Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 878: The Fisherman

"You know, no one is convinced with your little act, Miss Secret Agent!"

Tianlong Yun's didn't seem to surprise his Shadow Clan member, as she was looking at the other woman with a knowing grin on her face.

At first, the maid didn't say anything, but the moment that she saw that neither Tianlong Yun nor the other woman was being swayed by her performance, she couldn't help but ask,

"How did you know!? Since when!?"

"Heheheh~! Your people have been following me from the moment I set foot at the airport, it would be foolish to think that you wouldn't follow me to the hotel.

Everything was going fine for you, until the moment you noticed her to enter the elevator with me, and you had to improvise.

Not every maid would follow a rich client to their bedroom just because they were asked to, you know!

You need to learn how to be more natural at your job, just like that old man at the reception desk, he was just like a natural employee!"

"Huh~!? How did you manage to notice even the captain!?"

"While he is quite a good professional agent, and he is quite natural in what he does, the problem is that he is just a bit too old school!

What kind of 5-star hotel hires a man in this day and age at the front desk!? You would be better suited to that position!"

"You think so too right!?"

"Heeheh~! It seems like you are a truly precious gem in the rough beautiful, your only problem is that you came across someone like me!"

"You aren't bad either big guy! Which makes me extremely curious, who are you, and what are you doing here!?"

"Me!? I am just a Fisherman who has come here to catch both the clam and the snipe, nothing more, nothing else!

Still, I must thank you though, because what I thought would be a boring and bloody vacation turned out a bit more interesting with your presence here!

I am curious about one thing though, do you truly not fear me, or are you that believing in your agency and your people!?"

"Fisherman!? It sounds a bit fishy, doesn't it!?

Well, since you are a harmless fisherman then I can just tell you, that I am confident in those guys outside! Once they receive no information from me in a few hours they will storm the room!"

"Heheheheh~!" x2

Upon hearing her words it wasn't just Tianlong Yun but even the other beauty by his side that started smiling and laughing at her as if they were dealing with a scene of parody.

This caught the beauty unprepared, as she had thought that Tianlong Yun and the other lady would get solemn upon hearing that.

No matter what kind of people they were, it would be impossible for them to be able to get out of this place if it got sealed by the military.

Still, right in front of her, and right in front of her face, they had both started laughing upon hearing that information.

"Why are you laughing like that!?"

"Hahahhaah~! Oh, sorry! Did we laugh too hard!? Do you have any idea of how much time has passed already!?"

"What do you mean!?"

"Look outside beautiful, it's already the next day!"

"What!? Impossible!"

"Well, yes it is! Furthermore, I have a better surprise for you! Why don't you close your eyes!?"

For some reason, the beauty felt extremely unsettled, especially remembering all the 'sweet torture' that Tianlong Yun had provided her with, it was impossible to wake up quickly from that.

The moment that she had that feeling in her heart, she immediately run towards the remote and pressed the button to open the curtains only to be startled and shocked by the view in front of her.

It was truly the morning of the next day, and the sunlight just made Tianlong Yun's smirk even more visible to her now, as she didn't know what to think anymore.

It wasn't her fault!

After all, this was her country, and most probably this was a mission that was already surrounded and sealed by the operatives of her agency.

While they had no idea of the reason that Tianlong Yun, or to be more accurate Tongzhi Zhe had entered the country they knew it was for nothing good.

For that reason, they had decided that in case of their undercover operation failed they would seal the whole place down and arrest Tongzhi Zhe.

Since she had been unable to contact her unit the whole night, they should have already done this, and Tianlong Yun should have been under their custody.

Yet, the result was much more different from what she expected. At this moment she remembered Tianlong Yun's words about a surprise for her and she couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

"The surprise…"


"The surprise, show me the surprise!"

Unable to control herself and her anxiety any longer, the beautiful maid, or to be more accurate the undercover agent, screamed lightly at Tianlong Yun.

Her volume and tone made Tianlong Yun a bit unhappy but he wasn't such a petty man as to bother with something that simple. Well, since it was the matter of a beautiful lady of course.

With these thoughts in mind, he just clicked his fingers, and immediately the door to the room opened, and the old man at the front desk was brought alongside a few others.

Even though she had already been expecting something like this, after everything that happened, the beauty was still a bit surprised and startled by the reality of the situation.

"Ju-Just how!? Why!?"

"Hehehehe~! You don't expect me to willingly follow you like a dog once you target me, do you, Miss Agent Secret!

Furthermore, this isn't something done by me, but by the terrorists of the country, the Kim Family, who seems to be on their last straits.

Even now, they are warning the government and the Leader especially that they have captured his good niece, and that they want to enter negotiations for peace!"

"What!? How did you…"

"Is it that weird!? If I am able to do all these things that are happening now, do you think I am unable to find information about you and your background!?

As I said, I am the Fisherman of the pond, if I don't know everything about the pond, and the fish inside, would I foolishly enter the water!?"

"You… Just who are you really!?"

"As I said, I am just a Fisherman Miss Secret Agent! Now please make a pose of being in pain and disgust for the camera! The Kim Family needs some physical evidence, don't you think!?"

"You think I will just agree and bide to your orders just like that!?"

"Well, you might as well not! In fact, I have heard quite a bit about your stubbornness and I think that you won't even open your mouth even if you are tortured right!?"

"Your information isn't wrong!"

"Well, that doesn't really matter! Have you still not understood that I know everything about you, Miss Secret Agent!?

While you might not care about yourself, and perhaps even for your blood-related parents, you do care a lot about your mentor over there, don't you!?

Now I don't want to ugly the situation and the moment, so as long as you bide to my orders, he won't suffer! Otherwise, I will show you a scene that you will never be able to forget for the rest of your life!

I don't want to do that, especially since you seem like an interesting girl and have captured my attention! So, tell me, what do you want to do!?"

The beauty couldn't help but look at Tianlong Yun in shock at first, but slowly she started understanding her current position and situation.

At this moment, she could do nothing else but to accept everything that Tianlong Yun was saying and do whatever he told her to do.

Just like Tianlong Yun said, she didn't care even for her blood-related parents, as much as she cared about the old man.

Not only was he her mentor that had taught her all his skills, but he was also the figure that had been by her side growing up, acting like her real father.

For that reason, she had no other option but to do as she was told! The old man tried with his best to escape from the grip of the expert on his side, with no result, unfortunately.

Tianlong Yun just made a notification to one of the guards, who immediately took a few photos of the beauty, before she sent them to the one who wanted them.

"Well, now that the photo session is over, tell me, Miss Secret Agent, what do you think I should do with the old man!?"

"What!? You… What do you want!?"

"Heheheh~! What do you think I want!? I already tried and tested everything your body has to offer, so that can't be used as your wager!

You need to find something else, something more interesting and much more probable!"

The beauty was left speechless for a moment because what Tianlong Yun said was the truth. Just the passing night, Tianlong Yun had shown her heaven with his skills, and now it was time for hell.

Since offering her body held no meaning, she could only think of other things, like information!

But with what Tianlong Yun had shown her until that moment, he didn't seem like a man who lacked information.

Even though she had no idea where those operatives were, she knew they were fearsome. If they weren't dealt with, the country would fall under foreign hands…

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