RWBY – The madness of Lappland

From the rain to the gutter

Pov 3 person 

Upon entering the bathroom , Dr. Linzi met a scene that would have triggered the neurons of any healthy man and many women .

In a tub flooded by slightly red from blood water , lay Lappland calmly . Most of her body was submerged, and the slightly reddish water was able to make only the silhouette of Lappland's body , submerged underwater , visible on its surface. The only parts of Lappland's body that were clearly visible were her feet, which stuck out on one side of the tub, her hands, which stuck out on the sides, and her head with her neck resting against the tub. 

With her eyes closed , Lappland was quietly lying in the tub when her slightly dirty , white hair flowed behind her outside the tub . They were still wet, which caused some of the water running down them , to run over her face onto her neck, which moved slightly every time Lappland swallowed saliva. The floor was wet, too, but most people wouldn't pay attention to that when their eyes are fixed on the person in the bathtub.

To say that anyone would become wild at the sight Dr. Linzi saw , is an understatement. Sights like the one Dr. Linzi had in front of her makes people start to behave and think inappropriately . And yet Drl Linzi did not even change her facial expression . She simply walked in without any warning, at which Lappland's ear twitched, making the wolf girl open her beautiful eyes to stare at Dr. Linzi like a predator looking at its prey.

Lappland: " What's up doc ? Do you like what you see ? "

Asks Lappland with a shit-eating grin on her face , while at the same time lifting one of her legs up to expose her pale calf . Unfortunately, despite the overt attempt to draw a response from Dr. Linzi , her words and gestures changed nothing in the indifference of the doctor . And it wasn't feigned indifference , Lappland knew this thanks to Dr. Linzi's even heartbeat . Dr. Linzi really did not care about Lappland's body . 

 Dr. Linzi was not in the least moved by what she saw . She was cold and professional . Lappland saw it and for that reason she did not care too much that the doctor saw her in such a situation . Besides , Doctor Linzi had examined her naked body many times so it didn't matter so much to Lappland anymore . After all, Dr. Linzi does not show any perverted interest in her body . 

And besides, she is her doctor and Lappland is not stupid enough not to know that sometimes she has to show up naked for her doctor to examine her . Of course if Linzi was a man , then it would be a different conversation . Or rather there would be no conversation because Linzi even as a doctor would be dead for the mere fact that she , as a man , entered the bathroom at this moment . Fortunately for Linzi she is a woman and Lappland doctor , so she has immunity in a sense .

Dr. Linzi : " I see you have the energy for jokes ......... "

Saying this Doctor Linzi walked over to Lappland to look at the wound on her head . 

Doctor Linzi : " A slight cut no need to stitch . Such heavy bleeding was caused by hitting a vein on the head. There are quite a lot of them there as it's a blood supply area. Well your natural regeneration will take care of it, I will just disinfect it."

Saying this, Dr. Linzi continued to look at the wound , while pushing Lappland's hair aside .

Doctor Linzi : " Are you nauseous or have you vomited ? "

Asks Dr. Linzi , while touching Lappland's forehead to check in her temperature .

Lappland : " No "

Replied Lappland further relaxing in the bath .

Dr. Linzi : " Maybe hallucinations ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi quite clearly insinuating certainty that Lappland had them . And that didn't seem to please Lappland , which furrowed her brow and tightened her lips .

Lappland : " You should not bring up this subject Doctor . "

Said Lappland in a warning tone , quite clearly referring to Dr. Linzi's conversation with Blake .

Dr. Linzi : " If it means that you will live longer , then I must disappoint you, because I will be doing it . Besides, can you guarantee me that you won't do it again . Are you sure that the next time something like this happens you won't kill Blake ? "

Asks Dr Linzi with sincere interest , which Lappland did not have the slightest desire to satisfy when she continued to lie in silence and " relaxation " in the bath .

Dr. Linzi : " Maybe for you it is not my problem , but as your doctor it is important to me . Even if you don't want to speak for yourself , tell me what happened for Blake's sake . "

Said Dr. Linzi looking seriously at Lappland who only looked at her dispassionately . The pupils in her silver blue eyes, narrowed . However, the threatening look did not stop Dr. Linzi , the woman was not afraid and stood firm on her topic .

Lappland : " I was nervous because some pricks were not giving me a break . They pinned me up in a dark alley and I really didn't have the time or the mood for their shit . "

Said Lappland , letting go of the stare contest with Dr. Linzi .

Dr. Linzi : " Do you remember what happened ? Or , was it one of the attacks , which you don't remember ?"

Asked Dr. Linzi , moving on to look at the injuries on Lappland's face .

Lappland: " I remember . I saw myself again , my reflection . Her voice was eating into my head like poison . There was another voice , which tried to calm me down , however , the mockery of the first voice was ........ Too painful . Eventually I silenced them and was about to go home . But one of the bastards grabbed me by the tail . "

Lappland said and Dr. Linzi listened to her . As she did so , she also assessed the damage and injury to Lappland's face , stating in her mind that she would leave that too to Lappland natural regeneration . However, before she told Lappland about the extent of the injuries on her face, Dr. Linzi decided to delve into the subject of what Lappland was talking about.

Lappland: " I reacted instinctively , I attacked . Then I saw only black and white . The only color in it was red ......... and more red . The longer I fought the more red . The taste of blood in my mouth , the smell of smoke and burnt meat . The smell of blood . I felt like my body was on fire .

Lappland continued , and her voice and gaze became more distant and cold .

Dr. Linzi : " So theoretically it was you who attacked them ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi in a serious but non-judgmental tone .

Lappland : " No ...... Those suckers were watching me for some time . Although my head was a mess I heard part of their conversation . As they approached me I could hear and feel their excitement . I'm sure they came , to harm me . "

Said Lappland , and Doctor Linzi had no reason not to believe her . Lappland never lied and it worked well in this type of situation because Doctor Linzi would not see why Lappland would lie now . Of course Lappland's psyche could play tricks on her making Lappland feel threatened and aggressive . However, Dr. Linzi has no way to confirm this , so she decided to trust Lappland in this .

Dr. Linzi : " Well I believe you . But the police as well as the public may not believe this . "

Said frankly Dr Linzi . 

Dr Linzi : " But don't worry too much , the rain should destroy most of the evidence . Nevertheless you and Blake should change your place of residence , preferably to a place where there are not so many cameras or no one asking too many questions . "

Said Dr . Linzi as sincere advice .

Dr. Linzi : " You can contact your aunt about this . Unless you do not want it so much , then you can contact me ........ And for some time avoid going to the place where it happened . Let's just hope there was no CCTV or any witnesses there . "

Said Dr. Linzi lookv Lappland.

Lappland: " What about the Academy ? "

Asked Lappland uncertainly , which made Dr. Linzi give Lappland a long and blank stare .

Dr. Linzi : " You are going to Beacon right ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi with a tired sigh , even though she knew the answer to that question . 

Dr. Linzi : " Don't worry too much about it . By the time of the entrance tests to Beacon , the situation should have quieted down . So for now keep a low profile and don't stick your head out too much . "

Saying this, Dr. Linzi walked away from the tub .

Dr. Linzi : " But back to your emotional state can you tell me what made you so angry at the words spoken by the voices in your head ? Is that what made you attack Blake ? "

 Dr. Linzi asked , returning to the topic of Lappland's mental state . Lappland , however, was no longer so eager to talk about it , even though internally she fought the urge to say what was on her heart . In the end , Lappland remained silent .

Dr. Linzi : " You don't have to talk about it with me . Find someone with whom you feel safe and well to talk about it . But remember that you should share your true emotions and thoughts with someone . However, today don't think about anything too much . Relax and rest . "

 Said Dr. Linzi seeing Lappland's fatigue . In her opinion Lappland should not strain herself physically and mentally anymore today , hence Dr. Linzi's withdrawal from the question . The fact that Lappland shared anything with her is already a great improvement in her eyes . Knowing Lappland from the beginning , Dr. Linzi knows how closed in herself this girl can be .

Dr. Linzi : " Can you stand normally ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi looking at Lappland's feet.

Lappland: " I can "

Said Lappland yawning .

Dr. Linzi : "In that case , can you get out of the bath so I can check you ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi again to which an already tired Lappland , no longer having the strength to joke today slowly got out of the bath . Although the water flowing from her body flooded the bathroom floor , both Lappland and Dr. Linzi did not pay attention to it .

Dr. Linzi : " You are not dizzy or feel that you are losing your balance ? Any paresis in your limbs or strange tingling ? "

Asked Dr. Linzi , not reacting at all to the beauty of the naked and wet body of Lappland in front of her . Instead of admiring , Dr . Linzi slowly approached and began to inspect Lappland's naked body . However, the longer she watched the more her expression changed . For the first time Dr. Linzi showed shock , disbelief and even fear .

 And Lappland noticed it immediately , that slight skip in Dr. Linzi's heartbeat . Lappland heard it and seeing the doctor's face she looked at her own body .It was then that Lappland saw black spot surrounding a small crystal protruding from her side and inner thigh . The crystals were small , about the size of a thumb and they blended into the skin , without protruding beyond it. But the spot surrounding these black crystals showed that under the skin, these critters were even bigger

Besides , several other spots appeared on both the side and thigh . Upon deeper inspection, Dr. Linzi even found several other , new black spots on Lappland's body . Three on the back of the second thigh , two on the outside of the calf of the same leg . One on the neck and right shoulder blade , two on the right forearm and shoulder . Two on the left clavicle and one on the right side of the belly button .

Most of them were small and barely visible , but their number was frightening leaving Dr. Linzi in shock . In the end , each of these spots was a crystallization in the body of Lappland . As she found new spots and made sure they were crystals , Dr. Linzi's eyes showed her growing shock . The poor woman did not believe what she saw . As she memorized and counted the number of points of crystallization , her mind worked at top speed to solve the one question swirling in her head .

Dr. Linzi : " How did it happen ? Didn't I examine you earlier today ? How is it possible that this process has accelerated so quickly ? "

Whispering to herself Dr. Linzi did not even care that Lappland also heard her . Lappland herself although she didn't show it too much was also somehow concerned about her condition

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