland . Existential trauma bestowed at birth . The madness that protects the mind from the world . Instincts that know everything .





Injustice , inequality .






Let the world feel at least a particle of her despair . Let the world feel what it means to fight unevenly . Let the world lose what that monster in a man's skin cared so much about .........





 Let at least for a second ......





 the dust ,  aura and (+_;'+$;;) "stand still " on her command ??? .





Let their strength become defeat . Let certainty become despair .






Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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