RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Traumatic bloodbath in bathroom 1

Pov 3 person 






The semblance of conscience has already disappeared .






 Lappland finally showed the world who she really was.






Frightened and cornered animal .






Licking her lips . Lappland finally ............ felt why she was alive ...........





That feeling, of blood flowing through her veins ......... The fear she felt ............ The cold she felt now without her jacket, is the same as it was then ............ The emotional and biological reminder that she is still alive . That was ........ adrenaline and norepinephrine in her veins . They stimulate like a drug . They give her a feeling she never felt . 





......... The beating of her heart .......... Their hearts ........ Their blood and heat ........... 





If anyone saw Lappland's eyes now, they would see the flash of light returning to them . But it was not the light of hope or life ....... It was a sick anticipation .......... 





That day ....... Lappland discovered that , she feels that she is alive only when her life is threatened . Only primal fear and trauma get the adrenaline pumping .......... Only when instinct takes over does she feel the need to continue living . Live or die . Fight or surrender . Die fighting or not die at all . There is no honor , no glory , only the primal struggle for life .





This is the beauty of a life without purpose .





The moment the red-eyed man touched the handle and opened the stall door , he moved quickly away from it as if expecting someone to jump out at him. However, nothing happened . He also did not hear any noise , no panic , no screaming . Not even a sudden audible taking and holding of breath . 

Suspecting , however , that the girls are simply so frightened by the situation that they froze in place , the red-eye mam with his left hand pulled the door carefully to himself with the intention of opening it . At the same time his right hand prepared for whatever might come from inside . And well , just as he expected , when the door was opened wide enough to see a shadows of people sitting inside .

Child's winter jacket flew straight towards his face fom the cabin . Letting go of the door he caught that small jacket and tossed it aside easily with his left hand . Meanwhile, his other right hand caught the skinny , pale , child's wrist , in the palm of which was a knife . Which aimed at the left part of his body .

 Just as he was about to snort in his mind at such a pathetic attempt , a fist appeared in his field of vision flying towards the right side of his face . But before his brain had time to calculate or even communicate what was happening . The tip of the toilet key was already millimeters in front of the pupil of his right eye .

Unfortunately the red-eyed man did not have a way to deal with it . He had just cast aside , Lappland winter jacket . Now the left hand with which he did this , will not have time to return to protect him . Meanwhile , his right hand held Lappland's right hand , which aimed and was on the left side of his body .

 This made the right side of his face , exposed and vulnerable to attacks . However , even if he had his hand free now , he would not have had time to react . After all , the tip of the key was already touching the wet surface of his eye .

In this case even with enough time to react . Pushing away Lappland's hand at that moment , would only have resulted in the cutting of the eyeball . Which despite appearances , could be more painful and dangerous . Ultimately , even being prepared for a possible attack , it was an unprotectable attack . 

The red-eyed man expected resistance and attempts at self-defense . What he did not expect from the child , however, was such a misdirection in the form of a jacket followed by a diversion in the form of a fake knife attack . All this was needed to expose him to a direct crippling or possibly even fatal attack . Now no matter what he did , he would still lose an eye . 

Such ruthlessness and planning was not expected in a child under stress . No matter how much training , you can not prepare for stress . And yet , this kid must have been in complete control to do something so meticulous.

To make matters worse, it all happened so fast that the red-eyed man didn't even have time to realize what was happening . While his disordered thoughts were still around the subject of Lappland's attempt to stab him , the warning signals were just emerging in his mind . Unfortunately , the key was already slowly entering the pupil of his red eye . 

The red pupil didn't even have time to contract when it was already pierced . The fluid in the eyeball had already found a hole through which , thanks to the pressure they could leave the eye together with the blood . 

By the time the red-eyed man's mind was able to comprehend what had happened, the nervous system was already sending information about the unimaginably unpleasant and agonizing pain to the brain causing even more confusion in the red-eyed man's mind. It was a literal feeling of "zero to a hundred " only in this case it involved pain and sudden blindness .

When one part of his vision became completely red with a black dot in the middle , thus handicapping one of his senses . The unimaginable agony prevented him from processing information from his other senses and the other eye . Which picked up the image of his victim , who now became his tormentor .

A young faunus girl , with white hair . Wolf ears and tail , which matched the analogy of his situation perfectly . The hunter became the prey . After all , even an experienced hunter must be careful when hunting predators . When the red-eyed man's mind finally began to analyze the situation again , the calmness on the girl's face and the madness in her eyes were to be his last thought .  

After jumping out of the toilet bowl at the man . Lappland landed / hit him in the chest with her knees . With the weight of her body multiplied by the force with which she jumped on him , Lappland pushed her victim several steps back . Causing that this man, distracted by pain and shock, could not keep his balance due to which , with the force given to him by the collision with Lappland , he began to fall to the floor .

 Just as he was about to snort in his mind at such a pathetic attempt , a fist appeared in his field of vision flying towards the right side of his face . But before his brain had time to calculate and communicate what was happening . The tip of the toilet key was already millimeters in front of the pupil of his right eye .

Of course, Lappland wasted no time . Before they even hit the ground . After leaving the key in the red-eyed man's eyeball . Lappland with her now free left hand immediately grabbed the collar of her victom , revealing the neck hidden under the collar of his jacket . Then , snatching her knife-holding hand from the man's weakened grip , Lappland stabbed him right in his exposed throat .

Thanks to the earlier blow to the eye, the loss of balance and the current overall position, the red-eyed man's head jumped back which further exposed his neck. As a result, the knife penetrated perfectly into the windpipe. This , because of the anatomy would not have killed the guy , at most it would have been very painful or at worst it would have drowned him in his own blood after a while . Well in the end it would kill him anyway ? But it would have lasted longer ????

Fortunately for him, Lappland did not plan a slow death for him . Consequently , she did not plan to attack him only once . The next thrust , hit the side of his throat from which Lappland didn't even fully pull out the knife , tearing and cutting the tissues on his neck with the next moves . 

At that moment the red-eyed man did not even scream . All the air he had in his lungs escaped through the hole in his windpipe and throat making a bloody mist and drops of blood land on Lappland's face . Lappland herself didn't even close her eyes or mouth , blood just stained her face .

Staring and stabbing like mad , Lappland did not look at what she was stabbing or even if she pulled the knife out completely . Pushing , cutting and tearing , Lappland provided everyone in the bathroom a shocking and unforgettable bloody spectacle . At the time , the only instinctive reaction of the red-eyed man was to try to push Lappland away . But after the first two stabs to the throat , he did not even have the strength or ability to scream .

In the end it became more like a scene from the average bloody horror movie . The throat of the red-eyed man had already become a piece of flesh and skin , gushing red with every rhythmic beat of his heart , signaling that even the carotid arteries had been hit .

Lappland did not stop stabbing even when the red-eyed man with her on his chest had already fallen backwards , hitting the back of his head against the sink in the process . It was rather the other way around . Not feeling that anyone was resisting her , Lappland now sitting with her knees on the chest of the barely alive , red-eyed man lying on the ground , went into a complete stabbing trance .

Lappland: " Ha......haha hah......aha ".

The first sound made by Lappland in all this was a giggle that turned into laughter . Yet , despite the smile on her face and the laughter coming out of her throat , there was no joy in her eyes . In addition to the madness , there was also a hint of awareness . As if awakened under the realization of the deed committed . 

Yet there was no stopping or hesitation there . The only signaling of this awareness could be the moisture in those mad eyes . A moisture that for a normal child should turn into tears . However, for Lappland at the moment , this moisture could only help to deal with the eye irritation caused by having someone else's blood in her eye .

Only when her ear twitched , Lappland snapped out of it . Unfortunately, it was too late to dodge and Lappland was kicked in the ribs hard enough that she flew away from the red-eye's body, hitting the wall two steps away . Unfortunately for them, her aura protected her from any injury . But before Lappland could get up from the floor to continue the attack , she was pinned to the ground by the man who kicked her .

All this was happening before the terrified eyes of the intruder , who was left with the task of guarding the door . He saw as his second co-worker , after a momentary shock , run out of the cabin in which he was standing to pull this monster off their leader . After kicking the child , who apparently did not even feel it , he knelt with his knee on her back and pinned her to the ground . Holding her hand behind her back with one hand , while in the meantime his other hand he pressed the girl's face to the ground .

Although Lappland was strong enough to resist even in her situation . Her aura could not protect her from the strong grip through which her arm was twisted more and more with every movement .

??? : " Idiot what are you waiting for check out the boss ........!!!!! "

Shouted the panicked and shocked man holding Lappland in check , at his frozen in place co-worker , making him move quickly to the fallen red-eyed man. Unfortunately for them it was already obvious that there was no chance for him to survive . The light in his eyes had long since disappeared and only a single tear flowing from his remaining eye could show the pain of his last moments of life .

??? : " And you bitch sit or I will break that psychopath's arm . "

Said the same man not hiding his fury and fear , looking at the terrified Blake . Who continued to sit on the toilet and froze with fear at the image of what she had just seen . Such a gruesome scene , of your friend who you talk to every day now butchering someone to death and laughing about it is not something to process . Even less so to a child . 

But without looking too closely at whether Blake obeyed at all , the man increased the force with which he pushed against Lappland's arm , which he held behind her back . He did so until he heard a painful snap from Lappland's shoulder coupled with her silent squeal and growl of pain . 

Unfortunately, the aura could not protect Lappland from this type of injury , but it was a clear confirmation of the man's earlier threats . Besides , this move lessened the threat from Lappland and showed that despite Lappland's strength and aura , he still had the ability to hurt her . Blake also gained motivation not to fight , after all , not only would it hurt Lappland , but she might also be hurt .

Unfortunately his words did not have such an impact on Lappland , who growled like an animal because of the pain she just felt . With all the blood on her face and her current behavior Lappland really started to resemble a rabid animal . Thanks to the fact that both attackers were more focused on something else , Lappland with her free left hand reached for the knife , which fell nearby .

??? : " Watch out ! "

Shouted the attacker who checked the body of the red-eyed man . Unfortunately, Lappland had already managed to grab the knife and stab the man holding her right in his thigh . Her knife, despite minor difficulties, pierced through the man's jeans allowing the knife to sink into his flesh . The hellish pain and the man's scream , drew the attention of both attackers to Lappland . However , before either of them had a chance to react and stop her . Blake , who finally pulled up her pants , ran onto the back of the man who was holding Lappland on the ground .


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