RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Perhaps it is not so bad ?

Pov 3 person

Lappland already knew about the crystal on her thigh . She also guessed that the heat and pain she felt during and after the brawl were related to these changes . However, Lappland did not know that so many points on her body showed traces of crystallization . So seeing her body in such a state and knowing what it could mean , Lappland had some discomfort in her heart . However, she did not show it in her blank expression .

Seeing her own body , Lappland could tell that it did not look too good . Lappland wasn't a Doctor to estimate exactly what kind of change her current condition was causing her , but she didn't have to be one to guess that her current condition wouldn't do her already fragile life any good . 

Dr. Linzi : " Lappland what happened ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi , finishing her observations of the state of Lappland's body . Lappland before answering out of fatigue sat down on the edge of the tub , which allowed her wet tail to dip into the water again .

Lappland: " I've already said what happened . "

Said Lappland in a flat tone . She was not a doctor , so how would she know what happened to her body

Lappland: " Although I can say with certainty that the two crystals were already on my skin after the fight in the alley . I suppose the terrible heat and headache I felt during the fight as well as after , is related to that ."

Said Lappland shrugging her shoulders .

Dr. Linzi : " Headache ? Terrible heat ? Well yes you mentioned that you felt like your body was on fire , right ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi and Lappland only nodded . Meanwhile with her hands resting on the tub , bored Lappland started waving her legs from side to side .

 Dr. Linzi : " . Self-ignition , expulsion of heat . "

Said Dr. Linzi thoughtfully to herself , putting together the facts she knew .

Dr. Linzi : " It makes sense , in the fight you used the aura I am right ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi to which she got a confirmation in the form of a nod from Lappland .

Doctor Linzi : " Crystals , dust and aura . The crystals in your body may have reacted to your excessive or sudden use of the aura . As for the headache , it may be related to the crystal in your head , high body temperature or mental state . Well your behavior today can be explained by this . The change in mood and aggression may be due to the crystals in your head . "

Dr.Linzi : " But this just a theory . However, perhaps the use of the aura has an effect on the process ? Maybe it is all about the aura ? But what sense would that make ? Does it make sense at all ? If it was only about the aura then there would already be some other cases . Maybe genetic mutations ? "

Dr. Linzi continued to talk to herself in whispers as she crouched on the ground in front of Lappland. These quiet whispers were listened to by Lappland, who without blinking stared at Doctor Linzi .

Lappland: " I don't know doc but I doubt you will learn anything by crouching on the ground . "

Said Lappland , tired from today , continuing to wiggle her legs from side to side .

Dr. Linzi : " You're right this is not the place for that . I need to look at your blood and those crystals in the lab . However , at least now I have any direction of research . I will test the reaction of the crystals and blood to the aura and see if that is the cause of accelerated crystallization of your cells ."

Dr. Linzi : " Unfortunately , If it is not biological , I will have to ask a few of my debtors for help in analyzing this crystal from your body . After all I am a simple doctor not a scientist . "

Said Dr. Linzi , probably already arranging in her head all possible tests and plans . Surely , the already urgent matter of Lappland , became the first priority for the doctor . After all, Dr. Linzi saw that her arrangements for the life of Lappland could in an instant shorten drastically for unknown reasons . 

Dr. Linzi : " Lappland do you have the modified blood tester , which I gave you in the office ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi to which Lappland , who again began to blink nodded . 

Lappland: " The tester should be in what is left of my coat . "

Said Lappland , causing Doctor Linzi to move quickly to leave the bathroom to take the device . 

Dr. Linzi : " Wait a minute I'll be back " .

Said Dr. Linzi to Lappland who , gave the doctor a thumbs up to show her understanding . The doctor herself not paying attention to Lappland's antics , after suddenly leaving the bathroom , she almost bumped into Blake , who was ready to enter

Blake : " Is everything okay ? "

Asked a worried Blake , Reminding the doctor of her existence on the hotel room .

Doctor Linzi : " Yes , Lappland is ok . I just have to put some bandages on her and besides that she will be fine "

Replied the Dr Linzi , not sure of how much or if at all , Balke heard of the conversation about the condition of Lappland's body . Doctor Linzi whispered the whole time and the door ware closed too , but she could not be sure that Balke did not hear something . After all, her hearing , although not as excellent as Lappland's , was also to some extent better than that of humans .

Blake : " Really ? Looking at your rush I thought something was wrong ."

Asked Blake uncertain and worried about Lappland's condition , while trying to look into the bathroom , which was prevented by Dr. Linzi , who fearing that Balke would see Lappland's condition , blocked the view with her body . 

Dr. Linzi : " Lie down Blake . Lappland is fine . I will take care of her now and then I will come back to you . "

Said Dr. Linzi in a calm tone , looking at Blake , who sighed and unsteadily returned to bed . Looking at the depressed Blake , Dr. Linzi only shook her head and quickly went to the destroyed , abandoned on the ground coat , from which she took out a wet cardboard box with a blood testing device .

The object pulled out of Lappland's clothes attracted the attention of Blake lying on the bed . Dr. Linzi would have been more inclined to ignore the attention, but in doing so she knew she was risking the possibility that Blake herself would start looking for the answer, and that was not good for Lappland, who wanted to keep her condition a secret.

 Dr. Linzi knew that Lappland wanted to keep information about her condition from Blake . And well now would also be the best time to pull the wool over Blake's eyes , which will make Lappland not have to lie .

Dr. Linzi : " Blood tester , they are used to test insulin in the blood ."

Said Dr. Linzi taking the device out of the wet package to view its condition . And to the doctor's quiet joy , everything worked . The device , despite the terrible appearance of Lappland coat and packaging itself , did not have a single scratch on it .

Blake : " Lappland has diabetes ? "

Asked Blake in disbelief , unsure of her own conclusions about Dr . Linzi's statement .

Dr. Linzi : " Yes , but it's nothing serious . No treatment is needed . For now , however , Lappland must test the insulin level in her blood and report everything to me every day ."

Dr. Linzi Lied , without the slightest change on her face . She as a doctor , lied to the families of patients at their request many times before . Dr. Linzi did not like to do it , giving artificial hope or bending the truth . Unfortunately she also understands that , for her patients to share the truth must be as hard , as lying for her . Of course, in the case of Lappland, her lie was also motivated by a desire to preserve Lappland's trust in her . Besides, it was to help Lappland deal with the situation .

Blake : " Really ? "

Asked Blake uncertainly , apparently unconvinced that Lappland might have suffered from something like diabetes .

Dr. Linzi : " What with this reaction ? Is it that strange ? You know about Lappland's hormonal problems right ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi looking at Blake , who nodded in confirmation . 

Dr. Linzi : " Insulin is nothing but a chormone produced in the pancreas . These black spots on Lappland's body are an overt symptom of diabetes . This is called dark keratosis , its that Dark band of skin or dark spot. And this is sometimes one of the first symptoms of diabetes . "

Dr. Linzi : " Such darkening most often occurs at the groin , armpits and neck . However, in the case of Lappland and her problems, you should not be surprised if you see some in other parts of the body . Also, the spots on Lappland's body are a little darker than they should be but nothing to worry about I will take care of it ."

She said Dr. Linzi giving a logical and reality-based excuse . Balke hearing this logical explanation coming from the mouth of Dr. Linzi herself , calmed down after a moment and sighed .

Blake : " Sorry I just ........ Thank you doctor . "

Said Balke , ashamed of her distrust . This gave Dr. Linzi confidence that Blake believed her . Well , at least it should be , if her psychological assessment was correct Blake should buy that excuse . Now as long as no one can see , the crystals protruding from the body of Lappland , everything should be fine . After all, what Dr. Linzi told Blake about diabetes makes the current state of Lappland's body very similar to the symptoms of this disease.

After finishing this conversation , Dr. Linzi went to her bag and took from it plasters , bandages and cloth bands . Most of this was to help her deal with the crystals protruding from Lappland's body . In addition, of course, she took with her disinfectant and gauze that she was to use to deal with the wounds on Lappland's body. After organizing and taking these items with her , Dr. Linzi go back quickly into the bathroom , without forgetting to close the door behind her .

Lappland: " Thanks doctor ".

Said Lappland calmly thanking her for covering her condition from Blake .

Dr. Linzi : " You're welcome . Lying about it would be difficult for you , so I did it for you . Although being honest , in my opinion , you should tell Blake the truth . "

Said Dr . Linzi , taking Lappland's hand in her palm . Then using the device on Lappland's finger, doctor examined the blood. 


And well , nothing has changed since the last blood test . Seeing this the expression on Dr. Linzi's face did not change too much , the result seemed to satisfy the doctor .

Dr. Linzi : " The content of this thing in your blood has not increased . Most likely only the tissues under your skin have been crystallized . "

Said Dr. Linzi with a sigh of relief , which surprised Lappland .

Lappland: " That's good ? "

Asked Lappland uncertainly , when one of her wolf ears drooped , showing her confusion.

Dr. Linzi : " Yes, because this informs us that there has been no sudden crystallization of blood in your veins. And this reduces the risk of blood clots , which could kill you soundlessly at night . Besides, it may mean that no new crystallization cells have formed anywhere on your internal organs. This means that, at best, the crystallization has occurred only under and on the skin. "

Said Dr. Linzi , looking at Lappland , who did not quite understand what the doctor meant .

Dr. Linzi : " It means that you may have avoided further damage and injury to your organs . Besides , less of that thing in your veins means less likelihood of a heart attack or hypoxia . In the event that crystallization occurs only on your skin or muscles , in the worst case you will lose a limb or need a skin graft . Believe me much better for you when you lose a hand than a heart or other internal organ . You will live without a hand , you will get a prosthesis and maybe after re habilitation you will get back to fighting . "

Dr. Linzi : " But lose a heart or kidney and in your case it will be very difficult to do a transplant . Although looking at your situation and biology I'm not sure that transplantation of normal organs will do anything . Most likely your body will reject them , making another transplantation impossible or pointless . Not to even mention that you may not even live to see the transplant attempt . If it is your heart , brain or lungs that are damaged by crystals , you will die ."

Said Dr. Linzi , making Lappland finally understand 

Dokyor Linzi : " Although as I said I am not sure about the current state inside your body . Without an x-ray I can't tell you anything with certainty . That's why it's best if you come tomorrow with Blake . I will give you a quick x-ray and then let you go home ."

Said Dr. Linzi , directly insinuating that her previous diagnosis was supported by positive thoughts and hope . Lappland herself did not care that doktot Liniz presented her with a possibly incorrect diagnosis . She just nodded her head at what Dr. Linzi told her .

Dr. Linzi : " Now get up . I will take another look at you and then patch you up ."

Said Dr. Linzi to which Lappland without resisting followed the instructions . Touching Lappland's body one more time , Dr. Linzi looked for possible signs of internal injuries caused by damage to the crystal or the crystallization process itself . Beyond that , Dr Linzi checked the joints , spine and ribs for damage or fractures . Fortunately, Dr. Linzi confirmed that except for a few bruises Lappland will be fine.Dr.

Dr. Linzi : " Besides that , I can't do no more than that . I don't have an x-ray to see what everything looks like inside , so if something happens call immediately and don't wait . Now I will wrap a bandage around the crystals and black spots on your body . While you don't have to worry about showing the black spots because of my conversation with Blake about your " diabetes " . The crystals must stey hidden . "

Says Dr. Linzi , slowly wrapping a bandage around the black spots and crystals on Lappland's body . Then on the bandages on the legs , arms and neck , Dr. Linzi put fabric bands , the purpose of which was to make sure that the bandages would not fall off or curl up during Lappland's movement .

Looking down at Lappland's bandaged belly Dr. Linzi sighed then rose from her knees to stand at her full height , to disinfect the wounds on Lappland's head and face. After pouring the liquid on Lappland's head , she didn't even flinch, even though the heavily foaming liquid in the wound would surely make many man cry on the spot .

The same fate awaited several smaller injuries on Lappland's face , which were washed with this liquid . After finishing with this, Dr. Linzi put a gauze pad on the top of Lappland's head and then wrapped her head with a bandage, which was wrapped in such a way that it allowed Lappland's ears to move freely .

On Lappland's face, Dr. Linzi stuck only a few patches , as she saw no reason why any of these wounds needed anything more the that. Of course, Dr. Linzi did not forget the wounds on Lappland's hand, which was cleaned and treated by her , after she was done with Lappland face .

Dr. Linzi : " Good now I will finish things with Balke . You , get dressed and rest . Don't do anything stressful or tiring today . Just go to sleep . However , if you need psychological help or some kind of medicine , tell me now and I will arrange it for you as soon as possible . "

Said Dr. Linzi staring at Lappland , who only lazily nodded her head , then without getting dressed she left the bathroom , causing the poor doctor to close her eyes to massage the root of her nose .

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